4 research outputs found

    Effects of selenium on metabolic processes in the body of ducklings and their productive qualities

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    Today, indicators controlling poultry's mineral nutrition have significantly increased. However, the physiological need of various types and technological poultry groups for certain mineral elements that perform essential biochemical functions in the body has yet to be definitively established. This also applies to such an element as Selenium, which, according to modern classification, is recognized as an indispensable biotic ultramicroelement with a broad spectrum of biological action. The inclusion of Selenium in the composition of mixed feed for young poultry changes the direction of physiological and biochemical processes in the body and improves metabolism and, as a result, contributes to the increase in their live weight, viability, feed conversion, slaughter, and meat qualities, improvement of organoleptic indicators of meat, its amino acid composition, energy, and biological value. We conducted comprehensive scientific studies to deepen and expand modern ideas about the biological role of Selenium, its influence on the productive qualities, and internal indicators of ducklings in the postembryonic period of ontogenesis. One of the tasks was to study the causal relationship between the level of consumption of Selenium with feed by ducklings and the studied indicators. Experimental studies were conducted on ducklings of the Ukrainian white breed. Following existing standards, feeding ducklings daily to 56 days of age was carried out with complete mixed feeds, balanced in essential nutrients and biologically active substances. Ducklings of the first control group did not receive selenium supplementation in mixed feed. Poultry of experimental groups (2–4) was additionally injected with different amounts of Selenium, respectively, by 0.2 mg/kg, 0.4, and 0.6 mg/kg. When conducting a correlation analysis of the obtained experimental data, it was found that between the economically useful and interior features included in the analysis, there are different levels and directions of the relationship, which may vary depending on the level of selenium consumption by ducklings. A scheme of modeling the effect of Selenium on the ducklings’ organism raised for meat is proposed

    Mathematical justification of the optimal rate of selenium introduction into mixed feed for broiler chickens

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    In recent years, many countries worldwide have been revising the existing standards for introducing trace elements in mixed feed for high-performance crosses and poultry breeds, taking into account new scientific data. This also applies to Selenium, which is recognized as an indispensable biotic ultramicroelement according to the modern classification. The norms for introducing selenium into mixed feed for broiler chickens have specific differences and range from 0.1 to 0.5 mg/kg of feed, which are recommended in different countries and at other times. The reason for the disagreement is probably that the experiments were conducted under different conditions, against the background of different diets, on different poultry crosses, and using other selenium-containing compounds. In addition, the norms of selenium additives recommended by foreign and domestic scientists in mixed feed for broiler chickens are not always supported by mathematical calculations, and, in our opinion, they should be evaluated as indicative, requiring further justification and clarification depending on the regional characteristics of poultry feeding. Two scientific and economic experiments were conducted to determine the optimal rate of introducing selenium into mixed feed for broiler chickens, which lasted 42 days each. The study was conducted on broiler chickens of the Coob 500 cross. Selenium was additionally introduced into mixed feeds for broiler chickens of the experimental groups in doses of 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5 mg/kg. Poultry in the control group did not receive Selenium supplementation. Statistical processing of experimental data obtained in two scientific and economic experiments, using graphical, variance, and regression analysis methods, allows us to conclude that the optimal dose of Selenium administration in mixed feed for broiler chickens should be considered 0.3 mg/kg. Feeding broiler chickens during the growing period of mixed feed enriched with Selenium in this amount contributed to a likely increase in their live weight in the first experiment by 7.8 % (Р < 0.001), in the second by 5.1 % (Р < 0.01), compared to the control group. Higher doses of Selenium (0.4 and 0.5 mg/kg) in mixed feed, as well as a lower dose (0.2 mg/kg), caused less intensive growth and lower live weight of broiler chickens of other experimental groups, compared to young animals fed mixed feed with the addition of selenium 0.3 mg/kg


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    The aim of the study – to present the experience of Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Medical Education in resource potential and environmental factors usage for capacity building and postgraduate medical education quality providing.The main body. Activity of KhMAPE as the organization of effective interaction with objects in the external environment is represented. It includes providing demand for educational services, the creation of educational environment that enriched with information, increasing resource potential and creation of a exible management system. These institutional changes have caused the necessity of the development, discussion and approval of the project target of KhMAPE. Its realization is going to provide discovery and characterize up-coming transition of educational institution.Conclusion. The institutional changes are manifested in staff development, creative implementation of educational objectives, full use of the resource potential, the attraction of additional resources.Мета роботи – висвітлення й обґрунтування досвіду Харківської медичної академії післядипломної освіти щодо використання власного ресурсного потенціалу та факторів зовнішнього середовища для інституційного розвитку і забезпечення якості післядипломної медичної освіти.Основна частина. Представлена діяльність ХМАПО щодо організації ефективної взаємодії з об’єктами зовнішнього середовища, забезпечення попиту на освітні послуги, створення інформаційно збагаченого освітнього середовища, нарощування ресурсного потенціалу та створення гнучкої системи управління.Такі інституційні зміни зумовили необхідність розробки, обговорення та затвердження цільового проекту розвитку ХМАПО, реалізація якого забезпечить отримання позитивного результату та характеризує перехід навчального закладу на вищий щабель діяльності.Висновок. Інституційні зміни виявляються у підвищенні кваліфікації персоналу, творчій реалізації освітніх завдань, у повному використанні ресурсного потенціалу, залученні додаткових ресурсів

    Accumulation lithium in the tissues and organs of goslings concerning of its level in the mixed feed

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    We studied the possibility of fortification of goslings’ products with lithium and peculiarities of its depositing in the organs and tissues of goslings concerning lithium level in the mixed feed. Experimental studies have been conducted on goose breed Legart. A total of 320 one-day-old goslings were divided on the principle of analogues into four groups and 80 heads each. The goslings of the first control group did not receive the lithium supplement with the feed mix. Experimental groups were fed with the feed mixed that additionally was supplemented with different doses of lithium by the scheme of the experiment. After 70 days of rearing, three birds were randomly selected from each group and their control slaughter. The lithium content in the representative samples of muscle tissue and organs of goslings was determined by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). It was established that feeding the growing goslings with mixed feed containing lithium supplements in doses of 0.05, 0.1 and 0.15 mg/kg, contributed to the increase (P < 0.001) of the concentration of this trace element in the muscles of the thigh and drumstick accordingly 789.5, 1589.5 and at 3447.4 %, in the muscles of the breast 1096.8, 2080.6 and at 3948.4 %, liver are 455.4, 824.6 and at 1440.8 % are compared to goslings that did not receive lithium supplements. Significantly high values of lithium accumulation factors in organs and tissues of gosling (3.21–14.44) indicated that this element has a substantial accumulating capacity. The meat of goslings enriched with lithium can be considered as a natural product with bio-corrective action that can be used in human nutrition. These meat products can be particularly useful for people that are living in regions with a low environmental level of lithium