426 research outputs found

    The effects of small-scale impoundments and bank reinforcing on fish habitat and composition in semi-natural streams

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    We studied the fish assemblages of thirty one, 2(nd)-4(th) order "least- impacted" streams with a varying degree of low-level management in central Portugal, using a standardised survey to document the river habitat. Channel, banks and riparian landuse, described separately according to principal component scores, were significantly related to altitude, slope and management intervention. Species diversity was low, represented by four endemic, four pan-European and one exotic species. TWINSPAN classification distinguished 3 community types, characterised by their dominant species: trout (Salmo trutta L.), chub (Leuciscus carolitertii Doadrio) and "roach" (Squalius alburnoides Steindachner and Chondrostoma oligolepis Robalo). Community types were associated with environmental differences with PC Channel scores higher at trout sites compared to other classification groups, whilst PC Bank-1 scores, temperature and conductivity were significantly different at trout compared to "roach" sites. Ecologically important habitat features were, in turn, related to landscape (map-derived) parameters and the extent of channel and bank management. The mis-classification of sites in discriminant analysis was related to management intervention, indicating the potential difficulty in the assignment river-community types for the biological monitoring of fish communities in these stream types.FCT/MCTE

    Concentrations levels and effects of 17alpha-Ethinylestradiol in freshwater and marine waters and bivalves: a review

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    Pharmaceutical drugs are contaminants of emerging concern and are amongst the most frequent in the aquatic environment. Even though a vast literature indicate that pharmaceuticals exert negative impacts towards aquatic organisms, mainly in vertebrates, there is still limited information regarding the effects of these drugs in freshwater and marine bivalves. Marine bivalves have a high ecological and socio-economic value and are considered good bioindicator species in ecotoxicology and risk assessment programs. Furthermore, another lacking point on these studies is the absence of bioconcentration data, with no clear relationship between the concentration of drugs on tissue and the biological effects. 17alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE2) is a synthetic hormone with high estrogenic potency that was added to the Watch List adopted by the European Commission stating the priority substances to be monitored. Thus, this review summarizes the current knowledge on the concentration levels and effects of EE2 on freshwater and marine bivalves. The inclusion in the Watch List, the presence in freshwater and marine systems, and the impact exerted on aquatic biota, even at trace concentrations, justify the review devoted to this pharmaceutical drug. Globally the available studies found that EE2 induces individual and sub-individual (e.g. tissue, cellular, biochemical and molecular levels of biological organization) impacts in bivalves. Essentially, this estrogenic compound, even in trace concentrations, was found to have accumulated in wild and laboratory exposed bivalves. The most common effects reported were changes on the reproductive function and energy metabolism. The studies used in this review support keeping the EE2 on the Watch List and highlight the need to increase the number of monitorization studies since clear negative effects were exerted on bivalves by this drug.publishe

    The use of biomarkers to evaluate the toxicity of metaldehyde and methiocarb baits to the terrestrial isopod porcellionides pruinosus Brandt, 1833

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    Biochemical indicators (biomarkers) are known to provide early warning signs of environmental pollution or stress conditions to the organisms, by measuring cellular or molecular responses of the target organism to xenobiotic agents. In this study, the terrestrial isopod Porcellionides pruinosus was exposed to these two molluscicides and three different enzymes, glutathione Stransferase (GST), acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and catalase (CAT) were analyzed to evaluate the effects of the application of the two molluscicides in single exposures and binary mixtures tests. Results indicate that the carbamate methiocarb inhibited significantly AChE activity, but no effects were observed in CAT and GST levels. The exposure to the metaldehyde had no effects on AChE, but a decrease in the higher exposure period was observed in GST levels as well as a general increase in CAT activity. The combined exposure of the two molluscicides resulted in a general decrease in AChE and CAT activity, but no visible effects were observed in terms of GST. The use of several biomarkers was a suitable tool to understand the mode of action of these two molluscicides in this isopod species

    Assessing the acute and chronic toxicity of exposure to naturally occurring oil sands deposits to aquatic organisms using Daphnia magna

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    In the Athabasca region, the oil sands are located at or near the surface making open-pit mining viable. In addition, the Athabasca River and its tributaries flow through these oil sands deposits, thereby receiving bitumen-associated contaminants through natural fluvial erosional and weathering processes. A key knowledge gap has been related to understanding both the magnitude and significance of the toxicological and ecological effects on aquatic organisms exposed to naturally occurring bitumen entering fluvial systems. Using the Daphnia magna model system, this study assessed the ecotoxicological effects of exposure to bitumen-elutriate treatments that simulated the early stages of fluvial/erosional exposure conditions. No significant among-site differences were observed in the survival of D. magna after 48 h exposure to elutriates produced from a 24 h extraction cycle, and chemical analysis indicated low concentration of a complex mixture of hydrocarbon and metal contaminants. In contrast, the same elutriates impaired reproduction and growth after a 21-day chronic exposure. F1 neonates from the chronic tests were tested for sensitivity to the reference substance potassium dichromate, revealing a decrease in their sensitivity. Inter-generational effects were also observed, with a significant decrease in subsequent neonate production, when daphnids were moved to a clean medium. Supplemental acute toxicity assays using 48 and 72 h bitumen extraction cycles progressively increased daphnid mortality after a 48-h exposure to the respective elutriates. This indicates that bitumen-associated contaminants are being liberated after initial input and fluvial washing (24 h), highlighting the need for future work to assess toxicity responses and associated elutriate water chemistry of a longer fluvial exposure time-series. This work contributes to our understanding of the possible effects of natural bitumen exposure on riverine aquatic ecosystems, providing new information to inform the delineation of baseline conditions to assess environmental change and the design of future regional effects-based monitoring programs.publishe

    Effects of ultraviolet radiation to Solea senegalensis during early development

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    Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) reaching the Earth surface is increasing and scarce information is available regarding effects of this stressor to early life stages of marine vertebrates. Therefore, this work aims to study the effects of UVR exposure during early development stages of the flatfish Solea senegalensis. Firstly, fish were exposed to UVR (six daily doses between 3.4 ± 0.08 and 8.6 ± 0.14 kJ m-2) at the following moments: gastrula stage (24 h post fertilization, hpf), 1 and 2 days after hatching (dah, 48 and 72 hpf, respectively). In a second bioassay, fish at the beginning of metamorphosis were exposed to UVR (one or two daily doses of 7.2 ± 0.39 or 11.1 ± 0.49 kJ m-2) and then maintained until the end of metamorphosis. Mortality and effects on development, growth and behaviour were evaluated at the end of both bioassays (3 dah and 18 dah, respectively). Biomarkers of neurotransmission (acetylcholinesterase, AChE), oxidative stress (catalase, CAT) and biotransformation (glutathione S-transferase, GST) were also determined at the end of the early larvae bioassay, and metamorphosis progression was evaluated during the second bioassay. UVR exposure caused distinct effects depending on life stage. Altered pigmentation, decreased growth, impaired fish behaviour and AChE and GST inhibition were observed at the earlier larval phase. Whereas, decrease in growth was the main effect observed at the metamorphosis stage. In summary, the exposure of S. senegalensis early stages to environmentally relevant UVR doses led to adverse responses at different levels of biological organization, which might lead to implications in later life stages.publishe

    Comparative sensitivity of Crassostrea angulata and Crassostrea gigas embryo-larval development to As under varying salinity and temperature

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    Oysters are a diverse group of marine bivalves that inhabit coastal systems of the world's oceans, providing a varietyofecosystemservices,andrepresentamajorsocioeconomic resource.However,oysterreefshavebecome inevitably impacted from habitat destruction, overfishing, pollution and disease outbreaks that have pushed these structures to the break of extinction. In addition, the increased frequency of climate change related events promise to further challenge oyster species survival worldwide. Oysters' early embryonic development is likely the most vulnerable stage to climate change related stressors (e.g. salinity and temperature shifts) as well as to pollutants (e.g. arsenic), and therefore can represent the most important bottleneck that define populations' survival in a changing environment. In light of this, the present study aimed to assess two important oyster species, Crassostrea angulata and Crassostrea gigas embryo-larval development, under combinations of salinity (20, 26 and 33), temperature (20, 24 and 28°C) and arsenic (As) exposure(0,30,60,120,240,480,960and1920μg.AsL−1),toinferondifferentoysterspeciescapacitytocope with these environmental stressors under the eminent threat of climate change and increase of pollution worldwide. Results showed differences in each species range of salinity and temperature for successful embryonic development. For C angulata, embryo-larval development was successful at a narrower range of both salinity and temperature, compared to C. gigas. Overall, As induced higher toxicity to C. angulata embryos, with calculated EC50 values at least an order of magnitude lower than those calculated for C. gigas. The toxicity of As (measured as median effective concentration, EC50) showed to be influenced by both salinity and temperature in both species. Nonetheless, salinity had a greater influence on embryos' sensitivity to As. This pattern was mostly noticed for C. gigas, with lower salinity inducing higher sensitivity to As. Results were discussed considering the existing literature and suggest that C. angulata populations are likely to become more vulnerable under near future predictions for temperature rise, salinity shifts and pollution.publishe

    The effect of temperature on Triclosan and Lead exposed mussels

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    Interest on the effects of emerging contaminants over aquatic organisms has increased in the last years. Nonetheless, the toxic action of classical natural and anthropogenically-driven metals has also to be monitored, especially because they reflect real environmental situations. For that, in the present study we focused on the effects on the marine mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis of the personal care product Triclosan (TCS) and Lead (Pb), as toxic metal, under separate and co-exposure situations at environmentally relevant concentrations: TCS (1 μg/L) and Pb (50 μg/L). The consideration of an additional factor such as an increase in ambient temperature was also included to provide a forecasted scenario of climate change: from the ambient temperature at actual conditions (17 °C) to a predicted warming situation (22 °C). Water chemical characterization and some physical properties and bioaccumulation of TCS and Pb in mussels at the end of the experiment (28 days) was considered. The parameters followed up comprise the energy related system production (electron transport system) and glycogen and protein reserves. Antioxidant enzymatic defences towards reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the consequences of ROS damage over endogenous lipids (LPO) and proteins (PC). Overall the results suggested only particular responses to chemical exposures at 17 °C whereas at 22 °C the detoxification machinery was set up and this prevented the occurrence of LPO. Nonetheless, PC formation occurred under Pb and TCS + Pb co-exposure at the highest temperature. Due to the complexity of the study: 4 chemical conditions, 2 temperatures and 10 biomarkers considered, a principal component ordination (PCO) analysis was included. The results of this integrative analysis confirmed a clear effect of the temperature, more responsiveness to drugs at 22 °C and in all likelihood due to Pb presence.publishe

    Joint effects of chlorpyrifos and mancozeb to the terrestrial isopod Porcellionides pruinosus: a multiple biomarker approach

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    The exposure to pesticides by non-target soil biota has long been regarded as a serious downside of modern agriculture regimes and subject of heated debate. Of utmost relevance is the exposure to pesticide mixtures since their effects have shown not to necessarily reflect the individual toxicity of its components and even the simple addition of effects may lead to consequences not clearly anticipated. In this work, a multiple biomarker approach was employed to identify the mechanistic and time-effects underlying several single and mixture treatments of chlorpyrifos and mancozeb in juveniles and adults of the terrestrial isopod Porcellionides pruinosus. The effects of both pesticides and mixture at recommended doses were mostly transitory under these controlled conditions and one-pulse exposure. While imbalances were identified on detoxification and oxidative stress-related enzymes, isopods generally showed the ability to recover until the end of the experiment. Juveniles showed, however, higher vulnerability than adults. The most notorious differences between life stages occurred in energy-related parameters where distinct performances and stress-handling behaviours were observed, suggesting higher metabolic costs in juveniles. Our results stress that understanding the time-dependence of the underlying mechanisms governing the joint-effects of pesticides can help assessing and anticipating mixtures’ effects. Moreover, it is also emphasized the importance taking life stage-related differences in consideration when evaluating the environmental risks of pesticides and pesticide mixtures

    Evaluation of the joint effect of glyphosate and dimethoate using a small-scale terrestrial ecosystem

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    In the present work a small-scale terrestrial ecosystem (STEM) containing a soil collected from an agricultural field in Central Portugal was used to evaluate the effects of the combination of the herbicide glyphosate and the insecticide dimethoate. Earthworms (Eisenia andrei), isopods (Porcellionides pruinosus), turnip seeds (Brassica rapa), and bait-lamina strips were placed in the STEM. The results showed that the application of the recommended field dose of both pesticides did not cause any effect on the weight variation of earthworms and growth of the plants. The application of the herbicide, even at 5 and 10 times the field dose, increased feeding activity in soil (bait-lamina test), although the application of dimethoate led to a decrease in feeding activity in all concentrations tested. The binary mixtures performed showed that according to the Independent Action model, synergism (higher effect than expected from the single exposures) was observed in both the shoot length and fresh weight of B. rapa at 5 times the field dose, but antagonism was observed at 10 times the field dose. Regarding the germination success, synergism was observed at the field dose, but antagonism was detected at 5 times and 10 times the field dose. There was a decrease on the earthworm's weight in all concentrations tested, although no statistical differences were observed in any of the treatments made. Regarding depth distribution of E. andrei, worms were found in the upper layer more than it was predicted for all concentrations. In the mixtures with the field and 5 times the field dose there was a decrease in the feeding activity (bait-lamina consumption) by the soil fauna. From the four biomarkers assessed on the isopods (Catalase, Acetylcholinesterase, Glutathione-S-transferase, and Lipid peroxidation), only a significant decrease in the Acetylcholinesterase activity upon dimethoate and the binary mixtures exposures performed with the field dose was observed and on Lipid peroxidation at the field doses of single and binary exposures. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Effects of long-term exposure to colloidal gold nanorods on freshwater microalgae

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    Gold nanorods have shown to pose adverse effects to biota. Whether these effects may be potentiated through prolonged exposure has been rarely studied. Therefore, this work aimed at evaluating the effects of long-term exposure to sublethal levels of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) coated gold nanorods (Au-NR) on two freshwater microalgae: Chlorella vulgaris and Raphidocelis subcapitata. These algae were exposed to several concentrations of Au-NR for 72 h and, afterwards, to the corresponding EC5,72h, for growth, during 16 days. The sensitivity of the two algae to Au-NR was assessed at days 0, 4, 8, 12 and 16 (D0, D4, D8, D12 and D16, respectively) after a 72-h exposure to several concentrations of Au-NR. At the end of the assays, effects on yield and population growth rate were evaluated. Raphidocelis subcapitata was slightly more sensitive to Au-NR than C. vulgaris: EC50,72h,D0 for yield were 48.1 (35.3-60.9) and 70.5 (52.4-88.6) μg/L Au-NR, respectively while for population growth rate were above the highest tested concentrations (53 and 90 μg/L, respectively). For R. subcapitata the long-term exposure to Au-NR increased its sensitivity to this type of nanostructures. For C. vulgaris, a decrease on the effects caused by Au-NR occurred over time, with no significant effects being observed for yield or population growth rate at D12 and D16. The capping agent CTAB caused reductions in yield above 30% (D0) for both algae at the concentration matching the one at the highest Au-NR tested concentration. When exposed to CTAB, the highest inhibition values were 69% (D4) and 21.3% (D8) for R. subcapitata, and 64% (D12) and 21% (D16) to C. vulgaris, for yield and population growth rate, respectively. These results suggested long-term exposures should be included in ecological risk assessments since short-term standard toxicity may either under- or overestimate the risk posed by Au-NR.publishe