2,828 research outputs found

    Hydrological response to ~30 years of agricultural surface water management

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    Amongst human practices, agricultural surface-water management systems represent some of the largest integrated engineering works that shaped floodplains during history, directly or indirectly affecting the landscape. As a result of changes in agricultural practices and land use, many drainage networks have changed producing a greater exposure to flooding with a broad range of impacts on society, also because of climate inputs coupling with the human drivers. This research focuses on three main questions: which kind of land use changes related to the agricultural practices have been observed in the most recent years (~30 years)? How does the influence on the watershed response to land use and land cover changes depend on the rainfall event characteristics and soil conditions, and what is their related significance? The investigation presented in this work includes modelling the water infiltration due to the soil properties and analysing the distributed water storage offered by the agricultural drainage system in a study area in Veneto (north-eastern Italy). The results show that economic changes control the development of agro-industrial landscapes, with effects on the hydrological response. Key elements that can enhance or reduce differences are the antecedent soil conditions and the climate characteristics. Criticalities should be expected for intense and irregular rainfall events, and for events that recurrently happen. Agricultural areas might be perceived to be of low priority when it comes to public funding of flood protection, compared to the priority given to urban ones. These outcomes highlight the importance of understanding how agricultural practices can be the driver of or can be used to avoid, or at least mitigate, flooding. The proposed methods can be valuable tools in evaluating the costs and benefits of the management of water in agriculture to inform better policy decision-making

    Assessment of Social Vulnerability to Floods in the Floodplain of Northern Italy

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    Practices for reducing the impacts of floods are becoming more and more advanced, centered on communities and reaching out to vulnerable populations. Vulnerable individuals are characterized by social and economic attributes and by societal dynamics rooted in each community. These indicators can magnify the negative impacts of disasters together with the capacity of each individual to cope with these events. The Social Vulnerability Index (SoVI) provides an empirical basis to compare social differences in various spatial scenarios and for specific environmental hazards. This research shows the application of the SoVI to the floodplain of northern Italy, based on the use of 15 census variables. The chosen study area is of particular interest for the high occurrence of flood events coupled with a high level of human activity, landscape transformations, and an elevated concentration of assets and people. The analysis identified a positive spatial autocorrelation across the floodplain that translates into the spatial detection of vulnerable groups, those that are likely to suffer the most from floods. In a second stage, the output of the index was superimposed on the flood hazard map of the study area to analyze the resulting risk. The Piemonte and Veneto regions contain the main areas prone to flood \u201csocial\u201d risk, highlighting the need for a cohesive management approach at all levels to recognize local capacities and increase communication, awareness, and preparedness to mitigate the undesirable effects of such events

    Design of terrace drainage networks using UAV-based high-resolution topographic data

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    Hillslope viticulture has a long history in Mediterranean Europe, and still holds important cultural and economic value. Steep hillsides have widely been levelled by terraces, in order to control surface water flow and facilitate cultivation. However, under unsustainable management and growing rainfall aggressiveness, terraced vineyards have become one of the most erosion-prone agricultural landscapes. The Valcamonica valley in Lombardy (Italy) presents a typical example of an ancient wine production region where rural land abandonment has previously caused widespread degradation of the traditional terracing systems. Recently, a local revival of wine production led to restoration plans of the terraces and their drainage functioning, to safeguard productivity and hydrogeologic safety. In this study, an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) survey was carried out to reconstruct an accurate and precise 3D terrain model of a Valcamonica vineyard. through photogrammetry. The resulting high-resolution topographic data allowed insights of surface flow-induced soil erosion patterns based on the Relative Path Impact Index (RPII). Three diverse drainage networks were designed and digitally implemented, allowing scenario analysis of the costs and benefits in terms of potential erosion mitigation. The presented methodology could likely improve the time-efficiency and cost-effectiveness of similar restoration plans in degraded landscapes

    Pancytopenia Secondary to Vitamin B12 Deficiency in Older Subjects

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    Background: Vitamin B12 (cobalamin CBL) is a water-soluble vitamin required to form hematopoietic cells (red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets). It is involved in the process of synthesizing DNA and myelin sheath. Deficiencies of vitamin B12 and/or folate can cause megaloblastic anemia (macrocytic anemia with other features due to impaired cell division). Pancytopenia is a less frequent exordium of severe vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 deficiency can also cause neuropsychiatric findings. In addition to correcting the deficiency, an essential aspect of management is determining the underlying cause because the need for additional testing, the duration of therapy, and the route of administration may differ depending on the underlying cause. Methods: Here, we present a series of four patients hospitalized for megaloblastic anemia (MA) in pancytopenia. All patients diagnosed with MA were studied for a clinic-hematological and etiological profile. Results: All the patients presented with pancytopenia and megaloblastic anemia. Vitamin B12 deficiency was documented in 100% of cases. There was no correlation between the severity of anemia and deficiency of the vitamin. Overt clinical neuropathy was present in none of the cases of MA, while subclinical neuropathy was seen in one case. The etiology of vitamin B12 deficiency was pernicious anemia in two cases and low food intake in the remaining cases. Conclusion: This case study emphasizes the role of vitamin B12 deficiency as a leading cause of pancytopenia among adults

    Combination of Rehabilitative Therapy with Ultramicronized Palmitylethanolamide for Chronic Low Back Pain: An Observational Study

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    Chronic low ba,:k pain (LBP) caused by intervertebral disc herniation was reported in the 2010 Global Burden of Disease study to be the main reason for;zears lived wittL disability. It causes significant personal, social, and economic burdens. Many of those who suffer from LBP find convent:ional medica.l treatments to be unsatisfactory for treating their pain, so they are increasingl'g resorting tcr complementary and alternalive medicine (CAM) therapies. Given that thr: population ir; aging, there is an urgent need to characterize the combinations of complementary therapie:; that yield the best outcomes and treatments, even for prolonged periods. The multiple action of PEA in connbination with CAVI therapies may represent the multitarget approachr needed trc tackle the as-yet unsolved problem of chronic pain resistant to conventional therapie

    Geomorphometric characterisation of natural and anthropogenic land covers

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    Abstract The scientific community has widely discussed the role of abiotic and biotic forces in reshaping the Earth's surface. Currently, the literature is debating whether humans are leaving a topographic signature on the landscape. Apart from the influence of humans on processes, does the resulting landscape bear an unmistakable signature of anthropogenic activities? This research analyses from a statistical point of view the morphological signature of anthropogenic and natural land covers in different topographic context, as a fundamental challenge in the emerging debate of human-environment relationships and the modelling of global environmental change. It aims to explore how intrinsically small-scale processes, related to land use, can influence the form of entire landscapes and to determine whether these processes create a distinctive topography. The work focusses on four study areas in floodplains, plain to hilly, hills and mountains, for which LiDAR-derived Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) are available. Surface morphology is described with different geomorphometric parameters (slope, mean curvature and surface peak curvature) and their frequency distribution. The results show that the distribution of geomorphometric indices can reveal anthropogenic land covers and landscapes. In most cases, different land covers show statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) in their morphology. Finally, this study demonstrates the possibility to use a geomorphic analysis to quantify anthropogenic impact based on land covers in different landscape contexts. This provides useful insight into understanding the impact of human activities on the present morphology and offers a comprehensive understanding of coupling human-land interaction from a geomorphological point of view


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    Abstract. Most of the high resolution topographic models are currently obtained either by means of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) or photogrammetry: the former is usually preferred for producing very accurate models, whereas the latter is much more frequently used in low cost applications. In particular, the availability of more affordable Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) equipped with high resolution cameras led to a dramatic worldwide increase of UAV photogrammetry-based 3D reconstructions. Nevertheless, accurate high resolution photogrammetric reconstructions typically require quite long data processing procedures, which make them less suitable for real-time applications.This work aims at investigating the use of a low cost Time of Flight (ToF) camera, combined with an Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) positioning system, mounted on a drone, in order to enable quasi real time 3D reconstructions of small to mid-size areas, even in locations where Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs) are not available.The proposed system, tested on a small area on the Italian Alps, provided high resolution mapping results, with an error of few centimeters with respect to a terrestrial close-range photogrammetry survey conducted on the same day

    Land use change in the Veneto floodplain and consequences on minor network drainage system

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    Anthropic pressure has been proven to be one of the most evident forces able to alter landscapes. Its impact on the surroundings can be easily detectable especially in a high-density populated country such as Italy. Among the most evident anthropic alterations, the most important are the urbanization processes but also changes in cultural techniques that have been occurring in rural areas. These modifications influence the hydrologic regimes in two ways: by modifying the direct runoff production and by having a strong impact on the drainage system itself. The main objectives of this work are to evaluate the impact of land cover changes in the Veneto region (north-east Italy) on the minor drainage network system, and to analyze changes in the direct runoff in the last 50 years. The study area is a typical agrarian landscape and it has been chosen considering its involvement in the major flood of 2010 and considering also the availability of data, including historical aerial photographs, historical information, and a high resolution LiDAR DTM. The results underline how land cover variations over the last 50 years have strongly increased the propension of the soil to produce direct runoff (increase of the Curve Number value) and they have also reduced the extent of the minor network system to the detriment of urbanized areas and changes of plots of land boundaries. As a consequence, the capacity of the minor network to attenuate and eventually laminate a flood event is decreased as well. These analysis can be considered useful tools for a suitable land use planning in flood prone areas

    Frontiers in geomorphometry and earth surface dynamics: possibilities, limitations and perspectives

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    Geomorphometry, the science of quantitative land-surface analysis, has become a flourishing interdisciplinary subject, with applications in numerous fields. The interdisciplinarity of geomorphometry is its greatest strength and also one of its major challenges. Gaps are still present between the process focussed fields (e.g. soil science, glaciology, volcanology) and the technical domain (such as computer science, statistics …) where approaches and theories are developed. Thus, interesting geomorphometric applications struggle to jump between process-specific disciplines, but also struggle to take advantage of advances in computer science and technology. This special issue is therefore focused on facilitating cross-fertilization between disciplines, and highlighting novel technical developments and innovative applications of geomorphometry to various Earth-surface processes. The issue collects a variety of contributions which fall into two main categories: Perspectives and Research, further divided into “Research and innovative techniques” and “Research and innovative applications”. It showcases potentially exciting developments and tools which are the building blocks for the next step-change in the field

    Nzeb: edifici ad energia quasi zero. Riqualificazione energetica di un caso di studio residenziale.

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    L' elaborato finale tratta di un tema di sostenibilità ambientale, quale quello degli edifici ad energia quasi zero. Nella tesi sono stati descritti i criteri relativi agli nZEB, il quadro normativo corrispondente, ed è stato selezionato un caso studio sul quale si è operata una riqualificazione energetica per ottenere un' edificio ad energia quasi zero
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