196 research outputs found

    Magnetoresistance in semiconductor structures with hopping conductivity: effects of random potential and generalization for the case of acceptor states

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    We reconsider the theory of magnetoresistance in hopping semiconductors. First, we have shown that the random potential of the background impurities affects significantly preexponential factor of the tunneling amplitude which becomes to be a short-range one in contrast to the long-range one for purely Coulomb hopping centers. This factor to some extent suppresses the negative interference magnetoresistance and can lead to its decrease with temperature decrease which is in agreement with earlier experimental observations. We have also extended the theoretical models of positive spin magnetoresistance, in particular, related to a presence of doubly occupied states (corresponding to the upper Hubbard band) to the case of acceptor states in 2D structures. We have shown that this mechanism can dominate over classical wave-shrinkage magnetoresistance at low temperatures. Our results are in semi-quantitative agreement with experimental data.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure

    Obesogenic dietary intake in families with 1-year-old infants at high and low obesity risk based on parental weight status: baseline data from a longitudinal intervention (Early STOPP)

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    PURPOSE: To compare dietary intake in 1-year-old infants and their parents between families with high and low obesity risk, and to explore associations between infant dietary intake and relative weight. METHODS: Baseline analyses of 1-year-old infants (n = 193) and their parents participating in a longitudinal obesity intervention (Early STOPP) were carried out. Dietary intake and diet quality indicators were compared between high- and low-risk families, where obesity risk was based on parental weight status. The odds for high diet quality in relation to parental diet quality were determined. Associations between measured infant relative weight and dietary intake were examined adjusting for obesity risk, socio-demographics, and infant feeding. RESULTS: Infant dietary intake did not differ between high- and low-risk families. The parents in high-risk families consumed soft drinks, French fries, and low-fat spread more frequently, and fish and fruits less frequently (p < 0.05) compared to parents in low-risk families. Paternal intake of vegetables and fish increased the odds for children being consumers of vegetables (OR 1.7; 95 % CI 1.0-2.9) and fish, respectively (OR 2.5; 95 % CI 1.4-4.4). Infant relative weight was weakly associated with a high intake of milk cereal drink (r = 0.15; p < 0.05), but not with any other aspect of dietary intake, obesity risk, or early feeding patterns. CONCLUSIONS: At the age of one, dietary intake in infants is not associated with family obesity risk, nor with parental obesogenic food intake. Milk cereal drink consumption but no other infant dietary marker reflects relative weight at this young age.published_or_final_versio

    Immunological evaluation of inactivated Newcastle disease vaccine depending on adjuvant composition

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    Newcastle disease is a global problem that is being recorded in most countries and also a serious obstacle to exchange of genetic material of poultry in various countries of the world. Control of the Newcastle disease comprises correct injection of efficacious vaccines so as to decrease or eliminate the clinical disease. Our goal was to perform comparative studies of the vaccines against Newcastle disease of water in oil type, the adjuvant being mineral oil mixed with emulsifiers (Span-80 and Tween-80) and ready-touse adjuvant system (Montanide ISA 70), and study the impact of composition of adjuvant constituent on physical-chemical and immunogenic properties of inactivated vaccines. To reproduce virus-containing material and carried out titration of the viruses, we used chicken embryos free of pathogenic microflora. Aqueous phase for the preparation of emulsion-based vaccines of water in oil type consisted of antigen to Newcastle disease of La-Sota strain, manufactured by Biotestlab Ltd, and phosphate-saline buffer. To evaluate the effectiveness of the vaccine and induce immune response, we used 1-day old pathogen-free chickens, which were obtained from chicken embryos free of pathogenic microflora. As the positive control in the experiment, we used commercial vaccine. One-day chickens were divided into 3 groups (I, II, III) comprising 12 individuals each and one group (IV) consisting of 8 individuals as the control group with individual numeration. Chickens in groups I, II and III were divided into two subgroups (n = 8 and n = 4) to determine immunogenic efficiency and safety of the vaccine. Immunization was carried out through single subcutaneous injections in the region of the neck. To study immunogenic efficiency, the chickens were immunized with the dose of 0.1 mL (1 dose), and 0.2 mL (2 doses) to determine safety. After the immunization of 1-day old pathogen-free chickens with 0.1 mL dose, the obtained level of antibodies in the serum of vaccinated chickens on days 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 after the vaccination indicated the ability of provoking the immune response to Newcastle disease at high level and safety of the vaccination for chickens. All the recipes of the examined series of the vaccines and the commercial vaccine produced appropriate level of viscosity according to the criterion equaling ≤ 200 mm2/s at Р <0.05, promoting fluidity of the vaccine and providing easier passage through the needle during the application. Both of the studied vaccines may be used in poultry farming for prophylaxis of Newcastle disease among chickens

    Experience of long-term use of anti-IgE therapy in a patient with chronic spontaneous urticarial

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    Chronic spontaneous urticaria is an urgent health problem. Recurrent urticarial rashes, angioedema and severe itching reduce the quality of life of patients. The ineffectiveness of standard therapy requires the search for new modern methods of treating this disease. Taking into account the current data on the pathogenesis, the third line of therapy for chronic spontaneous urticaria is the addition of anti-IgE therapy (omalizumab) to antihistamines of the 2nd generation. The presented clinical case is devoted to the experience of long-term use of omalizumab in a patient with chronic spontaneous urticaria. Having a disease duration of about a year, the patient was thoroughly examined, all concomitant diseases were identified and compensated, parasitic invasion was treated, but this did not lead to a regression of symptoms. Antihistamines of the 2nd generation in standard and increased doses (up to 4 times) did not control the disease, systemic glucocorticosteroids stopped the symptoms for a short time, and therefore, in  the future, the  patient began to use them independently and uncontrollably. Almost daily use of  corticosteroids for 6 months caused the development of complications in the form of weight gain and Cushing’s syndrome. Omalizumab completely stopped all the symptoms during the first day, no side effects were detected. The clinical effect lasted from 3 to 4 weeks. Thus, omalizumab therapy allowed the patient to almost completely get rid of the symptoms of CSC, which significantly improved the quality of life and made it possible to cancel systemic glucocorticosteroids. The peculiarity of the presented case is the duration of the use of omalizumab (more than 2 years) with the inability to cancel due to the return of urticarial rashes and itching

    Immunogenicity and duration of immunity of the polyvalent vaccine against chicken salmonellosis

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    Poultry salmonellosis causes serious economic damage and must be prevented by disinfection, zoohygienic measures or by vaccination. To develop a new polyvalent vaccine against poultry salmonellosis, we used bacterial strains of Salmonella enteritidis, S. typhimurium and S. gallinarum. Antigenic and immunogenic efficacy of the vaccine was tested on specific-pathogen free chickens, which were divided into five groups of 10 birds in each group and were vaccinated intramuscularly at 8 and 12 weeks: group A (non-immunized control), group B (S. enteritidis mono-vaccine), group C (S. typhimurium mono-vaccine), group D (S. gallinarum mono-vaccine) and group E (trivalent vaccine Polimun Salmo). None of the immunized birds showed such adverse reactions as abnormal behaviour, mortality or signs of anorexia, depression or diarrhea. Two weeks after the revaccination, 5 birds in each group were challenged by watering 3 cm3 of working suspensions of S. gallinarum, S. typhimurium and S. enteritidis control strains at a concentration of 1 × 109 CFU. 72 h after the challenge, faeces were collected from all chickens in each group to identify Salmonella excretion with faeces, and the chickens were euthanized. Significant protection against the virulent challenge was observed in all immunized groups based on mortality and post-mortem lesions compared with the non-immunized control group. Blood samples were selected weekly from 5 chickens of each group for 184 days. The antigenic efficacy of the vaccines was studied by reaction of haemagglutination in the obtained serum. The potent antigen-specific response to lymphocyte activation found in all immunized groups indicated the induction of immune responses. Overall, the results showed that persistent immunity is formed in 4 weeks after the revaccination and lasts for a productive period. Immune response of chickens on day 184 after vaccination with Polimun Salmo was 1: 647, indicating that the developed polyvalent vaccine against common serovars of S. enterica in poultry is effective and immunogenic and can be further used in field studies


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    The experimental data on the influence of the drug «Antymast» which contains: bees propolis, extract of bees «pidmoru», beeswax, castor oil, plant oil; on the level of the products of lipid peroxidation (LPO) and the state of antioxidant protection in the blood of cows suffering from subclinical form of mastitis. Conducted studies showed that plasma levels of sick cows TBA–active products at 9,57 % higher than in clinically healthy animals (p&lt;0,05). Studies found that use of «Antymast» for sick cows three times at intervals of 24 hours–one syringe–tube into each affected quarter of udder causes decrease plasma concentrations of TBA–active products and hydroperoxides lipids compared to the period before drug administration (p&lt;0,01). There tends to increase glutathioneperoxidase activity and glutathione content in blood of cows investigated drug.Приведены экспериментальные данные относительно влияния препарата «Антимаст», который содержит прополис пчелиный, вытяжку из подмора пчел, воск пчелиный, масло касторовое, масло растительное, на уровень продуктов пероксидного окисления липидов (ПОЛ) и состояние системы антиоксидантной защиты организма коров больных субклинической формой мастита. Проведенными исследованиями установлено, что в плазме крови больных коров уровень ТБК–активных продуктов на 9,57 % выше, чем у клинически здоровых животных (p&lt;0,05). Установлено, что интрацистернальное введение коровам трижды с интервалом 24 часа препарата «Антимаст» по одному шприцу–тубе в каждую пораженную четверть вымени способствует снижению концентрации в плазме крови ТБК–активных продуктов и гидроперекисей липидов сравнительно с периодом до введения препарата (р&lt;0,01). Зафиксировано тенденцию к увеличению глутатионпероксидазной активности и содержания восстановленного глутатиона в крови коров при введении исследуемого препарата.Наведені експериментальні дані щодо впливу препарату «Антимаст», який містить прополіс бджолиний, витяжку з підмору бджіл, віск бджолиний, олію касторову, олію рослинну на рівень продуктів пероксидного окиснення ліпідів (ПОЛ) та стан системи антиоксидантного захисту (САЗ) у корів, хворих на субклінічну форму маститу. Показано, що захворювання корів на субклінічну форму маститу викликає зростання процесів ПОЛ. Про що свідчить більший на 9,6 % (p&lt;0,05) вміст ТБК–активних продуктів у плазмі крові хворих корів, ніж у клінічно здорових тварин. Інтрацистернальне введення хворим коровам тричі з інтервалом 24 години препарату «Антимаст» по одному шприцу–тубі в кожну уражену чверть вимені, спричиняє зниження (р&lt;0,01) концентрації у плазмі крові ТБК–активних продуктів та гідроперекисів ліпідів. При цьому зафіксовано тенденцію до зростання глутатіонпероксидазної активності та вмісту відновленого глутатіону у крові корів за введення досліджуваного препарату

    Зараженность 7 сортов картофеля вирусами в полевых условиях Приморского края РФ

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    Scientific relevance. Plant viruses cause a significant economic loss to potato production, especially if plants are infected at early growth stages and infections are mixed. Viral diseases reduce both yield and quality of harvested crops. Detection and identification of plant viruses are key important to prevent their spreading and to achieve potential yield predetermined by characteristics of varieties.Research methods. Seven potato varieties, bred in Russia and overseas, were used in the field experiment: Smak, Avgustin, Yantar, Laperla, Labella, Red Lady, Sante, Belmonda. Viral infection rate was measured by the percent of plants with symptoms to the total number of plants. In addition to infection frequency, a disease rate was described after visual estimation. Total RNA was isolated from the collected leaves according to Bekesiova I. et al. 1999 [13]. Qualitative and quantitative estimation of plant viruses in the samples were conducted by single-step real-time RT-PCR with fluorescent detection with the Applied Biosystems QuantStudio 5 and commercial kits “Potato Virus X, Y, M, L, S, A, PSTVd-RT” (Syntol Company) according to the official protocol of the kits.Results. As a result of our research, symptoms of mixed viral infection were described for potato varieties depending on concentrations and proportions of these viruses in a plant. Mixed viral infection in the potato field in Primorsky Krai comprised PVY, PVX, PVA, PVS, PVM, also PLRV and PSTVd. Актуальность. Фитовирусы приводят к большим экономическим потерям в производстве картофеля, особенно если растения инфицируются на ранних стадиях или при смешанных инфекциях. Вирусные инфекции не только снижают урожай, но и ухудшают его качество. Обнаружение и идентификация вирусов растений имеет первостепенное значение для предотвращения их распространения и обеспечения урожайности, заложенной характеристиками сортов.Методика исследования. В полевом эксперименте, заложенном стационарно, использовалось 7 сортов картофеля российской и зарубежной селекции: Смак, Августин, Янтарь, Laperla, Labella, Red Lady, Sante, Belmonda. Проявление фитовирусной инфекции оценивали по наличию растений с симптомами от общего числа в процентах. Кроме показателя частоты заражения, при визуальной оценке описывали степень развития болезни. Тотальную РНК выделяли из зеленых частей растений по Bekesiova I. et al. 1999 [Bekesiova, 1999]. Качественное и количественное определение фитовирусов в пробах проводили одношаговой ОТ-ПЦР с флуоресцентной детекцией в реальном времени в амплификаторе QuantStudio 5 (Applied Biosystems) с использованием коммерческих наборов серии «Potato Virus X, Y, M, L, S, A, PSTVdRT» (Синтол).Результаты. В результате исследований были описаны симптомы проявления ассоциативной вирусной инфекции на сортах картофеля, в зависимости от концентрации и соотношения этих вирусов в растении. Смешанная фитовирусная инфекция на картофельном поле в Приморском крае состояла из PVY, PVX, PVA, PVS, PVM, а также PLRV и PSTVd

    Free-radical oxidation as a pathogenetic factor of metabolic syndrome

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    The medical and social significance of cardiovascular diseases remains high. One of the factors that determine cardiovascular risks is metabolic syndrome. As a result of excessive accumulation of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism products in metabolic syndrome, oxidative (oxidative) stress develops. The article considers both domestic and foreign scientific studies, which highlight various aspects of the influence of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, as well as other free radicals on the formation of oxidative stress in pathological conditions that are part of the metabolic syndrome complex. This describes the mechanisms of the formation of chronic inflammation through excessive secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and adipokines, activation of the transcription factor NF-kB, as well as damage to the antioxidant system in obesity. Separately, a number of mechanisms of the stimulating effect of adipokines: leptin, adiponectin, chimerine, omentin 1, resistin, on the formation of oxidative stress have been noted. The ways of activating the polyol pathway, as well as diacyl-glycerol — protein kinase C — the signaling pathway of oxidative stress, the formation of mitochondrial dysfunction is described. As a result of which there is an excessive production of free radicals in insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus and macroand microvascular complications of diabetes. In addition, the influence of oxidative stress directly on the formation of cardiovascular diseases of atherosclerotic genesis, as well as arterial hypertension, has been shown

    Experience with the triple fixed combination in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the most important problems of modern medicine associated with a high mortality rate, high costs of treatment and relief of exacerbations of COPD. The main objectives of COPD treatment are symptom control, reduce the frequency of exacerbations and hospitalizations, and reduced risk of exacerbation in the future. The recommendations of the GOLD initiative propose a treatment approach based on the assessment of exacerbation rates external respiratory function indicators (spirometric classification of GOLD), the severity of symptoms assessed on the CAT test and mMRC. When choosing therapy, the physician must first of all take into account the effectiveness, safety of the drug, adherence to treatment in order to achieve the therapeutic goals of treating patients with COPD. The change in therapeutic approaches in COPD treatment is associated with the accumulation of knowledge in physiology, clinical pharmacology, and the isolation of new clinical phenotypes of COPD. Currently, the main classes of drugs for the treatment of COPD are long-acting beta-agonists (LABA), longacting anticholinergics (LAMA), and inhaled glucocorticosteroids (ICS). The evolution of therapeutic approaches in COPD treatment has led to the creation of new fixed inhalation combinations of the main groups of drugs for COPD treatment. The therapeutic strategies recommended by GOLD and the Russian Federal Guidelines determine the long-term goals of COPD treatment – the impact on the risk of exacerbations in the future. The presented clinical observation of a patient with severe COPD demonstrates the effectiveness of a triple fixed combination vilanterol/umeclidinium/fluticasone furoate 55/22/92 μg as a basic therapy. The  chosen treatment strategy not only reduces the  severity of  the  symptoms of  the  disease, but also reduces the  risk of exacerbations in the future

    Features of cellular structure of the induced sputum and profile of cytokines at sintropiya of bronchial asthma and obesity at young patients

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    Aim. To estimate changes of cellular structure of the induced sputum at young patients with bronchial asthma at interrelations with BMI and level of cytokines in blood plasma. Materials and methods. 164 patients with bronchial asthma were divided into 2 groups taking into BMI: the 1st group included patients with bronchial asthma and BMI from 18 to 25 kg/m2, patients with bronchial asthma and BMI from 30 to 40 kg/m2 entered into the 2nd group. The group of control was made by 40 almost healthy volunteers. Estimated existence of excess weight and defined obesity degree according to recommendations of World Health Organization. Studied the level of control of bronchial asthma, cellular structure of the induced sputum, the IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12, IL-15, IL-17, TNF-α, INF-γ levels in plasma of peripheral blood. Results. There are presented the results of the research of cellular profile of the induced sputum and profile of cytokines at patients with bronchial asthma depending on BMI and severity of the disease. The received results testify to prevalence of eosinophilic type of an inflammation in the group of patients with BMI less than 25 kg/m2 whereas at patients mainly paucigranulation inflammation decided on obesity. The highest content of the Il-17 was registered at patients with bronchial asthma and obesity as in comparison with indicators of patients with normal BMI, and with almost healthy that, perhaps, is the reason of low effect of steroid therapy at these patients. Conclusion. Endotype assessment before basic antiinflammatory therapy at patients with the first time diagnosed bronchial asthma, will be able to help with selection of the most optimum treatment to each specific patient