7 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Analisis Statik Prototype Knuckle Mobil Kancil

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    Analysis of Kancil\u27s Knuckle Prototype. The objective of this work is to execute strength analysis of knuckle, whichis made from FCD 50, by using static analysis on maximum loading. This maximum loading is obtained from front axleloading calculation on particular operating condition. That is, vehicle is braking while cornering in down hill. Fromprevious vehicle loading calculation, we get a number of loading values on different speed and deceleration. At the end,we get a value of speed and deceleration that guarantee the vehicle safety if it is braking while cornering in down hill.As comparison, loading calculation is executed too for same operating condition on level ground. This is because ofdifferent deceleration for each operating condition, 0,5g for operating condition on downhill and 0,2g on level ground.The result shows that maximum loading occurred when vehicle is operated on down hill is larger than on level ground.Study of static focused on quantitative description of loads that act on technical structure in equilibrium

    Karakteristik Mekanik Komposit Lamina Serat Rami Epoksi Sebagai Bahan Alternatif Soket Prostesis

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    Mechanical properties of ramie fiber reinforced epoxy lamina composite for socket prosthesis. This paper presentsan investigation into the application of natural fiber composite especially ramie fiber reinforced epoxy laminacomposite for socket prosthesis. The research focuses on the tensile and shear strength from ramie fiber reinforcedepoxy lamina composite which will be applied as alternative material for socket prosthesis. The research based onAmerican Society for Testing Material (ASTM) standard D 3039/D 3039M for tensile strength and ASTM D 4255/D4255M-83 for shear strength. The ramie fiber applied is a fiber continue 100 % Ne14\u27S with Epoxy Resin Bakelite EPR174 as matrix and Epoxy Hardener V-140 as hardener. The sample composite test made by hand lay up method.Multiaxial characteristic from ramie fiber reinforced epoxy composite will be compared with ISO standard forplastic/polymer for health application and refers strength of material application at Prosthetics and Orthotics. Theanalysis was completed with the mode of the failure and the failure criterion observation by using Scanning ElectronMicroscope (SEM). Based on results of the research could be concluded that ramie fiber reinforced epoxy compositecould be developed further as the alternative material for socket prosthesis on Vf 40-50%. Results of the research willbe discussed in more detail in this paper

    Pengaruh Externalitas Pada Stuktur Biaya Produksi Biodiesel Mikroalga Sebagai Sumber Energi Ramah Lingkungan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan biomassa mikroalga sebagai bahan baku biodieselalternatif yang ramah lingkungan. Perbandingan semua variabel biaya produksi antara mikroalgadan biodiesel kelapa sawit menggunakan proses produksi sistem analisis siklus analisis siklus hidupdiperpanjang (extended LCA) di evaluasi. Penggunaan sistem extended LCA dapat mencakupisemua variabel komoditas lingkungan sehingga potensi biomassa mikroalga sebagai materialyang terbarukan, rendah dalam penggunaan lahan dan berkelanjutan dapat dipromosikan. Nilai-nilai variabel komoditas lingkungan diperkirakan melalui pendekatan kesediaan membayar (WTP)menggunakan perangkat lunak yang di kembangkan oleh Strategi Prioritas Lingkungan (EPS).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada peningkatan biaya produksi biodiesel dari mikroalga danminyak sawit setelah dimasukkannya biaya variabel eksternalitas nya. Biaya produksi biodieseltertinggi berasal dari tahap segar produksi biomassa tandan buah kelapa sawit (49%-64 %) daritotal biaya. Analisis extended LCA menyimpulkan bahwa kenaikan mikroalga dan biaya produksiminyak biodiesel sawit adalah sekitar 2,6 % dan 17,7%. Biomassa untuk produksi biodiesel darimikroalga relatif lebih ramah lingkungan dibandingkan dari kelapa sawit karena berbagai kendalapada penggunaan mikroalga dapat ditangani. Selain itu, mikroalga memiliki kontribusi yang signifikandalam gas rumah kaca (GRK) mitigasi dengan mengganti bahan bakar fosil di masa depan melaluiperannya sebagai biodiesel