180 research outputs found

    L’activitat física i l’esport com a mitjà d’integració social i transmissió de valors a joves socialment desfavorits

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    Aquest treball analitza la influència que pot tenir l’aplicació d’un programa d’educació física i esport a joves socialment desfavorits o en risc d’exclusió social. A partir de projectes i estudis d’aquest tipus ens centram en la millora de la convivència social i la transmissió de valors personals i socials. En primer lloc, es fa un estudi dels beneficis o potencialitats que podem extreure de la pràctica d’activitat física a nivell social. De la mateixa manera, es revisa la utilitat de l’activitat física i l’esport com a fenomen sociocultural educatiu i transmissor de valors personals i socials. Finalment, es realitza una proposta d’intervenció pràctica basada en jocs col•lectius i anàlisi de les conductes aparegudes; que ens permet concloure que l’aplicació d’un programa dirigit d’educació física i esport per joves socialment desfavorits té bastantes possibilitats d’èxit quant a la millora de la convivència social i la transmissió de valors.Este trabajo analiza la influencia que puede tener la aplicación de un programa de ecuación física y deporte a jóvenes socialmente desfavorecidos o en riesgo de exclusión social. A partir de proyectos y estudios de este tipo nos centramos en la mejora de la convivencia social y la transmisión de valores personales. En primer lugar, se hace un estudio de los beneficios y potencialidades que podemos extraer de la práctica de la actividad física a nivel social. De igual modo, se revisa la utilidad de la actividad física y del deporte como fenómeno sociocultural y educativo y como transmisor de valores personales y sociales. Finalmente, se realiza una propuesta de intervención práctica basada en juegos colectivos y análisis de las conductas aparecidas; que nos permiten concluir que la aplicación de un programa dirigido de educación física y deporte para jóvenes socialmente desfavorecidos tiene muchas posibilidades de éxito en cuanto a la mejora de la convivencia social y la transmisión de valores

    Commercial and industrial implication of the variability of oil and protein content and of the nut and kernel physical traits of almond in Mediterranean climates

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    Se determinaron los caracteres físicos y la composición química de los frutos de 11 cultivares de almendro cultivados en dos zonas distintas, Zaragoza (España) y Meknès (Marruecos). Independientemente de la variabilidad entre cultivares para todos los parámetros medidos, el efecto del año fue significativo para todos los parámetros físicos, excepto para el espesor de la pepita. Igualmente fue significativo el efecto de la localidad para todos los parámetros físicos, excepto para la longitud y el índice de esfericidad del fruto, la longitud y la anchura de la pepita, y el rendimiento en pepita. La calidad física de las pepitas producidas en Zaragoza fue mayor que las producidas en Meknès, probablemente por el diferente sistema de cultivo y las condiciones ambientales que fueron más extremas en Meknès. Estos resultados muestran que las condiciones de cultivo adecuadas favorecen el aumento de los caracteres conducentes a una mayor calidad física del fruto y de la pepita. En cuanto al contenido en aceite y en proteína, se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los genotipos y las localidades. Las condiciones ambientales y de cultivo de Zaragoza favorecieron la acumulación de aceite en la pepita, mientras que las de Meknès favorecieron la acumulación de proteína. Ello apunta a que la utilización industrial de los distintos cultivares estudiados no sólo depende del propio cultivar, sino también de las condiciones ambientales y de cultivo, lo que debe tenerse muy en cuenta para la valorización de la producción en las distintas zonas de cultivo del almendroThe fruit physical traits and the chemical composition were determined for 11 almond cultivars grown in two different regions: Zaragoza (Spain) and Meknès (Morocco). Independently of the variability among cultivars for all traits measured, the year effect was significant for all physical traits except for kernel thickness. The location effect was significant for all physical traits except for fruit length and sphericity, kernel length and width, and kernel percentage. The physical quality of the kernels produced in Zaragoza was higher than that of the kernels produced in Meknès, probably because of the different growing system and the environmental conditions, more extreme in Meknès. These results show that adequate growing conditions favour the increase of traits leading to increased physical quality of nuts and kernels. The cultivar and the location effects were significant for the contents of oil and protein. The environmental and growing conditions of Zaragoza led to a higher oil accumulation, whereas those of Meknès to a higher protein accumulation. These results indicate that the industrial utilization of the different almond cultivars does not only depend on the cultivar, but also on the environmental and growing conditions, a fact to be considered when marketing the production of the different growing region

    Flowering and pollination time affect fruit set of foreign almond cultivars in Morocco

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    The associations ‘Marcona’-‘Fournat de Brézenaud’ and ‘Ferragnès’-‘Ferraduel’ are the cultivar combinations mostly planted in commercial almond orchards in Morocco. The blooming times and effective pollination period (EPP) were determined for these associations to determine the effect of blooming and pollination times on the irregular yields observed in Morocco with these cultivars. ‘Marcona’ bloom was earlier than that of ‘Fournat de Brézenaud’, but ‘Ferragnès and ‘Ferraduel’ coincided. Fruit set and percentage of pistils with pollen grains was maximized when pollination occurred at day 2 after emasculation. Fruit set and stigmatic receptivity decreased drastically by day 4 after emasculation. Fruit set in the open pollination treatment was lower than that obtained after hand pollination at days 0 and 2 after emasculation, especially in ‘Marcona’. These results emphasize the importance of early pollination and the selection of new cultivars with the same flowering period as ‘Marcona’ to improve almond yields in Morocco.Peer ReviewedPrunus amygdalusbloomeffective pollination periodstigmatic receptivityfruit setPublishe

    Phytosterol variability in almond germplasm

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    Phytosterols are important dietary components that contribute to reducing serum cholesterol levels. The objective of this research was to assess genetic diversity for total content and profile of free and esterified phytosterols in a world germplasm collection of almond [Prunus amygdalus Batsch; syn. P. dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb]. Steryl glycosides and acylated steryl glycosides were not measured. Fruit from 160 almond accessions were collected in 2009 and 2010. Kernel phytosterol content ranged from 1126 to 2769 mgkgL1 in 2009 and from 1191 to 2777 mgkgL1 in 2010. The phytosterol fraction was mainly made up of b-sitosterol (from 59.1% to 84.1% in 2009 and from 55.9% to 84.6% in 2010) and D5 -avenasterol (from 8.9% to 25.4% in 2009 and from 8.5% to 28.2% in 2010). Significant genotypic effects were observed for kernel phytosterol content and concentration of major phytosterols. Kernel oil content was positively correlated with kernel phytosterol content in both years. The results suggested that almond germplasm contains genetic variability for both phytosterol content and profile that can be used for developing cultivars with increased levels of phytosterols and contrasting phytosterol profiles. Positive correlation between kernel phytosterol content and kernel oil content suggests the feasibility of simultaneous selection for both traits.Publishe

    Identification de génotypes-S chez les descendances d’amandiers par les méthodes NEPHGE et PCR

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    Almond (P. amygdalus Batsch) shows a gametophytic self-incompatibility system controlled by a multiallelic locus, known as the locus S. Self-compatibility has been related to Sf allele presence and this trait has become a priority in the main almond breeding programs and the search for new cultivars is focused on the evaluation of desirable traits in autogamous seedlings. Traditionally, self-compatibility has been assessed in almond by laborious and time consuming methods, such as determination of fruit set in bagged branches or microscopic observation of pollen tube growth after self-pollination in laboratory conditions. Recently, molecular methods have been developed to assess the S-genotype, such as the identification of stylar S-RNases by NEPHGE (non equilibrium pH gradient electro focusing) and the use of conserved and specific PCR primers for the amplification of fragments from the different S alleles. In this research we applied these molecular methods for the S-genotype assessment in two almond breeding progenies, from the crosses of the self-compatible elite selection 'G-2-25' (S11Sf) of the CITA, as female parent, with two self-incompatible cultivars, 'Desmayo Largueta' (S1S25) and 'Marcona' (S11S12), as male parents. Although no discrepancies were found between the two methods, PCR was more suitable than NEPHGE for S-genotype assessment. PCR is easier to optimize, cheaper, more precise and reliable. It is also possible to assess the genotype sooner than with NEPHGE, as flowers are not required for the determination, allowing an earlier elimination of the seedlings. In the 'G-2-25' (S11Sf) x 'Marcona' (S11S12) progeny, the ratio of genotypes was 42% S11S12 and 58% SfS12, approaching the Mendelian laws of transmission in spite of the slightly higher proportion of self-compatible seedlings. In the other family, 'G-2-25' (S11Sf) x 'Desmayo Largueta' (S1S25), four S-genotypes are possible, but the ratios obtained were 21% S1S11, 53% S1Sf, 0% S11S25, and 26% SfS25. These results showed that pollen carrying the S25 allele had only a 26% fertilization success as compared to 73 of pollen carrying the S1 allele. The absence of S11S25 seedlings may imply the expression of a homozygous lethal trait in these zygotes and the distortion of the Mendelian ratiosL’amandier (P. amygdalus Batsch) montre un système d’auto-incompatibilité gamétophytique contrôlé par un locus multiallélique, connu comme locus S. L’auto-compatibilité a été reliée à la présence de l’allèle Sf et cette caractéristique est devenue une priorité pour les principaux programmes d’amélioration de l’amandier, et ainsi la recherche de nouveaux cultivars se focalise sur l’évaluation des caractères désirables pour les plants autogames. Traditionnellement, l’auto-compatibilité a été évaluée chez les amandiers par des méthodes laborieuses et prenant beaucoup de temps, telles que la détermination de la nouaison pour les branches ensachées ou l’observation microscopique de la croissance des tubes de pollen après auto-pollinisation en conditions de laboratoire. Récemment, des méthodes moléculaires ont été développées pour évaluer le génotype-S, telles que l’identification de S-RNases stylaires par NEPHGE (non equilibrium pH gradient electro-focusing) et l’utilisation d’amorces PCR conservées et spécifiques pour l’amplification de fragments provenant de différents allèles-S. Pour cette recherche nous avons appliqué ces méthodes moléculaires pour l’évaluation du génotype-S chez les descendances améliorées de deux amandiers, à partir des croisements d’une sélection d’élite auto-compatible 'G-2-25' (S11Sf) du CITA, comme parent femelle, avec deux cultivars auto-incompatibles, 'Desmayo Largueta' (S1S25) et 'Marcona' (S11S12), comme parents mâles. Bien que l’on n’ait pas trouvé de divergences entre les deux méthodes, la PCR était plus adéquate que NEPHGE pour l’évaluation du génotype-S. La PCR est plus facile à optimiser, moins onéreuse, plus précise et fiable. Il est également possible d’évaluer le génotype plus tôt qu’avec NEPHGE, étant donné qu’il n’est pas nécessaire d’obtenir des fleurs pour la détermination, permettant ainsi une élimination précoce des plants. Dans la descendance de 'G-2-25' (S11Sf) 'Marcona' (S11S12), le quotient des génotypes était de 42% S11S12 et de 58% SfS12, se rapprochant des lois mendéliennes de transmission malgré la proportion légèrement plus élevée de plants auto-compatibles. Pour l’autre famille, 'G-2-25' (S11Sf) 'Desmayo Largueta' (S1S25), quatre génotypes-S sont possibles, mais les quotients obtenus étaient de 21% S1S11, 53% S1Sf, 0% S11S25, et 26% SfS25. Ces résultats montrent que le pollen portant l’allèle S25 avait une réussite de fertilisation d’uniquement 26% comparée à 73 pour le pollen portant l'allèle S1. L’absence de plants S11S25 pourrait faire penser à l’expression d’un caractère létal homozygote chez ces zygotes et à la distortion des quotients mendélien

    Study of the genetic diversity of almond seedling populations in Morocco: application of chemometric approach

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    Almond (Prunus amygdalus Batsch) in Morocco is still propagated by farmers mostly from seed, generating a large genetic diversity. Evaluation of the almond diversity in Morocco from the point of view of kernel quality, oil and protein contents, and major fatty acid composition were determined. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to compare the kernel components among 46 genotypes selected from different production regions, as well as five introduced cultivars. Oil and protein contents were highly variable between genotypes, ranging respectively from 48.29 to 65.19% and from 14.07 to 36.48% of the total kernel dry weight. Fatty acid composition of the oil fraction ranged between 5.6-8.34% for palmitic acid, 0.37-0.87% for palmitoleic acid, 1.3-3.3% for stearic acid, 57.95-81.97% for oleic acid, and 9.69-29.98% for linoleic acid. Clustering of genotypes from similar regions suggested the existence of parental relationship among these genotypes and, as a consequence, a common ancestral origin. The Moroccan genotypes did not cluster separately from the introduced varieties. Two genotypes had very high oil contents whereas four genotypes had exceptionally high protein contents (>30%). One genotype had a very high oleic content (82%). The large variability observed for oil and fatty acid composition and the presence of genotypes with higher oil and fatty acid contents than the foreign cultivars represent a very promising base to obtain new Moroccan almond cultivars with oil of higher quality.Peer ReviewedPrunus amygdalusOil contentFatty acidsGenetic resourcesBreedingPublishe

    Self-(in)compatibility in 'AS-1', a local Spanish almond cultivar

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    The finding of new self-compatible cultivars in local population is a breeder’s objective in order to increase the sources of self-compatibility for almond (Prunus amygdalus Batsch) breeding programmes. ‘AS-1’, a local Spanish selection, was considered to be self-compatible according to its self pollen tube growth and was incorporated in the almond breeding programme of Zaragoza as a source for this trait. However, both pollen tube growth and fruit set after self-pollination have shown that this selection is self-incompatible. The PCR analysis using specific and consensus primers revealed that its genotype is S8S12, where both alleles control self-incompatibility and do not confer self-compatibility in almond. The field crosses of ‘AS-1’ and ‘Marcona Flota’, of the same S genotype, were incompatible, confirming the S genotype of ‘AS-1’ determined by PCR analysis. The sequencing of the SFB S haplotype showed that 'AS-1' presents SFB8 and SFB12. Moreover, the absence of any notable deletion or insertion upstream from the HVa and HVb regions in the sequence of the SFB8 and SFB12 S-haplotypes confirm their identity. All these results, including pollination tests, PCR analysis, and cloning and sequencing of the S alleles of ‘AS-1’, indicate that this local selection is self-incompatible.Peer ReviewedPrunus amygdalusPCRPollen tube growthFruti setUnpublishe

    Physical Fruit Traits in Moroccan Almond Seedlings: Quality Aspects and Post-Harvest Uses

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    The physical traits of local almond populations from Morocco were studied to characterize their genetic resources and to evaluate the possibility of their commercial valorization. Nut weight ranged between 1.15 and 7.39 g, and kernel weight between 0.54 and 1.85 g, but most accessions were characterized by small kernels, pronounced wrinkles, and double kernels. Although the physical quality of the kernels of these populations was low, they show the possibility of some specialized uses, which could improve their marketable value. The genotypes with favorable values could be incorporated into an almond breeding program as parents to increase the kernel quality.Publishe

    Caractérisation moléculaire de cinq nouveaux allèles-S liés à l’autoincompatibilité chez des cultivars locaux espagnols d’amandier

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    Almond is a highly heterozygous species with a high number of S-alleles controlling its gametophytic self-incompatibility system (GSI). In this work we have analysed Spanish local almond cultivars for S-RNase allele diversity. By cloning and sequencing five new S-RNase alleles were identified: S31 (804 bp) in 'Pou de Felanitx' and 'Totsol', S32 (855 bp) in 'Taiatona', S33 (1165 bp) in 'Pou d'Establiments' and 'Muel', S34 (1663 bp) in 'Pané-Barquets', and S35 (1658 bp) in 'Planeta de les Garrigues'. The high number of new alleles identified reveals the wide diversity of almond germplasm still existing and requiring characterisation, and points to the possibility of new findings by a wider study focusing on other provenancesL'amandier est une espèce hautement hétérozygote avec un nombre très élevé d'allèles-S qui contrôlent son système d'autocompatibilité gamétophytique (GSI). Dans le présent travail on a analysé des cultivars locaux espagnols pour étudier la diversité des allèles de la S-RNase. Par clonage et séquençage, cinq nouveaux allèles ont été identifiés : S31 (804 bp) chez 'Pou de Felanitx' et 'Totsol', S32 (855 bp) chez 'Taiatona', S33 (1165 bp) chez 'Pou d'Establiments' et 'Muel', S34 (1663 bp) chez 'Pané-Barquets', et S35 (1658 bp) chez 'Planeta de les Garrigues'. Le nombre élevé de nouveaux allèles identifiés révèle la grande diversité encore existante chez le germoplasme de l'amandier et ayant besoin d'être caractérisée, montrant la possibilité d'entreprendre de nouveaux travaux plus approfondis avec des génotypes d'autres provenance