49 research outputs found

    Edukacja ekologiczna w zakresie gospodarki odpadami jako narzędzie realizacji zrównoważonego rozwoju

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    A big amount of communal waste is a problem that occurs in many urban areas of the European Union. In its solution dynamic technological development in utilization and reuse of  waste is a propitious factor. To make this actions fully successful – and coherent with sustainable development principle – it must be associated with increase of environmental awareness which leads to involvement of local communities in segregation and correct waste management. The article presents examples of ecological education and waste management in selected European countries: Germany, Finland, Belgium, Great Britain and Poland.Problem dużej masy wytwarzanych odpadów komunalnych jest charakterystyczny dla wielu aglomeracji krajów Unii Europejskiej. Jego rozwiązaniu sprzyja dynamiczny rozwój technologiczny odnoszący się do sposobów unieszkodliwiania, a także powtórnego wykorzystania odpadów. Aby działania te były w pełni skuteczne – i zarazem zgodne z zasadą zrównoważonego rozwoju – musi im  towarzyszyć wzrost świadomości ekologicznej, prowadzącej do zaangażowania mieszkańców w segregację i prawidłową gospodarkę odpadami. Artykuł omawia przykłady edukacji ekologicznej oraz metod zarządzania gospodarką odpadami komunalnymi w wybranych krajach europejskich: Niemczech, Finlandii, Belgii, Wielkiej Brytanii i Polsce

    The problem of municipal waste management in rural areas

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    W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienie niekontrolowanego powstawania wielkiej masy odpadów komunalnych w środowisku wiejskim. Opisano strukturę wiejskich odpadów bytowo-gospodarczych, w których przewaŜają odpady nieorganiczne (metale, szkło, ceramika, guma). Wskazano zagroŜenia, jakie stwarzają nielegalne wysypiska odpadów powstających w wyniku działalności bytowej ludności wiejskiej.The article presents the problem of uncontrolled creation of the great mass of municipal waste in rural areas. The structure of rural economic waste existentially with predominantly inorganic wastes (metals, glass, ceramics, rubber) was described. Pointed out the risk posed by illegal dumping of waste resulting from activities of living conditions of rural population

    The EU strategy for 2011–2020 in the field of biodiversity conservation

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    W artykule wyjaśniono pojęcie różnorodności biologicznej oraz cele programu Natura 2000. Opisano kierunki działania nowej unijnej strategii przyjętej 3 maja 2011. Dotyczy ona terminowego wdrożenia Dyrektywy Ptasiej i Siedliskowej. Główne zadania to: polepszenie stanu ochrony siedlisk i gatunków chronionych, zapewnienie odpowiedniego finansowania sieci Natura 2000, usprawnienie monitorowania i sprawozdawczości, wzrost świadomości i zaangażowania zainteresowanych stron oraz poprawa skuteczności. Należy także zwrócić uwagę na utrzymanie i wzmocnienie ekosystemów, użyźnianie gleby i oczyszczanie wody, zapewnienie zrównoważonego rozwoju rolnictwa, leśnictwa i rybołówstwa, problem inwazyjnych gatunków obcych oraz walkę ze światowym kryzysem różnorodności biologicznejThe article explains the concept of biodiversity and Natura 2000 objectives. The author describes the action lines of the new EU strategy, initialed May 3, 2011. It concerns the implementation of the Birds and Habitats Directives. The main tasks are: improving the conservation status of habitats and species protected, ensuring adequate funding for the Natura 2000 network, to improve monitoring and reporting, increase awareness and involvement of stakeholders and improve efficiency. You should also pay attention to maintaining and enhancing ecosystems, soil treatment and purification of water, to ensure the sustainable development of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, the problem of invasive alien species and the fight against the global crisis of biodiversit

    Anthropogenic salinisation processes

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    W artykule opisano gleby słone na świecie według międzynarodowego systemu WRB oraz klasyfikację polską. Przedstawiono wpływ zasolenia na glebę i rośliny. Podkreślono negatywny wpływ zasolenia na fotosyntezę, oddychanie, przyswajanie asymilatów i wzrost roślin. Opisano procesy rekultywacji gleb słonych.The article describes the classification of saline soils in the world according to World reference base for soil resources and Polish Soil Systematics. The influence of salinity on soil and plants has been presented. Special attention has been paid to negative affects of salinity on the photosynthesis, respiration, absorption of assimilates and growth of plants. The salty soil remediation processes has been characterized

    Varying the Energy Mix in the EU-28 and in Poland as a Step towards Sustainable Development

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    The demand for clean energy is a key global issue requiring global ideas to be implemented through local action. This is particularly important in Poland’s energy transition, since the country produces energy mainly from conventional sources, i.e., coal, gas, and crude oil. Adverse climate change caused by high emissions of the economy based on the combustion of hydrocarbons as well as the growing public awareness have made it necessary to look for new environmentally friendly energy sources. The aim of the paper is to demonstrate that the use of alternative energy sources, biomass in particular, is compatible with sustainable development policy. Eight indicators for the EU-28 and for Poland were analysed in order to verify the progress in modifying the energy mix between 2010 and 2018 in the context of implementing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The analysis showed that both in the EU-28 and in Poland, the aggregated indicator taking into account the positive and negative change in the values of individual indicators improved between 2010 and 2018. In the EU-28, this indicator is higher (180.1) than in Poland (152.3). The lower value for Poland is mainly due to the fact that the main source of energy in Poland remains hard coal and lignite. However, the noticeable increase in recent years in the share of energy from renewable sources, biomass included, allows us to look with hope to a rapidly growing indicator measuring progress towards a sustainable development goal, and to improving environmental standards

    Badania opinii respondentów na temat uciążliwości środowiskowej górnictwa węgla kamiennego

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    Tyt. z nagłówka.Bibliografia s.505-506.Dostępny również w formie drukowanej.STRESZCZENIE: Utrzymanie równowagi w środowisku przyrodniczym jest podstawowym kryterium właściwego funkcjonowania obiektów przemysłowych. Działalność górnicza stanowi zagrożenie dla środowiska naturalnego, w tym dla zdrowia i życia człowieka. Do badań socjologicznych wytypowano respondentów poprzez dobór celowy. Ocenie poddano kwestionariusze osób zamieszkujących tereny górnicze oraz związanych zawodowo z górnictwem. Wypowiedzi ankietowanych pozwoliły zapoznać się z opiniami na temat środowiskowych uciążliwości górnictwa w miejscu zamieszkania. Uciążliwości te są postrzegane jako znaczące w szczególności przez mieszkańców Śląska. Podkreślono aspekty związane z wpływem działalności górniczej na zdrowie ludzi. SŁOWA KLUCZOWE: węgiel kamienny, uciążliwość środowiskowa, badania socjologiczne. ABSTRACT: The maintenance of equilibrium in natural environment is a crucial criterion of proper functioning of industrial objects. Mining activity causes a threat to natural environment, including human health and life. Respondents to sociological investigations were chosen through purposeful selection. The subject of analysis was questionnaires of people living in mining areas and professionally related with mining. The response allowed to get acquainted with a scope of their interests as well as with opinions on environmental matters at the domicile. Environmental nuisances caused by the mining industry are considered very significant by habitants of Silesia region. The influence of mining activity on the health of the population has been emphasized in particular. KEYWORDS: hard coal, environmental nuisance, sociological investigations

    Exploitation of Mineral Resources for Sustainable Development on the Example of Poland

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    Nuisance for the people living in areas covered by the direct or indirect impact of the mining industry is an important social problem. The development of the mining industry depends on high environmental requirements, in particular, it is closely related to the fulfillment of obligations of safety for human health and life. Through consultation with the local society and targeted actions degraded land can become attractive. In contrast, the lack of reclamation leads to the intensification of negative phenomena: erosion, surface mass movements, changes in the ecosystem, eutrophication of water tanks. Maintaining balance in the natural environment is the basic criterion for the proper functioning of industrial facilities. Mining activity is a threat to the environment, including human health and life. Use of the environment by mining is subject to adjustment to the legislation and carrying out mining activities in line with environmental requirements. Mining activities and nature protection can operate in a sustainable manner. Appropriate selection of methods for mineral exploitation allows you to minimize the impact on the environment components. The positive impact of opencast mining is reflected in the creation of new habitats of plants and animals in post-mining areas, in the creation of new recreation places, in diversifying the landscape thanks to the construction of water reservoirs. Lakes formed after use of natural aggregates overgrown vegetation reed, acting as a convenient place to settle th e water birds

    Exploitation of Mineral Resources for Sustainable Development on the Example of Poland

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    Nuisance for the people living in areas covered by the direct or indirect impact of the mining industry is an important social problem. The development of the mining industry depends on high environmental requirements, in particular, it is closely related to the fulfillment of obligations of safety for human health and life. Through consultation with the local society and targeted actions degraded land can become attractive. In contrast, the lack of reclamation leads to the intensification of negative phenomena: erosion, surface mass movements, changes in the ecosystem, eutrophication of water tanks. Maintaining balance in the natural environment is the basic criterion for the proper functioning of industrial facilities. Mining activity is a threat to the environment, including human health and life. Use of the environment by mining is subject to adjustment to the legislation and carrying out mining activities in line with environmental requirements. Mining activities and nature protection can operate in a sustainable manner. Appropriate selection of methods for mineral exploitation allows you to minimize the impact on the environment components. The positive impact of opencast mining is reflected in the creation of new habitats of plants and animals in post-mining areas, in the creation of new recreation places, in diversifying the landscape thanks to the construction of water reservoirs. Lakes formed after use of natural aggregates overgrown vegetation reed, acting as a convenient place to settle th e water birds

    Analiza przyczyn konfliktów między górnikami i przyrodnikami

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    The primary goal of this paper is to suggest potential methods of post-mining areas management. Moreover, such methods must be compliant with the expectations of the residents of a given area. The assessment of natural and socio-economic factors affecting the choice of optimum reclamation and revitalization approaches was carried out using the following research methods: analysis of the available literature, case study, field research, photographic documentation. An analysis of the impact of deposit exploitation of mineral aggregates on protected species and their habitats located within the Natura 2000 sites was done. The scale of the problem is enormous. A proper approach needs to be developed among the economy, society and organization of managing the network. The Natura 2000 network covers huge areas simultaneously utilized for other purposes than nature conservation. The Natura 2000 network is in serious conflict with industry, especially with open-pit mining due to the location of mineral deposits. The results can be used to resolve conflict situations on Natura 2000 sites. An undertaking will only receive a go-ahead if it exerts no negative impact on a given area and if the public approves of it. Plans and undertakings having a negative impact on a given area are authorized but on the condition that mitigating measures are taken.Głównym celem tego artykułu jest przeanalizowanie potencjalnych metod zagospodarowania terenów pogórniczych. Takie metody muszą być zgodne z oczekiwaniami mieszkańców danego obszaru. Ocena naturalnych i społeczno-ekonomicznych czynników wpływających na wybór optymalnych metod rekultywacji i rewitalizacji została przeprowadzona przy użyciu następujących metod badawczych: analiza dostępnej literatury, case study, badania terenowe, dokumentacja fotograficzna. Przeprowadzono analizę wpływu eksploatacji złoża kruszyw mineralnych na chronione gatunki i ich siedliska zlokalizowane na obszarach Natura 2000. Skala problemu jest ogromna. Należy wypracować właściwe podejście do gospodarki, społeczeństwa i organizacji zarządzania obszarami Natura 2000. Sieć ta obejmuje ogromne obszary wykorzystywane jednocześnie do innych celów niż ochrona przyrody. Ponadto sieć znajduje się w poważnym konflikcie z przemysłem, w szczególności z górnictwem odkrywkowym ze względu na lokalizację złóż kopalin. Wyniki badań mogą być wykorzystane do rozwiązania konfliktów na obszarach Natura 2000. Przedsięwzięcie zostanie zatwierdzone przy akceptacji społeczeństwa oraz gdy nie będzie miało negatywnego wpływu na dany obszar. Plany i przedsięwzięcia mające negatywny wpływ na dany obszar są dozwolone, ale pod warunkiem podjęcia działań łagodzących


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    The article presents a proposal for the development of soda industry landfills on the example of a former Cracow Soda Works "Solvay". The area is located in close proximity to the center of Krakow and is surrounded by places of worship. The analyzed area is characterized by specific physical and chemical properties of the substrate (soda production waste) that manifest themselves e.g. in very high salinity and the presence of numerous processes of water erosion. The former landfill covers an area of 1 km2 and is a natural link between the two large settlements in the southern part of Krakow, namely Kurdwanów and Borek Fałęcki. The developed landscape concept is based on a detailed analysis of the physicochemical substrate and the conditions necessary for the foundation of buildings and civil engineering. In the research phase, the technical and natural inventory was made, and a detailed review of the literature in the field of land use with similar properties was performed. The designing process was guided by the information contained in the available planning documents and the needs of the local community, which presented in the literature of other scientists. As a result of the research, the concept of omni-zoning area landfills was established. The main assumptions are based on the concept of the nineteenth-century idea of the garden city, consisting in dividing the area into 6 main thematic areas, i.e. parks, which are described in detail in the article. The main functions (leisure and recreation) have been supplemented with historical and touristic elements