317 research outputs found

    Gender Discrimination and Job Satisfaction

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    This article defines the relationship between two factors and its impact by examining the effect of Gender discrimination in the work place which influences the job performance and job satisfaction in individuals(i.e.; hiring, promotion, salary, control/ autonomy/ influence, challenge, performance measures, feed back, in strumentality, stability/security). The data is collected through quantitative method. The sample of thestudy consisted of 500 employees working in different bank in Islamabad and Wahcantt (Pakistan) through the questionnaire, of which 300 were returned and processed. R was used to analysis the data, using independent T-Test, and excel, Correlation and Multi-regression analysis. There is a significant prove, gender discrimination has an influence on Job satisfaction and job performance and stability of individuals. From findings of the study, it is also depicted that male and female have significantly different level of job satisfaction

    Dampak Pandemi Covid 19 Terhadap Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Aparatur

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    Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk megetahui bagaimana pengaruh atau dampak Pandemi Covid-19 ini terhadap porses pembelajaran pendidikan dan latihan bagi peserta  Aparatur Sipil Negara. Metode penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kualitatif. Responden yang di butuhkan dalam penelitian ini adalah peserta didik dalam hal ini aparatur sipil negara dan  widiyaiswara sebagai pendidik dilingkungan pendidikan dan latihan Tekfunghan Kemhan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan setelah adanya penutupan sementara lembaga pendidikan sebagai upaya menahan penyebaran pendemi covid-19 di seluruh dunia berdampak pada jutaan peserta diklat aparatur, tidak terkecuali di Indonesia. Gangguan dalam proses belajar langsung antara peserta diklat aparatur dan Widyaiswara dan pembatalan penilaian belajar berdampak pada psikologis peserta diklat aparatur dan menurunnya kualitas keterampilan peserta diklat aparatur. Beban itu merupakan tanggung jawab semua elemen pendidikan dan pelatihan aparatur khususnya negara dalam memfasilitasi kelangsungan lembaga diklat aparatur bagi semua steakholders pendidikan dan pelatihan aparatur guna melakukan pembelajaran jarak jauh. Bagaimana mestinya Indonesia merencanakan, mempersiapkan, dan mengatasi pemulihan covid 19, untuk menekan kerugian dunia pendidikan aparatur di masa mendatan

    Analisis keunggulan komparatif Produk Halal dalam Perdagangan Internasional

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Keunggulan komparatif produk halal dalam perdagangan Internasional. Munculnya lembaga sertifikasi halal di seluruh dunia menunjukkan bahwa isu halal telah menjadi tren global, membuat barang halal lebih banyak tersedia dalam perdagangan global. Dengan meninjau materi terkait dan memantau proses penerapan sistem jaminan halal Indonesia, studi ini menggunakan metodologi deskriptif kualitatif. Informasi diperoleh dari jurnal, buku, dan sumber elektronik. Temuan studi tersebut menunjukkan bahwa persiapan produk halal sudah dilakukan untuk memperluas pasarnya ke luar negeri, khususnya di Indonesia. Sebagai negara agraris dan maritim dengan potensi ekonomi yang besar, Indonesia memiliki keunggulan komparatif

    Energy Efficient Approach for Collision Avoidance in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    One of the main challenges in the wireless sensor network is to improve the performance of the network by extending the lifetime of the sensor nodes. Excessive packet collisions lead to packet losses and retransmissions, resulting in significant overhead costs and latency which in turn makes a need to design a distributed and scalable time slot allocation. A new proposal is proposed which avoids collisions between packets and also provides increased energy efficiency and further prolong network lifetime, in wireless sensor network

    Dual Banking System dimata kaum Milenial Bandung Jawa Barat antara Kebutuhan dan Kehalalan Produk

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    Sistem perbankan dual banking system menjadi sistem yang dianut di negara Indonesia. Asset dikelola supaya tidak terlalu banyak dana yang masih menganggur juga sebagai salah satu berdasarkan kebijakan dari sekian banyak manajemen untuk diprioritaskan baik bank konvensional juga bank syariah. Asal pendapatan terbesar yaitu dari dana pihak ketiga yang diperoleh bank syariah dan bank konvensional, dana tersebut berfungsi sebagai forum keuangan bank permanen yang dikelola sedemikian rupa dan mempunyai fungsi yaitu funding dan lending. Pada pembangunan ekonomi nasional dibutuhkan praktik hukum ekonomi syariah, melalui pusat ekonomi atau aneka macam forum yang berkecimpung dalam sektor riil, positifnya adalah pengaruh terhadap ekonomi nasional semakin berkembang dan bertumbuh. Produk halal mempunyai sertifikasi dan labelisasi untuk perspektif maslahat menaruh jaminan, pertumbuhan, berita mengenai mengkonsumsi produk halal yang dipakai masyarakat. Tunjangan profesi dan labelisasi terhadap kebutuhan konsumen yaitu mempunyai produk yang halal dikategorikan maslahat dharuriyyah lantaran mengakibatkan semakin rumitnya memilih produk halal atau haram karena terjadi beberapa faktor kemajuan pengetahuan dan teknologi, dan diharapkan untuk menetapankan labelisasi produk halal dan tunjangan profesi. kata kunci: Dual Bank System, Halal, Keuangan Syariah, Milenial, Produ

    A Study on Variation in Co-Morbidity and Clinical Profile according to Symptom Dimensions in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

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    BACKGROUND: The complex heterogeneous clinical phenotype of obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) can be summarized into a few temporally stable and consistent symptom dimensions that may have distinct clinical and neurobiological correlates. The frequent co-occurrence of OCD with other psychiatric disorders and the relatively specific association patterns between OCD symptom dimensions and co-morbid disorders support the importance of OCD sub-typing for treatment, genetic, and other research studies of this heterogeneous disorder. However the clinical utility of identifying such symptom dimensions remains somewhat unclear. This study is to throw light regarding clinical utility of symptom dimensions. AIM OF THE STUDY: To study the relationship between symptom dimensions and various factors like socio-demographic, disorder related, symptom severity, psychiatric co-morbidities, insight, suicidality, quality of life for obsessive compulsive disorder. METHODS: A cross sectional study was conducted on 50 OCD patients using YBOCS Symptom checklist and severity scale and also the relationship between symptom dimensions with comorbidity and various clinical profile has been assessed. RESULTS: Sexual dimension was more in educated group whereas aggressive dimension was more in uneducated group. Checking/ doubting dimension had lowest severity rating. Mixed and sexual dimensions had low psychological quality of life whereas contamination dimension had low physical quality of life. Mixed dimension had many of them having suicidal aspect of not feeling worthy. Among those who lacked insight 75% belonged to mixed dimension. Difference in level of anxiety among dimensions. More the mean duration of OCD more the aggressive dimension. Mixed dimension had more family history of OCD. CONCLUSION: Our study demonstrates relatively specific associations between OCD symptom dimensions and clinical characteristics supporting the view that symptom dimensions could be employed to reduce the heterogeneity of OCD. The study encourages and supports inclusion of symptom dimensions in characterizing OCD


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    AbstractThis article is motivated by the assumption of stable income growth indicating the efficiency of the company in managing its operating activities, and its human resources to increase profitability. This article aims to determine whether the gross profit margin and operating profit margin are factors that affect revenue growth at PT. ACE Hardware Indonesia, Tbk. This article also uses descriptive methods and quantitative approaches. Research data is secondary data taken from the financial statements of PT. ACE Hardware Indonesia, Tbk. and supported by literature study and documentation, which were processed statistically and quantitatively using SPSS. The results of this study conclude that both partially and simultaneously, the gross profit margin and the operating profit margin do not have a significant effect on the growth of PT. ACE Hardware Indonesia, Tbk. The implication of this research is that companies must pay attention to other factors to increase revenue growth, besides that the company must control operating expenses as well as cost of goods sold in order to maximize the increase in operating profit margins and gross profit margins. Keywords: Gross Profit Margin, Operating Profit Margin, Income Growth AbstrakArtikel ini dilatarbelakangi oleh asumsi pertumbuhan pendapatan yang stabil mengindikasikan efisiensi perusahaan dalam mengelola kegiatan operasi, dan sumber daya manusianya untuk meningkatkan profitabilitas. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah margin laba kotor dan margin laba operasional menjadi faktor yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan pendapatan pada PT. ACE Hardware Indonesia, Tbk. Artikel ini juga menggunakan metode deskriptif dan pendekatan kuantitatif. Data penelitian merupakan data sekunder yang diambil dari laporan keuangan PT. ACE Hardware Indonesia, Tbk. dan didukung dengan studi kepustakaan dan dokumentasi, yang diolah secara statistik dan kuantitatif menggunakan SPSS.  Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan baik secara parsial dan simultan, margin laba kotor dan margin laba operasional tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan pendapatan PT. ACE Hardware Indonesia, Tbk. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah perusahaan harus memperhatikan faktor lain untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan pendapatan, selain itu juga perusahaan harus mengontrol beban-beban operasional juga beban pokok penjualan agar maksimal menaikkan margin laba operasional dan margin laba kotor. Kata kunci: Margin Laba Kotor, Margin Laba Operasional, Pertumbuhan Pendapata

    Determinan Dana Pihak Ketiga Bank Umum Syariah Di Indonesia

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    Third-party funds at Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia fluctuated. The factors that determine the accumulation of third-party funds are essential for Islamic banks' financial stability and management. This study aims to show and describe the effect of gross domestic product and inflation on third-party funds partially and simultaneously. The research method used is descriptive-associative with a quantitative approach. The population used is Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia. Data analysis using multiple linear regression. The results show that gross domestic product and inflation partially affect third-party funds in Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia. Meanwhile, simultaneously gross domestic product and inflation have a significant effect with a contribution of 85.5% to third-party funds in Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia. The increase in third-party funds depends on Indonesia's macroeconomic conditions, the dominant macroeconomic influencing the collection of third-party funds in Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia

    Fabric Texture Analysis and Weave Pattern Recognition by Intelligent Processing

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    Coimbatore is a major city in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu located on the banks of the Noyyal River surrounded by the Western Ghats. It is one of the biggest centers of textile manufacturing in India. A fast-growing metropolitan area city, it is home to over 25,000 textile and manufacturing companies and has spawned many new centers of textiles around it. Textile fabric automation and manufacturing has been of great concern over the past decade. This is a remarkable task because of the accidental changes of fabric material properties. Due to the increasing demand of consumers for high-quality textile products, an automatic and objective evaluation of the fabric texture appearance is necessary with respect to geometric structure characteristics, surface, and mechanical properties. The precise measurement of the fabric texture parameters, such as weave structure and yarn counts find wide applications in the textile industry, virtual environments, e-commerce, and robotic telemanipulation. The weave pattern and the yarn count are analyzed and determined for computer simulated sample images and also for the scanned real fabric images. 2-D integral projections are used to identify the accurate structure of the woven fabric and to determine the yarn count. They are used for segmenting the crossed areas of yarns and also to detect the defects like crossed area due to the random distribution of yarns. Fuzzy C-Means Clustering (FCM) is applied to multiscale texture features based on the Grey Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) to classify the different crossed-area states. Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) is used to improve the classifier performance