5 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Tingkat Religiusitas dan Kompensasi Finansial terhadap Etos Kerja Karyawan pada Salon Muslimah House Of Aisya Bogor

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    House of Aisya is a special beauty house for Muslim women who care about birth and inner beauty. The House of Aisya Muslimah Salon has a mission to open jobs and introduce Muslim-inspired ethics by dedicating beauty care to Muslim women through halal and natural products, shar'i services, modern technology, and employees with work ethics in accordance with the teachings of Islam to realize birth satisfaction and inner Muslim women. The objectives of this study were: (1) The extent to which religiosity affects the work ethic of employees at the House of Aisya Bogor (2) How financial compensation affects the work ethic of employees in the House of Aisya Bogor. This study uses quantitative methods. Data collection techniques using questionnaires, while data analysis techniques using multiple linear regression analysis with the help of SPSS 23. The analysis shows that the significance value is 0.003, because 0.003 <0.05, H0 is rejected. So it can be concluded that the level of religiosity and financial compensation together affect the work ethic of employees at the Salon Muslimah House of Aisya Bogor. While partially it shows that the religiosity variable does not affect the work ethic of the employees at the Salon Muslimah House of Aisya Bogor and for the financial compensation variable it significantly influences the work ethic of employees at the Salon Muslimah House of Aisya Bogor

    Analisis Produk Deposito Mudharabah dan Penerapannya pada PT BPRS Amanah Ummah

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    This paper attempts to analise the mudarabah fixed deposits product and its implementation in PT BPRS Amanah Ummah. This paper also tries to analise the nisbah examination on profit and loss sharing.The method used in this study is descriptive method. Fixed deposits account in PT BPRS Amanah Ummah has been known for its transaction using mudaraba contract. The contract, basically, involves two parties which have been working together as an investor (shahibul maal) and entrepreneur (mudharib) throughout the contract period. Bank has its own responsibility as the entrepreneur. The profit and loss are shared between them as stated in the contract and has been agreed by all involved parties.The proportion is indeed appeared as the result of bargaining process prior to the final agreement between them. If any loss occurred, the investor is the one who responsible on it. The entrepreneur is ‘only\u27 burdened on time and management loss. However, the situation may differ if the loss is caused by human error (the entrepreneur)

    Perkawinan Janda tanpa Akta Cerai di Kepenghuluan Karya Mukti Kecamatan Rimba Melintang Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

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    The relationship of marriage is intended to for life and happiness for the coupleconcerned. Keeping the purpose of marriage is likely to dispute that resulted in divorce.Divorce should be done at the trial court. Divorce can only be proven by a divorce certificateissued by the Court. Interest thesis: First, factor the cause of the marriage without divorcecertificate, Secondly, the legal consequences of marriage and divorce certificates widowswithout Third, legality Widow marriage without divorce certificates according to theMarriage Act and Islamic Law Compilation. This type of research is classified into types ofEmpirical Legal Research. The study was conducted in the village of Karya Mukti DistrictRimba Melintang of Rokan Hilir.Causes of the marriage without divorce certificates in the village of Karya Muktibecause, first, geography, Second, a lack of public understanding of marriage law. Effects ofmarriage without divorce the marriage certificate can be canceled, Children born still has alegal relationship with both parents. Community property marriage without divorcecertificates can not be divided. Widow marriage without divorce certificates according to theMarriage Act and Islamic Law Compilation unauthorized and may be canceled. SuggestionsAuthor, First, the Religious Court and the Office of Religious Affairs needs to improvedissemination to the public. Second, the Court of religion in order to continue the activitiesaround the marriage isbat to curb cooperation with the Office of Religious Affairs. Third,religious leaders and village officials in order to help the Religious Courts

    Mla in Criminal Matters as Asset Recovery's Tool

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    Indonesia has the Act No. 1 of 2006 Concerning Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, and has ratified Treaty on MLA in Criminal Matters (ASEAN Treaty) with Act No. 15 of 2008, the act mandated to Ministry of Justice and Human Rights as the Central Authority. Modus operandi and crime increasingly sophisticated as technological developments, in such a way that cause difficulties to search, seize and transmit properties from the requested country to the requesting country, so that is needed bilateral or multilateral cooperation. Indonesia must be better cooperation among relevant agencies in accordance with established procedures. Indonesia memiliki Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2006 tentang Bantuan Timbal Balik dalam Masalah Pidana dan meratifikasi Perjanjian tentang MLA in Criminal Matters (ASEAN Treaty)dengan UndangUndang Nomor 15 Tahun 2008, dan mandat kepada Kementerian Kehakiman dan Hak Asasi Manusia sebagai otoritas pusat. Modus operandi kejahatan makin canggih seiring perkembangan teknologi, sedemikian rupa yang menyebabkan kesulitan untuk mencari, menyita dan mengirimkan hasil kejahatan dari negara diminta kepada negara peminta, sehingga perlu kerjasama bilateral atau multilateral. Di Indonesia harus ada kerjasama yang lebih baik antar instansi terkait sesuai dengan prosedur yang ditetapkan

    Aplikasi Pola Grameen Bank dalam Pembiayaan Produktif ( Studi Kasus : Koperasi Syariah Benteng Mikro Indonesia )

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    Karakteristik  dasar  dari  Grameen Bank  adalah  pembiayaan tanpa adanya agunan/ jaminan berbentuk fisik (materi), sehingga dalam penerapannya anggunan/jaminan berupa Capital Social (Modal Sosial) dibandingkan Capital Economic (Modal Ekonomi) dan juga disiplin, kesatuan, dan bekerja keras serta dengan didukung oleh keyakinan dasar, keterbukaan, dan saling menolong satu dengan lainnya agar dapat mengurangi kemiskinan dan memperbaiki pertumbuhan ekonomi. Dengan landasan ini maka Pola Grameen Bank dipercaya dapat mengurangi kemiskinan yang  terjadi di negara-negara berkembang seperti di Indonesia