4 research outputs found

    Pengujian Validitas Konstruk Kriteria Kecanduan Internet

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    This research is used to explore the internet addiction concept which developed by Young who used the internet consumer subject in Yogyakarta. 124 subjects (63 male a and 61 females) within 14‐35 years old, most of them were students, only 3 subjects who have worked. They catagorized as existing user because they had the criteria mentioned by Grohol (1999). Confirmatory factor analysis became the basic for construct validity testing. AMOS fifth version (student version) was used to analyze the data. There are 2 factors which was tested in structural equation model, they are main factor and additional factor. The main factor consists of 5 items and additional factor consists of 2 items. The result showed that structural equation model did not have the weakness which called Heywood Case, because there was 1 factor which consists of only 2 items. There are 2 modification suggested. The first modification model has discrepancy index 9.782 (p>0.05) and the second modification model has 11. 452 (p>0.05). Keywords: construct validity, internet addictio

    Kecerdasan Emosi Ditinjau Dari Keikutsertaan Dalam Program Meditasi

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    This study was aimed to see the difference between emotional intelligence of those who participated in meditation program and those who did not. The subjects of this study were university students. The subjects were divided into 3 groups:meditators who were currently participating in meditation program for 1‐6 months, meditators who were currently participating in meditation program for more than 6 months, and non‐meditators. Each group consisted 30 subjects. Anova analysis resulted a coefficient of F = 34. 703, and p < 0.01. The results indicated that there was a difference in emotional intelligence between the 3 groups. Meditators who participated in meditation for more than 6 months had higher emotional intelligence than those who had only participated for 1‐6 months, and non‐meditators. There was no difference in emotional intelligence between those who had only participated for 1‐6 months and non‐meditators

    Jokowi Membangun Solo: Studi Kasus Atas Gaya Kepemimpinan Walikota Solo dalam Proses Relokasi Pedagang Kaki Lima Monumen '45 Banjarsari, Surakarta

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    Implementation of relocation of street vendors (PKL) has now become the spotlight of public attention. Frequent clashes in various cities in Indonesia between government officials are generally represented by the Pramong Satuan Polisi Praja (Satpol PP) with street vendors. However, this did not happen in Solo, Central Java during the reign of Governor Joko Widodo in 2006. This study aims to find an answer to how Joko Widodo's leadership style (also known as Jokowi) as Mayor of Surakarta to approach the street vendors In Monument '45 Banjarsari Surakarta so they can move without risk or resistance effectively. To understand the concept of leadership style used in the relocation process done by Jokowi in Solo, the researcher conducted a qualitative analysis to develop typology and found five main interpretations of his leadership style from the point of view of street vendors. Leadership style is: populist, sembodo (consistent), nguwongke (appreciate), ngemong (care) and visionary. The results show that street vendors with a background in Solo need a psychological and cultural approach to conduct relocation without resistance