47 research outputs found

    On the Post-linear Quadrupole-Quadrupole Metric

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    The Hartle-Thorne metric defines a reliable spacetime for most astrophysical purposes, for instance for the simulation of slowly rotating stars. Solving the Einstein field equations, we added terms of second order in the quadrupole moment to its post-linear version in order to compare it with solutions found by Blanchet in the frame of the multi-polar post-Minkowskian framework. We first derived the extended Hartle-Thorne metric in harmonic coordinates and then showed agreement with the corresponding post-linear metric from Blanchet. We also found a coordinate transformation from the post-linear Erez-Rosen metric to our extended Hartle-Thorne spacetime. It is well known that the Hartle-Thorne solution can be smoothly matched with an interior perfect fluid solution with physically appropriate properties. A comparison among these solutions provides a validation of them. It is clear that in order to represent realistic solutions of self-gravitating (axially symmetric) matter distributions of perfect fluid, the quadrupole moment has to be included as a physical parameter

    The gravitational time delay in the field of a slowly moving body with arbitrary multipoles

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    We calculate the time delay of light in the gravitational field of a slowly moving body with arbitrary multipoles (mass and spin multipole moments) by the Time-Transfer-Function (TTF) formalism. The parameters we use, first introduced by Kopeikin for a gravitational source at rest, make the integration of the TTF very elegant and simple. Results completely coincide with expressions from the literature. The results for a moving body (with constant velocity) with complete multipole-structure are new, according to our knowledge.Comment: 9 pages, no figure

    Dirac particles in Rindler space

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    We show that a uniformly accelerated observer experiences a "thermal" flux of Dirac particles in the ordinary Minkowski vacuum

    Advanced relativistic VLBI model for geodesy

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    Our present relativistic part of the geodetic VLBI model for Earthbound antennas is a consensus model which is considered as a standard for processing high-precision VLBI observations. It was created as a compromise between a variety of relativistic VLBI models proposed by different authors as documented in the IERS Conventions 2010. The accuracy of the consensus model is in the picosecond range for the group delay but this is not sufficient for current geodetic pur- poses. This paper provides a fully documented derivation of a new relativistic model having an accuracy substantially higher than one picosecond and based upon a well accepted formalism of relativistic celestial mechanics, astrometry and geodesy. Our new model fully confirms the consensus model at the picosecond level and in several respects goes to a great extent beyond it. More specifically, terms related to the acceleration of the geocenter are considered and kept in the model, the gravitational time-delay due to a massive body (planet, Sun, etc.) with arbitrary mass and spin-multipole moments is derived taking into account the motion of the body, and a new formalism for the time-delay problem of radio sources located at finite distance from VLBI stations is presented. Thus, the paper presents a substantially elaborated theoretical justification of the consensus model and its significant extension that allows researchers to make concrete estimates of the magnitude of residual terms of this model for any conceivable configuration of the source of light, massive bodies, and VLBI stations. The largest terms in the relativistic time delay which can affect the current VLBI observations are from the quadrupole and the angular momentum of the gravitating bodies that are known from the literature. These terms should be included in the new geodetic VLBI model for improving its consistency.Comment: 37 pages, 4 figure

    Reference frames in General Relativity and the galactic rotation curves

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    The physical interpretation of the exact solutions of the Einstein field equations is, in general, a challenging task, part of the difficulties lying in the significance of the coordinate system. We discuss the extension of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) reference system to the exact theory. It is seen that such an extension, retaining some of its crucial properties, can be achieved in a special class of spacetimes, admitting non-shearing congruences of observers which, at infinity, have zero vorticity and acceleration. As applications, we consider the FLRW, Kerr and NUT spacetimes, the van Stockum rotating dust cylinder, spinning cosmic strings and, finally, we debunk the so-called Balasin-Grumiller (BG) model, and the claims that the galaxies' rotation curves can be explained through gravitomagnetic effects without the need for Dark Matter. The BG spacetime is shown to be completely inappropriate as a galactic model: its dust is actually static with respect to the asymptotic inertial frame, its gravitomagnetic effects arise from unphysical singularities along the axis (a pair of NUT rods, combined with a spinning cosmic string), and the rotation curves obtained are merely down to an invalid choice of reference frame -- the congruence of zero angular momentum observers, which are being dragged by the singularities.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figures. Slightly improved version, typos corrected, references added. Supplemental material is provided in the ancillary Mathematica files "NUTmetrics.nb" and "BGmetric.nb". Version to be submitte