4 research outputs found

    Fishing characterization in a fishing community in the town of Paço do Lumiar, Maranhão, Brazil / Caracterização da pesca em uma comunidade de pesqueira na cidade do Paço do Lumiar, Maranhão, Brasil

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    Artisanal fishing is one of the main economic activities in Brazilian communities and it is also an important source of animal protein. The community of Mocajituba, located in the municipality of Paço do Lumiar, in the locality there is an association responsible for the organization of the activity in the region. The main catches in this community are fish and shellfish. Thus, his study aimed to characterize the fishing fleet, the main species landed and the fishing trade in order to provide necessary support for the creation of management plans to enable the strengthening of fishing in the community. Data were collected through the application of questionnaires and analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. A total of 99 fishermen were interviewed and the results showed that artisanal fishing is a source of income and food for the community. They use small boats in areas near the local port with limited fishing gear. The Data indicate the importance of the elaboration of a plan for management of shared resources, resulting in the valorization of the artisanal fisherman and sustainability of the fishing activity

    Uses and Misuses of the Paciência River and its Modifications as a Consequence of the Urbanization / Usos e Desusos do Rio Paciência e suas Alterações como Consequências da Urbanização

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as mudanças em um trecho do rio Paciência, através da percepção dos moradores da comunidade Dom Ricardo. A hipótese trabalhada no presente estudo foi de que as ações antrópicas contribuíram para os impactos ambientais que acabaram na degradação do rio. Para realizar a pesquisa, foi utilizada a técnica de bola de neve. Os Moradores da comunidade relataram que o lixo produzido em suas casas é colocado em um contêiner que foi instalado dentro do campus da Universidade Estadual do Maranhão e também em lixões localizados perto de suas casas. Todos os entrevistados acreditam que o rio está poluído por efluentes domésticos associados aos resíduos sólidos como o principal tipo de poluição observado. As modificações observadas no rio ao longo dos anos foram principalmente a largura e profundidade e aspectos relacionados à cor de sua água. Observou-se que, em geral, os moradores são indiferentes ou não se importam com o rio, pois não possuem nenhum tipo de relação com o mesmo. Assim, preservação desse corpo hídrico depende de ações integradas realizadas na Ilha do Maranhão, como de conscientização, preservação e recuperação

    Histopathological and hematological biomarkers in tambaqui Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier, 1816) from an environmental protection area of Maranhão, Brazil

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    This study analyzed histopathological (gill lesions) and hematological (erythrocyte abnormalities) changes in tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) in order to evaluate the water quality of fish farms in the Environmental Protection Area (EPA) of Maracanã, Maranhão, Brazil. Specimens of tambaqui were captured in two areas of EPA: A1) Serena Lagoon, and A2) River Ambude, in two seasonal periods, rainy and dry. For the hematological analyses, slides were made from the blood smear collected from the branchial arch of the fish. In the laboratory, the gills of each specimen were fixed in 10% formalin and maintained in 70% alcohol until the usual histological technique. The branchial changes were more frequent during the dry season in both areas. In the fish collection in A2, the following changes were noted: mucosal cells (78%), lamellar fusion (90%), lamellar disorganization (100%), lamellar narrowing (100%), and epithelial displacement (96%). In the fish collection in A1, the main lesions were: aneurysm (88%), dilation of the capillaries (82%), rupture of the capillaries (60%). In addition, nuclear alterations, such as binucleate cells (BC), cells with an evaginated nucleus (CEN) and cells with a lobulated carved nucleus (CLCN), were observed in the fish from both areas. The frequency of abnormalities was higher in the fish from A2 (74%) when compared to the fish from A1 (26%). In conclusion, we found that these alterations proved to be sensitive biomarkers capable of differentiating water quality and fish health status in the two systems in the Maracanã EPA