91 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Supervisi Akademik Terhadap Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru di Daerah 3T (Terdepan, Terpencil, Tertinggal)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine (1) the implementation of academic supervision in the 3T area in Bengkayang Regency; (2) the influence of academic supervision in the 3T (frontier, outermost, and least developes) areas in particular in Bengkayang Regency on improving teacher competence and professionalism. This research is a mix method research with the Sequential Exploratory model which is a combination research method between qualitative methods first and then strengthened by quantitative methods. The research subjects in this study were school supervisors, school principals and teachers in the Bengkayang Regency area, which were included in the 3T category. The instruments used in this study were interview guides, questionnaires and also observations. The results showed that (1) the process of academic supervision carried out in the 3T area in Bengkayang Regency could not be implemented according to the provisions proposed by the government, because there was limited access to locations with long distances between schools. Another problem with the academic supervision process in the 3T area is the lack of evaluation or feedback given by supervisors to teachers, so that the shortcomings of teachers cannot be conveyed properly. (2) The academic supervision program that has been implemented in Bengkayang Regency has no significant effect on increasing teacher competence and professionalism. Many other factors influence the competence and professionalism of teachers in the Bengkayang Regency area.The purpose of this study was to determine (1) the implementation of academic supervision in the 3T area in Bengkayang Regency; (2) the influence of academic supervision in the 3T (frontier, outermost, and least developes) areas in particular in Bengkayang Regency on improving teacher competence and professionalism. This research is a mix method research with the Sequential Exploratory model which is a combination research method between qualitative methods first and then strengthened by quantitative methods. The research subjects in this study were school supervisors, school principals and teachers in the Bengkayang Regency area, which were included in the 3T category. The instruments used in this study were interview guides, questionnaires and also observations. The results showed that (1) the process of academic supervision carried out in the 3T area in Bengkayang Regency could not be implemented according to the provisions proposed by the government, because there was limited access to locations with long distances between schools. Another problem with the academic supervision process in the 3T area is the lack of evaluation or feedback given by supervisors to teachers, so that the shortcomings of teachers cannot be conveyed properly. (2) The academic supervision program that has been implemented in Bengkayang Regency has no significant effect on increasing teacher competence and professionalism. Many other factors influence the competence and professionalism of teachers in the Bengkayang Regency area

    Pengaruh Pemberian Suplementasi Likopen Terhadap Derajat Keparahan Akne Vulgaris

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    Latar Belakang: Akne vulgaris (AV) adalah penyakit inflamasi kronis unit pilosebaseous di kulit yang ditimbulkan oleh androgen yang terjadi di usia remaja dan mempengaruhi kualitas hidup. Likopen merupakan karotenoid alami yang memberi warna merah pada sayur dan buah, terutama pada tomat. Likopen telah terbukti sebagai antiinflamasi serta antiandrogen.Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh pemberian suplementasi likopen terhadap derajat keparahan Akne Vulgaris.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi klinis dengan desain randomized pre and post test control group. Subjek penelitian adalah 40 mahasiswi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro Semarang yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Subyek penelitian diacak kedalam kelompok kontrol dan perlakuan masing-masing kelompok 20 subyek, lama penelitian 4 minggu. Data yang diperoleh merupakan data primer dengan mengisi kuisioner, menghitung jumlah lesi AV dan menentukan derajat keparahan AV. Analisis derajat keparahan AV akhir penelitian dilakukan dengan uji fisher's exact.Hasil: Lesi Total AV awal penelitian kedua kelompok tidak berbeda bermakna (p=0,363), begitu pula dengan lesi total AV akhir penelitian (p=0,124). Perbedaan total lesi AV awal (64,80±29,84) dan akhir (55,35±20,55) kelompok kontrol tidak berbeda bermakna (p=0,060). Tidak terdapat penurunan bermakna (p=0,420) dari lesi AV awal (74,90±38,90) dan akhir (69,85±35,44) kelompok perlakuan. Delta lesi kelompok kontrol dan perlakuan juga tidak berbeda bermakna (p=0,818). Pada akhir penelitian, derajat keparahan AV antara kedua kelompok didapatkan hasil tidak berbeda bermakna (p=0,605).Kesimpulan: Tidak didapatkan hubungan bermakna antara pemberian suplementasi likopen dengan derajat keparahan AV selama 4 minggu

    Analisis Pengaruh Persepsi Kualitas Pelayanan Dan Perceived Value Terhadap Kepuasan Religius Untuk Meningkatkan Minat Menabung Ulang (Studi Pada Bni Syariah Semarang)

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    The problem in this research is a decrease in the amount of third party funds (savings)are decreased and the high number of closing the savings account of Islamic banking.This research aims to test the power of perceived service quality and perceived value toreligious satisfaction to improve consumer resaving interest in an Islamic Banking insemarang (study in BNI Syariah). This study using three independent variable isperceived service quality and perceived value , variable resaving intention consumer as adependent variable and variable religious satisfaction as intervening.A method of this research technique using probability sample that is random samplingand clusters of sampling to sample as many as 100 of respondents in the middle class andover who had bought an apartment in semarang .A method of data analyst using atechnique double regression analysis , the analysis includes: test the validity of , a test ofreliability , test the assumption of the classics , linear regression test doublet test , test f ,test the coefficients determined and test sobel.The results show significant and positive effect perceived service quality to religioussatisfaction and resaving intention, significant and positive effect perceived value toreligious satisfaction and repurchase intention, and then significant and positive effectreligious satisfaction to repurchase intention

    Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Maleo Egg in Bogani Nani Wartabone Park

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    The objective of this study was to examine the size (weight, length, and width) of Maleo egg in Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park.Physical characteristics that measure are : egg weight, egg shell, egg index , yolk, and albumen. Physical characteristics measured were: egg weight, egg shell thickness, egg index, yolk, and albumen. Two fresh eggs were weighed to the electric ohause balance with 400 g the scale 0.01. Two fresh egg were weighed with an electric balance. Length and width off egg were measured by used vernier caliper, egg shell thickness by  tripod micrometer, yolk color by yolk color fan. Length and width of egg used were measured by Vernier caliper, and egg shell thickness by a tripod micrometer, yolk color by yolk color fan. Physical characteristic have been identified eggs weight, egg width, egg length, egg index, albumen width, albumen length, albumen index, yolk width, yolk length, yolk index, weight albumen, weight yolk, egg shell thickness, and shell weight increased by 223.70 g, 104.00 mm, 56.68 mm, 56.41, 113.8 mm, 86.72 mm, 6.07%,  85.30 mm, 69.90 mm, 31.54%, 47.51 g, 110.80 g, 0.02 inch, 19.55 g, respectively. The result of analysis indicated that maleo eggs have completed amino acids and fatty acids, that is essensial amino acids, non essensial amino acids, saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids. Physical characteristic egg that comprised of egg weight, egg width, egg length, egg index, albumen width, albumen length, albumen index, yolk width, yolk length, yolk index, albumen weight, yolk weight, egg shell thickness, and shell weight were 223.70 g, 104.00 mm, 56.68 mm, 56.41, 113.8 mm, 86.72 mm, 6,07%, 85.30 mm, 69.90 mm, 31.54%, 47.51 g, 110.80 g, 0:02-inch, 19:55 g, respectively. Maleo egg contained complete amino acids and fatty acids, including essential amino acids, non essential amino acids, saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids. (Animal Production 12(1): 34-38 (2010)Key Words: Maleo bird, maleo egg, physical characteristics, chemical characteristic

    Perancangan Framework Konten ¬E-learning pada Kegiatan Maintenance Mesin Berdasarkan Knowledge Conversion dengan Metode Seci

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    Knowledge merupakan informasi yang melibatkan aksi dan keputusan atau informasi dengan arahan [1]. Knowledge dibagi menjadi 2 (dua) tipe, yaitu tacit knowledge dan explicit knowledge. Tacit knowledge adalah knowledge yang terdiri atas model mental, kepercayaan, pengalaman dan merupakan personal, konteks spesifik yang sulit diformulasikan, dicatat, atau diartikulasikan [2]. Explicit knowledge merupakan knowledge yang dapat dikondifisikan dan ditransmisikan dalam sebuah bahasa yang sistematis dan formal, seperti dalam bentuk dokumen, database, web, e-mail, e-learning, grafik, dan lain-lain [2]. Knowledge merupakan aset Perusahaan yang penting masa kini. Oleh karena itu, knowledge harus didokumentasikan dengan baik. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dokumentasi terhadap tacit knowledge yang dimiliki oleh operator maintenance untuk suatu mesin. Mesin yang dijadikan objek dalam penelitian ini adalah mesin Toshiba BMC 80.5. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat kerangka kerja pembuatan konten e-learning dengan mendokumentasikan tacit knowledge operator maintenance dalam melakukan kegiatan maintenance mesin menjadi sebuah explicit knowledge, yaitu best practice berupa panduan pelaksanaan kegiatan maintenance dengan menggunakan metode SECI. Hasil rancangan berupa best practice digunakan sebagai bahan pada proses pengembangan e-Learning. Penelitian ini menghasilkan best practice kegiatan maintenance mesin yang digunakan sebagai bahan dalam membuat rancangan konten e-Learning

    Pengaruh Aplikasi Pseudomonas Fluorescens P60 Terhadap Mutu Patologis, Mutu Fisiologis, Dan Pertumbuhan Bibit Padi Ir 64

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    Effect of Pseudomonas fluorescens P60 on pathological and physiological quality and growth of rice IR 64 seedlings. The research objectives were (1) detection and identification of seed-borne pathogens of IR 64 rice, (2) testing Pseudomonas fluorescents P60 in inhibiting the in vitro growth of seed-borne pathogens colonies, (3) testing P. fluorescents P60 for pathological and physiological seed quality, and (4) testing P. fluorescents P60 on the growth of seedlings in the greenhouse. The results showed that some seed-borne pathogens can be found both on farmers' IR 64 rice and factory's; they were Aspergillus flavus, Alternaria padwickii, Pseudomonas glumae, and P. syringae. Application of P. flourescens P60 was able to inhibit the in vitrogrowth of colonies of all seed-borne pathogens, except P. syringae. Related to pathological quality, the effect of P. flourescens P60 on percentage of seed-borne pathogens attack did not significantly different from that of benomil but smaller than distilled water. On the physiological quality of seeds, treatment of P. flourescens P60 has the same effect with benomil and distilled water, with germination rate was more than 80%. In the greenhouse study,treatment of seed immersion time in P. flourescens P60 suspension showed that the effect of immersion time as long as15 minutes and 25 minutes on seedling height, root length, and seedling dry weightdid not significantly different. were. However, 25 minutes immersion time resulted in fresh seedling weight and root dry weight higher than that of 15 minutes immersion time

    Virulensi Fusarium Oxysporum F.sp. Zingiberi Isolat Boyolali dan Temanggung Setelah Disimpan Enam Tahun dalam Tanah Steril

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    This research aimed to study growth ability and virulence of several Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. zingiberi isolates originated from Boyolali and Temanggung after being preserved for six years in sterile soils media. Completely Randomized Design was used with 12 treatments and 3 replications. F. oxysporum f.sp. zingiberi originated from Temanggung consisted of 7 isolates, i.e., TKO1, TKO3, TKO4, TKO6, TKO7, TPO1, TPO5; and from Boyolali consisted of 4 isolates, i.e., BAO2, BAO7, BAC, and BAP. Variables observed were growth on PDA, colony color, colony diameter, macroconidia and microconidia, mycelial dry weight, incubation period, attack area, and difference of fresh weight of rhizome. The result showed that all isolates of F. oxysporum f.sp. zingiberi both from Temanggung and Boyolali were able to grow well on PDA and fully covered the Petridish at 4.75–7.5 days. The most virulent isolate was TKO6 from Temanggung showing the fastest incubation period of 5 days after inoculation and the highest attack area of 420 mm2 or increase for 107.6%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui viabilitas dan virulensi beberapa isolat Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. zingiberi setelah disimpan selama enam tahun pada tanah steril. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan tiga ulangan dan 12 perlakuan. Isolat F. oxysporum f.sp. zingiberi yang digunakan asal Temanggung terdiri atas tujuh isolat, yaitu TKO1, TKO3, TKO4, TKO6, TKO7, TPO1, dan TPO5; asal Boyolali terdiri atas empat isolat, yaitu BAO2, BAO7, BAC, dan BAP. Parameter yang diamati adalah pertumbuhan isolat pada medium PDA, warna koloni, diameter koloni, makrokonidium dan mikrokonidium, berat kering miselium, masa inkubasi, luas serangan, dan selisih berat basah rimpang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua isolat F. oxysporum f.sp. zingiberi asal Temanggung dan Boyolali, yang telah disimpan dalam medium tanah steril selama enam tahun, masih tumbuh de-ngan baik pada medium PDA dan memenuhi cawan Petri pada umur 4,75–7,5 hari. Isolat yang paling virulen adalah TKO6 asal Temanggung dengan masa inkubasi tercepat yaitu 5 hari setelah inokulasi dan luas serangan pada rimpang sebesar 420 mm2 atau ada peningkatan sampai 107,6

    Pemantauan Kualitas Udara di Daerah Rawasari dan Pulogadung, Jakarta

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    Total suspended particulate matter (TSP), sulphur dioxide (S02) and nitrogen dioxide (N02) have been monitored at Rawasari district and industrial area Pulogadung in Jakarta as part of the Global Environmental Monitoring System (GEMS/WHO)/Air Network since 1978. This study reports the yearly trend of TSP, S02, N02 during 1986-1995, and water soluble sulfate and nitrate content in particulate during 1986-1990, in both sites. There are similar patterns of the yearly change of TSP, SO2, NO2 in both sites during the monitoring period of 1986-1995, and sulphate and nitrate during the monitoring period of 1986-1990. The TSP levels in Rawasari and Pulogadung area are stable during 1986-1995 in the range of 150-300 pg/m3. The annual average concentrations of S02 and N02 up to 2.50 pg/m3 and 14.71 pg/m3 respectively, are observed. The sulphate levels in both sites tend to decrease, while the nitrate levels tend to increase. The sum of sulphate and nitrate content comprised at maximum of 8.20% of the total mass of TSP in Rawasari site, and 7.40% of mass of TSP in Pulogadung industrial site
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