21 research outputs found


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    This research was intended (1) to conduct deep examinations on the preparedness of KEK (Special Area for Economic Activity) infrastructures and the related institutions for investors. (2) to conduct the relevant cost-benefit analyses. This research employed quantitative and qualitative approaches. The analyses showed that there were really infrastructure supports (a sea harbor for exports, roads of national class, by pass, a tolled highway, railroads, an international airport and ample electricity), vendor supports (3,339 big- and medium-size industries, 644,000 small industries, a metal industrial center, 524 manufacturers and 873 export-oriented industries) and human resource supports (9 State-owned Colleges, 332 Private Colleges, 782 Vocational High Schools, 19 Private Work Training Centers and 2 State-owned Work Training Centers). Based on an assumption of an average price of Rp. 45,000/m for land and an average cost of Rp. 60,000/nT for filling out 2-meter deep coastal areas, it can be concluded that the recommended project should be continued because it has positive cashflows and net-cashflows as well as relatively high B/C ratio (19 kali). However, it has a relatively long waiting time for ROI (at least 25 years) and small IRR (7.7%)

    The Strategy to Improve the Competitiveness of Indonesian Seaweeds in Global Market

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    This research is aimed to know the position of Indonesian seaweeds exports\u27 competitiveness in global market, as well as the strategy to improve it. The research uses a quantitative approach, which specifically employs time series type that has been done within 10 years period (2003-2012). The data used are the data of seaweed product by the code product of HS 121220 Seaweeds and other algae (fresh or dried), HS 121221 Seaweeds fit for human consumption, HS 121229 Seaweeds and other algae unfit for human consumption. The data includes the value of Indonesian seaweeds exports commodity, the total of Indonesian exports, the value of seaweeds in global exports, the total of global exports, Indonesian seaweeds imports, Indonesian seaweeds production, and Indonesian seaweeds exports. The data is analyzed using Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), Import Dependency Ratio (IDR), Specialized Trading Index (ISP), Commodity Concentration Index (CCI), alongside with Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. The result shows that: (1) The RCA of seaweeds commodity though fluctuating but relatively increasing; (2) The Import Dependency Ratio of Indonesian seaweeds though fluctuating but relatively increasing, the fluctuation is due to their inability to produce plus value of ferments; (3) Index of Specialized trading appears to be positive; (4) Commodity Concentration Index of exports and imports though fluctuating but relatively increasing; (5) Indonesia can employ Rapid Growth Strategy. The result recommends Indonesian government to improve the quality of seaweeds products specifically using distribution improvements from farmers to consumer both in industrial scope and domestic consumer

    Improving Non-wheat Flour Quality As a Form of Local Food Conservation

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    The growth rate of Indonesian population increases the community’s dependence on wheat flour which is wholly made from imported wheat. Local carbohydrate sources that can function strategically as food reserves are Indonesian traditional tubers and roots.Tubersandrootsalsocontainsomebioactivecompoundsthathavephysiological effects as antioxidants. The bioactive compounds found in these inferior local tubers are dioscorin, diosgenin, and phenol. These three types of bioactive compounds have been shown to have the ability to ward off free radicals. This study aims to developtuberproductsandincreaseaddedvaluethroughtheutilizationofappropriate technology and diversification of processed products. The study used sixteen types of traditional Indonesian tubers. The method used is to reduce the size of the tubers usingcrystallizationmethodandutilizetheblowersystemtocreatethewindfordrying system. The blowing facilitates the process of reducing the water content to improve the durability of the flour. The research applied the mixed method approach. The study was carried out in the laboratory. Data were analyzed using proximate analysis to determine moisture content, ash content, carbohydrate content, protein content and fat content. The results showed that the chemical content of Suweg flour with pregelatinization method at 70 ∘C for 60 min had the highest water, ash, and fiber content at 5.79%, 2.49%, and 43.73%, respectively; while the highest carbohydrate content obtained by heating for 10 minutes at 25.80%. In conclusion, traditional tuber flours are sufficient for the use of raw materials for the food industry.     Keywords: traditional Indonesian tubers, non-wheat flours, local foo

    A Modelling Framework of Sustainable Supply Chain Management for Organic Vegetables in Rural Area with Narrow Land: An Action Research in Indonesia

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    As a developing country, food security is still an important issue in Indonesia. The increase in demand for organic vegetables products over the last couple of decades has created one of the fastest growing sectors within the fresh produce industry. The low productivity of housewives in villages and their lax spare time are well positioned to take advantage of existing sustainable and profitable opportunities, specifically in organic vegetables production even they only have narrow land. This study aims: (1) to demonstrate the hidden potency of rural housewives community to apply modern technology in cultivating organic vegetables for narrow land, and (2) to develop supply chain management modelling tools of organic vegetables for supporting food security system in rural area. The subjects of this study are housewives in rural area of Semarang City in Province Central Java, Indonesia. By employing an exploratory sequential mixed methods research design, this studys results show that the proposed supply chain management model is proven as an appropriate model to secure supply chain of organic vegetables in rural area. Using this model, organic vegetables cultivation sustainably maintains the familys food self-sufficiency and lead to semi-commercial needs of the surrounding communities

    Model Corporate Social Responsibility Dalam Program Pemberdayaan Petani Hortikultura

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    This research aimed to analyze the model of empowering dry land farmers in Central Java, the actors involved, the constraints faced, the impact and level of effectiveness. The study used two approaches: qualitative and quantitative approaches. In the qualitative approach, data were analyzed by using an interactive model. While the quantitative approach carried out by using the cost and benefit analysis. In the qualitative approach, data were analyzed by using an interactive model. While the quantitative approach conducted by using the cost and benefit analysis. The results showed that CSR was done through the assistance of technical consultants by applying concept "one product one village"; institutions involved include SOEs (State-Owned Enterprises), the Provincial Government, Local Government, Village Government, Private Companies and Community. The external constraints that happen came from cultural differences of government and private organizations as well as the existence of unpredictable extreme weather. Meanwhile the internal constraints derived from the knowledge level of farmers; ROI calculation result showed that the planting of horticulture commodities was profitable

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pesisir melalui Penciptaan Batik Mangrove

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    Mangrove merupakan tumbuhan khas yang terdapat di wilayah pesisir. Motif batik mangrove sebagai tanaman pesisir belum diekpos dengan optimal. Sementara itu lingkungan pesisir dengan flora dan faunanya mempunyai potensi yang luar biasa sebagai motif batik. Disamping sebagai motif, tumbuhan mangrove juga dapat digunakan sebagai pewarna batik alami yang saat ini sedang menjadi tren di masyarakat. Pemanfaatan mangrove sebagai pewarna alami ini disamping memberikan nuansa warna alami dan motif yang indah, juga dapat mengurangi pencemaran lingkungan. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan berbasis kelompok, secara komprehensif dilakukan pendampingan pada seluruh aspek mulai dari menyediakan sarana dan prasarana, serta meningkatkan berbagai keterampilan SDM melalui pelatihan. Untuk meningkatkan nilai jula batik mangrove yang dihasilkan, mitra binaan diberi pelatihan membuat diversifkasi produk batik berupa bros, dompet dan tas berbahan baku batik mangrove. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian ini dapat memberikan motif dan corak batik mangrove yang lebih bervariasi. Disamping itu dihasilkan diversifkasi produk batik mangrove menjadi bros, dompet dan tas yang mempunyai nilai jual lebih tinggi dari pada hanya lembaran kain. Mitra binaan mengikuti pameran untuk lebih mengenalkan hasil batik mangrove kepada masyarakat dan dinas-dinas terkait

    Improvement of Nutritional Quality of Tuber Flour as Local Food Resource

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    Tuber plants are sources of carbohydrates which could be used as strategic national food reserves. Beside high carbohydrates, tubers also contain a number of bioactive compounds which have physiological effects as antioxidants. This research aimed to develop tuber flour products and increase additional value through the use of appropriate technology and diversification of processed products. Research samples were 16 tuber species. The method was crystallisation by utilization of blower system to accelerate the process of water content reduction. The data were analyzed using proximat analysis. Water content was 5.61-15%, ash content was 0.4-5.31%, carbohydrate content was 82-88%, protein content was 0.67-6.32%, and fat content was 1-7%. The result showed that chemical content of Suweg flour with pragelatinization method at 70ºC for 60 minutes had the highest water, ash, and fiber content which were 5.79%, 2.49%, and 43.73%, respectively. Meanwhile, the highest carbohydrate content obtained by heating for 10 minutes was 25.80%. Tubers flour is worthy to be used as raw materials for food industry


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    <p>The aim of this research is to know how much is the impact of Semarang economics growth to theintensity of traffic jam on Semarang – Mranggen road, and, what is the strategy to solve it. This researchused descriptive percentase and SWOT analysis. The economics growth which is measured is GrossDomestic Product per capita (PDRB) during 1996 – 2005, and it had become a free variable. Meanwhile,the level of the annual average traffic jam during 1996 – 2005 had become a bounded variable. To knowthe policy strategy, it was done by interviewing some stake holders that has an authority in the field oftransportation. The result of this research showed that the economics growth of Semarang city hadimpact on individual role to the traffic jam as sum of 80,9%. The rest, 44,6% was influenced by someother things such as the activity of micro trader (PKL), parking man, public transportation and also peoplewho crossed the road. Based on SWOT analysis, the most appropriate strategy to solve the traffic jam isby integrated horizontal strategy. It means, all institutions that subordinated by Local Government(Pemda) such as Bapeda, Dinas Perhubungan dan Satpol PP, should work together to overcome thetraffic jam based on each authority. Nevertheless, the role of the police of Demak County as a verticalinstitution is not less important. In the long run, it is important to develop a modern public transportationsystem which is integrated, comfortable and also efficient, geometry road system that will be able toavoid the traffic intersection, and also to educate people how to do a good manner in traffic</p><p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Economic Growth, Traffic Jam, Policy Strategic.</p


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    <p class="IsiAbstract">The research aimed to synchronize inters sectors, which uses Rencana Tata Ruang dan Wilayah  as main guide. Scope of the discussion consist of comparison between the exixting and should condition. The locus of this research was in direct Aceh Singkil by focusing on housing and settlement, business and post disater infrastructure. The secondary data resources collected from BRR (Badan Rekonstruksi dan Rehabilitasi), The local Government of province and county and the identified funding institution. The primary data resources collected from interview, observation, focus group discussion and stakeholders meeting forum. The data analyzed by participative planning analysis, policy analysis, scale of priority and budget analysis. The result of this research showed: (1) there was overlapping program found on housing and settlement sectors; (2) some program that should be required but in fact they didn’t appear, even In infrastructure, housing and settlement sector and economics; (3) most of the program proposed to BRR expected to get financial support from BRR. The recommendations are: (1) they should organize completely definite RTRW program includes the amount of budget needed for the coming 20 years; (2 )they should allocate the budget for maximum 40% of APBD for routine and 60% for development, because after year of 2009 BRR and NGO’s will be no longer work there; (3) the patterns of coordination should gradually do from Musrenbang/Musbangdes/Musbang to sub district/county and another communication forum.  </p