6 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Leptin terhadap Kadar Interleukin 6 Serum Tikus yang Diberi Pakan Tinggi Lemak

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    Pada keadaan obesitas, meningkatnya jumlah sel lemak merupakan salah satu penyebab meningkatnya sitokin proinflamasi seperti IL-6. Obesitas dapat dimulai dengan terjadinya resistensi leptin. Penurunan resistensi perifer leptin akan mengembalikan fungsi leptin dalam memecah jaringan lemak sehingga kadar IL-6 dalam serum akan turun. Dalam penelitian ini leptin eksogen diberikan untuk mengatasi resistensi perifer leptin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah pemberian leptin eksogen dalam jangka pendek dapat mengatasi resistensi perifer leptin. Penelitian eksperimental dengan post test only control group design. Dua puluh lima tikus jantan dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok yaitu kelompok dengan pakan normal, kelompok dengan pakan tinggi lemak, kelompok pakan tinggi lemak dan pemberian leptin dosis 50 ng/ml; 100 ng/ml; dan 200 ng/ml. Tiap kelompok terdiri dari 5 ekor tikus. Setelah diberi pakan tinggi lemak enam puluh hari, tikus diberi injeksi leptin intravena sekali sehari selama 3 hari. Pada hari ke 3 setelah pemberian leptin, tikus dibedah dan diambil darahnya dari aorta. Darah disentrifus, untuk memisahkan serum dengan hematokrit, kemudian diukur kadar IL-6 dalam serum. Tikus yang diberi pakan tinggi lemak kadar IL-6 dalam serum lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kelompok yang diberi pakan normal. Tikus yang diberi pakan tinggi lemak dan pemberian leptin mempunyai kadar IL-6 dalam serum yang lebih rendah. Disimpulkan bahwa pemberian leptin eksogen dapat mengatasi resistensi leptin sehingga kadar IL-6 dalam serum menurun.In obesity, the increasing amount of fat cells is one among many factors that causes raise in proinflammatory cytokine such as IL-6. Obesity may begin with leptin resistance. Decline in leptin pe­ripheral resistance will return leptin function in breaking down fat tissues hence the serum concentration of IL-6 will decrease. In this study, exogenous leptin was given to overcome leptin peripheral resistance. This study aims to investigate whether short course of exogenous leptin administration can overcome leptin peripheral resistance. Experimental research with posttest only control group design. Twenty five male mouses were divided into 5 groups which are: group with normal diet, high fat diet, high fat diet with 50 ng/ml leptin administration, high fat diet with 100 ng/ml leptin administration, high fat diet with 200 ng/ ml leptin administration. Every group consists of 5 mouses. After given high fat diet for 60 days, mouses were given intravenous leptin injection once daily for 3 days. On the 3rd day after leptin administration, mice were resected and blood was taken from the aorta. The blood was centrifuged to separate the serum from the hematocrit, and then concentration of IL-6 was measured from the serum. Mouses given high fat diet had higher serum IL-6 concentration compared with control group. Mouses with high fat diet with leptin administration had lower serum IL-6 concentration. It can be concluded that exogenous leptin can overcome leptin resistance, thus serum IL-6 concentration decreases


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    ABSTRAK   Periodontitis merupakan keradangan pada jaringan pendukung gigi yang menyebabkan kerusakan tulang alveolar. Bakteri Aggregatibacter actinomycetecomitans menghasilkan  Lipopolisakarida (LPS) yang dapat meningkatkan aktivitas osteoklas. Teh hijau memiliki kandungan epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) yang dapat menurunkan aktivitas dan diferensiasi sel osteoklas dengan menghambat peningkatan RANKL. Tujuan: untuk mengetahui efek  ekstrak daun teh hijau (Camellia sinensis) terhadap penurunan jumlah sel osteoklas tulang alveolar tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) dengan diinduksi lipopolisakarida. Metode: Tikus putih sebanyak 28 ekor dibagi dalam 4 kelompok, yaitu Kelompok K- (tidak diberi perlakuan), Kelompok K+ (diinduksi LPS Aa), Kelompok P1 dan Kelompok P2 (masing-masing diinduksi LPS Aa dan diberi ekstrak daun teh hijau dengan dosis 150 mg / 100 gram BB dan 200 mg / 100 gram BB). Tikus didekaputasi untuk diambil tulang alveolar rahang bawah dan dilakukan pengamatan sel osteoklas dengan pewarnaan HE. Hasil: terdapat perbedaan jumlah sel osteoklas yang signifikan antar kelompok (One Way Anova, p0,05). Kesimpulan: ekstrak daun teh hijau (Camellia sinensis) mempunyai efek terhadap penurunan jumlah sel osteoklas tulang alveolar tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) dengan diinduksi lipopolisakarida dimana dosis efektif ekstrak daun teh hijau 150mg/100grBB.   Kata Kunci : Ekstrak daun teh hijau, Osteoklas, Lipopolisakarida, tulang alveolar     ABSTRACT   Periodontitis is an inflammation in teeth supporting tissue thus allowing the destruction in alveolar bone. Aggregatibacter actinomycetecomitans bacteria which produces lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to increase osteoclast production. Green tea contains epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) which is able to decrease the activity and differentiation of osteoclast by obstructing the increase of RANKL expression. Objectives: To determine the effects of green tea (Camelia Sinensis) extract towards decreasing number of osteoclast in white rat’s (Rattus Norvegicus) socket which is induced by lipopolysaccharide. Methode: the 28 rats is divided into 4 groups. The groups are K- group (the experimental animals weren’t given any treatment), K+ group (the experimental animals were induced by Aa’s LPS), P1 and P2 group (the experimental animals were induced by Aa’s LPS and with 150 mg/100 g and 200 mg/100 g weight of green tea extract).The rats will be sacrificed and dissected to take its lower jaw’s alveolar bone. Then HE staining is done to observe the osteoclast. Result: There is a significant difference in osteoclast number in each group. (The One-way ANOVA, (p0,05). Conclusion: The green tea (Camellia Sinensis) extract has an effect towards the decrease of osteoclast number on White Rat’s (Rattus norvegicus) alveolar bone which is induced with lipopolysaccharide, and the effective dose is 150 mg/100 g weight. Keywords: Green Tea Lesf Extract, Osteoclast, Lipopolysaccharide, Alveolar Bon

    Study of some biochemical parameters in young men as effected by Ramadan Fasting

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    The effect of Ramadan fasting on some blood parameters i.e. serum glucose, urea, uric acid, lipids and proteins, were investigated on young men in Ar Rohmah Islamic dormitory. Nineteen normal and healthy students aging between 12-25 years, residing in the Islamic dormitory, voluntarily to participated in the study. Blood samples were obtained from the volunteers on the 1st and 26th day of Ramadan and analyzed for the aforementioned biochemical parameters. A non-significant effect of Ramadan fasting was observed on most of the parameters studied. However, serum urea, triglycerides, total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol were reduced significantly (p0.05) but remained within the physiological limits. Decrease in blood urea has been attributed to the effect of at least protein and triglycerides intake to increase lipolytic effect. The reduction in serum cholesterol and LDL is a beneficial effect of Ramadan fasting. The results of the study indicated thatRamadan fasting is quite safe for normal healthy adults


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    The objective of study was to assess the diet quality and its relation to nutrition knowledge, body mass index (BMI), and socio economic status (SES) among adults person. The cross sectional study was conducted with 100 adults aged ≥25 years old from Kedung Kandang sub district, Malang. Dietary quality was assessed using two non-consecutive 24-h dietary recalls and semi quantitative FFQ. Nutrition knowledge questionnaire was modified from Parmenter and Wardle. The most subjects were middle SES and the BMI were normal and overweight. The average of diet quality score was 7.14±1.96 with dietary diversity score 1.93±0.43; micronutrient adequacy score 2.3±1.4; prevention NCD score 2.87±0.92. Nutrition knowledge score was 43.3±24.6 with dietary recommendation 9.3±3.6; sources of nutrients 14±11.5; choosing foods 6.3±4.9; diet-disease relationships 13.7±8.6. Nutrition knowledge score was no correlation with BMI, dietary diversity, prevention NCD score, but positively associated with SES, quality diet, micronutrient adequacy score. SES was no associated with BMI and quality diet index. Dietary diversity score was associated with BMI. Diet quality score was associated with nutrition knowledge but no correlation with BMI and SES. The conclusion is diet quality and nutrition knowledge was still poor and not correlated with BMI and SES, but only nutrition knowledge score

    Pengaruh Jus Terong Ungu Terhadap Ketebalan Dinding Aorta Pada Tikus Putih Dengan Diet Aterogenik

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    Aterosklerosis merupakan penyakit kronik yang kompleks akibat penumpukan lemak pada dinding pembuluh darah. Terong ungu mengandung antosianin yang di isolasi dari warna ungu kulit terong. Antosianin yang ditemukan adalah delphinidin-3-(p-coumaroyl rutinoside)-5 glucoside (nasunin) yang berfungsi untuk melawan peroksidasi lemak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jus terong ungu (Solanum melongena L.) terhadap ketebalan dinding aorta pada tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus strain Wistar) yang diberi diet aterogenik. Penelitian True Experimental Laboratoric dengan metode Control Group Post Test Design ini menggunakan sampel tikus putih yang dipelihara di Laboratorium Farmakologi FKUB. Pemilihan sampel menggunakan metode RAL (Rancangan Acak Lengkap) dengan jumlah sampel total 30 tikus putih. Data diolah dan dianalisis menggunakan SPSS 16. Uji statistik menggunakan one way ANOVA dan uji lanjutan Post hoc Tukey. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan antara ketebalan dinding aorta yang diukur dari tunika intima sampai tunika media pada kelompok kontrol positif diet aterogenik terhadap kelompok perlakuan dosis I (1,3 gr/3 ml), dosis II (2,6 gr/3 ml) dan dosis III (5,2 gr/3 ml) jus terong ungu (p=0,000; p<0,05). Berdasarkan penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa jus terong ungu berpengaruh dalam menghambat penebalan dinding aorta pada tikus putih. Dosis III (5,2 gr/3 ml) merupakan dosis efektif untuk menghambat penebalan dinding aorta


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    ABSTRACTThe objective of study was to assess the diet quality and its relation to nutrition knowledge, body mass index (BMI), and socio economic status (SES) among adults person. The cross sectional study was conducted with 100 adults aged ≥25 years old from Kedung Kandang sub district, Malang. Dietary quality was assessed using two non-consecutive 24-h dietary recalls and semi quantitative FFQ. Nutrition knowledge questionnaire was modified from Parmenter and Wardle. The most subjects were middle SES and the BMI were normal and overweight. The average of diet quality score was 7.14±1.96 with dietary diversity score 1.93±0.43; micronutrient adequacy score 2.3±1.4; prevention NCD score 2.87±0.92. Nutrition knowledge score was 43.3±24.6 with dietary recommendation 9.3±3.6; sources of nutrients 14±11.5; choosing foods 6.3±4.9; diet-disease relationships 13.7±8.6. Nutrition knowledge score was no correlation with BMI, dietary diversity, prevention NCD score, but positively associated with SES, quality diet, micronutrient adequacy score. SES was no associated with BMI and quality diet index. Dietary diversity score was associated with BMI. Diet quality score was associated with nutrition knowledge but no correlation with BMI and SES. The conclusion is diet quality and nutrition knowledge was still poor and not correlated with BMI and SES, but only nutrition knowledge score.Keywords: diet quality, nutrition knowledge, socio economic statusABSTRAKTujuan penelitian mengkaji kualitas diet dan hubungannya dengan pengetahuan gizi, indek massa tubuh (IMT), dan status sosial ekonomi (SSE) pada orang dewasa. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan cross sectional study pada 100 orang dewasa usia ≥25 tahun dari Kecamatan Kedung Kandang, Malang. Kualitas makanan diukur dengan 24-hour recall selama dua hari yang tidak berurutan dan semi quantitative FFQ, kuesioner pengetahuan gizi terstruktur dimodifikasi dari Parmenter dan Wardle. Umumnya subjek dengan SSE menengah dan IMT normal dan overweight. Rata-rata skor kualitas diet adalah 7.14±1.96 dengan skor dietary diversity 1.93±0.43; skor kecukupan zat gizi mikro 2.3±1.4; skor pencegahan penyakit tidak menular (PTM) 2.87±0.92. Skor pengetahuan gizi 43.3±24.6 meliputi rekomendasi makanan 9.3±3.6; sumber zat gizi 14±11.47; pemilihan makanan 6.3±4.96; hubungan diet-penyakit 13.7±8.6. Skor pengetahuan gizi tidak berhubungan dengan IMT, skor dietary diversity dan skor PTM, namun berhubungan posistif dengan SSE, total skor kualitas diet dan skor kecukupan zat gizi mikro. SSE tidak berhubungan dengan IMT dan semua aspek indek kualitas diet. IMT hanya berhubungan dengan skor dietary diversity. Sementara skor kualitas diet berhubungan dengan pengetahuan gizi namun tidak dengan IMT dan SSE. Kesimpulan adalah skor kualitas diet dan pengetahuan gizi masih rendah. Kualitas diet hanya berhubungan dengan pengetahuan gizi namun tidak dengan IMT dan SSE.Kata kunci: kualitas diet, pengetahuan gizi, status sosial ekonom