58 research outputs found

    Nurses’ Perception of Patient Safety Culture in the Hospital Accreditation Era: A Literature Review

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    Hospital accreditation is one of main requirements for health services that is used to improve quality assurance and patient safety. Nurses as the largest number of healthcare professionals and front line of hospital services in community have a big role in determining healthcare quality. Health services are always associated withmedical action to human. Patient safety is one of the important points in conducting health services in hospital and also a part of Hospital Accreditation. Patient safety culture should be the attention for the nurses because it is the responsibility of the profession. The purpose of this study was to explore the factors that influence thenurse’s perception of patient safety in the era of hospital accreditation and to review the impact to the quality of health services in hospitals. Methods: Using a literature review, the authors determined inclusion and exclusion criteria, and then performed searches on electronic databases such as ProQuest, EBSCO Host and SAGE Journal. Full-text articles were assessed for eligibility (n = 32). Inclusion and exclusion criteria were set up based on the aim of the study with the publication years being between 2012 and 2017, and finally there were seven articles meeting all the criteria (n =7). As a result of this review, in Saudi Arabia, hospital accreditation increased the nurse’s perception of patient safety. Moreover, in China and Korea, it was seen thatthe perception of nurses of patient safety decreases the medication errors rate; in Korea, the highest level of perception is on the dimension of managing safety risks. In addition, in Turkey, the perception of nurses of patient safety is very good. It is concluded that the increased knowledge and perception of nurses about patient safety culture has correlation with the hospital accreditation era and gave some input to improve the quality of hospital services. Training, level education and clinical experiment are essentials factors affecting nurse’s perception of patient safety culture. Keywords: nurse’s perception, patient safety culture, hospital accreditation, quality improvement, quality measuremen

    Determinants of Contraceptive Use in Women of Reproductive Age in 2016: Susenas Data Analysis

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    Background: As studies have shown, in 1997 (before decentralization), the contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) was 57.4 percent and in 2007 (after decentralization) it was 61.4 percent. Over a ten-year period, the CPR has increased by only 4 percent. This suggests a relatively weak performance of the family planning program in Indonesia after decentralization, even though the knowledge of contraception is high among married women. This study aimed to determine the factors associated with contraceptive use among women in reproductive age in Indonesia using SUSENAS data 2016. Subjects and Method: This was an analytic observational study with a cross-sectional design. A sample of 190, 287 married women aged 15-49 years was selected by random sampling taken from SUSENAS data 2016. The dependent variable was contraceptive use. The independent variables were age, parity, nutritional status, education, marital status, living with husband, poverty, residence, health insurance status, distance to health facilities, and density of health personnel. The data were collected by the national socio-economic survey (SUSENAS), including some indices such as nutrient adequacy ratio standard, poverty line, and village potential. The data were analyzed by logit model. Results: Contraceptive use increased with living with husband (b= 0.36; SE= 0.02; p< 0.001), parity (b= 0.07; SE= 0.01; p< 0.001), marital status (b= 0.76; SE= 0.02; p< 0.001), nutritional status (b= 0.02; SE= 0.01; p< 0.001), health personnel density (b= 0.72; SE= 0.01; p< 0.001), and distance to health center (b= 0.76; SE= 0.01; p< 0.001). Contraceptive use decreased with age (b= -0.20; SE= 0.01; p< 0.001), health insurance ownership (b= -0.27; SE= 0.02; p< 0.001), education (b= -0.14; SE= 0.01; p< 0.001), poverty (b= -0.20; SE= 0.01; p< 0.001), and residence (b= -0.121; SE= 0.01; p< 0.001). Conclusion: Contraceptive use increases with living with husband, parity, marital status, nutritional status, health personnel density, and distance to health center. Contraceptive use decreases with age, health insurance ownership, education, poverty, and residence. Keywords: family planning, contraceptive, participation, wome

    Function-feature analysis of emergency sanitation technologies: towards systematic innovation

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    There has been increased recognition of the need for innovation in emergency sanitation products and technologies. To support effective design, this paper explores an approach systematically innovate by framing the problem from the perspective of the functions (the desired outcomes of a design) that features (characteristics of a design) achieve. The paper illustrates examples of how such functions can be identified: by analysing existing designs, studying the literature and drawing lessons learned from case studies. Functions may be interrelated and vary in nature and importance in different circumstances. Functions can be achieved by implementing one or more design features. At the same time, features can contribute to achieving one or more functions. By understanding and consolidating all possible functions and features, this approach can support innovation in several ways, most fundamentally by ensuring that important design considerations are not overlooked during the product development process

    Adsorpsi Bahan Organik Alami (Boa) Air Gambut Pada Tanah Lempung Gambut Alami Dan Teraktivasi: Studi Kesetimbangan Isoterm Dan Kinetika Adsorpsi

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    Tanah lempung gambut (TLG) merupakan tanah lempung yang berada di bawah lapisan tanah gambut. Keberadaannya di Indonesia sangat berlimpah dan potensial digunakan sebagai adsorben murah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan model isoterm dan model kinetika yang sesuai pada adsorpsi bahan organik alami (BOA)terhadap TLG, sehingga dapat membantu mempelajari mekanisme penyisihan yang terjadi. Fraksi BOA yang hidrofobik dan BOA dengan BM besar memberikan kontribusi yang paling besar terhadap warna air gambut. Pada pH asam, komponen BOA air gambut dengan SUVA rendah (fraksi hidrofilik dan BM rendah) lebih baik disisihkan oleh adsorben TLG, dan sebaliknya pada pH yang lebih tinggi komponen BOA dengan SUVA tinggi yaitu BOA dengan karakter hidrofobik, aromatik dan BM tinggi dapat disisihkan dengan lebih baik. Pada tahap-tahap awal adsorpsi sampai waktu kontak 10 menit, fraksi BOA dengan SUVA besar merupakan fraksi BOA yang paling mudah diadsorp oleh TLG, dan pada tahap selanjutnya yaitu waktu kontak >10menit, TLG dapat mengadsorp fraksi BOA dengan SUVA kecil. Model isoterm Langmuir merupakan model isoterm yang sesuai untuk adsorpsi BOA air gambut terhadap TLG alami, sedangkan model isoterm Freundlich sesuai untuk adsorpsi BOA terhadap TLG teraktivasi dan PAC. Model kinetika pseudo-second-order adalah model kinetika yang cocok digunakan untuk adsorpsi BOA air gambut terhadap ketiga jenis adsorben: TLG alami, TLG teraktivasi dan PAC

    Tinjauan Literatur Pengolahan Air Limbah Dengan Biomassa Granular Aerobik Pada Mode Operasi Kontinu

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    Perubahan paradigma pengolahan air limbah yang menjadikan limbah sebagai sumberdaya membawa konsekuensi pada strategi pengolahan limbah yang harus dilakukan. Salah satu strategi adalah dengan menggunakan teknologi pengolahan air limbah menggunakan biomassa granular aerobik (Granular Aerobic Sludge, GAS) yang mempunyai kelebihan dalam beberapa hal dibandingkan dengan pengolahan air limbah dengan lumpur aktif konvensional. Penelitian yang dilakukan sebagaian besar menggunakan reaktor dalam mode operasi sequencing batch dan masih sedikit yang menggunakan mode operasi kontinu. Makalah ini mengkaji penggunaan reaktor kontinu dengan menggunakan GAS. Kajian dilakukan dengan penelusuran literatur. Hasil penelusuran literatur meunjukkan, mode operasi kontinu sudah dicoba sejak awal tahun 2000. Strategi untuk pembentukan GAS pada rektor kontinu yang dilakukan adalah dengan menambahkan inti presipitat dan memodifikasi reaktor konvensional. Apabila dibandingkan dengan penggunaan reaktor dengan mode operasi sequencing batch, maka mode operasi kontinu ini belum banyak dikembangkan, dan cenderung menghasilkan GAS dengan kualitas yang lebih rendah. Dengan demikian ruang untuk pengembangan reaktor untuk GAS pada mode operasi kontinu masih cukup luas

    The Correlation Between Body Fat Distribution and Medial Tibiofemoral Joint Space Width in Obese Knee Osteoarthritis Patients

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    Background: Obesity is a major risk factor for knee osteoarthritis. The relationship between obesity and OA may not be simply due to a mechanical factor. Evidences suggest that metabolic factors related to body fat play important roles, but the specific type of fat that contributes to OA is unclear. The objective of this study was to examine the possible correlation between body fat distribution with knee OA.Methods: This study was a cross sectional study of OA patients with obesity visiting the Rheumatology and Geriatric-Internal Medicine clinics at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital between January-March 2016. Data was collected by consecutive sampling. Knee OA was diagnosed from clinical and radiologic evaluation based on American College of Rheumatology 1986 criteria. Body fat distribution was measured by bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). Conventional radiography of the knee was used to evaluate jointspace narrowing (JSN). The correlation between body fat distribution and joint space width was analyzed by bivariate analysisResult: A total of 56 subjects were recruited, majority were women (73.2%). Median visceral fat was 12% (7.5-16.5), median subcutaneous fat was 30.2% (16.5-37.9), and median visceral to subcutaneous fat ratio was 0,40 (0,26-0,80). The mean medial tibiofemoral joint space width was 2.34 mm (SD 0.78). Bivariate analysis revealed a correlation between visceral fat and medial tibiofemoral joint space width (r: -0,474 p: < 0,001). There is no correlation between subcutaneous fat and medial tibiofemoral joint space width (r: -0,187 p:0,169); and visceral to subcutaneous fat ratio and medialtibiofemoral joint space width (r: -0,225 p: 0,09).Conclusion: Visceral fat is correlated with medial tibiofemoral joint space width (r: -0.474 p: < 0.001). There is no correlation between subcutaneous fat, and visceral to subcutaneous fat ratio, with medial tibiofemoral joint space width

    The Association of Lipoprotein Changes and the Development of Plasma Leakage in Dengue Infection

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    There&rsquo;s interrelationship between infection and lipoprotein. This is a cohort prospective study which conducted November 2010 &ndash; February 2011. This study aimed to assess the changes of HDL-C, LDL-C, total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), in acute and critical phase of dengue infection and its association with plasma leakage. Subjects who had fever 48 hours or less and Dengue NS1 antigen test positive were admitted to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta. We examined clinical and CBC daily; level of albumin, HDL-C, LDL-C, TC, TG; ultrasound to find ascites and pleural effusion. Among 51 subjects, 21 subjects (41%) had plasma leakage. There were significant lower of HDL-C, LDL-C, and higher TG in critical phase than acute phase. In critical phase, subjects with plasma leakage had a significant lower HDL-C level [26.3 (8.2) vs 33.1 (12.1) mg/dL, p=0.029] but not for LDL-C, TC, and TG. They also had a significantly higher reduction in HDL-C [19.6 (9.1) vs 11.5 (5.8) mg/dL, p&lt;0.0001] and TC [25.1 (20.0) vs 15.2 (14.5) mg/dL, 0.045] over the course of acute to critical phase. Lipoprotein changes during dengue infection were more pronounced among subjects who developed plasma leakage. The higher reduction in HDL-C is associated with the development of plasma leakage. &nbsp

    A Case Study of Excreta Disposal Following the 2006 Java Earthquake*

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    Providing safe excreta disposal following disasters is important for disease prevention and the safety and dignity of the affected population. This is challenging because every emergency varies due to the nature of the disaster, local conditions and the characteristics of the affected population. This paper investigates the impact of the 2006 Java earthquake on excreta disposal needs and the response to those needs. Relevant documents were retrieved from the ReliefWeb database, complemented by a literature search. The case study highlights gaps in rapidly providing latrines on a large scale. Three months after the disaster, only 57% of the latrines targeted had been provided. One way to address this problem is to better understand the factors affecting excreta disposal needs and response, allowing appropriate solutions to be identified more effectively