37 research outputs found

    European Energy Security: What Should It Mean? What to Do? ESF Working Paper, No. 23, 30 October 2006

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    [From the Introduction]. ‱ Is energy a strategic good? If it is, to what extent does it make sense to deny the extraction of political leverage from energy policy? In criticising Russian energy policy, are we not protesting too much against the fact that Russia (as others) is using energy for political ends – instead of criticising, as we should, the content of Russia’s policy? And if energy is strategic, should a European Union energy policy be primarily about the liberalisation of the energy market? ‱ Is claiming reciprocity always smart? After all, do we really want Russian firms to control both the downstream as well as the upstream elements of the EU’s energy supply chain, in exchange for access by EU firms to Russian energy production and transport? ‱ Should it really be EU policy to help Turkey to make full use of its potential as a major energy hub? After all, half of Russia’s oil exports already pass through the Bosporus, creating a major risk if that very vulnerable route were to be cut