7 research outputs found
Liquefaction is a phenomenon where the saturated sandy soil experiences highly excess pore water pressure and loss of effective stress between soil particles simultaneously due to an earthquake. It will have an impact on building damage or failure which laid on sandy soil. Study location was selected at the New International Airport in Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta which was built on loose sandy soil and coincidentally categorized as highly earthquake zone. Based on this, an experiment model was carried out to analyze the behavior of sandy soil when stabilized with Aspergillus fungus as the microorganisms. The loads derived from dynamic loads (earthquake loads) and it will also analyze the changes of soil parameters after the soil stabilization. In a previous study using a fungus with the type of Rhizopus oligosporus, it resulted in a significant increase in soil consistency under certain conditions of water content. From the experiment, it is known that the appropriate percentage of soil mixture consists of ordinary sand with a percentage of 62% plus silt and clay with a percentage of 38%. Aspergillus fungus isolates at a concentration of 10-2 showed good tissue growth and without the presence of foreign substances
The Partnership Benefits in Low-cost Apartment Implementation Program in Surabaya Metropolitan Area
The low-cost apartment implementation program is one of the reliable solutions to reduce housing needs in East Java Province. Eventhough there were many problems facing the low cost apartmen program implementation, private sector is still highly expected to contribute in this program. The objective of this research is to identify public private partnership benefits from stakeholder perception. The benefit variables to better understand the low-cost apartment implementation which obtained from literature review studies were then validated by 32 purposive sampling respondents from both government and private sectors. These variables were then identified and analyzed using statistical analysis. The results show that the benefit factors from both government and private sector perception are better risk allocation and accelarate infrastructure developmen
Waste Management Analysis At Tps 3R Mandiri Sejahtera Singosari Malang
TPS 3R Mandiri Sejahtera using reduce, reuse, and recycle principles are established by government to solve the problems of wastes in the area of the district of Singosari, Malang. According to the monitoring and evaluation processes conducted by the Directorate General of Human Settlements, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing in 2013, it shown that there were several things at the waste management at TPS 3R had been not in accordance with the Guidelines of waste management of Directorate General of Human Settlement. This research aimed to analysis waste management at TPS 3R Mandiri Sejahtera in order to optimize the waste management. This research using descriptive Analysis. The research result showed that the function of existing waste management condition was poor, with score is 167. The result indicated that by optimizing the service up to 3% in every year until 2021, the management of TPS 3R needed to add one tricycle, eight workers for separating waste and one worker for transporting waste and to enlarge the area up to 146 m2 from 578 m2 of current area. The potential optimization processes can be conducted by increasing the coverage of services by 44.81%, the amount of waste which could be transported is 22,30 m3/day
Assessment of Infrastructures Assets Induced by Water Level Fluctuation along the Bengawan Solo River
The stability of infrastructure along river channel, such as bridges and embankments, is paramount to continuing service and public safety, and therefore, is essential consideration in the design, construction and maintenance. During the design process, infrastructure stability is often assumed to be static, and considered by implementing a safety factor which is produced by an analysis of extreme condition. However, this has failed to consider the variability of natural factors and importantly, the escalating threat of extreme environmental condition, induced by global climate change. This assumption should, therefore, be revisited for developing a more resilient design and maintenance regime. To demonstrate the changing infrastructure stability, an assessment of safety factor of river embankment and bridge foundation as nearby infrastructures along Bengawan Solo River’s channel and estuary is presented. This was undertaken to determine the impact of water level fluctuation during two extreme conditions during dry and rainy seasons in several critical locations. The river characteristics (i.e. morphology, water fluctuations, velocity, and sub-soil characteristics), embankment conditions and bridge pile foundation were investigated in-situ to assess the change of safety factor. The laboratory investigation focused on river and embankment characteristics including the analysis of the drying-wetting conditions. In-situ and laboratory investigations found an extreme condition which the infrastructures are subjected into, where the water level and flow velocity were 3 m and 0.04 - 0.27 m/s during dry season; and 10 m and 0.46 - 0.84 m/s during rainy season. Furthermore, from the analysis, it can be concluded that certain areas in the river do not meet the minimum requirements for bridge foundation and embankment stability
Studi Pengaruh Pembebanan Statis Dan Dinamis Terhadap Pondasi Dangkal Dengan Perkuatan Tiang Buis Dari Komposisi Optimal Beton Yang Menggunakan Material Limbah Di Kabupaten Gresik (Pemodelan Di Laboratorium)
Tanah merupakan bagian penting dalam suatu konstruksi yang mempunyai fungsi menyangga konstruksi di atasnya. Salah satunya adalah tanah alluvial yang ada di Kabupaten Gresik. Tanah alluvial merupakan tanah lempung yang memiliki nilai kembang susut yang cukup tinggi, sehingga belum tentu tanah tersebut baik digunakan untuk pendukung kekuatan struktur. Tidak mengherankan apabila sering terjadi naik turunnya tanah pada pondasi bangunan rumah sederhana tiga lantai yang diakibatkan penurunan tanah. Dalam perkembangan konstruksi saat ini, kebutuhan material konstruksi semakin meningkat sehingga menghasilkan inovasi-inovasi baru teknologi konstruksi. Adanya berbagai material baru yang diambil dari limbah-limbah industri yang bisa digunakan sebagai pengganti beberapa material yang lain. Beberapa limbah industri yang masih bisa dimanfaatkan adalah flyash, batu putih, dan copper slag, yang ada di Kabupaten Gresik. Penelitian ini akan dilaksanakan di laboratorium dengan menggunakan tanah yang dikondisikan seperti tanah di daerah Gresik, yaitu tanah yang dibuat dari campuran pasir 66,34% bentonit 33,66% dengan nilai LL 62,43%. Pemodelan pondasi yaitu model segitiga dan persegi (L/B = 2) dengan/tanpa perkuatan tiang buis beton dengan beban arah vertikal sebesar 10 kg, 20kg, 30kg, 40kg. Pondasi dengan komposisi campuran 50%:50% memiliki penurunan yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan komposisi campuran 80% flyash:20% semen. Luas telapak pondasi yang lebih kecil (persegi L/B= 2) memiliki penurunan lebih besar dibandingkan dengan luas telapak besar (segitiga). Pondasi tanpa perkuatan memiliki penurunan terbesar dari pada pondasi dengan perkuatan dan penurunan pondasi pada percepatan gempa 0,2g lebih besar dari pada 0,15g dan semakin besar volume berat tanah (γt), geser tanah (C), derajat kejenuhan (Sr), dan porositas (n) penurunan besar sedangkan semakin kecil angka pori (e) penurunan besar
Interpretasi Filter Fraser dan Karous-Hjelt pada Data VLF-EM untuk Mengidentifikasi Air Lindi di Area TPA Ngipik
Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mendeteksi keberadaan air lindi dengan metode VLF dimana pengolahan data yang dilakukan menggunakan Filter Fraser dan Karous-Hjlet. Hasil filter Fraser menghasilkan perpotongan grafik Inphase dan Quadrature yang mana anomali dapat dilihat jika grafik tersebut berpotongan pada saat Inphase negatif dan Quadrature positif sedangkan hasil Filter Karous-Hjelt menghasilkan penampang 2 dimensi dengan parameter rapat arus. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh keberadaan air lindi ditunjukkan oleh adanya anomali konduktif pada lintasan 1 berada pada posisi 75-125m, 140-160m dan 210-230m, untuk Lintasan 2 berada pada posisi 20-25 m dan 75-135 m, sedangkan Lintasan 3 berada pada posisi 20-50m, 75-170 m dan 210-250 m. Hasil Filter Fraser dan Karous-Hjelt bisa digunakan untuk mendeteksi keberadaan air lindi yang diinterpretasi secara kualitatif dengan adanya anomali yang bersifat konduktif, namun hanya bisa melihat anomali secara lateral (horizontal