67 research outputs found

    Mapping IS6110 in high-copy number Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains shows specific insertion points in the Beijing genotype

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    Background: Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing strains are characterized by a large number of IS6110 copies, suggesting the potential implication of this element in the virulence and capacity for rapid dissemination characteristic of this family. This work studies the insetion points of IS6110 in high-copy clinical isolates specifically focusing on the Beijing genotype. Results: In the present work we mapped the insertion points of IS6110 in all the Beijing strains available in the literature and in the DNA sequence databases. We generated a representative primer collection of the IS6110 locations, which was used to analyse 61 high-copy clinical isolates. A total of 440 points of insertion were identified and analysis of their flanking regions determined the exact location, the direct repeats (DRs), the orientation and the distance to neighboring genes of each copy of IS6110. We identified specific points of insertion in Beijing strains that enabled us to obtain a dendrogram that groups the Beijing genotype. Conclusions: This work presents a detailed analysis of locations of IS6110 in high-copy clinical isolates, showing points of insertion present with high frequency in the Beijing family and absent in other strains. Keywords: IS6110, Insertion points, M. tuberculosis, Beijing genotype

    In-depth Analysis of IS6110 Genomic Variability in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex

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    The insertion sequence (IS) 6110 is a repetitive mobile element specific for the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) used for years to diagnose and genotype this pathogen. It contains the overlapping reading frames orfA and orfB that encode a transposase. Its genetic variability is difficult to study because multiple copies are present in the genome. IS6110 is randomly located, nevertheless some preferential locations have been reported, which could be related to the behaviour of the strains. The aim of this work was to determine the intra- and inter-strain genetic conservation of this element in the MTBC. For this purpose, we analysed 158 sequences of IS6110 copies from 55 strains. Eighty-four copies were from 17 strains for which we knew all the locations in their genome. In addition, we studied 74 IS6110 copies in 38 different MTBC strains in which the location was characteristic of different families including Haarlem, LAM, S, and L6 strains. We observed mutation in 13.3% of the copies studied and we found 10 IS6110 variants in 21 copies belonging to 16 strains. The high copy number strains showed 6.2% of their IS6110 copies mutated, in contrast with the 31.1% in the low-copy-number strains. The apparently more ancient copy localised in the DR region was that with more variant copies, probably because this was the most studied location. Notably, all Haarlem and X family strains studied have an IS6110 in Rv0403c, suggesting a common origin for both families. Nevertheless, we detected a variant specific for the X family that would have occurred in this location after the phylogenetic separation. This variant does not prevent transposition although it may occur at a lower frequency, as X strains remain with low copy number (LCN) of IS6110

    The epidemiology of anabolic-androgenic steroids use among secondary students (Valencia-Spain)

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    The consumption of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) is continuously growing in recent years among young people. The purpose of the current study was to examine the proportion of students who reported AAS use, explore other drug use among them and finally to determine the sociodemographic profile of the AAS consumption amongst a sample of students in the Valencian Region (Spain). Method. Data was taken from a self-administrated survey of a representative sample of 1,1162 Valencian students. A total of 252 schools participated in the study. Results. The findings show that 3.3% of surveyed students reported that they had consumed AAS. Males reported to take anabolic more frequently than females. The older they are the more frequent the reporting of consumptions. Among users of AAS it exists a higher prevalence of consumption of cannabis 64.2%, cocaine 23.8%, hypnotics 22.9%, ecstasy 16.8%, LSD 14% or heroine 4.1%, compare to nonusers. Conclusion. The study shows that the consumption of steroids is mainly masculine, a clear association with polyconsumption, frequent scheming as the main source of getting them and that the consumption of these substances is bigger among students whose family situation is characterized by the absence of a masculine figure (single mother or widow) in comparison with those whose parents are married. Resumen El consumo de esteroides anabolizantes androgénicos (AAS) está creciendo continuamente en los últimos años entre los jóvenes. El propósito del presente estudio fue examinar la proporción de estudiantes que reportaron uso de AAS, explorar el uso de otras drogas entre ellos y, finalmente, determinar el perfil sociodemográfico del consumo de AAS entre una muestra de estudiantes de la Comunidad Valenciana (España). Método. Se tomaron datos de una encuesta autoadministrada de una muestra representativa de 1,1162 estudiantes valencianos. Un total de 252 escuelas participaron en el estudio. Resultados. El 3.3% de los estudiantes encuestados informaron que habían consumido AAS. Los hombres informaron tomar anabólicos con más frecuencia que las mujeres. A mayor edad, mayor consumo de esteroides. Entre los usuarios de AAS existe una mayor prevalencia de consumo de cannabis 64.2%, cocaína 23.8%, hipnóticos 22.9%, éxtasis 16.8%, LSD 14% o heroína 4.1%, en comparación con los no usuarios. Conclusión. El estudio muestra que el consumo de esteroides es principalmente masculino, una clara asociación con el policonsumo, los frecuentes trapicheos como principal fuente de obtención de la sustancia y que el consumo de estas sustancias es mayor entre aquellos estudiantes cuya situación familiar se caracteriza por la ausencia de una figura masculina (madre soltera o viuda) en comparación con aquellos cuyos padres están casados

    Neanderthal resilience and adaptability: insights from the Abric Pizarro faunal assemblage during the MIS 4

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    The examination of faunal assemblages through zooarchaeological analyses constitutes a fundamental approach for gaining insight into the intricate behaviours of Neanderthals. Previous investigations have primarily focused on periods of relative environmental stability, and this has provided a wealth of relevant archaeological data. However, our understanding of Neanderthal resilience during the MIS 4, a period presumably characterised by harsh environmental conditions, remains limited. This study presents the first comprehensive analysis of the faunal assemblages from Levels M and P at Abric Pizarro. The geographic location of Abric Pizarro in the southeast Pre-Pyrenees, combined with chronometric dating, offers a unique opportunity to explore Neanderthal behaviours during a poorly known chronological period. The detailed zooarchaeological analysis comprised taxonomic identification, taphonomic analysis and age-at-death profiling to explore the adaptability and flexibility in the Neanderthal diet. The findings indicate that Neanderthal groups incorporated a diverse range of protein resources from small herbivores (e.g., caprids) to very large herbivores (e.g., Bos/Bison). These results not only demonstrate an adaptability to changing environments in an area traditionally deemed unsuitable for long-term occupation, but also contributes significantly to our understanding of the complex behaviours exhibited by Neanderthals

    Caracterización molecular con técnicas de secuenciación masiva para el estudio de transmisión y evolución de mycobacterium tuberculosis complex en Aragón

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    En la presente tesis doctoral se ha estudiado la epidemiología molecular de la tuberculosis en Aragón utilizando técnicas de secuenciación masiva. Se presenta como compendio de publicaciones.<br /

    Rapid identification of lineage and drug resistance in clinical samples of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis

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    Background: Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a slow-growing bacterium, which could delay its diagnosis and, therefore, promote the spread of the disease. Whole-genome sequencing allows us to obtain the complete drug-resistance profile of the strain; however, bacterial cultivation of clinical samples, along with complex processing, is required. Methods: In this work, we explore AmpliSeq, an amplicon-based enrichment method for preparing libraries for targeted next-generation sequencing, to identify lineage and drug resistance directly from clinical samples. Results: In our study, 111 clinical samples were tested. The lineage was identified in 100% of the culture-derived samples (52/52), in 95% of the smear (BK)-positive clinical samples (38/40) and in 42.1% of the BK-negative clinical samples (8/19). The drug-resistance profile was accurately identified in all but 11 samples, in which some phenotypic and genotypic discrepancies were found. In this respect, our panels were not exact in the detection of streptomycin resistance for isolates derived from clinical samples, as an extremely high number of SNPs in the rrs and rrl genes were detected due to cross-contamination. Conclusion: This technique has demonstrated high sensitivity in obtaining the drug-resistance profile of the isolates, as even those samples with DNA concentrations below the detection limit of Qubit produced a result. AmpliSeq technology is cheaper than whole-genome sequencing, easy to perform by laboratory technicians and applicable to any microorganism using the Ion Torrent platform

    Transculturación de la marca

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    “Transculturación de la marca”, en estas palabras podríamos decir que se resume este proyecto, ya que lo que se va a llevar a cabo es una explicación histórica y evolutiva de la marca1 como medio de expresión para materializar memorias e historias y, por tanto, componente de la construcción personal y social del individuo. El proyecto va a centrarse en la “marca”, principalmente intencionada, que queda registrada en el cuerpo o en un objeto como representación de la memoria autobiográfica de éste. Partiendo de la “transculturación de la marca”, se analizarán principalmente: las marcas sobre la piel, el tatuaje como medio de expresión artística y reivindicado como tal; las marcas sobre textil, como una metáfora de segunda piel atendiendo a simbolismos y rituales; el mueble como contenedor de historias. Por medio del tatuaje se abordará una investigación teórica que nos llevará al bordado del Kimono japonés y, a través de éste, al mantón de Manila, un claro exponente que conecta la cultura oriental y occidental. Con estas ropas utilizadas en ocasiones especiales, llegaremos al mueble que conserva las ropas antiguas. Las acciones de tatuar y bordar pueden parecer muy dispares, pero hemos de considerar que los mejores diseñadores de kimonos eran también grandes dibujantes y tatuadores