6 research outputs found

    The improvement of corn yield and fresh stover weight through two mass selection techniques in dry land

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    In dieser Studie wurde untersucht, welchen Einfluss die Massenselektion durch Bestäubungssteuerung und Basisindextechniken auf den Ertrag und das Frischstrohgewicht von Mais haben und wie hoch der Anstieg des Ertrags und des Frischstrohgewichts nach sieben Massenselektionszyklen ist. Es wurden unterteilte Blöcke verwendet, um die Umwelteinflüsse während der Selektionszyklen zu reduzieren. Zur Prüfung der Selektionsergebnisse wurde ein randomisierter vollständiger Blockaufbau verwendet. Verglichen mit der Ausgangspopulation zeigten die Ergebnisse nach sieben Zyklen der Massenselektion durch Bestäubungskontrolle eine 43,46%ige Steigerung des Ertrags und eine 79,21%ige Steigerung des Frischstrohgewichts, während die Basisindextechnik eine 59,81%ige Steigerung des Ertrags und eine 103,47%ige Steigerung des Frischstrohgewichts ergab. Die Massenselektion unter Verwendung beider Techniken muss in künftigen Zyklen fortgesetzt werden, um einen höheren Ertrag und ein höheres Frischstrohgewicht zu erzielen.This study aims to determine the response of the yield and fresh stover weight of corn under mass selection by pollination control and base index techniques and to determine the increase in yield and fresh stover after seven mass selection cycles. Subdivided blocks were used to reduce the environmental effects during the selection cycles. A randomized complete block design was used to test the selection results. Compared to the initial population, the results showed a 43.46% increase in yield and a 79.21% increase in fresh stover weight after seven cycles of mass selection by pollination control, while the base index technique produced a 59.81% increase in yield and a 103.47% increase in fresh stover weight. Mass selection using the two techniques needs to be continued in future cycles to obtain a higher yield and fresh stover weight

    Respon Seleksi Indeks Dasar pada Tanaman Jagung (Zea mays L.) di Lahan Kering

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    This research aimed to identificate the selection response, the avarage of yield and fresh stover weight of corn during eight cycles of mass selection with basic index technique and observe the genetic parameter of quantitative characteristics. The randomized block design was used to test the selected with 11 treatment populations. Each treatment was replicated 3 times, in order to obtain 33 experimental units. The experimental data were analyzed with analysis of variance at 5 % levels. The average treatment was tested by the LSD0.05. The selection response was obtained from the simple linear regression coefficient between the observed traits with selection cycles. The result of this research, shows the yield and fresh stover weight has a response mass selection with basic index technique per cycle at 0.230 kgplot-1 (3.39 %) and 10.633 gtan-1 (4.21 %), respectively; both of them moderate catagories. The average of yield of eighth cycle population was higher compare to initial population and Gumarang; but the same with Lamuru variety. The weight of fresh stover was the same between treatments. The yield of initial population, eighth cycle population, Gumarang and Lamuru varieties were 5.653 tha-1; 8.035 tha-1; 5.278 t ha-1 and 7.410 tha-1, respectively. The increased of plant height, total number of leaves per plant, number of fresh leaves at harvest and all yield components, were increased the yield. The increased of fresh stover weight occured when there were increased in plant height, total number of leaves, stem diameter and number of fresh leaves at harvest. The characteristic with the higher genetic effect than the environment effect found in weight of ear harvest, length of ear and yield

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Pertanian Sebagai Media Tanam Pada Teknik Bedeng Permanen Untuk Memenuhi Kebutuhan Sayuran Sehat di Kek Mandalika

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    Bedeng permanen adalah bedeng yang dipergunakan dalam jangka lama dan bertujuan meningkatkan produksi pertanian melalui penerapan pertanian lestari, dan berkelanjutan dengan memanfaatkan limbah pertanian sebagai media tanam serta meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani. Ada tiga prinsip dasar pertanian konservasi yakni: i) menerapkan pengolah tanah minimal atau tanpa olah tanah ii) menerapkan tanaman penutup tanah (cover crops) secara terus-menerus sepanjang tahun, dan  iii) menerapakan diversifikasi tanaman, baik secara  tumpang sari, rotasi tanaman, dan tanam beruntun (relay cropping), terutama antara tanaman non legume dan legume. Tujuan  kegiatan ini adalah mendemonstrasikan penerapan pertanian teknik bedeng permanen untuk mengurangi biaya produksi usahatani. Kegiatan pengabdian ini diharapkan dapat: 1) sebagai contoh penerapan pertanian yang berbasis bedeng permanen dapat  menjaga tanah agar tidak mengalami  erosi dengan menanam  tanaman penutup tanah (cover crops) dan mulsa,  2) sebagai contoh teknik bedeng permanen untuk memelihara stabilitas tanah dan irit biaya, 3) sebagai contoh cara alamiah dalam pemulihan kesuburan  fisik,  kimia dan biologi tanah tegalan, dan 4) sebagai contoh cara peningkatan  produktivitas tanah lahan sawah kering.  Untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut, maka beberapa metode konservasi di sawah diperkenalkan, serta diperkenalkan beberapa jenis tanaman sayuran dan teknis olah tanah minimal. Target luaran yang akan dicapai berupa: (1) Buku panduan pertanian berbasis bedeng permanen, dan (2) materi publikasi ilmiah bidang pengabdian masyarakat yang diterbitkan dalam format jurnal pengabdian pada masyarakat skala lokal di Lingkungan Universitas Mataram

    Teknik Bedeng Permanen Alternatif Mengurangi Biaya Produksi Usahatani Pada Kondisi Pendemi Covid19

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    Permanent raised-beds can be used in several soil seasons and aim to increase production through the application of sustainable and sustainable agriculture and can improve the welfare of farmers. The three basic principles of conservation agriculture are: i) applying minimal or no tillage ii) applying cover crops continuously throughout the year, and iii) applying crop diversification, either by intercropping, crop rotation, and consecutive cropping (relay cropping), especially between non-legume and legume crops. Service activities provide knowledge to farmers by demonstrating the application of permanent bed farming techniques to reduce farm production costs. This activity is expected to: 1) as an example of the application of permanent bed-based agriculture to prevent soil erosion by planting cover crops and mulch, 2) as an example of a permanent bed technique to maintain soil stability and save costs, 3) as an example of a natural way to restore physical, chemical and biological fertility of dry soil, and 4) as an example of how to increase soil productivity in dry paddy fields typology. To achieve this, several conservation methods will be introduced, as well as several types of vegetable crops and minimum tillage techniques will be introduced. 

    Respon Seleksi Massa Secara Tidak Langsung Terhadap Daya Hasil Tanaman Jagung Selama Tujuh Siklus Di Lahan Kering

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    The objective of the research is to investigate the selection response indirectly on the corn yield in dry land, and the yield improvements of yield due to seven cycles. The selection method used were mass selection with and without pollination controll. The method used to minimize environmental effect during selection was subdivided block that (subselection block divided into small plots). In each plot, there was 40 plants, and the number plants selected were 5 %. Randomized Completely Block Design was used to study the selection result. The data collected were analyzed using Analysis of Variance, and the difference between populations were tested using Least Significant Difference in 5 % significant level. The average of selection response per cycle every technique used was gained from polynomial regression coefficient among the characters observed with selection cycle The percentage of the corn yield improvement was gained from the difference between the seventh cycle and the base population, and then, substracted by the base population. The result showed that the response indirectly of mass selection with and without pollination controll were significantly linear, and the values were 47.88 and 72.80 g per plot, respectively. The yield improvements were 43.46 % and 79.21 %, respectivel

    Pertumbuhan dan Distribusi Akar Tanaman Muda Beberapa Genotipe Unggul Jarak Pagar (Jatropha curcas L.)

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    Perbedaan potensi genetik berpengaruh pada kedalaman perakaran, dan jarak pagar mengubah pola tumbuhnya dalam merespon kondisi lingkungan sehingga tanaman dapat tumbuh dan bertahan pada berbagai kondisi dan jenis tanah, maka pemilihan genotype atau varietas yang akan dikembangkan pada suatu kawasan tertentu perlu menjadi pertimbangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahuai pertumbuhan perakaran tanaman muda beberapa genotipe unggul jarak pagar. Pembibitan secara langsung pada polibag berisi media tanah-kompos (1:1 v/v) di bawah naungan paranet selama 2 bulan, sebanyak 3 ulangan (masing-masing 25 bibit). Sejumlah 20 bibit berumur 2 bulan ditanam di lapangan berjarak tanam 1.5x2.0 m diatur secara grid systim. Pengamatan akar dilakukan dengan cara membongkar media tumbuh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa selama periode 6 bulan, tidak ada perbedaan pertumbuhan akar antar genotype.Akar tunggang tumbuh geotropik dengan empat akar lateral yang tumbuh horizontal dan terkonsentrasi pada pangkal akar tunggang, sehingga membentuk sistim perakaran dangkal. Pertumbuhan (panjang dan diameter) akar tunggang tampak lebih mendominasi keempat akar lateral.Kata Kunci: arsitektur akar, biomassa akar, distribusi akar, geotropic ABSTRACTSince there are differences in genetic potential effect on rooting depth, and also Jatropha curcas change the pattern of growth in response to environmental conditions so that the plants can grow and survive in various conditions and soil types, then the selection of genotypes or varieties to be developed in a particular area should be considered. This study aims to know the growth of young plant root of superior genotypes of Jatropha curcas. Seeding directly in polybags plastic containing medium mixtures of soil-compost (1: 1 v/v) under  shade net for 2 months, as many as 3 replicates (each 25 seeds). Some 20 seedlings of 2 months old were field planting with 1.5 m x 2.0 m spacing arranged in a grid system. Root growth observations were done by dig growing medium. The results showed that during the period of 6 months, there were no differences of root growth between genotype. Tap-root grows geotropic with four lateral roots that grow horizontally and concentrated at the base of the taproot, thus forming a shallow rooting system. Root growth, length and diameter, of tap-root appeared to be greater to four lateral roots.Keywords: architectural roots, root biomass, root distribution, geotropi