240 research outputs found

    Knowledge sharing behaviour in the public sector: The business process management perspectives

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    The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the preliminary analysis on the knowledge sharing behaviour of the public sectors in terms of individual attitudes, organisational environment, reward system and information and communication technology (ICT) within the system. The paper looks into the perspective of business process management which embedded in a knowledge sharing behaviour. This research-inprogress intends to use both quantitative and qualitative methods (triangulation) because we believe that it will be appropriate to answer the research questions better. In the Phase One, consists of the questionnaire that uses to measure perceptions, beliefs, reactions, and attitudes related to knowledge sharing. The unit of analysis using middle to senior management in the public sector as knowledge is said to be captured more systematically at this level. Phase Two will be carried out after analysis of data from the questionnaire survey is completed. The researcher intends to undertake an in-depth exploration of issues arising from Phase One. Hence a semi-structured interview will be carried out with small group of people. Top management officials will be selected from within the same sample for this exercise. The research design in this study hopefully will answer all the research questions significantly. The preliminary findings will provide a basis for proposing a structured framework for further data collection and analysis

    Rogge als ‘graasgraan’ levert smakelijk gewas

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    Grasklaverpercelen in de huiskavel verliezen na verloop van tijd aan productiviteit door de daling van het klaveraandeel. Herinzaai van het weideperceel dringt zich dan op. Een tussenteelt graan vóór herinzaai is dan meestal voordelig voor de klaverontwikkeling. Als de huiskavel beperkt is en we voldoende weidegang voor het melkvee willen behouden is het begrazen van het graangewas een optie. Op een biologisch melkveebedrijf werd winterrogge en Japanse haver in het voorjaar uitgezaaid en begraasd als ‘graasgraan’. De rogge leverde een smakelijk gewas op met een goede opbrengst en een behoorlijke voederwaarde. Japanse haver als graasgraan was minder geslaagd door de beperkte hergroei na het grazen

    The relationship between green supply chain integration and sustainable performance

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    Green supply chain management (GSCM) has recently emerged to comply with regulations for environmental protection as a result of increasing environmental concerns over the past decades. Since manufacturing companies have often been charged for the environmental liabilities of their suppliers, there has been urgency for integration of environmental initiatives, not only within the walls of the company, but across the entire supply chain in order to ensure the company’s sustainable performance. Consequently, Green Supply Chain Integration (GSCI) was introduced to integrate the environmental management practices within manufacturing companies, with the suppliers and the customers. However, there is lack of discoveries in terms of GSCI conceptualization. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify the relationship between Green Supply Chain Integration and sustainable performance. Specifically, the objective of this study is to examine the relationship between supplier integration, customer integration, internal integration, logistic integration, technology integration, and dimensions of sustainable performance namely economic, environmental, and social. A survey was conducted on ISO14001 Environmental Management System (EMS) certified manufacturing firms in Malaysia. A total of 107 questionnaires was completed by the respondents and considered to be appropriate for data analysis. The data was analyzed using Pearson’s correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. It was found that each variable in the GSCI is positively correlated with sustainable performance. Further investigation using multiple regression has shown that internal integration and technology integration to be the strongest predictors of sustainable performance. Apart from contribution to theoretical knowledge, the results would also be valuable in providing new insights to management in their environmental goals and sustaining successful performance within the pressures of stakeholders, customers, and environmental regulation

    Goede jeugdgroei melkgeiten belangrijk voor de latere melkproductie, invloed van een kruidensupplement

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    Coccidiose is een van de belangrijkste ziekten bij jongvee op een rundvee- en geitenbedrijf. Ook wanneer er geen duidelijke ziekteverschijnselen zijn kan een subklinische besmetting met coccidiose zorgen voor groeivertraging. Uit een vorig CCBT project bleek een voedingssupplement op basis van kruiden er voor te zorgen dat de coccidiose besmetting op een lager niveau bleef, wat resulteerde in een betere groei van de lammeren die gesupplementeerd werden in vergelijking met lammeren uit de controlegroep. De Vlaamse biologische melkgeitenhouders waren dan ook vragende partij om te evalueren of deze groeivoorsprong die werd gerealiseerd ook effectief vertaald wordt naar een betere prestatie in de vervolgperiode. Onderzoek aan het Louis Bolk Instituut toonde al een invloed aan van toegenomen lichaamsgewicht van het jongvee op de latere melkproductie. De lammeren die destijds deelnamen aan de kruidenproef werden daarom opgevolgd tijdens hun eerste lactatie als jaarling. Regelmatige wegingen toonden aan dat de geiten hun groeivoorsprong behielden en dat dat resulteerde in een vroegere lammerdatum. Melkmetingen toonden aan dat deze geiten een hogere melkproductie vertoonden in hun eerste lactatie

    Motivation and Experience of Sacred Tomb Pilgrimage: Learnings from the Sasak Tribe Lombok

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    This study analyses the motivations and experiences that drive the pilgrimage to the sacred tombs of the Lombok Sasak Tribe. This sacred graves pilgrimage is a tradition that has survived from the past and a heritage that passes from generation to generation. The study uses a constructivist paradigm with a phenomenological qualitative approach. The research locations are at the tomb of Almagfurlah TGKH Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Madjid, in Pancor East Lombok; The Batu Layar Tomb in West Lombok; The Ketaq Tomb, Central Lombok; Bintaro Tomb in Mataram City and; the Tomb at the Bayan Beleq, Bayan in North Lombok. The analysis shows that the pilgrimage motivation to the sacred tombs is that of high religiosity. A high level of religiousness indicates gratitude for God’s tremendous and enormous blessings. It is such a great pleasure for pilgrims to have the opportunity to perform this Hajj safely. The pilgrimage experience to the sacred tombs means remembering death, remembering struggles, preserving purity or cleanliness, and strengthening brotherhood. The synergy between motivation and experience makes the pilgrimage to the sacred tombs sustainable and continues from generation to generation

    Menangani Masalah Beras Negara - Malaysia boleh tangani krisis jika semua sawah tanam dua kali setahun

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    TAHUKAH anda bahawa negara kita sebenarnya tidak perlu mengimport beras Tetapi hakikatnya hasil padi dalam negara ketika im cuma mampu menampung 72 peratus keperluan beras bagi semua penduduk tempatan

    The influence of technology, environment and user acceptance on the effectiveness of information system project selection using SEM

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    The selection of the present information system project is difficult because of the many factors that influence it. Information system project should pay attention to the user acceptance, technology and the environment in terms of their influence on the information system project selection.The purpose of this paper is to determine how much influence user acceptance, technology and the environment have on the information system project selection.This research uses data obtained from several ministries and analyzed using SEM (Structural Equation Models).The results found that the technology and the environment affects user acceptance. Moreover, technology and environment affect the effectiveness of the information systems project selection through the mediating effect of user acceptance. User acceptance, tested by the incorporation of usefulness and ease of use, the results are more modest and in line with previous theories. Furthermore, the external environment highly impacts the information system project selection

    Ascendancy of ultrasonic reactor for micro biodiesel production

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    Biodiesel is a form of biofuel; diesel fuel manufactured from vegetable oils, animal fats, or recycled greases.Biodiesel is produced through a process called transesterification which involves taking naturally occurring carbon chain molecules, known as triglycerides, found in such feed stocks as seed oils and animal fats, and converting them into methyl esters, which is the chemical term for biodiesel. The conventional transesterification of the triglycerides to fatty methyl esters and glycerin is slow and not complete. During the conversion process not all fatty acid chains are turned into alkyl esters (biodiesel) reducing biodiesel quality and yield, significantly. In considering a new biodiesel facility or an upgrade of existing biodiesel plant, it is imperative that ultrasonic mixing technology be considered; it is efficient and ideal for micro scale biodiesel processing. This paper infers the efficiency of Ultrasonics for the ultrasonication of liquids and gleans that Ultrasonic cavitational mixing is the most advanced means to form fine-size emulsions at micro processing scale.The paper construes the innovative ascendancy of ‘Ultrasonic Reactor’ for micro scale production of biodiesel and demonstrates that there is a direct link between methanol droplet size, biodiesel yield, and conversion speed which makes ultrasonic reactors the most productive technology in the biodiesel industry.The paper concludes that biofuels are sustainable alternative to fossil fuels and biodiesel is a green energy source for agriculture, transport and power generation at micro level use in rural communities

    Dry-ice blasting an optimal panacea for depurating welding robots of slag and spatter

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    Though MIG welding robots are extensively applied in the automotive assemblies ‘Spot Welding’ is the most common welding application found in the auto stamping assembly manufacturing.Every manufacturing process is subject to variations – with resistance welding, these include; part fit up, part thickness variations, misaligned electrodes, variations in coating materials or thickness, sealers, weld force variations, shunting, machine tooling degradation; and slag and spatter damage.All welding gun tips undergo wear; an elemental part of the process.Though adaptive resistance welding control automatically compensates to keep production and quality up to the levels needed as gun tips undergo wear so that the welds remain reliable; the system cannot compensate for deterioration caused by the slag and spatter on the part holding fixtures, sensors, and gun tips.To cleanse welding robots of slag and spatter, dry-ice blasting has proven to be an effective remedy. Presently, CO2 / dry ice blasting is being effectively used in a wide array of applications from heavy slag removal to delicate semiconductor and circuit board cleaning.This process can be used on-line without damaging equipment or requiring a machine "teardown".Unlike conventional toxic chemicals, high-pressure water blasting and abrasive grit blasting, CO2 / dry ice blasting uses dry ice particles in a high velocity air flow to remove contaminates from surfaces without the added costs and inconvenience of secondary waste treatment and disposal.This paper describes MIG and Spot welding process and analyses the slag and spatter formation during robotic welding of stamping assemblies; and concludes that the dry ice blasting process’s utility in cleansing of welding robots in auto stamping plant operations is paramount and exigen