19 research outputs found

    O perfil e avaliação da assistência técnica a produtores de leite na microrregião de São João Batista do Glória/MG

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/231817968887Inúmeras mudanças e transformações vêm alterando o cenário agrícola e agrário brasileiro despertando para a necessidade de repensar a demanda e oferta de profissionais que atendam às unidades produtivas do agronegócio, quanto às reais necessidades das empresas e ao perfil dos profissionais que  as assistem. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar e descrever o perfil dos profissionais de ciências agrárias que atendem os produtores de leite do município de São João Batista do Glória/MG.  Os dados foram levantados diretamente dos produtores rurais e profissionais da assistência técnica atuantes no município. Uma restrição à maior participação dos técnicos no processo administrativo das empresas agropecuárias diz respeito ao sigilo de informações, aliado ao vínculo comercial que a maioria dos técnicos possui, e uma relativa insegurança dos produtores rurais em expressar sua opinião sobre o assunto. O baixo uso de técnicas de gestão nos sistemas de produção leiteira possui uma relação com o baixo envolvimento dos profissionais da assistência técnica e com as questões administrativas dessas empresas, as quais  exploram estes sistemas, embora existam diferentes opiniões e percepções sobre o problema, tanto por parte dos produtores quanto  dos profissionais da assistência técnica.

    Patogenicidade de isolados de Beauveria bassiana para ovos, larvas e ninfas ingurgitadas de Rhipicephalus sanguineus Pathogenicity of Beauveria bassiana isolates towards eggs, larvae and engorged nymphs of Rhipicephalus sanguineus

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    O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a ação dos isolados JAB 07, CB 7 e AM 9 do fungo Beauveria bassiana para ovos, larvas e ninfas ingurgitadas de Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Padronizou-se a concentração de 109 conídios mL-1 para cada isolado e por meio de diluições seriadas, obtiveram-se as suspensões com concentrações de 10(8) e 10(7)con. mL-1. Preparou-se um bioensaio para cada fase do ciclo de vida do carrapato. Cada ensaio foi composto por 10 grupos tratamentos, formados por um isolado do fungo e uma concentração de conídios, e um grupo controle contendo apenas o veículo das suspensões. Os isolados do fungo, aplicados nas diferentes concentrações de esporos, causaram redução no percentual de eclosão de larvas oriundas de ovos infectados (0,7 a 12,1% de eclosão) e no percentual de ecdise de larvas (4,7 a 33,7% de ecdise) e ninfas (0 a 16,7% de ecdise). Não houve diferença entre os isolados (P>0,05) quanto à infecção de ovos, mas a aplicação de 109 con./mL de JAB 07 e AM 9 promoveu redução significativa da eclosão de larvas, em relação à concentração de 10(7)con. mL-1. O isolado CB 7 foi o mais eficaz na redução do número de ecdises de larvas. Os isolados e as concentrações de conídios não diferiram (P>0,05) quanto à capacidade de redução do percentual de ecdise de ninfas, mas evidenciou-se intensa atividade patogênica do fungo.<br>The aim of the present study was to determine the action of isolates JAB 07, CB 7 and AM 9 of the fungus Beauveria bassiana on eggs, larvae and engorged nymphs of Rhipicephalus sanguineus tick. A concentration of 109 conidia mL-1 was standardized for each isolate and suspensions containing 10(8) and 10(7) conidia mL-1 were obtained by serial dilution. A bioassay was prepared for each phase of the life cycle of the tick. Each assay comprised 10 treatment groups, consisting of one fungal isolate and one conidial concentration, and one control group containing only the vehicle of suspensions. For the eggs infection 0.1g (about 270 eggs) were placed at 1ml of suspension at different concentrations, each engorged larvae group (n=250) and engorged nymphs (n=50) received 2ml of one conidial suspension. Thereafter, eggs, larvae and nymphs were placed in on incubator at 27 &plusmn; 1&deg;C and at a humidity above 80%. The fungal isolates applied at different spore concentrations caused a reduction in percent hatching of larvae derived from infected eggs (0.7 to 12.1% of hatching) and in percent ecdysis of larvae (4.7 to 33.7% of ecdysis) and nymphs (0 to 16.7% of ecdysis). No difference in the infection of eggs was observed between isolates (P>0.05), but the application of 109 conidia/ml of JAB 07 and AM 9 significantly reduced the hatching of larvae compared to the concentrations of 10(7) conidia mL-1. The isolate CB 7 was more efficient in reducing the number of larval ecdysis. The isolates and concentrations tested didn’t differ (P>0.05) in their ability to reduce percent ecdysis of nymphs, but an intense pathogenic activity of the fungus was observed

    Prevalência, distribuição espacial e fatores de risco para cisticercose bovina no estado de São Paulo

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    This study aimed to determine the prevalence and geographical distribution as well as the factors and areas of risk associated with bovine cysticercosis in the State of Sao Paulo. 34.443 cattle, males and females with ages from 18 to 60 months were inspected. The animals were from 97 cities in the state of Sao Paulo and identified and slaughtered in the period October 2010 to August 2011, in a refrigerator located in Ipua - SP, under the supervision of SIF 1387. The state of Sao Paulo was divided into regional centers, and the data of the municipalities belonging to its core, were grouped according to the Department of Agriculture and Food Supply of Sao Paulo, totaling 13 cores studied. Based on these results, we can conclude that of the 97 cities analyzed, cattle were found positive for the disease in 86. The average prevalence of bovine cysticercosis in the state of Sao Paulo was 4.80 %, while the core inflation Franca and Barretos were the ones with the highest number of cases illness during the analysis period. Moreover, the largest number of cases in these core coincided with the lowest human development index covering education, with the largest acreage of coffee (core Franca) and also as the largest area of cane sugar grown (core Barretos) in these locations, which in turn may indicate that the presence of labor, temporary labor in rural areas, combined with socioeconomic/cultural factors might contribute to the spread and establishment of bovine cysticercosis in these areas.O presente trabalho teve como objetivos determinar a prevalência, a distribuição geográfica bem como os fatores e áreas de risco associados à cisticercose bovina no Estado de São Paulo. Foram inspecionados 34.443 animais, machos e fêmeas e com faixas etárias variando entre 18 a 60 meses. Os bovinos eram procedentes de 97 municípios do Estado de São Paulo, devidamente identificados e abatidos no período de outubro de 2010 a agosto de 2011, em um frigorífico localizado na cidade de Ipuã-SP, sob supervisão do SIF 1387. O estado de São Paulo foi dividido em núcleos regionais, e os dados dos municípios pertencentes ao respectivo núcleo, foram agrupados, conforme a Secretaria de Abastecimento e Agropecuária de São Paulo, totalizando 13 núcleos estudados. Com base nos resultados encontrados, pode-se concluir que dos 97 municípios analisados, foi possível encontrar bovinos positivos para a enfermidade em questão em 86. A prevalência média de cisticercose bovina no estado de São Paulo foi de 4,80%, sendo que os núcleos de Franca e Barretos foram os que tiveram maior número de casos da enfermidade durante o período analisado. Além disso, o maior número de casos nestes núcleos coincidiu com o menor índice de desenvolvimento humano referente à educação, com a maior área de plantio de café (núcleo de Franca) e também como a maior área de cana-de-açúcar cultivada (núcleo de Barretos) nestes locais, o que por sua vez pode indicar que a presença da mão-de-obra temporária no meio rural, aliado a aspectos socioeconômico/cultural, pode estar contribuindo para a disseminação e estabelecimento da cisticercose bovina nestas áreas

    Hepatoprotective treatment attenuates oxidative damages induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats

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    The present study evaluated the hepatoprotective effect of an N-acetyl or-methionine + choline chloride + caffeine + thiamine hydrochloride + nicotinamide + pyridoxine hydrochloride compound at doses of 0.2, 0.6 and 1.0 mL/kg of b.w., and the assessment was done by the investigation of serum-enzymatic activity, metabolic functions of the liver and histophatological changes in female Wistar rats, which were subjected to experimental intoxication with CCl4. One hundred and nineteen rats were randomly distributed into 17 groups, performing five different treatments, being evaluated seven animals per treatment in four periods: 2, 4, 6 and 8 days after CCl4-induced intoxication. Treated rats with the hepatoprotective medicine (HM) presented a significant reduction in infiltration of inflammatory cells, steatosis, necrosis and liver congestion when compared to non-treated rats (control). Beside these results, the treatment showed a positive effect on circulatory alterations in the intoxicated animals, with reduction of spleen and renal congestion, as well as, promotion of a significant improvement in ALT, AST, LDH, ALP, GGT enzymatic serum activity reduction and in recovering liver function regarding the metabolism of urea, triglycerides and glucose. These findings indicate therapeutic usefulness of the compound when administered at dose 0.6 and 1.0 mL/kg of b.w. in female Wistar rats. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved

    Deleterious effects of low level of vitamin E and high stocking density on the hematology response of pacus, during chronic inflammatory reaction

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    The effects of dietary supplementation with 12.6, 58.2 and 310.4 mg of vitamin E/kg dry diet on the hematology response of pacus (Piaractus mesopotamicus), submitted to different stocking densities (5 kg/m(3) and 20 kg/m(3)), were investigated during chronic inflammatory reaction. After a feeding period of 18 weeks, pacu juveniles were anesthetized for inserting round glass coverslips 13 mm in diameter into the subcutaneous connective tissue. 126 fish from 18 groups (i.e., seven fish per aquaria) were sampled for blood collection 2, 7 and 15 days post-implantation to determine levels of plasma cortisol, erythrocyte, thrombocyte and leucocyte counts. In the presence of chronic inflammation, pacus fed with 12.6 mg/kg of vitamin E and kept in high stocking density (20 kg/m(3)) resulted in increased number of circulating red blood cells and hematocrit percentage associated with microcytosis. Thrombocytosis and neutrophilia were observed in the acute phase of pacu defense response. However, it was found that a significant increase in monocyte counts and decrease in thrombocyte, neutrophil and lymphocyte counts in animals were maintained at high stocking density. Pacus fed with 12.6 mg of vitamin E/kg of dry diet presented low number of lymphocytes and LG-PAS+, and these animals showed elevated cortisol levels associated to low counts of monocytes. (C) 2013 Published by Elsevier B. V.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Eficácia de diferentes formulações no controle da mosca haematobia irritans em bovinos naturalmente infestados

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    This study evaluated the effectiveness of cypermethrin (5%) associated to Dichlorvos (45%) and piperonyl butoxide (25%) against Haematobia irritans in naturally infested cattle. 60 Nelore females, aging about 50 months, were separated into four groups with 15animals each. After randomization by the number of flies, the groups were divided in the following treatments: T1 = control, T2 and T4 = treated with the association under study at concentrations of 1: 400 and 1: 800, respectively, T3 = treated with cypermethrin 15% + clorpirivos 25% + citronella 1% (positive control) at a concentration of 1:800. Counst of flies were taken 3, 7, 14 and 21 days post treatment (DPT). In the third DPT, treatments T2, T3 and T4 showed efficacy over 98%. At the seventh day, it was found in animals treated with the compound containing piperonyl butoxide efficacy of 95.61 and 97.3% in the control of flies at dose of 1: 800 and 1: 400, respectively. While cattle in the T3 group demonstrated efficacy of 93.82%. The effectiveness of antiparasitic remained above 95% at 14 degrees DPT in both groups T2 and T4. In the same experimental day, animals of group T3 showed effectiveness of 88.24%. At 21 degrees DPT, only the T2 group, was significantly decreased (P <0.05) in the number of flies when compared to other treatments. Therefore, it was found in this study, the synergistic effect of piperonyl butoxide on the antiparasitic activity of synthetic pyrethroids and organophosphates, representing an effective alternative in the chemotherapy control by the parasitism for horn flies in cattle.Este estudo avaliou a eficácia antiparasitária da associação de cipermetrina (5%) + diclorvos (45%) + butóxido de piperonila (25%) contra H. irritans em bovinos naturalmente infestados. Para tal, foram utilizados 60 bovinos, fêmeas da raça nelore, com idade média de 50 meses, distribuídos em quatro grupos com 15 repetições cada. Após a randomização dos animais pelo número de moscas, os grupos foram sorteados e constituíram os seguintes tratamentos: T1 = Controle; T2 e T4= Tratados com a associação em estudo nas concentrações de 1:400 e 1:800, respectivamente; T3 = tratados com cipermetrina 15% +clorpirivos 25% + citronela 1% (Controle Positivo) na concentração de 1:800. As contagens de moscas foram efetuadas 3, 7, 14 e 21 dias após o tratamento (DPT). No terceiro DPT, os tratamentos T2, T3 e T4 apresentaram eficácia acima de 98%. No sétimo DPT, verificou-se nos animais tratados com a associação contendo butóxido de piperonila eficácia de 95,61 e 97,3% no controle de moscas nas doses de 1:800 e 1:400, respectivamente. Enquanto, bovinos do grupo T3 demonstraram eficácia de 93,82%. A eficácia antiparasitária permaneceu acima de 95% no 14° DPT em ambos os grupos T2 e T4. Neste mesmo dia experimental, bovinos do grupo T3 apresentaram eficácia de 88,24%. No 21° DPT, apenas o grupo T2 apresentou diminuição significativa (P<0,05) no número de moscas quando comparado aos demais tratamentos. Portanto, verificou-se neste estudo, o efeito sinergista do butóxido de piperonila sobre a atividade antiparasitária de piretróides e organofosforados, justificando o emprego terapêutico desta associação como uma alternativa eficaz em programas sanitários dos bovinos para controle da mosca dos chifres

    Anthelmintic efficacy of oral trichlorfon solution against ivermectin resistant nematode strains in cattle

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    Infected calves from two different rural estates in Brazil were studied to assess the anthelmintic efficacy of oral trichlorfon against naturally occurring ivermectin resistant parasitic nematode strains. In experiment 1, infected animals were from a region where ivermectin resistant populations of Haemoncus placei, Cooperia punctata,Cooperia spatulata and Trichuris discolor have recently been identified. Six calves with natural gastrointestinal nematode infections were treated with 48.5 mg/kg aqueous trichlorfon administered orally and six calves acted as a non-treated control group. In experiment 11 24 naturally infected calves were selected to enter one of four treatment groups, six animals each received: 48.5 mg/kg oral trichlorfon; 200 mu g/kg subcutaneous 1% ivermectin; 630 mu g/kg subcutaneous 3.15% ivermectin; or no treatment (control group). Gastrointestinal helminths were counted and identified post-mortem at 7 days (trichlorfon and 1% ivermectin treated and untreated animals) or 14 days (3.15% ivermectin treated and untreated animals) after administration of the test agents. Experiment I identified a high level efficacy for oral trichlorfon against four helminth species that have previously been shown to be ivermectin resistant in this geographical region: percentage efficacy was 99.82% against adult H. placei, 99.18% against C. punctata, 99.33% against C. spatulata, 81.06% against T. axei, 98.46% against Oesophagostomum radiatum and 100% against T. discolor. Trichlorfon also showed activity against the ivermectin (1% and 3.15%) resistant helminth species identified in experiment 11, attaining efficacy levels of 99.17% against H. placei, 98.46% against C punctata and 100.00% against T. discolor. These findings indicate that oral trichlorfon is an effective treatment option in the management of cattle infected with ivermectin resistant helminths. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Assessing resistance of ivermectin and moxidectin against nematodes in cattle naturally infected using three different methodologies

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of the faecal egg count reduction test (FECRT) and the faecal egg count efficacy test (FECET) to assess the resistance status of ivermectin (630 mu g/g) and moxidectin (200 mu g/kg), using the controlled efficacy test as a reference, and whether the results of the EPG are equivalent to the efficacy results from the parasitological necropsies. Two experiments were conducted. The results demonstrate that it was not possible to demonstrate that the EPG values were equivalent with the ivermectin and moxidectin efficacy obtained by parasitological necropsies, mainly if the phenomenon of parasites resistance is not advanced in a determined field population. Maybe the FECET technique would be possibly better than the FECRT. The high anthelmintic efficacy of 200 mu g/kg moxidectin, in naturally infected cattle, against field population of nematodes that are resistant to 630 mu g/kg ivermectin, was observed in this study. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Efeitos de uma formulação pulverização sobre os parâmetros reprodutivos de uma população susceptível de Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus

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    Submitted by Franciele Moreira ([email protected]) on 2018-04-25T13:30:48Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Artigo - Breno Cayeiro Cruz - 2014.pdf: 606090 bytes, checksum: 9724ca4659b799c747ea3e4c2f5d9b87 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5)Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira ([email protected]) on 2018-04-26T12:19:28Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Artigo - Breno Cayeiro Cruz - 2014.pdf: 606090 bytes, checksum: 9724ca4659b799c747ea3e4c2f5d9b87 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-26T12:19:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Artigo - Breno Cayeiro Cruz - 2014.pdf: 606090 bytes, checksum: 9724ca4659b799c747ea3e4c2f5d9b87 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-12É relativamente pequeno o número de estudos que enfatiza os danos que uma formulação acaricida spray pode desencadear sobre os parâmetros reprodutivos das teleóginas. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos deletérios de uma formulação spray comercial (dichlorvos 60% + Clorpirifós 20%), sobre os parâmetros reprodutivos de uma população susceptível de R. (B.) microplus, desprendidas de bovinos experimentalmente infestados, utilizandose o teste de estábulo. Os animais foram alocados aos grupos de tratamentos de acordo com a contagem média de fêmeas desprendidas dos bovinos nos dias -3, -2 e -1. O número de teleóginas desprendidas foi quantificado do dia 1 ao 30. Para cada grupo, diariamente 20 fêmeas, ou a quantidade disponível, foram selecionadas e submetidas à avaliação dos parâmetros reprodutivos. A associação de organofosforados demonstrou elevada eficácia acaricida e também apresentou efeitos deletérios sob os parâmetros reprodutivos de Rhipicephalus (B.) microplus, diminuindo (P≤0,05) o peso das teleóginas (dos dias 1 ao 7), o peso da massa de ovos (dos dias 5 ao 10) e a eclodibilidade das larvas (dos dias 5 ao 19). Talvez uma formulação pode apresentar efeitos deletérios sobre os parâmetros reprodutivos de fêmeas de R. (B.) microplus, quando existe um elevado grau de sensibilidade dessa cepa de carrapato a um determinado composto. De qualquer maneira, futuros estudos devem ser realizados.The number of studies emphasizing the possible damage that acaricidal spray formulations can cause on engorged female ticks’ reproductive parameters is small. The present study evaluated the deleterious effects of a spray formulation (dichlorvos 60% + chlorpyrifos 20%) on the reproductive parameters of a susceptible population of Rhipicephalus (B.) microplus females, using the Stall Test. The ticks were allocated randomly to treatments according to the mean numbers of females detached from each cow on days -3, -2 and -1 and the cattle pen location. The numbers of engorged female ticks that naturally detached from the cattle were counted daily from day 1 to day 30. For each group, 20 detached engorged female ticks or the available number collected daily were evaluated regarding reproductive parameters. Associations of organophosphates demonstrated elevated acaricidal efficacy, as well as deleterious effects on the reproductive parameters of R. (B.) microplus females. The engorged female weight (days 1 to 7), weight of egg masses (days 5 to 10) and larval hatching percentage (days 5 to 19) were decreased (P ≤ 0.05). It is possible that a formulation can lead to deleterious effects on R. (B.) microplus females when the tick population analyzed shows elevated sensitivity towards a particular formulation. However, further studies need to be conducted