428 research outputs found

    Biomimetic Photodiode Device with Large Photocurrent Response Using Photosynthetic Pigment-protein Complexes

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    Efficient light to energy conversion was demonstrated in solid-state, lateral photodiodes device containing photosynthetic light-harvesting chlorophyll protein complexes as active materials. The device exhibits the highest reported photocurrent density response of 365 µA/cm2 when illuminated at 320 mW/cm2 radiation source power. The photocurrent response was stabled over 104 s of continuous cycles of dark and illumination states. The short rise and decay time of the photocurrent waveform within sub-second range indicates an effective photogeneration and charge extraction within the device. Optical bandgap extraction using absorption coefficient method reveals that the energy gap of the active materials ranges from 2.8 to 3.8 eV, correspond to the Photosystem I and Photosystem II of the photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes

    Perancangan Interior Sekolah Dan Pusat Informasi Mode “Arva School of Fashion” Di Surabaya

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    The Interior design of "Arva School Of Fashion" Fashion School and Information Center in Surabaya is done to fulfill the needs of facilities in order to accommodate the increasing number of students in the institution. Besides, this design is also done in order to support its new program by creating an education facility which serves as an educative protocol as well as a commercial bridge for student's work to the society. There is an information center facility included in this design as a form of institute's awareness of the mode world. Center of superiority is chosen as the concept of this design with the means of having arva school of fashion as the top notch in the mode field and be acknowledged on the national and International level

    Use of the Maximum Torque Sensor to Reduce the Starting Current in the Induction Motor

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    Use of the maximum torque sensor has been demonstrated able to improve the standard ramp-up technique in the induction motor circuit system. The induction motor used was of a threephase squirrel-cage motor controlled using a microcontroller 68HC11. From the simulation done, it has been found that this innovative technique could optimize the performance of motor by introducing low stator current and low power consumption over the standard ramp-up technique

    Biobased furanics from sugars

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    Insertion Layer in a Mid-Ir Band-Pass Filter Structure to Improve Optical Transmittance

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    Insertion of a single Ge layer deposition (denoted as layer xGe) has been carried out to the band-pass filter structure to improve optical transmittance in a mid-IR region. The filter structure was of Air/[Ge/ZnS]N xGe/Quartz constructed from Ge/ZnS period layer deposition. From the modeling done, by introducing a layer period, N = 10, each layer thickness of Ge and ZnS prepared is 500 nm, the optical transmittance was found to improve significantly about 0.9 for xGe = 0.80 (layer thickness of 80% of Ge thickness) compare than that of the greater value. Keywords : band-pass filter, infrared, transmittance, Ge, ZnS

    Otomatisasi dan Monitoring Parameter Lingkungan Pada Media Tumbuh Budidaya Jamur Tiram Berbasis Internet of Things

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    Jamur Tiram (Pleurotus Ostreatus) adalah tanaman sejenis fungi yang sering dibudidayakan pada lingkup pertanian Indonesia, dikarenakan tanaman ini memiliki banyak kegunaan dari segi kuliner dan kesehatan. Jamur tersebut dibesarkan dengan cara memanipulasi parameter lingkungan, agar sedemikian rupa sehingga dapat tumbuh didalam suatu wadah/tempat yang telah disediakan. Perlu diketahui bahwa jamur tersebut pertumbuhannya dapat dipengaruhi oleh pH, suhu dan kelembapan yang dapat mempengaruhi tumbuhnya jamur, agar pertumbuhan budidaya jamur tersebut dapat terpantau dan terkontrol, maka diperlukan sebuah alat yang dapat mengontrol parameterr lingkungan tersebut agar sesuai dengan yang seharusnya. Dari hasil pengujian alat keseluruhan, dapat dikatakan bahwa alat tersebut dapat merespon perubahan parameter lingkungan berdasarkan nilai sebenarnya dari media dan lingkungan jamur tersebut, serta mengetahui estimasi panen yang dianjurkan

    Penerapan Coso ERM Integrated Framework dalam Mendukung Audit Forensik untuk Menanggulangi Tindakan Kecurangan

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    Hal-hal yang menjadi perhatian investigator yang paling utama adalah pada pengendalian internal dalam organisasi. Pengendalian internal ini menjadi hal yang sangat penting dan berdampak besar terhadap tindakan kecurangan yang terjadi selaras dengan tingkat risiko dalam mencapai tujuan organisasi. Pada tahun 2016 COSO telah menerbitkan COSO ERM Integrated Framework. Framework tersebut mengembangkan lebih lanjut pada pengendalian internal dengan memberikan perhatian utama pada subjek ERM yang lebih luas. Kesimpulannya integrasi antara lima komponen pengendalian internal dengan ERM memberikan jaminan bagi manajemen bahwa tujuan organisasi akan tercapai secara efektif dan efisien termasuk mencegah terjadinya fraud
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