14 research outputs found

    PENGARUH TERAPI SULIH HORMON ESTROGEN, PREPARAT KALSIUM DAN KOMBINASINYA PADA TULANG MANDIBULA (Studi eksperimental laboratorik pada tikus Wistar setelah ovariektomi)

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of ovariectomy, the influences of estrogen replacement therapy and/or suppelment CavitD3 on mandible's calcium contents of animal's models. Forty-five female rats were used in this research. Five rates were sacrificed for unoperated basal controls and the others were bilaterally ovariectomized. The ovariectomized animals were divided into 8 groups and two of these groups were only ovariectomized, the others were treated by estrogen replacement therapy. CavitD3 and combination of both per oral for 2 and 4 weeks and then were sacrificed. Mandible's calcium contents were analyzed by Ion Selective Electrode after demineralized with 10% phosphoric acid for 24 hours. Result : there were significant increased of mandible's calcium content at 2 weeks post-ovariectomy, but the results decreased at 4 weeks post-ovariectomy. Estrogen replacement therapy and treated with CavitD3 for 2 and 4 weeks or combination of both for 2 weeks increased the mandible's calcium contents of ovariectomized rats, but therapy combination with estrogen and CavitD3 for 4 weeks had a protective effect to mandible's calcium contents of ovariectomized rats

    Efficacy of Essential Oil Strips Containing Thymol, Eucalyptol, Menthol, Methyl Salicylate, and Peppermint Against Dental Caries

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    Background: Strips containing essential oils are commonly used as an alternative treatment for dental caries prevention. However, their efficacy is unknown. This study aimed to test the efficacy of oral strips containing essential oils on caries prevention. Methods: This was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study with 15 subjects divided into two groups: A and B. In the first week, group A (N = 8) was given strips containing thymol, eucalyptol, menthol, methyl salicylate, and peppermint (TEMMP) three times in 24 hours while group B (N = 7) was given placebo strips. In the second week, after a one-week washout period, each group was given the other product. Pre- and post-treatment evaluation was performed by measuring plaque acidity using a pH plaque indicator and determining the number of S.mutans colonies using a hand counter. Results: There was no significant difference between plaque pH and S.mutans count in subjects given TEMMP strips compared to placebo. Conclusions: The use of TEMMP essential oil strips does not significantly inhibit the growth of S.mutans or the production of plaque

    Effect Of Dentifrice Containing Propol1s On Mutans Of

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    ABSTRAK Propotis seeing clisebut" Antilafotik alarniar Penetian diberbagal negara menunjukan bahwa propolis rnernpunyai efek dayaliambat terhadap pelbagai mikroorganisme. Panelotion yang terdahuhr telatl terbuktf bahwa Ethanolic Extract of Prop() ( EEP) dengari korhsentrasi 62,5 rriernpunyal days antimikroba terhadap strain local human Streptococcus mutans yang dilsciasi deli manusia dan strift standard Streptococcus mutans KPS,K2, Streptococcus mulans trig Britt Strepirococus sobrinus B13,. njuarr penelltian xrlr adafah mengukur sensfeivitas pasta gig\u27 yang rrienganung proPOHE tedradap kuman Streptococcus inutan. Methoda. Menyetioriki pasta gigi yang mengandung pmpolls dapat mengharnbat pertumbuhan kuman Streptococcus rnotan.F. 0 vitro dengan mengukur zona hambatan, kadaf hambal minimum 01/11C) darn kadar hambat bakti,3risfda Unit anallsis adalah strain lokal Streptococcus mutans yang diisolasi den pendoduklau Keiapa Indonesia diberi label Sfriutensl, S.mutans2, amulans3, Sinutansel. S.mu1ans5. S.mutans6. Perhltungan statistik yang digunakan adaleh deskripti. Hasil perrelitian: (R IC) 10-1mLrafa-rata tuna hambatan 2..00 mm untuk S.motans1fMIC) 10-`/ml, rata-rata zona hartrbatan 1.90 mm untuk S.rnutaris2(MIC) rata-rata zone hambatan own untuk S.mutans3(MIC) 04./rril, rata-rata zona nambatan 1.50 mm untuk S.mutans4(MIC) 10-/ml, rata zone harnbalarr 1.20 mm untuk S.mutansa. (mic) 10Vm1, rata-rata zone hambatan 2.60 rnm untuk S.rnutans6 dan (MAC? dua kali den[ an kadar (MC). kesimpulan: Pada periefilian trtr inenurtfukan baNwa pasta gig+ yang mengandung propolis inernpunyai daya harnbal terhadap pertumbutian kumarr Streptococcus mutans yang dlisolasir dan penduduk Palau kelapa Indonesia. Pasta gigi yang rnengandang propolis dapat digunakan untuk mengantislpasi rfsiko ferliichoya karles orimasa mendatang. Kea krrrlci. ReopoWsr Pasta Gigi, Streptococcus inutan

    Efficacy of Essential Oil Strips Containing Thymol, Eucalyptol, Menthol, Methyl Salicylate, and Peppermint Against Dental Caries

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    Background: Strips containing essential oils are commonly used as an alternative treatment for dental caries prevention. However, their efficacy is unknown. This study aimed to test the efficacy of oral strips containing essential oils on caries prevention. Methods: This was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study with 15 subjects divided into two groups: A and B. In the first week, group A (N = 8) was given strips containing thymol, eucalyptol, menthol, methyl salicylate, and peppermint (TEMMP) three times in 24 hours while group B (N = 7) was given placebo strips. In the second week, after a one-week washout period, each group was given the other product. Pre- and post-treatment evaluation was performed by measuring plaque acidity using a pH plaque indicator and determining the number of S.mutans colonies using a hand counter. Results: There was no significant difference between plaque pH and S.mutans count in subjects given TEMMP strips compared to placebo. Conclusions : The use of TEMMP essential oil strips does not significantly inhibit the growth of S.mutans or the production of plaque

    Studi Evaluasi Tugas dan Fungsi Kandepkes Kabupaten/kota Madya dalam Pengelolaan Program Kesehatan di Daerah Tingkat II

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    A study to evaluate the performance of the District Office of Ministry of Health (DO-MOH) was carried out during the fiscal year of 1991/1992. Specific objectives of this study were to evaluate the organization of the DO-MOH as stated in the policy of MOH and to look at the implementation of coordination, integration and synchronization of the DO-MOH with the local related health agencies and local administrator. "Mail survey" in 301 DO-MOH throughout Indonesia, modified focus group discussion (MFGD) and indepth interview in 9 DO-MOH samples in South Kalimantan, Yogyakarta and South Sulawesi Provinces were carried out to achieve the objectives of this evaluative study. Descriptive and qualitative methods were used for data analysis. It was found that facilities, manpower, budget, management including coordination, integration and synchronization as well as other performances of most of the DO-MOH were still far beyond expected e.g 60.9% of DO-MOH were still using other building to carry out the daily routine jobs, 96,4% did not have stencil machines, 50,4% did not have calculators, 81.5% DO-MOH had 1-5 personnels who were still partimers, 51% did not carry out the managerial functions of DO-MOH. In the context of solving the problems faced by the DO-MOH there have been 5 proposed alternatives for structural and functional communications with the health units at provincial, regency, and district levels. There may be beneficial as well as unbeneficial aspects of these 5 alternatives, depending on the present existing conditions and the future expected health trends

    Impact of Undergraduate Research as a Compulsory Course in the Dentistry Study Program Universitas Indonesia

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    Undergraduate (UG) research is regarded as a fundamental component in dental education. The present study was designed to examine the perception of the clinical students and the graduates of dentistry profession programs in the past 10 years on UG research as a compulsory course at the Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Indonesia. A total of 310 respondents, consisting of clinical students (64.8%) and alumni (35.2%), participated in this study. The majority of respondents (81.3%) agreed to UG research as part of compulsory courses in the curriculum of dentistry study programs. The positive impact of UG research on their professional careers was perceived by 78.3% of participants. Only 11.6% of participants responded that UG research experiments were not important in dental education, and 18.7% preferred UG research as an elective course. UG research as a compulsory course in the dental curriculum was well received by the majority of participants. Recommendations included student autonomy to select research topics of interest, longer duration to complete UG research, and more opportunities to present the research results in scientific conferences and to publish in scientific journals. Dental schools and their faculties play essential roles in improving the research environment for undergraduate dental students

    PENGARUH TERAPI SULIH HORMON ESTROGEN, PREPARAT KALSIUM DAN KOMBINASINYA PADA TULANG MANDIBULA (Studi eksperimental laboratorik pada tikus Wistar setelah ovariektomi)

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    <p>The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of ovariectomy, the influences of estrogen replacement therapy and/or suppelment CavitD<sub>3 </sub>on mandible's calcium contents of animal's models. Forty-five female rats were used in this research. Five rates were sacrificed for unoperated basal controls and the others were bilaterally ovariectomized. The ovariectomized animals were divided into 8 groups and two of these groups were only ovariectomized, the others were treated by estrogen replacement therapy. CavitD<sub>3 </sub>and combination of both per oral for 2 and 4 weeks and then were sacrificed. Mandible's calcium contents were analyzed by Ion Selective Electrode after demineralized with 10% phosphoric acid for 24 hours. Result : there were significant increased of mandible's calcium content at 2 weeks post-ovariectomy, but the results decreased at 4 weeks post-ovariectomy. Estrogen replacement therapy and treated with CavitD<sub>3 </sub>for 2 and 4 weeks or combination of both for 2 weeks increased the mandible's calcium contents of ovariectomized rats, but therapy combination with estrogen and CavitD<sub>3 </sub>for 4 weeks had a protective effect to mandible's calcium contents of ovariectomized rats.</p