2,481 research outputs found

    Generalized switching regression analysis of private and public sector wage structures in Germany

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    This paper analyzes wage structures in the public and the private sector for Germany. The data contains a rich set of variables on parents' characteristics that we use as instruments. We extend the empirical literature in this field by endogenizing education level and hours worked, and by using life cycle wage differentials in the structural selection equation. We show that these extentions significantly improve the standard model. Moreover, they lead to considerably different parameter estimates. We compute conditional and unconditional wage predictions for the various specifications using model simulations. We find that, on average, potential wages in the private sector exceed those in the public sector. Those actually working in the public sector, would do somewhat better in the private sector, while those working in the private sector would earn much less in the public sector.Regression Analysis;Public Choice;Wage Differentials;labour economics

    Semi-parametric Models for Satisfaction with Income

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    An overview is presented of some parametric and semi-parametric models, estimators, and specification tests that can be used to analyze ordered response variables.In particular, limited dependent variable models that generalize or-dered probit are compared to regression models that generalize the linear model.These techniques are then applied to analyze how self-reported satisfaction with household income relates to household income, family composition, and other background variables.Data are drawn from the 1998 wave of the German Socio-Economic Panel.The results are used to estimate equivalence scales and the cost of children.We find that the standard ordered probit model is rejected, while some semi-parametric specifications survive specification tests against nonpara-metric alternatives.The estimated equivalence scales, however, are often similar for the parametric and semi-parametric specifications.incomes;semiparametric estimation;satisfaction

    Actions and Beliefs: Estimating Distribution-Based Preferences Using a Large Scale Experiment with Probability Questions on Expectations

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    We combine the choice data of proposers and responders in the ultimatum game, their expectations elicited in the form of subjective probability questions, and the choice data of proposers ("dictator") in a dictator game to estimate a structural model of decision making under uncertainty.We use a large and representative sample of subjects drawn from the Dutch population.Our results indicate that there is considerable heterogeneity in preferences for equity in the population.Changes in preferences have an important impact on decisions of dictators in the dictator game and responders in the ultimatum game, but a smaller impact on decisions of proposer's in the ultimatum game, a result due to proposers subjective expectations about responders' decisions.The model which uses subjective data on expectations has better predictive power and lower noise level than a model which assumes that players have rational expectations.ultimatum game;inquity aversion;subjective expectations

    School Quality, Exam Performance and Career Choice

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of school quality on performance in national exams and the career decision at age 16. We use micro data for the UK, which provides a rich set of variables on parental background, previous achievements, and community variables. We find that, conditional on school type, the pupil-teacher ratio has no effect on examination performance. The pupil-teacher ratio has an effect on the career decision at age 16 as to whether to remain in full time education beyond the minimum age, enroll in training activities, or join the labour market full time. This finding appears to be very robust, and sustains when school type variables, exam results, and ability are controlled for.School inputs;educational attainment;training

    Preferences, Intentions, and Expectations: A Large-Scale Experiment With a Representative Subject Pool

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    We specify and estimate an econometric model which separately identifies distributional preferences and the effects of perceived intentions on responder behavior in the ultimatum game. We allow the effects of perceived intentions to depend, among other things, on the subjective probabilities responders attach to the possible offers. We estimate the model on a large representative sample from the Dutch population. We find that the relative importance of distributional preferences and perceived intentions depends significantly on the socioeconomic characteristics of responders. Strong inequity aversion to the other player’s disadvantage is found for lower educated and older respondents. Responders tend to punish unfavorable offers more if they expect that fair proposals will occur with higher probability.Inequity aversion;intentions;subjective expectations
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