5 research outputs found

    Tight lower bound for the channel assignment problem

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    We study the complexity of the Channel Assignment problem. A major open problem asks whether Channel Assignment admits an O(cn)O(c^n)-time algorithm, for a constant cc independent of the weights on the edges. We answer this question in the negative i.e. we show that there is no 2o(nlogn)2^{o(n\log n)}-time algorithm solving Channel Assignment unless the Exponential Time Hypothesis fails. Note that the currently best known algorithm works in time O(n!)=2O(nlogn)O^*(n!) = 2^{O(n\log n)} so our lower bound is tight

    Tight Lower Bounds for List Edge Coloring

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    The fastest algorithms for edge coloring run in time 2^m n^{O(1)}, where m and n are the number of edges and vertices of the input graph, respectively. For dense graphs, this bound becomes 2^{Theta(n^2)}. This is a somewhat unique situation, since most of the studied graph problems admit algorithms running in time 2^{O(n log n)}. It is a notorious open problem to either show an algorithm for edge coloring running in time 2^{o(n^2)} or to refute it, assuming the Exponential Time Hypothesis (ETH) or other well established assumptions. We notice that the same question can be asked for list edge coloring, a well-studied generalization of edge coloring where every edge comes with a set (often called a list) of allowed colors. Our main result states that list edge coloring for simple graphs does not admit an algorithm running in time 2^{o(n^2)}, unless ETH fails. Interestingly, the algorithm for edge coloring running in time 2^m n^{O(1)} generalizes to the list version without any asymptotic slow-down. Thus, our lower bound is essentially tight. This also means that in order to design an algorithm running in time 2^{o(n^2)} for edge coloring, one has to exploit its special features compared to the list version

    Improving TSP Tours Using Dynamic Programming over Tree Decompositions

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    Given a traveling salesman problem (TSP) tour H in graph G, a k-move is an operation which removes k edges from H, and adds k edges of G so that a new tour H\u27 is formed. The popular k-opt heuristic for TSP finds a local optimum by starting from an arbitrary tour H and then improving it by a sequence of k-moves. Until 2016, the only known algorithm to find an improving k-move for a given tour was the naive solution in time O(n^k). At ICALP\u2716 de Berg, Buchin, Jansen and Woeginger showed an O(n^{floor(2/3k)+1})-time algorithm. We show an algorithm which runs in O(n^{(1/4 + epsilon_k)k}) time, where lim_{k -> infinity} epsilon_k = 0. It improves over the state of the art for every k >= 5. For the most practically relevant case k=5 we provide a slightly refined algorithm running in O(n^{3.4}) time. We also show that for the k=4 case, improving over the O(n^3)-time algorithm of de Berg et al. would be a major breakthrough: an O(n^{3 - epsilon})-time algorithm for any epsilon > 0 would imply an O(n^{3 - delta})-time algorithm for the All Pairs Shortest Paths problem, for some delta>0

    Tight Lower Bounds for the Complexity of Multicoloring

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