6,966 research outputs found

    Fry strain methodology: some constraints concerning initial point distributions

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    The Fry method, either in the classical (Fry, 1979) or in the normalized (Erslev, 1988) approaches, is widely used in order to estimate the finite strain of tectonites. Indeed it is easy to use and can be applied to a wide range of rocks (e.g. conglomerates, quartzites, gneisses and ironstones) and strain markers (e.g. pebbles, quartz grains, phenocrysts, oolites and Skolithos sections). However, the application of this method could only be used in the absence of sedimentary fabrics and for anti-clustered point distribution. Nevertheless, there is not an objective criterion in order to control the initial fabrics, leading to a general application of the method without any test of material suitability. In this work we use simulated initial fabrics and deformations to investigate how the ratio between the areas of the strain markers versus the matrix (RPM) influences the degree of anti-clustered distribution; in fact, for very low ratios, it should be expected a spatial random distribution of the strain markers centers, a situation that make impossible the use of Fry method. 16 undeformed fabrics have been simulated with a random orientation of the elliptical particles representing the strain markers, which are uniformly distributed and have RPM ranging from 0.3% to 88,9%. These fabrics were latter deformed by homogeneous pure shear (Rs from 1.2 to 2.0 with 0.2 increments) and simple shear (with shear angles from 15º to 75º with 15º increments). The finite strain of these deformed fabrics has been estimated using normalized Fry method (Erslev, 1988). The difference between the applied strains and the calculated ones were done either to the strain ellipse axial ratio (Rs) or its orientation could be used as an indication of the possibility to apply Fry method to access the finite strain of the original undeformed fabrics. The results indicates that for RPM bellow 15% the estimated strain, mainly in what concern strain ellipse orientation, is not consistent and so the method could not be used. Indeed, for such a low ratios the center distribution of the strain markers is not anti-clustered, one of the original theoretical assumptions of the method


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    Com o aumento da população idosa, torna-se cada vez mais frequente a presença de idosos nos serviços de saúde. Sendo assim surgiu a oportunidade de desenvolver este estudo com o intuito de, identificar a relação entre o enfermeiro e família do idoso hospitalizado no setor de medicina do Hospital João Morais (HJM). O envelhecimento populacional é considerado um fenómeno mundial que não ocorre de forma generalizada, pois faz com que haja uma crescente preocupação com a forma como se envelhece com determinadas doenças, o que leva a possível hospitalização dos idosos. Sendo que o envelhecimento é um processo natural que pode ser influenciado por acontecimentos biológica, psicológica, social e cultural que interferem no seu modo de viver. Para a realização do trabalho optou-se por um estudo de carácter qualitativo, descritivo e exploratório. A população do estudo é constituída por cinco (5) enfermeiras do setor de medicina, do Hospital João Morais (HJM), Santo- Antão (S.A), Cabo Verde (CV), todos do sexo feminino, com idade compreendida entre 30 aos 37 anos. O instrumento de recolha de dados selecionado foi a entrevista semi-estruturada. Com os resultados identificamos a interação do enfermeiro e a família para com os idosos hospitalizados no sentido de suprimir suas necessidades básicas com apoio e estímulo para a construção da sua própria autonomia. No que se refere a cuidados de saúde, o enfermeiro deve ter um papel ativo, voltada a educação e interação com a família, na prestação de cuidados ao idoso. Os objetivos do estudo foram alcançados, devendo-se aqui destacar a importância do apoio da família e do enfermeiro nos cuidados as pessoas idosas hospitalizadas, pois isso ajuda-lhes a enfrentar com otimismo os impatos a nível psicológico e social. Através das entrevistas podemos observar que a assistência de enfermagem tem um grande contributo para a independência e desenvolvimento das suas atividades diárias, bem como a promoção da saúde de forma a manter o bem-estar, o conforto e a dignidade do idoso. O enfermeiro é dotado de qualificação e conhecimentos que o facilita na recuperação, levando assim a uma melhor e mais rápida recuperação

    Fry and Rf/f strain methods constraints and fold transection mechanisms in the NW Iberian Variscides

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    Apúlia is a small Portuguese sector in NW of Central-Iberian Zone, that have been deformed in a noncoaxial sinistral transpressive regime during the first and main Variscan tectonic event (D1). This deformation give rise to a major NWeSE anticline, where the S1 NeS cleavage transect the inverted short NE limb; two and three-dimensional strains analysis have been done in the low metamorphic grade Ordovician quartzites of this limb using Fry and Rf/f methods. The data show that most deformation was due to intergranular deformation mechanisms. The intragranular deformation leading to the distortion of strain markers and to cleavage was very incipient and a latter event in the D1 phase. The apparent plane strain ellipsoids (if no volume change is assumed) related to the intragranular mechanisms contrast with the more prolate strain ellipsoids related to the bulk deformation of Apúlia Quartzites. This constrictional bulk strain fabrics are characteristic of the sinistral transpressive regimes dominant in the northern sectors of the Central-Iberian Zone

    Constrangimentos dos métodos de Fry e Rf/φ e transecção de dobras: um exemplo de deformação progressiva no Varisco Ibérico

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    A utilização dos métodos de Rf/φ e de Fry na quantificação da deformação em tectonitos não é linear, pois as estruturas podem ser o resultado da actuação de diferentes processos; à escala do grão,a acomodação destas estruturas implica mecanismos intra-, trans- ou intergranular. Como os métodos normalmente utilizados nos estudos de deformação finita referidos apresentam diferentes sensibilidadesaos diferentes mecanismos, o mesmo tectonito pode apresentar diferentes valores da intensidade de deformação, consoante o método de quantificação utilizado. Este trabalho mostra que, embora o método de Fry dê valores mais próximos da totalidade da deformação, os resultados obtidos por ambos os métodos apresentam tipos de elipsóide semelhantes. Sendo a região da Apúlia caracterizada pela transecção dos dobramentos variscos, os valores da quantificação obtida pelos diferentes métodos ajudam a perceber a génese da obliquidade entre o plano axial das dobras e a clivagem

    The design features of environmental taxes

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    This dissertation aimed at assessing what environmental taxes are. It was argued clear policy guidelines for their design follow from understanding them as regulatory instruments aimed at environmental policy goals. Empirical evidence drawn from institutional practices in Denmark (waste tax), Portugal (energy tax) and Sweden (energy tax, CO2 tax, sulphur tax and the NOx charge) showed that compliance with such guidelines, which allow the distinction between environmental taxes and environmentally-related taxes, are paramount to the environmental effectiveness of these instruments. Both environmental taxes and pollution taxes or environmentally-related taxes are raised on polluting tax bases and highlight inefficiencies in abatement and opportunities for technological progress by putting a positive price on pollution, hence raising awareness and sharing responsibility. However, they are substantially different. Their underlying normative tax design is different following the different objectives they pursue. The more environmentally targeted tax design of environmental taxes makes them perform better than pollution taxes as instruments of environmental policy, producing stronger and quicker environmental effects than environmentally-related taxes raised on the same tax bases. Environmental taxes aim only or primarily at fulfilling precise environmental objectives via behavioural change and technological progress and must be ruled by environmental criteria. Their design induces behavioural change by promoting tax awareness and tax avoidance, as well as by adopting a ‘forward looking’ approach provided by its reference to the opportunity for improvement rather than mere pollution amounts. Therefore, they must be raised on specific polluting emissions or a proxy for them. Their tax rate needs to be referred to pollution abatement costs or relative polluting impacts taking into account a specific pollutant, and be set at the level required to induce the behavioural change necessary to attain the environmental objective pursued. And they must be charged to polluters who control the cause sine qua non of pollution and still did not explore all their opportunities for environmental improvement