12 research outputs found
Aktivitas Mencari Makan Lebah pekerja, Trigonasp (Hymenoptera: Apidae) di Gunungkidul
Lebah tanpa sengat, Trigona sudah lama dikenal masyarakat dan berpotensi untuk dikembangkan karena banyaknya tanaman sumber pakan yang tumbuh di Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mempelajari perilaku mencari pakan lebah Trigona. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember 2012-Maret 2013 di Nglipar Gunungkidul. Aktivitas harian lebah pekerja T.iridipennis keluar dan masuk sarang berbanding lurus dengan suhu dan intensitas cahaya, dan berbading terbalik dengan kelembaban udara. Hubungan antar jumlah individu dan aktivitas lebah pekerja T.iridipennis keluar dan masuk sarang dengan faktor suhu, intensitas cahaya dan kelembaban udara masing-masing digambarkan dalam model kuadratik melalui persamaan y = -2.58223x1 – 0.01311x2 – 3.6711x3 + 428.2948 dan y = 1.500706x1 – 0.0159x2 – 2.6193x3 + 226.9533
Identifikasi Macam Sumber Pakan Lebah Trigona sp (Hymenoptera: Apidae) di Kabupaten Gunungkidul
Potensi peningkatan produksi madu dan propolis yang dihasilkan oleh lebah tanpa sengat (Trigona) sangat besar, karena banyaknya tanaman sumber pakan yang tumbuh di Kab. Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. Keberadaan jenis lebah Trigona ini belum banyak diketahui oleh masyarakat terutama di daerah Gunungkidul. Tujuan penelitian untuk mempelajari keragaman dan karakteristik tanaman pakan Trigona. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember 2012 - Maret 2013 di desa Nglipar kab. Gunungkidul. Identifikasi polen yang diambil dari sarang Trigona menunjukkan bahwa ada 13 jenis tanaman yang menjadi sumber pakan Trigona, akan tetapi hanya 3 jenis polen yang cocok dengan polen yang diambil dari bunga di sekitar sarang yaitu Carica papaya, Nephelium longan, dan Cosmos caudatus. Hal ini diduga karena polen yang ada di sarang merupakan polen yang dikoleksi oleh leba dari periode berbunga sebelumnya, sehingga tidak terdapat banyak kecocokan dengan polen yang diambil dari tanaman disekitar sarang karena beberapa tanaman tidak menghasilkan bunga pada saat pengambilan sampel
Melissopalynology and Vegetation Analysis Surrounding Sunggau of Giant Honey Bee Apis dorsata in Belitung Regency
The forest conversion into oil palm plantations in Belitung impacts the plant source for pollen and nectar to support the honey bee Apis dorsata. This study aimed to identify the plants used by A. dorsata as pollen sources in honey and bee bread in honey bee nests and to analyze the vegetation composition and structure surrounding the sunggau (artificial nesting site) in Belitung Regency. Honey from A. dorsata was collected from bee nests in sunggau on Kampak Island and Tanjung Rusa. The pollen grains from 20 ml honey were acetolysed and counted until 1,200 grains for each honey sample. In Kampak Island, we found eight pollen types in honey dominated by Rhizophora mucronate mangrove pollen and eleven pollen types in bee bread dominated by Melaleuca cajuputi. The pollen type in honey in Tanjung Rusa was similar to those in Kampak Island, and nine pollen types were found in the bee bread dominated by Elaeis guineensis. The vegetation analysis revealed that mangrove and heath forests in Kampak Island were dominated by Lumnitzera littorea and Melaleuca cajuputi, respectively. The results of this study confirm the bees' notable use of the mangrove ecosystem, which adds conservation value, especially in supporting bee management efforts in Belitung
The Effectiveness of Stingless Bees on Pollination of Bitter Melon Plants Momordica charantia L. (Cucurbitaceae)
This study aimed to measure the effectiveness of stingless bee Tetragonula cf. biroi pollination on the fruit formation of bitter melon Momordica charantia plants. We used hoods on the observed bitter melon plants. In the first hood, stingless bees are inserted to help pollinate 100 bitter melon plants, while in the other hoods, stingless bees are not inserted so that there is no assistance in pollinating the other 100 bitter melon plants. The method used is the focal sampling method for 25 days of observation. Based on the results of the study, stingless bee pollination assistance increased the percentage of the number of flowers that became fruit by 390%, the weight of seeds/fruit by 64%, number of seeds/fruit by 260%, fruit weight by 163%, fruit diameter by 91%, and fruit length by 86%. In addition to the size of the fruit, the shape of the bitter melon pollinated by bees is standard (long and straight). In contrast, the bitter melon that does not get pollination assistance grows with a bent shape resembling the letter "C." Bitter melon is an agricultural commodity that needs pollinating agents such as stingless bees because of its monoecy.
Effectivity of Spodoptera littoralis Nucleopolyhedrovirus (SpliMNPV) and Natural Additives Mixtures against Spodoptera litura Fab. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on Cabbage Plants
Armyworm (Spodoptera litura Fab.) is one of the agricultural pests that can cause huge losses especially for Indonesian farmers because it is damaging various crops, especially cabbage (Brassica oleifera L.). Spodoptera littoralis nucleopolyhedrovirus (SpliMNPV) is one of the biological agent which is effective for the management of the Spodoptera litura. However, because of UV radiation it easily degraded when applied in the fields. This study was aimed to determine the effectivity of several indigenous plants for UV protectant of SpliMNPV for controlling armyworm at greenhouse scale. Extracts of 2% (w/v) of turmeric rhizome, red betel leaf, moringa leaf, and clove flower, were formulated with SpliMNPV and sprayed evenly onto two-month- old cabbages. The experiment used five replicates with six periods of sunlight exposures (0, 1, 3, 5, 7, and 15 days). A commercial product of deltamethrin was used as a comparison. The sprayed leaves were then used as a bioassay by using 25 individuals of one day old 1st larval instar by five replicates. The results showed that the turmeric additive was the most effective as a UV protectant and effectively prolonged the half-life of SpliMNPV to 4.12 days, while for clove, moringa leaf, and red betel was 2.48, 2.15, and 2.28 days, respectively
Populasi Hama Wereng Batang Coklat (Nilaparvata Lugens Stal.) Dan Keragaman Serangga Predatornya Pada Padi Sawah Lahan Dataran Tinggi Di Desa Panyocokan, Kecamatan Ciwidey, Kabupaten Bandung
ABSTRACTPopulation of Brown Plant Hopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal.) and the Diversity of Its Natural Enemyin Highland Paddy Rice Field in the Village of Panyocokan, Ciwidey District, Bandung RegencyBrown lanthopper/BPH (Nilaparvata lugens Stal.) is a main pest of rice in the field. This researchwas aimed to study the population of BPH and the diversity of its natural enemy in highland paddyrice field. The survey was conducted in three paddy plots (15 m x 20 m) located in the village ofPanyocokan, Ciwidey District, Bandung Regency, West Java. The experiment was conducted in thegreenhouse of the Department of Plant Pests and Diseases, Faculty of Agriculture, UniversitasPadjadjaran. The samples of insects were collected systematically using yellow trap and net trap,and visually observed in each rice cluster. The number of BPH were recorded and accumulatedeach week. Fecundity, life cycle, and sex ratio of the new generation of BPH were observed in 3replications by using 1 pair of WBC on each replication. The result showed that the population ofBPH in the highland was below 10, which means that BPH population was still below theeconomic threshold and control threshold. Temperature, humidity, and rainfall did notsignificantly affect the BPH population. This was indicated by the regression analysis of eachtemperature (Y = 0.557-8.167x; R2 = 0.039; P = 0.465), humidity (Y = -0.077+ 9.112x; R2 = 0.045; P =0.428), and rainfall (Y = -0.118 + 3.412x; R2 = 0.136; P = 0.159). Natural enemy diversity indextended to fluctuate widely from low to moderate. In the temperature range from 21.1°C to 34.8°C,BPH could produce 127-207 new generation during its lifetime. BPH needed an average of 37.66days to produce a new generation. The ratio of male to female was 1.06 : 1.Keywords: population, brown planthopper, diversity, predator, highland paddy rice field, Ciwidey,BandungABSTRAKHama wereng batang cklat/WBC (Nilaparvata lugens Stal.) merupakan hama utama tanaman padi.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari populasi WBC dan keragaman musuh alaminya padatanaman padi sawah di dataran tinggi. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survei dan eksperimen.Survei dilakukan pada 3 petak lahan percobaan berukuran 15 mx 20 m bertempat di DesaPanyocokan, Kecamatan Ciwidey, Kabupaten Bandung dan eksperimen dilakukan di rumah kacaDepartemen Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Padjadjaran. Metodepengambilan sampel dilakukan secara diagonal sistematis. Populasi WBC ditentukan denganmenggunakan perangkap kuning dan perangkap jaring dan dengan pengamatan langsung padarumpun padi. Eksperimen dilakukan dengan meletakkan sepasang WBC dalam wadah, lalu diamatikeperidian, siklus hidup, dan sex ratio keturunannya. WBC yang tertangkap dihitung jumlahnyadan diakumulasikan setiap minggunya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepadatan populasi dilahan survey di bawah 10 ekor/rumpun yang artinya populasi WBC masih di bawah ambangekonomi atau ambang kendali. Suhu, kelembaban, dan curah hujan tidak memberikan pengaruhyang signifikan terhadap populasi WBC. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan dengan analisis regresi masingmasingpada suhu (Y= 0,557 – 8,167x; R2 = 0,039; P= 0,465), kelembaban (Y = -0,077 + 9,112x; R2 =0,045; P = 0,428), dan curah hujan (Y = -0,118 + 3,412x; R2 = 0,136; P = 0,159). Indeks keragamanmusuh alami cenderung mengalami fluktuasi dari rendah sampai sedang. Pada kisaran suhu 21,1oC–34,8oC, hasil pengamatan keperidian menunjukkan WBC dapat menghasilkan 127-207 individubaru selama masa hidupnya. Pada pengamatan siklus hidup, WBC memerlukan rata-rata 37,66 harisampai menghasilkan generasi baru. Pengamatan sex ratio menunjukkan perbandingan (jantan :betina) 1,06 :1.Kata kunci: populasi, wereng batang coklat, keragaman, predator, sawah, dataran tinggi, Ciwidey,Bandun
Nesting site and nest architecture of wallacea endemic stingless bee species Tetragonula cf. biroi and wallacetrigona incisa of Indonesia
Generally, stingless bees have distinct geographical distribution and nesting sites, inhabiting
tree cavities, rock crevices, land, anthills, and termite nests. Although they have been identified
base on their unique morphological characteristics, their nest architecture could be utilized as
a potential species identification tool however, inadequate research has been conducted so far.
Belonging to the Wallacea species group, Tetragonula cf. biroi and Wallacetrigona incisa
share similar brood cell forms. This study was conducted to measure the nesting areas and nest
architecture of T.cf. biroi and W. incisa in the Bone regency, the North Luwu, and the South
Sulawesi region. The nesting area data was collected by interviewing the local bee breeders
and wild bee hunters of the forest. The research included the measurement of the nest entrance,
the structure of the food and brood cells, and other nest parts. Observation and measurements
of nest characteristics was carried out on five nest architectural forms of T.cf. biroi and one
nest architectural form of W. incisa. Ten colonies were observed in each nest shape. The
research finding revealed that T.cf. biroi nested on the tree trunk, roof, stone, and land. On the
other hand, the nest entrance of W. incisa was hard and thick in texture and dominated by black
color. The brood cell form of T.cf. biroi was found variably in either spiral, semispiral, and
irregular shape, surrounded by soft and slight involucrum. The brood cell form of W. incisa
was found only in spiral form, with thick and stiff involucrum. In both species, the honey pot
was located adjoining the nest entrance. The pollen pot was situated behind or under the honey
pot. In both species, the nest architecture is determined by microclimatic factors, composite
dammar, colony age, and natural antagonists
Larva lalat buah (Bactrocera spp.) yang menginfestasi beberapa macam buah telah menyebabkan kerusakan komoditas tersebut. Terdapat kecenderungan antara besarnya populasi lalat buah terhadap kelimpahan buah inang dari parasitoidnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mempelajari hubungan antara populasi lalat buah terhadap kelimpahan buah inang dan populasi parasitoidnya. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan setiap bulan selama 12 bulan di Instalasi Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian (IPPTP) Subang. Diperoleh satu jenis lalat buah Bactrocera carambolae Drew and Handeockdan tiga jenis parasitoid pupa, masing masing adalah: Biosteres v andenboschi Fullaway, Opius incisi Silvestri, dan satu parasitoid dari Famili Eulophidae yang belum teriden-tifikasi. Peringkat pertama parasitoid adalah B. vandenbochi, kemudian berturut turut diikuti oleh 0. incisi dan Eulophidae. Berdasarkan dari peringkat dan populasi masing masing species parasitoid yang ditemukan, B. vandenboschi merupakan yang paling dominan, yang berarti dapat disimpulkan bahwa bahwa B. vandenboschi adalah jenis parasitoid yang sangat berperan dalam menekan populasi lalat buah, B. carambolae. Dari hasil perhitungan dengan menggunakan persamaan regresi linier berganda, Y = 0.09X1 + 1.14X2 5.99X3 8.01X4 957.46 (Y, cacah individu lalat buah, X1, cacah buah belimbing, X2, cacah individu parasitoid, X3, suhu udara, X4, curah hujan) menunjukkan bahwa populasi lalat buah, B. carambolae dipengaruhi oleh jumlah buah, parasitoid, suhu udara dan curah hujan (R2 = 0.928
Papilio blumei is an endemic butterfly of Sulawesi and especially in
Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park. This research was to observed of the
behaviour, diversity and mortaliy factor by natural enemies of P. blumei in
Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park. The behaviour of the insect were mating,
foraging, competiting, defending, ovipositing, overheating and mud-puddling
behaviour. Life Table was used for analysis of mortality factors, therefore the
number of mortality was analyzed by key-factors formulation. The result indicated
that mating strategies is patrolling. Foraging activity of the sixth instar was the
highest compared to the other instars and the lowest one activity of the prapupa
stadium of P. blumei. Nectar host plants for the imago of butterfly were
Sarcosephalum latifolius and Eugenia sp. There was Scudderia sp. as an interspesific
competitor for larval P. blumei. The intraspesific competitor of the imago stage was
male of P. blumei. The defenses behaviour were countershading, batesian mimicry
and osmeterium. Female P. blumei laid eggs on abaxial leaf E.hupehensis and the
eggs hatched after six days. The larva of P. blumei has a overheating behaviour and
the adults has a mud puddling. The natural enemies of P.blumei is Trichogramma
sp., with k value = 0.381, Pteromalus sp., with k value = 0.125 and Formica sp., with
k value = 0.096. The total of mortality value (K) is 0.602
Baluran National park (BNP) consist of several type of ecosystem. Two of them are savanna and seosenal forest. More than 40 years ago A.nilotica has introduced in Baluran�s Savanna to decrease the effect of fire. But this species becomes aggressive and disturb Baluran�s savanna. About 50% of savannas are occupied by A.nilotica. Seasonal forest is another ecosystem in Baluran national park which located near savanna, therefore it have diferent composition of vegetation. Baluran N.P. potential of insect biodiversity, therefore still no data about insect diversity especially ants diversity. Ants are dominant terrestrial insect, their diverse includes species and function that importance for ecosystem. Therefore, ants occurrence in Baluran are important and their information about species richness, abundant and diversity are very important to be analyzed. Despites, their information in Baluran N.P still poor understand, so it�s good to conduct exploration about ants in Baluran especially in savanna. Ants were collected using pitfall trap, sugar bait, sardine bait, litter shifting and hand collection method. Based on identification process, we found 4 sub famili, 21 genus and 40 species. The diversity index was analysed using Shannon � Wienner (H�) at native savana: 1,714, Savanna with rehabilitation programme : 1,322, Savanna with A.nilotica invasion : 1,421 and Seasonal Forest : 2,268. Ant distribution different at each ecosystem. There are 19 ant species at native savanna and savanna with rehabilitation programme, 16 spesies at savanna with A.nilotica invation and 33 species at seosenal forest. Meranoplus sp. is ant species that can be found at savanna only