22 research outputs found

    Comparison of the blood and lymphatic microvessel density of pleomorphic adenoma and basal cell adenoma

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    Pleomorphic adenoma (PA) is the most common tumor of the salivary gland, while basal cell adenoma (BCA) is an uncommon neoplasm. Blood and lymphatic vessels are crucial for tumor metabolism. The aim of this study was to compare the blood and lymphatic vascular density and vascular and endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression in PA and BCA tumors. In addition, cell proliferation was evaluated in these tumors. Blood and lymphatic vessel content, VEGF expression, and cell proliferation were analyzed in 30 cases of PA and 13 cases of BCA by immu-nohistochemistry using antibodies for CD34, CD105, D2-40, VEGF, and Mcm-2. Regarding CD34 and CD105 expression, PA demonstrated a high vascularity and a low number of positive vessels, respectively. D2-40-positive lymphatic vessels were mainly located in the tumor capsules, with small intratumoral lymphatic vessels observed occasionally. VEGF expression revealed a remarkably heterogeneous immunoreactivity, alternating from weak or negative to positive or intense. BCA presented significantly higher CD34, CD34, CD105, D2-40, and VEGF expression compared to PA. No significant difference was found in cell proliferation between the tumors. Although PA and BCA are considered part of the same spectrum of differentiation, this study showed that the blood and lymphatic vascularization of these tumors is different.Pleomorphic adenoma (PA) is the most common tumor of the salivary gland, while basal cell adenoma (BCA) is an uncommon neoplasm. Blood and lymphatic vessels are crucial for tumor metabolism. The aim of this study was to compare the blood and lymphatic vas81721FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO11/51549–

    Prognostic Factors in Patients with Malignant Salivary Gland Neoplasms in a Brazilian Population

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    Due to the difficulty of follow-up for long periods, information about the survival rates of malignant salivary gland tumors is deficient in the global scientific literature. This study was aimed at investigating the epidemiological profile and prognostic factors that might affect survival in patients with primary malignant salivary gland tumors in Brazil. Patients were investigated regarding histopathological subtypes, age, gender, anatomic localization, smoking and alcohol intake, tumor size, clinical stage, histological grade, recurrence, metastasis, and treatment on clinicopathological outcomes. Survival curves were generated using the Kaplan-Meier method, and both univariate and multivariate analyses were performed using the log rank test and Cox regression, respectively. A total of 63 cases were analyzed, females beingslightly predominant (50.8%), with ages ranging from 13 to 87 years. The most common diagnosis was adenoid cystic carcinoma and the most affected anatomical location was the parotid. Tumors were predominantly classified as stage I and high-grade at the diagnosis. The 5- and 10-year overall survival rates were 84.6% and 74.7%, respectively. Disease-free survival (DFS) rates were 71.6% (5 years) and 56.6% (10 years). Univariate analysis showed significant effects of tumor size and clinical stage on the DFS (P < 0.0001 for both), and Cox regression analysis confirmed clinical stage as an independent prognostic factor (P = 0.035). Our results highlight the relevance of clinical stage as an independent prognostic parameter for malignant salivary gland tumors.Brazilian Governmen

    Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the salivary glands in Brazil: clinicopathological outcomes and a brief review Carcinoma mucoepidermoide de las glándulas salivares en Brasil: resultados clinicopatológicos y una breve revisión

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    The biological features and the clinical behavior of the mucoepidermoid carcinoma are varied and not known yet. The aim of present paper was to analyze the potential prognostic factors affecting the survival of patients diagnosed with primary mucoepidermoid carcinoma of head and neck. A retrospective study was conducted in 16 patients treated between 1990 and 2008 in the General Hospital of Riberirao Preto, USP Medicine School, Brazil. The following variables were studied: age, sex, anatomical location, tumor size, clinical stage, histological degree, relapse, metastasis, involved surgical edges ant treatment on the clinical-pathological results. The survival curves were designed using the Kaplan-Meier method and the statistic analysis was made using the log-rank test. The 68.7 % of patients was of male sex, all patients were between 13 and 83 years old. The 75 % of tumors was located in the great salivary glands, the 56.3 % in the parotid glands ones, the mucoepidermoid carcinomas of low degree and of II stage were the 37.5 %. The surgical resection was carried out in all patients. The follow-up period in present study fluctuates between 6 and 217 months. The general rate of 5- y years or 10-years survival was of 85.6 % whereas the rates of disease-free survival were of 81.8 % at 5 years and of 68.2 % at 10 years. The were statistically significant influences of the tumor size (p = 0.05), presence of metastasis (p = 0.04) and of the primary anatomical location (p = 0.04) on the rates of disease-free survival. The results obtained show the significance of the primary anatomical location of the tumor, of its size and of the presence of metastasis in the survival of mucoepidermoid carcinomas.<br>Las características biológicas y el comportamiento clínico del carcinoma mucoepidermoide son muy variados y aún poco conocidos. El propósito de este estudio fue analizar los factores pronósticos que puedan afectar la supervivencia de los pacientes con diagnóstico de carcinoma mucoepidermoide primario de cabeza y cuello. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de 16 pacientes tratados entre 1990 y 2008 en el Hospital General de Ribeirao Preto, Escuela de Medicina USP, Brasil. Se estudiaron las variables: edad, sexo, localización anatómica, tamaño del tumor, estadio clínico, grado histológico, recidiva, metástasis, bordes quirúrgicos comprometidos y tratamiento, sobre los resultados clínico-patológicos. Las curvas de supervivencia fueron construidas utilizando el método de Kaplan-Meier y el análisis estadístico fue realizado mediante la prueba del log-rank. Se constató 68,7 % de pacientes del sexo masculino, todos los pacientes comprendidos en las edades entre 13 y 83 años. El 75 % de los tumores se localizó en las glándulas salivales mayores, 56,3 % en parótida, los carcinomas mucoepidermoides de bajo grado y estadio II con 37,5 %. La resección quirúrgica fue realizada en todos los pacientes. El período de seguimiento en este estudio varió entre 6 y 217 meses. La tasa general de supervivencia, tanto a los 5 como a los 10 años fue de 85,6 %, mientras que las tasas de supervivencia libre de enfermedad fueron de 81,8 % a los 5 años y de 68,2 % a los 10 años. Se demostró la existencia de influencias estadísticamente significativas del tamaño del tumor (p = 0,05), presencia de metástasis (p = 0,04), y de la localización anatómica primaria (p = 0,04) sobre las tasas de supervivencia libre de enfermedad. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran la importancia de la localización anatómica primaria del tumor, de su tamaño y de la presencia de metástasis, en la supervivencia de los carcinomas mucoepidermoides

    Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the salivary glands in Brazil: clinicopathological outcomes and a brief review

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    The biological features and the clinical behavior of the mucoepidermoid carcinoma are varied and not known yet. The aim of present paper was to analyze the potential prognostic factors affecting the survival of patients diagnosed with primary mucoepidermoid carcinoma of head and neck. A retrospective study was conducted in 16 patients treated between 1990 and 2008 in the General Hospital of Riberirao Preto, USP Medicine School, Brazil. The following variables were studied: age, sex, anatomical location, tumor size, clinical stage, histological degree, relapse, metastasis, involved surgical edges ant treatment on the clinical-pathological results. The survival curves were designed using the Kaplan-Meier method and the statistic analysis was made using the log-rank test. The 68.7 % of patients was of male sex, all patients were between 13 and 83 years old. The 75 % of tumors was located in the great salivary glands, the 56.3 % in the parotid glands ones, the mucoepidermoid carcinomas of low degree and of II stage were the 37.5 %. The surgical resection was carried out in all patients. The follow-up period in present study fluctuates between 6 and 217 months. The general rate of 5- y years or 10-years survival was of 85.6 % whereas the rates of disease-free survival were of 81.8 % at 5 years and of 68.2 % at 10 years. The were statistically significant influences of the tumor size (p = 0.05), presence of metastasis (p = 0.04) and of the primary anatomical location (p = 0.04) on the rates of disease-free survival. The results obtained show the significance of the primary anatomical location of the tumor, of its size and of the presence of metastasis in the survival of mucoepidermoid carcinomas

    Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the salivary glands in Brazil: clinicopathological outcomes

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    The biological features and clinical behavior of mucoepidermoid carcinomas are widely variable and poorly understood. This study aimed to investigate prognostic factors that may affect survival in patients with a primary diagnosis of head and neck mucoepidermoid carcinomas. The effects of age, gender, anatomic localization, tumor size, clinical stage, histological grade, recurrence, metastasis, compromised surgical margins and treatment on clinicopathological outcomes were investigated. Survival curves were generated using the Kaplan-Meier method and analyses were performed using the log rank test. A total of 16 cases were analyzed over a period of 18 years; males were 68.7 %, with ages ranging from 13 to 83 years. The 75 % of the tumors developed in the major salivary glands, 56.3 % in the parotid gland and they were predominantly classified as stage II 37.5 % and low-grade lesions 37.5 % at diagnosis. Surgical resection was performed in all patients. The follow-up period in this study ranged from 6 to 217 months. The 5 and 10-year overall survival rates were both 85.6 %. Disease-free survival rates were 81.8 % (5 years) and 68.2 % (10 years). There were statistically significant effects of tumor size (p= 0.05), metastasis (p= 0.04) and primary anatomic localization (p= 0.04) on disease-free survival rates. Through a long follow-up period in present study we could highlight the relevance of primary anatomical site, tumor size and metastasis as useful prognostic factors that may affect survival in patients with a primary diagnosis of head and neck mucoepidermoid carcinomas

    Relationship between B-Cell-specific moloney murine leukemia virus integration site 1 (BMI-1) and homologous recombination regulatory genes in invasive ductal breast carcinomas

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    B-cell-specific Moloney murine leukemia virus integration site 1 (Bmi-1) is a Polycomb group protein that is able to induce telomerase activity, enabling the immortalization of epithelial cells. Immortalized cells are more susceptible to double-strand breaks (DSB), which are subsequently repaired by homologous recombination (HR). BRCA1 is among the HR regulatory genes involved in the response to DNA damage associated with the RAD51 protein, which accumulates in DNA damage foci after signaling H2AX, another important marker of DNA damage. Topoisomerase IIIß (topoIIIß) removes HR intermediates before chromosomal segregation, preventing damage to cellular DNA structure. In breast carcinomas positive for BMI-1 the role of proteins involved in HR remains to be investigated. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between BMI-1 and homologous recombination proteins. Using tissue microarrays containing 239 cases of primary breast tumors, the expression of Bmi-1, BRCA-1, H2AX, Rad51, p53, Ki-67, topoIIIß, estrogen receptors (ER), progesterone receptors (PR), and HER-2 was analyzed by immunohistochemistry. We observed high Bmi-1 expression in 66 cases (27.6%). Immunohistochemical overexpression of BMI-1 was related to ER (p=0.004), PR (p<0.001), Ki-67 (p<0.001), p53 (p=0.003), BRCA-1 (p= 0.003), H2AX (p=0.024) and topoIIIß (p<0,001). Our results show a relationship between the expression of BMI-1 and HR regulatory genes, suggesting that Bmi-1 overexpression might be an important event in HR regulation. However, further studies are necessary to understand the mechanisms in which Bmi-1 could regulate HR pathways in invasive ductal breast carcinomas