4 research outputs found

    Survival of severely compromised endodontically treated teeth restored with or without a fiber glass pos

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    Objective: The use of a fiber glass post (FGP) type and choice of FGP diameter to restore endodontically treated incisors without ferrule is controversial. This study evaluated survival rate and failure mode of severely compromised central incisors without ferrule rehabilitated using resin-based composite (RBC) with or without FGP with different diameters. Methodology: A total of 60 decoronated bovine incisors without a ferrule were endodontically treated and prepared for 1.4, 1.6, and 1.8 mm diameter FGPs (Whitepost System DC 0.5, Fit 0.4, and DCE 0.5; FGM). Half of the teeth received FGPs cemented using dual-cure resin cement (Allcem Core; FGM), the other half were filled using only bulk-fill RBC (OPUS Bulk Fill; FGM). The crowns were directly restored with RBC. The roots were embedded in polystyrene resin and the periodontal ligament was simulated with polyether impression material. Fatigue testing was conducted under 5 Hz cyclic loading at 30 degrees to the incisal edge, beginning at 50 N (5,000 cycles) as a warmup. After, the load was increased 100 N every 15,000 cycles until fracture occurred. All specimens were subjected to transillumination, micro-CT analysis, and digital radiography before and after fatigue testing. Fracture mode was classified according to severity and repair potential. Data were analyzed with Kaplan-Meier survival test and post hoc log-rank test (α=0.05) for pairwise comparisons. Results: Using FGP significantly increased the number of cycles to failure, irrespective of FGP diameters (p=0.001). The FGP diameters had no statistically significant effect on cycles to failure or failure mode. Conclusion: Using FGP without ferrule improved survival rate of structurally severely compromised central incisors compared with rehabilitation without FGP. The diameter of the FGPs had no effect on the survival rate and failure mode

    Avaliação do teor de metais pesados na água de Rio Paranaíba – MG / Evaluation of heavy metal contents in water in Rio Paranaíba – MG

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    A contaminação por metais pesados causa sérios danos a longo prazo, como doenças cardiovasculares, doenças neurológicas e até câncer. Eles podem ser ingeridos através de alimentos e água contaminados, contato, respiração, entre outras formas, e suas causas podem ser efluentes industriais não tratados, uso indiscriminado de pesticidas, poluição, resíduos comerciais e domésticos inadequados, pinturas de navios e metais dos canos das estações de tratamento de esgoto, poluição do ar. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar e quantificar concentrações de metais pesados, Cd, Pb, Cu, Cr e Ni, em amostras de água de Rio Paranaíba - MG e comparar com valores de referência. Amostras de água foram coletadas em cursos de rios em cinco pontos nos arredores da cidade em dias diferentes, com uma diferença de sete dias de uma coleta para outra. Para quantificar os metais pesados das amostras, foi utilizada a técnica de espectrometria de absorção atômica por atomização de chama. Os resultados foram comparados com a Resolução nº 357/2005 do CONAMA e a Resolução nº 42 e o Decreto nº 55871 da ANVISA. Pb acima do limite foi encontrado em três pontos de coleta e em uma das repetições do quarto ponto. Em um dos pontos de coleta, o elemento Cu estava em teores acima da legislação. O Cd em todas as amostras estava abaixo do limite de detecção. Ni e Cr foram quantificados abaixo do limite legal. Por se tratar de uma área com grande produção agrícola e sem tratamento adequado de esgotos e resíduos urbanos, sugere-se que este estudo seja realizado para identificar as fontes de contaminação em diferentes épocas do ano

    Comparison of ruminal microbiota, IL-1β gene variation, and tick incidence between Holstein × Gyr and Holstein heifers in grazing system

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    IntroductionThe variation in bacterial communities among breeds has been previously reported and may be one of the reasons why Holstein × Gyr dairy heifers have better development in grazing systems in tropical conditions. This study aimed to explore the ruminal microbiota composition, the IL-1β gene variation, tick incidence, and blood parameters of Holstein × Gyr (½ Holstein × ½ Gyr) and Holstein heifers grazing intensely managed Guinea grass (Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. Mombaça).MethodsSixteen heifers were divided into two groups consisting of 8 Holstein × Gyr and 8 Holstein heifers. The experimental period was comprised of 3 periods of 21 days. Ruminal samples were taken via the stomach tube technique. The sequencing of the V4 hypervariable region of the 16S rRNA gene was performed using the Illumina MiSeq platform. Counting and collection of ticks were conducted each 21 days. Blood and skeletal muscle tissue biopsies were performed at the end of the experiment.ResultsFirmicutes were the most abundant phyla present in both breed rumen samples and Bacteroidota showed differences in relative abundance between breed groups, with greater values for Holstein heifers (p < 0.05 with FDR correction). The 10 most abundant unique OTUs identified in each breed included several OTUs of the genus Prevotella. Holstein heifers had a greater tick count and weight (9.8 ticks/animal and 1.6 g/animal, respectively) than Holstein × Gyr (2.56 ticks/animal and 0.4 g/animal, respectively). We found nucleotide substitutions in the IL-1β gene that might be related to adaptation and resistance phenotypes to tick infestation in Holstein × Gyr heifers. Blood concentrations of urea, albumin, insulin-like growth factor 1, triiodothyronine, and thyroxine were greater in Holstein × Gyr than in Holstein heifers.ConclusionAdaptations in Holstein × Gyr heifers such as ruminal microbiota, tick resistance, nucleotide substitutions in IL-1β gene, and hormone concentration suggest a better energy metabolism and thermoregulation resulting in better performance in tropical grazing systems