19 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi E-Culture Topeng Cirebon dengan Augmented Reality Berbasis Android

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    Indonesia terdiri dari berbagai suku bangsa yang kaya akan keanekaragaman budaya. Salah satunya adalah budaya kesenian dari Cirebon Jawa barat yaitu kesenian topeng Cirebon. Topeng Cirebon merupakan budaya Cirebon yang saat ini kurang dikenal secara mendalam oleh masyarakat, masyarakat hanya mengetahui bentuk topeng Cirebon tanpa mengetahui nama, jenis, dan arti yang terkandung pada setiap topeng Cirebon. Saat ini topeng Cirebon sudah digantikan oleh hiburan – hiburan tarian modern dan hiburan musik dangdut yang saat ini sedang marak. Perkembangan teknologi yang sangat pesat membawa teknologi baru yang saat ini sedang berkembang yaitu augmented reality. Augmented reality adalah penggabungan antara objek dunia nyata dan virtual. Teknologi ini di terapkan pada aplikasi e-Culture topeng Cirebon, augmented reality diterapkan dengan menggunakan teknik face detection, dengan teknik ini kamera akan mendeteksi wajah dan menampilkan objek topeng Cirebon. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memudahkan masyarakat dalam mengenali dan mempelajari kebudayaan topeng Cirebon. Pembangunan aplikasi e-Culture ini menggunakan software unity 3D, 3D Studio Max dan library XZIMG. Hasil dari penelitian ini berhasil membangun aplikasi e-Culture sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengguna aplikasi. Dengan diterapkannya aplikasi ini mampu meningkatkan minat masyarakat dalam melestarikan dan menjaga kesenian topeng Cirebon serta memudahkan masyarakat dalam mengenali budaya topeng Cirebon

    Implementing Scientific Approach of 2013 Curriculum at KTSP-Based School for Teaching Present Continuous Tense

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    In teaching learning process, there are a lot of students have difficulties in learning English, especially grammar. The students\u27 mastery in grammar at SMP Taman Siswa Teluk Betung is also still low. Therefore, the objective of the research is to know the influence of using scientific approach in curriculum 2013 towards students\u27 mastery in present continuous tense at the eighth grade of SMP Taman Siswa Teluk Betung in the academic year of 2015/2016. In this research, the writer used quasi experimental design by employing control group pretest-posttest design and also conducting tryout to get a good instrument. The population of this research was all students at eighth grade of SMP Taman Siswa Teluk Betung which consisted of 130 students in four classes. The writer took two classes as the sample by using cluster random sampling. In the experimental class the writer used scientific approach in curriculum 2013, whereas in the control class the writer used grammar translation method. Each class received the same pretest and posttest. There were five meetings in each class during the research, including one meeting for pretest, three meetings for treatments and one meeting for posttest. In collecting the data, the writer used test in the form of multiple choice question. The data was analyzed by using Mann-Whitney U, because the data were not in normal distribution. Based on the result of the hyphothesis test that is computated by using non-parametric statistics, Mann-Whitney U, it can be seen that the Pvalue (sig)= .000 and <α= 0.05. It means that Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected. It can be concluded that there was influence of using scientific approach in curriculum 2013 towards students\u27 mastery in present continuous tense at the eighth grade of SMP Taman Siswa Teluk Betung

    The Role of Health Promotion and Family Support with Attitude of Couples Childbearing Age in Following Family Planning Program in Health

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    Background: Problems that affect the attitude of spouses of fertile age (EFA) program in Family Planning (KB) including the lack of a role for health promotion and support of her husband so that the EFA has not been able to regulate the number and spacing, prevent pregnancy repeatedly in the time period is too short. The purpose of this research is to know Relations Role Of Health Promotion And Support Husband With Attitude Of Couples Childbearing Age. Methods: This research design was analitik korelasional with cross sectional approach. The respondents was taken with a purposive sampling technique that meets the criteria of inclusion and exclusion. The population studied was all Couples Childbearing AgeIn Health Center South Territory City Kediriwith a sample of 522 people. Results: The results showed that Health Promotionknown that the majority of respondents in the Good categories as many as 300 (58%) respondents. Support Husband known that the majority of respondents in the Enough categories as many as 222 (52%)respondents. Attitude Of Couples Childbearing Age In Following Family Planning Programknown that the almoust half of respondents in the Enough categories as many as 222 (42%) respondents. Results of data analysis showed that P = 0,000 &lt; α = 0,05 so H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted which means there Relations Role Of Health Promotion And Support Husband With Attitude Of Couples Childbearing Age In Following Family Planning Program In Health Center South Territory City Kediri. Conclusion: Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the role of health care workers and family support to EFA is optimal but consciousness in the EFA should be able to find out about the benefits of following the birth so that couples of childbearing age can cope with the number and spacing of children in the family

    Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Pelaksanaan Pelayanan Prima Pegawai di Rsui Orpeha Tulungagung

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    The hospital has a primary function to serve the people who need health&nbsp;care , so hospitals should prepare for the demands of the people to obtain&nbsp;optimal health care by providing excellent service . The purpose of this study was&nbsp;to determine what factors are associated with the implementation of excellent&nbsp;service employees in RSUI ORPEHA Tulungagung. Design this was an&nbsp;observational study with cross-sectional, with a population of all existing&nbsp;employees in RSUI ORPEHA Tulungagung totaling 195 people. The sample is&nbsp;part of a population that met the inclusion criteria a number of 70 respondents.&nbsp;Techniques of data collection using questionnaires and observation using a&nbsp;checklist of excellent service implementation. Collected data is processed with&nbsp;statistical logistic regression with significance α &lt; 0.05. Based on the results of&nbsp;logistic regression statistical tests showed that the leadership factor (p = 0.001),&nbsp;factor employment status (p = 0.016) and motivational factors (p = 0.000) were&nbsp;factors associated with the implementation of the excellent service at the Islamic&nbsp;Hospital Tulungagung. Note also that the factor of employment status is the most&nbsp;dominant factor associated with excellent service with a value of p = 0.021 and&nbsp;odds ratio of 59.7.&nbsp;The results of this study concluded the need for increased efforts&nbsp;management with all parties concerned, especially with regard to employment&nbsp;status factor, leadership and motivation to further improve the excellent service at&nbsp;the Islamic Hospital Tulungagung

    Mesin Eluk Bulu Bagi Pengrajin Shuttlecock Desa Pulesari Tirtomoyo, Kecamatan Pakis Kabupaten Malang

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    Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan di sentra industri shuttlecock desa Pulesari Tirtomoyo kecamatan PakisKabupaten Malang. Pemilik usaha masih menggunakan alat sederhana, sehingga proses produksi lambat, tidak standart,produk masih banyak cacat, dan shuttlecock di pukul masih oleng. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat, memberikanpemahaman tentang pentingnya memanfaatkan teknologi dengan membuatkan desain dan mesin eluk bulu angsa agarproses menjadi lebih efisien, cepat, akurasi pukulan sudah sesuai dengan standart. Metode pelaksanaan dengan memilihmitra dan sekaligus dilakukan kesepakatan mesin yang akan dibuat, membuatkan disain mesin eluk bulu angsa, mencaribengkel mesin, uji coba mesin dan praktek di tempat mitra, revisi mesin jika masih belum sempurna, dilakukan uji cobakembali dan penyerahan mesin ke mitra untuk dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya. Karya utama berupa desain mesin eluk buluangsa, 1 unit mesin eluk bulu angsa yang digerakkan dengan dinamo listrik 1 pk, daya listrik 250 watt, voltase 220. Hasileluk bulu angsa lebih efisien dan efektif baik dari sis waktu , biaya tenaga kerja, dan hasil produksi lebih banyak danstrandart. Dampak bagi mitra sangat bermanfaat, karena proses pembuatan shuttle cock dimulai dari bulu angsa yangsudah dikukus dan dikeringkan kemudian dieluk satu per satu agar lurus masih dijalankan secara manual denganberbekal tang saja dan perlu waktu yang cukup lama yaitu : 1 shuttle cock terdiri dari 16 bulu angsa diperlukan waktu ½menit atau dalam 1 menit menghasilkan 32 bulu angsa lurus. Mesin eluk bulu angsa sebagai teknologi tepat guna dalam 1menit menghasilkan sebanyak 100 bulu atau ± 8 slop shuttle cock, dan masih ada kelebihan 3 cock. 1 slop 12 shuttle cockdengan harga Rp. 54.000,- dan sisa 3 shuttle cock x Rp. 4.500 = Rp 13.500,- oleh karena itu pemanfaatan teknologimampu memberikan kemudahan bagi usaha kecil dalam meningkatkan usaha. Inovasi mesin eluk bulu angsa dapatmemberikan efisiensi waktu dan biaya, sedangkan kenaikan hasil produksi shuttle cock dalam 1 menit sebesar 312,5%

    Strategi Pengembangan Agribisnis Salak Nglumut Desa Kaliurang Kecamatan Srumbung Kabupaten Magelang

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    Salak nglumut merupakan salak lokal unggulan yang berasal dari Kabupaten Magelang. Salak nglumut memiliki mutu yang baik seperti rasa yang manis, daging buah salak yang tebal, meskipun berusia muda. Dengan mutu yang baik seharusnya salak nglumut memiliki harga jual yang tinggi, namun pada Kenyataannya harga jual buah salak masih tergolong murah dan komoditas salak nglumut belum menjadi unggulan Kabupaten Magelang maupun berkembang lebih baik. Dengan demikian penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi yang dapat mengembangkan agribisnis salak nglumut Desa Kaliurang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan teknik pengambilan purposive sampling yakni meliputi partisipan 1 orang dari pemerintah daerah, 1 orang petugas penyuluh lapangan (PPL), dan 3 orang petani salak nglumut yang dianalisis menggunakan matrik SWOT (Strenght, Weaknes, Opportunittes, Threaths) dan QSPM (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan ada 7 strategi pengembangan agribisnis salak nglumut yang dapat digunakan petani salak Nglumut di Desa Kaliurang

    Analisis Kemampuan Keuangan Daerah terhadap Kemiskinan: Studi Empiris di Sumatera Utara

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    Regional Autonomy Policy is intended to improve the performance of regional economic development, in general this policy can spur regional economic growth, but whether the policy is also able to reduce poverty in the region, this situation is the main problem of this study, so this research is aimed at finding out the influence of regional financial capacity on poverty in regencies / cities in North Sumatra province. The data used are secondary data in the form of panels sourced from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and the Directorate General of Fiscal Balance (DJPK), for 33 districts / cities in North Sumatra province from the period of 2010-2019. The research method uses multiple linear regression. The results showed that ratio of regional financial independence and Degree of Fiscal Decentralization has no significant negative relationship to poverty. Government Expenditure in the Health Sector has a significant negative relationship to poverty. This finding implies that the local government must improve health services as a whole in all districts/cities in North Sumatra Province


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    Farming constraint at tidal lowland area is about water management related to the nature of excessive water during wet season and insufficient water during dry season. This field research objectives was to find out the corn crop cultivation in August 2014 which entered dry season. The installation of subsurface drainage that previously had functioned as water discharge was converted into water retention. The research results showed that corn had grown well during peak dry season period (October) in which water table was at –50 cm below soil surface, whereas water table depth was dropped to –70 cm below soil surface in land without subsurface drainage. This condition implied that installation of subsurface drainage at dry season had function as water retention, not as water discharge. Therefore, network function was inverted from water discharge into water retention. It had impact on the development of optimum water surface that flow in capillary mode to fulfill the crop’s water requirement. Corn production obtained was 6.4 t ha-1. This condition was very promising though still below the maximum national production. The applications of subsurface drainage was still not optimum due to the supply of water from the main system was not the same because of the soil physical properties diversity and topography differences

    Sistem Kontrol Pakan Ikan Lele Jarak Jauh Menggunakan Teknologi Internet of Things (Iot)

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    Salah satu masalah utama dalam pembudidayaan ikan lele adalah terpakainya biaya pakan sampai 70% dari total biaya keseluruhan. Pemberian pakan sering kali tidak terkontrol seperti ketika karyawan sakit keadaan sakit atau libur hari raya. Hal ini dapat mengakibatkan ikan lele mati. Dalam penelitian ini, masalah tersebut diselesaikan dengan pemanfaatan teknologi IoT. IoT memungkinkan pengontrolan pemberian pakan ikan dapat dilakukan secara jarak jauh dengan memanfaatkan mikrokontroler, internet shield, motor servo dan motor dc. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa alat pemberian pakan ikan lele dan website yang dapat digunakan pengontrolan pemberian pakan ikan lele secara jarak jauh. Alat pemberian pakan diintegrasikan dengan website yang dapat mengatur jumlah dan waktu pakan yang akan diberikan kepada lele. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pakan dengan IoT ini menjadikan jumlah dan waktu pemberian pakan lebih efisie