656 research outputs found

    A plan for evaluating the Winnipeg Core Area Agreement

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    Provider training and long-term client outcomes: The CSI experience

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    The present study examined the impact of the Clinical Services Improvement (CSI) Project\u27s provider training program on clients\u27 long-term satisfaction and method use. A sample of 154 clients who received a family planning (FP) method in one of 30 CSI clinics were followed up over a period of 19 months through a series of home interviews. The interviews monitored clients\u27 use of the FP method received at the clinic as well as their satisfaction with that method and the services at CSI. Results of the present study show that provider training on counseling and interpersonal communication has a positive impact on clients. Provider training is associated with correct use of FP methods, greater client satisfaction with those methods, and greater satisfaction with services. As this report indicates, provider training had an indirect influence on method continuation through improving client comprehension and satisfaction and by reducing anxiety over method side-effects. The study also highlighted a number of issues that need to be addressed by CSI to improve its quality of services and achieve more positive client outcomes

    Profile of clients of different providers of family planning services in Egypt

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    The Government of Egypt launched its national family planning (FP) program in 1966. The early phase was mainly supply oriented and aimed at ensuring wide distribution of contraceptives primarily through pharmacies to meet rising demand. Between 1988 and 1992 a number of additional sources of FP services appeared, with an increase in clinic-based services through both the private and public sectors. In 1992 about one-fourth of users relied on pharmacies to get their FP supplies compared to about one-half in 1988. This change evolved through the influence of two forces: the initiation of a number of FP projects, and expanded and improved FP services in Ministry of Health facilities. Because of these changes in the service delivery systems, senior program managers required information on current market segmentation to identify any overlap among activities of various service delivery systems. As noted in this report, this study assessed the complementary/competitive roles of these systems. It probes into factors that influence clients movements from one type of service provision to another, and their experience with services received. Six governorates were selected and sampled

    Metropolitan planning and social justice strategies

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    Andrew Parkin of the Discipline of Politics, Flinders University, examined the relationship between social justice strategies and metropolitan planning, taking account of the strategies evolved over the past two years by the Cain, Bannon and Hawke Labor Governments. He cautioned against a cynical interpretation of these strategies which were limited but could provide the opportunity for a fruitful relationship with metropolitan planning. A successful partnership would need to emphasise a productive synthesis between 'planning' and 'management', recognise the inevitability of conflict of interests, and develop a social justice philosophy linking 'efficiency' and 'market exchange' to ultimate outcomes that were socially just

    Metropolitan planning : economic rationalism and social objectives

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    The paper covers a familiar subject-the basic value of the market system and the major defects of markets such as their instability and inequality. Peter Self contends that planners have contributed to the stabilisation of urban systems, but have often added to the inequalities of the market system rather than reducing them. Self examines the basic criteria of welfare economics and argues thal there is no necessary disrepancy between economic and social goals. The ultimate economic goal is to maximise the sum of individual welfare and this goal logically includes unpriced, as well as priced, aspects of individual welfare. Planners' possible contributions to the creation of a 'liveable city' and a better 'quality of life' are shown to be substantial but have still to be realised in Australia. He then deals with the apparent conflict between 'efficiency' and 'equity', arguing that more equality in the distribution of welfare (of all kinds) would in fact tend to maximise the sum total of welfare. The reasons why many economists shy off this conclusion are discussed. The way in which market inequalities are, in fact, augmented by the economic structure of the big, modern city is analysed. Self argues that an effective and just planning strategy requires a combination of substantive goals (which benefit society generally) and egalitarian goals (which discriminate in favour of poor and disadvantaged groups.) The author then applies this general approach to the metropolitan strategies recently prepared for four large Australian cities. He reviews urban consolidation policy, centres' policy, environmental policy, and State development policies from this standpoint. In the paper's concluding sections, the author deals briefly with the scope of metropolitan planning and its relation to social justice strategies, and with some current economic and ideological objections against a wider role for planning. He then summarises future directions for planning.This is a revised version of a paper delivered to the URU -sponsored conference - Metropolitan Planning in Australia 2: Social Costs and BenejiJs, in February 1989

    Final Report

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    This is the Final Report of the project, ‘Advancing Coordination of the Winnipeg Homeless Sector’. Over the last year, there have been efforts in the homeless serving community to map out service gaps and needs, and to discuss HPS funding and how it aligns with community priorities. The current project advances these efforts to integrate more community knowledge, planning, and engagement into the Homelessness Partnering Strategy (HPS) funding process

    Metropolitan planning Australia : urban consolidation.

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    Urban consolidation is a major issue on the agenda of Australian cities. The significance of this is explored in the three papers in this collection. Richard Cardew reviews the papers by Troy and Bunker, introducing some additional considerations with particular reference to Sydney. He sees urban consolidation as an ongoing process which will continue with metropolitan growth and rising land values. However, he argues, the flats boom and the massive increase in household formation - shown in trends in headship ratios - which occurred in the 1960s and 1970s are unlikely to reoccur. The era of most rapid consolidation is past. Pat Troy offers the most critical view of present urban consolidation policies. He questions many of the benefits claimed for consolidation, in particular the assumption that it will lower requirements for public sector investment in infrastructure through more efficient use of area services such as schools and hospitals, and network services such as water, sewerage, power, transportation and communication. He argues that these and other assumed benefits are based on demographic trends unlikely to be realised, and on infrastructure savings which are illusory. Troy is especially critical of the claim that higher urban densities will lower the cost of housing, pointing out that multi-unit housing tends to be at the higher end of the market. Troy concludes his paper with a programmatic call for an increase in the supply of dwellings and a set of recommendations for achieving this. Ray Bunker's paper reviews the history of urban consolidation as part of metropolitan planning over the last ten years. Like Troy, he questions many of the assumptions invested in urban consolidation policies,· and argues that while a degree of consolidation is occurring, it is but one means invoked to serve a number of ends, and the pursuit of those ends themselves involves other instruments, some of which may be more effective. Further, consolidation needs to be gradual, locally differentiated and responsive, and these local dimensions need to be expressed more poweifully.Urban consolidation : a comment by Richard Cardew -- Metropolitan planning and urban consolidation: the Getting of Wisdom - or for the Term of His Natural Life? by Patrick N. Troy -- A decade of urban consolidation by Raymond Bunker

    Planificación urbana e innovación : de la tecnología y la práctica profesional a la innovación social y política

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    La contaminación y los problemas del medio ambiente, delitos menores, la congestión del tráfico, la democracia y la justicia social son preocupaciones constantes en grandes ciudades contemporáneas y áreas metropolitanas. Este artículo argumenta la necesidad de innovar en la política y la gestión urbana para hacer frente a estos problemas con eficacia. La innovación técnica, política y cultural implica un análisis crítico de la influencia de las organizaciones sociales -incluyendo los colegios profesionales- en los procesos de toma de decisiones de los gobiernos y en la asignación de la inversión. La crisis económica actual hace que un cambio significativo en la rutina cotidiana sea más factible que en el pasado. La introducción de nuevas tecnologías implica un replanteamiento de las prioridades en obras públicas y construcción de infraestructura. Un cambio profundo en la geografía urbana dependerá de una revolución cultural y tecnológica; por ello, este análisis aborda temas como: la dinámica de poder, la percepción sobre la innovación efectiva por parte de votantes y agentes públicos y las políticas de investigación y desarrollo. El artículo desarrolla las implicaciones de este enfoque en el ámbito de la movilidad.La contaminació i els problemes del medi ambient, delictes menors, la congestió del trànsit, la democràcia i la justícia social són preocupacions constants en grans ciutats contemporànies i àrees metropolitanes. Aquest article argumenta la necessitat d'innovar en la política i la gestió urbana per fer front a aquests problemes amb eficàcia. La innovació tècnica, política i cultural inclou una anàlisi crítica de la influència de les organitzacions socials -incloent-hi els col·legis professionals- en els processos de presa de decisions dels governs i en l'assignació de la inversió. La crisi econòmica actual fa que un canvi significatiu en la rutina quotidiana sigui més factible que en el passat. La introducció de noves tecnologies implica un replantejament de les prioritats en obres públiques i construcció d'infraestructura. Un canvi profund en la geografia urbana dependrà d'una revolució cultural i tecnològica; per això, aquesta anàlisi aborda temes com ara: la dinàmica de poder, la percepció sobre la innovació efectiva per part de votants i agents públics i les polítiques de recerca i desenvolupament. L'article desenvolupa les implicacions d'aquest enfocament en l'àmbit de la mobilitat.Les problèmes environnementaux, la petite délinquance, la congestion du trafic, la démocratie locale et la justice social sont, aujourd'hui, les préoccupations principaux pour les gouvernements des villes et des les agglomérations métropolitaines. Pour faire face efficacement à ces problèmes, il est nécessaire innover l'aménagement urbaine sous le point de vue soit politique, soit technique. Pour favoriser l'innovation technique, politique et culturale il faut élaborer une analyse critique de l'influence des organisations sociales - y compris les corporations professionnelles - dans les processus de décision et dans la répartition des investissements publics. La crise économique rend possible des changements profonds mieux que dans le passé. L'introduction des nouvelles technologies implique un remaniement des priorités en ce qui concerne les travaux publics et la construction des infrastructures. Une transformation radicale de la géographie urbaine pourrait être provoqué par une révolution culturelle et technologique, donc cette analyse est concentrée sur thèmes tels que : les dynamiques du pouvoir, la perception de l'innovation efficace par les électeurs et les décideurs, et les stratégies de la recherche et développement. Cet essai propose aussi un cas d'étude sur la mobilité urbaine.Pollution and environmental issues, petty crime, traffic congestion, democracy and social justice are major concerns in contemporary larger cities and metropolitan areas. This paper calls for innovation in urban policy and management to deal with these problems effectively. Technical, political and cultural innovation includes a critical analysis of the influence of social organizations - including professional guilds - in government decision-making processes and in investment allocation. The current economic crisis makes some dramatic change in the ordinary routine more possible than in the past. The introduction of new technologies implies a re-thinking of priorities in public works and infrastructure build ing. A possible thorough change in urban geography will be a consequence of a cultural and technological revolution, for this reason this analysis focuses on issues such as: power dynamics; perception of effective innovation by voters and decision-makers; and research and development policies. The paper develops the implications of this approach in the area of mobility

    Simulation Exercises for the Teaching of Planning: The Example of Ruritania

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    SUMMARY This article outlines experience with the use of a simulation exercise in teaching development planning. Two years of using the exercise has shown that simulation is an invaluable aid, especially in the teaching of planning, and has revealed what is essentially wrong with most planning textbooks. RESUME Exercices de simulation pour I'enseignement de la planification: exemple de la Ruritanie Cet article est au sujet de l'expérience qui a été faite de l'utilisation d'un exercise de simulation pour l'enseignement de la planification du développement. Après deux années, cet exercice a montré que la simulation est une aide extrêmement précieuse, surtout dans l'enseignement de la planification, et il a servi à mettre en évidence ce qui ne va pas dans la plupart des manuels de planification. RESUMEN Ejercicios simulados para la ensenanza de la planificación: El ejemplo de Ruritania Este artículo esboza la experiencia obtenida por el uso de un ejercicio simulado para la enseñanza de la planificación de desarrollo. Después de usar el ejercicio durante dos años se ha demostrado que la simulación resulta una ayuda valiosa, especialmente con la enseñanza de la planificación, y ha demostrado en dónde se equivocan la mayor parte de los libros de texto sobre el tema