88 research outputs found

    Improving Students' Ability in Writing Procedure Text Through Demonstration

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    The objective of this research was to improve the students' ability in writing procedure text through demonstration for the ninth grade students of SMPN 22 Pontianak in academic year 2015/2016. The method used in the research is classroom action research was conducted in three cycles. The observation checklist was used to support the researcher in monitoring the teaching and learning process in the classroom. Field note was used to provide additional data regarding the behavior of students and situation happened in the teaching and learning process. The findings showed that demonstration technique improved the students' ability in writing procedure text. The improvements covered: 1) the students considered writing as an interesting lesson, indicated by their enthusiasm to write, 2) students generated and organized their ideas more easily in a good order, and 3) demonstration improved the students' ability in writing procedure text in terms of grammatical, vocabulary, and sentence structure

    Helen Cintiyawati, Ikhsanudin, Sofian English Education Study Program, Language and ARTS Education Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Tanjungpura University Pontianak Email : [email protected]

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    This research was conducted to investigate the students' needs for learning procedure text, to design origami task that will be used for teaching procedure text, and to evaluate whether or not the model origami tasks are feasible for teaching procedure text. This research involved an English teacher and 33 seventh grade students of class A in SMP Negeri 11 Pontianak. The method of this research is development research which consists of five phases. They are analyze, design, develop, implement and evaluate or called ADDIE. The need analysis in this research obtained the following information about what students need in learning procedure text by identifying the analysis of students' condition, the analysis of teacher's perspectives, the analysis of the textbook, and the analysis of learning procedure text through origami. The origami tasks were suitable for teaching procedure text for seventh grade students because origami tasks were interesting, understandable, easy to find, and cost efficient for them in learning procedure text. The result of task evaluation showed that the origami tasks were feasible for teaching procedure text

    Keselarasan Ruang Luar dan Ruang dalam pada Perancangan Pusat Budaya Bali

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    Arsitektur tradisional Bali mengenal tipologi bangunan bale yang berupa naungan dan keberadaan natah yang berupa ruang terbuka sebagai pusat orientasi dalam arsitektur tradisional Bali. Kedua elemen arsitektur ini menghasilkan kesan ambigu antara ruang dalam dan ruang luar di dalam rumah tradisional Bali. Dua elemen arsitektur ini juga menjadi ciri khas arsitektur Bali. Dalam perancangan arsitektur Bali yang mengkini maka diperlukan eksplorasi yang lebih dalam tentang hal-hal yang menjadi ciri khas arsitektur Bali diantaranya adalah keberadaan natah dan bale yang menghasilkan ambiguitas ruang luar dan dalam. Kenangan pengalaman ruang di dalam arsitektur tradisional Bali dapat dihadirkan kembali di dalam arsitektur Bali kontemporer dengan menggali kembali kebudayaan yang berkembang dengan tetap berakar pada kebudayaan tradisional Bali. Natah dan Bale di dalam arsitektur tradisional Bali dapat diinterpretasikan dalam bentuk yang berbeda tetapi dengan pengalaman ruang yang hampir sama. Diharapkan dengan proses merancang yang mengadopsi pengalaman ruang arsitektur tradisional Bali ini akan dihasilkan arsitektur yang dapat memberi suasana selaras antara ruang luar dan ruang dalam bangunan sama seperti pengalaman ruang yang dirasakan pada arsitektur tradisional Bali

    Past, Present, and Future of Corporate Social Responsibility and Earnings Management Research

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    For decades, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been an area at the heart of business research. The aspects of CSR that researchers have been focusing on have grown exponentially. Most research efforts have dwelled on its positive effects, including good behavioural changes, promising financial performance, social investment and development, and environmental preservation and protection. On the other hand, several scholars have questioned the credibility of CSR and its link to unethical financial conduct, particularly earnings management. This review paper uses a systematic literature review to conduct bibliometric analysis, content analysis, and thematic analysis in order to identify trends and outcomes of CSR reporting and earnings management research. The literature review search is guided by PRISMA and analyses 152 Scopus-indexed articles between 2005 and 2021. As a result, this paper reveals the most influential authors and articles, leading journals and countries, and research cluster networks. This review also outlines the theoretical perspectives and future direction of CSR and earnings management research. In addition, this review paper provides critical and beneficial insights for stakeholders and researchers

    Evaluation of Histologic Changes of Facet Joint Cartilage and Nerve at the Sheep Postradiofrequency 60 and 120 Seconds After Exposure for Immediate, Three and Six Weeks

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    Introduction. Facet joint, also known as zygapophyseal joint, is considered as an important structure to play role as one of source of pain in the back that had been recognized since fifth decade ago. Radio frequency is one of treatment modality based on minimal invasive technique for back pain due to pathology of facet joint. Unfortunately, radiofrequency does not give permanent result, so it must be repeated in certain time. The radiofrequency works by producing heat thus it denervates nerve at facet joint. This heat can also destroy surrounding tissues, such as cartilage of facet joint that will further lead to source of back pain. The purpose of this research to evaluate and compare histology changes of facet joint nerve and cartilage of sheep that performed radiofrequency for different time and exposure. Material and methods. This is an experimental study that uses six sheeps as animal trial test. Radiofrequency was applied for 60 and 120 seconds for immediate, three and six weeks. Towards euthanasia, these sheep were given good care and observed for the effect of radiofrequency. After six weeks, these sheep were performed euthanasia then was evaluated histologically using neuropathology score for the nerve and modified-mankins score for the cartilage. Results. This experimental study showed that neuropathology score differed significantly between groups but for modified-mankin score, no difference was found. Besides, there is no negative effect of radiofrequency to six sheeps such as infection and paralysis of extremity. Conclusions. Radiofrequency does not give rise in infection, paralysis of extremity and death either for exposure 60 and 120 seconds clinically. Radiofrequency does not influence facet joint cartilage, only nerve histologically

    An Overview of Knowledge Mapping in Digital Business Industry: A Systematic Literature Review

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    The increasing number of studies in the knowledge map shows attention from researchers in academic and professional areas. However, the knowledge map implementation has not effectively implemented in an organization whose business in the digital business industry, especially startup organization. The main reason is the lack of stakeholder's understanding of the knowledge map concept. Thus, this study gives a comprehensive understanding of knowledge map implementation in the digital business industry within the last five years period. The study will answer what problems knowledge map tackled, tools, and techniques used currently, the obstacles and benefits of using a knowledge map. The review was conducted through the structured systematic literature review procedure. It started with a review protocol declaration and ended with an analysis of the prior researches obtained from five credible sources. Only 25 of 775 studies remain after several filtering stages. It is found that a knowledge map is mostly used for decision-making purposes. Most studies adopted a visual knowledge map and concept map, even though it is difficult to align the knowledge depth. In the end, this study's result will help stakeholders to reflect on their existing knowledge relationship structure. This study also offers directions for future research and professional practices in digital business industry firms to perfect their existing organizational intellectual capital through a knowledge map

    KM Maturity for A Gas Company in Indonesia: G-KMMM Assessment and Improvement Recommendation

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    Knowledge is an intellectual asset owned by each organization that greatly influences the performance of the organization. Knowledge management, tacit knowledge, and explicit knowledge in an organization become crucial for the organization's sustainability. The governance depends on many things such as organizational structure, human resources and culture, technology, and the company's vision and mission. In order to adjust between company objectives, it is necessary to know the KM maturity index in an organization. So based on the maturity index, the organization can prepare and adjust company conditions based on the target to be achieved. Knowledge Management (KM) has helped many companies or organizations in developing companies or their organizations, especially for the oil and gas industry. In this study, the authors used the G-KMMM method to conduct KM assessments and provide recommendations for increasing KM at an oil and gas company in Indonesia. From the KM assessment results using the G-KMMM method, it was found that KM in that company is at the awareness level. These results are obtained by considering aspects of people, processes, and technology

    Jaminan Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) Terhadap Tim Medis Covid-19

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    Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perlindungan hukum jaminan kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja (K3) terhadap tim medis Covid-19, untuk menganalisis kelemahan pengaturan jaminan kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja (K3) terhadap tim medis Covid-19, dan rekomendasi perbaikan pengaturan jaminan kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja (K3) terhadap tim medis Covid-19. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, yang bersifat deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan studi pustaka dan penelitian ini menggunakan analisis kualitatif. Sudah adanya perlindungan hukum terhadap tenaga kesehatan yang diatur didalam Pasal 57 UU No. 36 Tahun 2014 Tentang Tenaga Kesehatan namun pengaturan tersebut memiliki beberapa kelemahan sehingga perlu rekomendasi perbaikan didalam Pasal 57 tersebut. Rekomendasi perbaikan di dalam Pasal 57 adalah tenaga kesehatan memperoleh dukungan ketersediaan peralatan kesehatan di lapangan, memperoleh jaminan terpenuhinya hak-hak para tenaga medis, mendapatkan perlindungan jaminan nilai-nilai hak asasi manusia dan demokrasi
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