71 research outputs found

    Developing a Framework for Infrastructure & Facility Asset Management Knowledge & Science Development by Using Concept Mapping

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    Infrastructure and Facility are capital for region’s life. Therefore, Infrastructure & Facility Asset Management Knowledge must be developed and implemented. Jurnal Manajemen Aset Infrastruktur & Fasilitas was established for developing this. The development needs a framework. A Knowledge Development Framework has been thought and formulated. The framework is presented by concept mapping. It consists of  an Infrastructure & Facility Asset Management Conceptual Model, an Infrastructure & Facility Asset Management Basic Model and 6 Basic Knowledges. The 6 Basic Knowledges are about : the Infrastructure & Facility, Infrastructure & Facility Managing Organization, Infrastrucutre & Facility Asset Management, Organization Management, Tools for Analyses, and Related Software can be used for Asset Managemen

    Preliminary Reflection on Basic Problematics of National Public Infrastructure Financing in Indonesia

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    Furnishing adequate national public infrastructure is an obligation for the government. Financing the infrastructure is not an easy problem. The main problem are that the NREB cannot finance the investment cost and the NREB capacity is not enough to finance he whole infrastructure needed. If in general the public infrastructure is merely a cost, there are certain infrastructure which can generate revenue. Meanwhile the GDP is far higher then the NREB. So, thinking involving private fund in public infrastructure financing is logical. Thus public infrastructure financing should be a mixture of public and private fund. The activity involving the Private Sector must be in an Attractive Comercial Activity. Thus preferably for revenue generator infrastructure. Revenue can be generated in various form. The basic idea of solutions can be grouped into fully financed by public budget, by a mixture of public private fund, and by fully private financed. Each group has its owned characterisitcs and derivative solution.

    Reflection on Basic View of Public Infrastructure for Infrastructure Asset Management in Indonesia

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    Infrastructure Asset Management is essential. In Indonesia nowadays, they, who enter and take a role in Infrastructure Asset Management is either an engineer or an economist. Both the engineer and the economist tend to see the infrastructure in infrastructure engineering way and the economy of infrastructure. A Basic View of Public Infrastructure for Infrastructure Asset Management in Indonesia needs to be formulated. The Public Infrastructure is viewed through several different following basic concepts: Infrastructure System, Infrastructure Function, Infrastructure Supply-Demand, Infrastructure Capacity, Infrastructure Operation, Infrastructure Deterioration, Infrastructure Maintenance, Infrastructure Life Cycle, Infrastructure Economics, Infrastructure Performance, Infrastructure Taxonomy

    Preliminary Reflexion on Basic Principle of Infrastructure Asset Management

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    Infrastructure is vital for regions life, mean while the infrastructure is always onerous and complex. The region must be able to manage its infrastructure well. Therefore the Basic Principle of Infrastructure Asset Management need to be well defined. This paper presents the result of an attempt to define the Basic Principle Infrastructure Asset Management. The Infrastructure Asset Management is defined as the science, the knowledge and the program to manage the infrastructure life in order to be able to well function in sustainable way, efficient and effective. The Infrastructure Asset Management knowledge consists of 7 basic knowledges, i.e on infrastructure, infrastructure function, infrastructure physical structure infrastructure externalities, infrastructure life cycle, infrastructure economy, and infrastructure managing organization. To master the Infrastructure Asset Management analyse tools must be added such as: statistics, decision making, risk management, quality management, strategic management, etc

    Learn Asset Management based on PTPN 9 Case – Preliminary Overview of the Institution, the Function, and the General Business Assets

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    Asset Management in general and IFAM specifically is very important. The knowledge and science need to be developed step by step. PTPN-9 can be used as an excellent Case Study. A general overview was developed as a base for studying the AM in PTPN-9. PTPN-9 is a state-owned-enterprise, whose duty is to manage the business of yearly plantations and seasonal plantations (sugar-cane plantations and sugar factories), in Central Java. Practically, all of the yearly plantations and seasonal plantations (sugar factories) were started by the Dutch, since the colonialization era. As the first step, this paper observes the production assets, the product, and the market. As production assets, the enterprise has 15 yearly plantations and 8 seasonal plantations. As products, it has 7 consumption commodities, 10 commercial commodities, 8 agro-tourism objects, and 14 restaurants and coffees. The enterprise sells its products into the international market and the domestic market


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    Pengguna angkutan umum diduga banyak didominasi oleh masyarakat dari kelompok Captive, sedangkan masyarakat dari kelompok Choice lebih memilih menggunakan kendaraan pribadi dalam pergerakannya sehari-hari. Oleh karena itu diperlukan identifikasi awal mengenai moda penghubung yang paling banyak digunakan oleh penumpang KA Komuter Surabaya-Sidoarjo (SUSI) dan KA Komuter Surabaya-Lamongan (SULAM) pada saat menuju dan meninggalkan stasiun. Metode yang dilakukan pada identifikasi awal ini adalah pengumpulan data sekunder dan data primer. Hasil identifikasi awal menunjukkan bahwa penumpang KA Komuter SUSI arah Surabaya-Sidoarjo di jam keberangkatan pagi hari dari 50 orang penumpang didominasi oleh pengguna sepeda motor sebesar 30 orang penumpang (60%) dan 23 orang penumpang (46%) pada saat menuju dan meninggalkan stasiun. Pergerakan penumpang dari arah Sidoarjo-Surabaya di jam keberangkatan pagi hari dari 57 orang penumpang didominasi oleh pengguna sepeda motor sebesar 42 orang penumpang (74%) dan 23 orang penumpang (40%) pada saat menuju dan meninggalkan stasiun. Pergerakan penumpang dari arah Surabaya-Lamongan dari 54 orang penumpang didominasi oleh pengguna sepeda motor sebesar 23 orang penumpang (43%) dan 21 orang penumpang (39%) pada saat menuju dan meninggalkan stasiun. Pergerakan penumpang dari arah Lamongan-Surabaya dari 54 orang sebesar 35 orang penumpang (65%) menggunakan sepeda motor menuju stasiun asal dan 26 orang penumpang (48%) menggunakan mikrolet menuju stasiun tujuan

    Optimasi Kasus Pengaturan Kombinasi Pemuatan n Paket Barang ke m Kotak Angkut

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    MAI mengandung banyak Kasus Optimasi. Dengan demikian pemanfaatan Riset Operasional bagi MAI perlu untuk dieksplorasi. Optimasi Kasus Pengangkutan Sampah Tipe SCS penting untuk dilakukan. Penyusunan Metoda Optimasi dilakukan dalam 4 tahap dan Penyusunan Tahap 1 sudah diselesaikan. Metoda Optimasi Tahap 2 perlu untuk dibangun, yang berupa : optimasi kombinasi pengaturan n barang ke m kotak angkut. Metoda Optimasi ini telah berhasil dibangun. Prinsip optimasi adalah meminimalkan ruang sisa tiap kotak angkut. Algoritma Optimasi mengikuti 3 langkah utama : susun urutan ukuran barang dari besar ke kecil, keluarkan barang angkut yang tidak layak angkut dan susun kombinasi pemuatan barang yang menghasilkan ruang sisa minimal, secara bertahap dimulai dari ukuran besar ke kecil. Metoda Optimasi telah berhasil di-uji-cob

    Pemikiran Awal tentang Konsep Dasar Manajemen Aset Fasilitas

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    Fasilitas merupakan kebutuhan pokok bagi kehidupan manusia. Fasilitas bisa diartikan sebagai fasilitas bagi kehidupan dan fasilitas yang merupakan bagian dari infrastruktur. Penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan utama sebagai berikut. Karena fasilitas merupakan komponen penting bagi kehidupan, maka fasilitas harus bisa dikelola dengan baik selama masa hidupnya agar bisa selalu berfungsi dengan baik, secara ekonomis, efisien, dan efektif serta sesuai dengan prinsip green. Manajemen Aset Fasilitas siklus terdiri dari tahapan-tahapan sebagai berikut : perencanaan fasilitas, pengadaan fasilitas, sertifikasi dan inventarisasi fasilitas, pemakaian fasilitas, pengembangan fasilitas dan penghapusan fasilitas. Manajemen Aset Fasilitas mengenal dua tatarn manajemen : manajemen fasilitas dan manajemen organisasi pengelola fasilitas
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