4 research outputs found

    Hippoksen tuleva ulkoliikuntapuisto nuorten toiveissa ja ajatuksissa omaehtoisen liikunnan nÀkökulmasta

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    Omaehtoisen liikunnan merkitys osana nuorten liikuntaa nĂ€hdÀÀn tĂ€rkeĂ€nĂ€ ajatellen nuorten liikunnan ja terveyden edistĂ€mistĂ€. JyvĂ€skylĂ€ssĂ€ sijaitsevan Hippoksen alueen uudistamissuunnitelman myötĂ€ alueelle rakennetaan ulkoliikuntapuisto, joka tulee toimimaan nuorten omaehtoista liikuntaa mahdollistavana liikuntaympĂ€ristönĂ€. OpinnĂ€ytetyön tarkoituksena oli edistÀÀ nuorten tieto-osallisuutta tulevan ulkoliikuntapuiston suunnittelussa. Tavoitteena oli kuvata nuorten toiveita ja ajatuksia Hippoksen alueelle rakennettavasta ulkoliikuntapuistosta omaehtoisen liikunnan nĂ€kökulmasta. OpinnĂ€ytetyö toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena. Aineisto kerĂ€ttiin 13–20 -vuotiailta jyvĂ€skylĂ€lĂ€isiltĂ€ nuorilta elĂ€ytymismenetelmÀÀ kĂ€yttĂ€en, ja se koostui 58 nuoren kirjoittamasta, kehyskertomukseen pohjautuvasta tarinasta. Aineisto analysoitiin sisĂ€llönanalyysillĂ€: teemoittelun kautta muodostettiin tyyppikertomukset kehyskertomuksittain. ElĂ€ytymismenetelmĂ€lle ominainen variointi mahdollisti tyyppikertomusten eroja vertailemalla tutkittavan ilmiön syvĂ€llisemmĂ€n ymmĂ€rtĂ€misen. Nuorten toiveet ja ajatukset kohdistuivat etenkin ulkoliikuntapuiston fyysiseen ja sosiokulttuuriseen ympĂ€ristöön, mutta myös kĂ€yttĂ€ytymisympĂ€ristöön. Omaehtoiseen liikuntaan liittyvĂ€n oheistoiminnan ja leikin mahdollistavat ympĂ€ristön rakenteet korostuivat nuorten toiveissa. Terveyden edistĂ€misen sosioekologisen lĂ€hestymistavan kautta nuorten toiveita ja ajatuksia tarkastellen tuleva ulkoliikuntapuisto voidaan nĂ€hdĂ€ nuorten omaehtoista liikuntaa tukevana ja terveyttĂ€ edistĂ€vĂ€nĂ€ ympĂ€ristönĂ€. Tulosten perusteella nĂ€hdÀÀn mahdollisuuksia vaikuttaa suunnittelun keinoin nuorten omaehtoisen liikunnan tukemiseen ja edelleen terveyden edistĂ€miseen ulkoliikuntapuistossa nuorten tieto-osallisuutta hyödyntĂ€mĂ€llĂ€. Tuloksia voidaan hyödyntÀÀ esiselvityksenomaisena tietona ulkoliikuntapuiston suunnitteluvaiheessa.Self-organized physical activity as a part of adolescents’ physical activity is important from the perspective of the promotion of physical activeness and health. According to the rebuilding plan of the Hippos area in JyvĂ€skylĂ€, an outdoor sports park will be built in the area. It will be a sports environment enabling adolescents to engage in self-organized physical activities. The purpose of the thesis was to promote adolescents’ participation in the design of this outdoor sports park based on their ideas. The aim was to describe the adolescents’ wishes and ideas about this outdoor sports park from the point of view of self-organized physical activity. The study was conducted as qualitative research. The data was collected using the method of empathy-based stories from adolescents who lived in JyvĂ€skylĂ€ and were 13–20 years old. The data consisted of the 58 stories written by adolescents and based on a frame story. The analysis was performed using content analysis: after thematising the data, the typical stories were constructed according to the frame stories. The variation, which is characteristic of the method of empathy-based stories, enabled a deeper understanding of the phenomenon of the study. The adolescents’ wishes and ideas were especially focused on the physical and sociocultural environment of the outdoor sports park as well as on its behavioral environment. The environmental structures that would enable additional activities related to the self-organized physical activity and play were highlighted in their wishes. When considering the adolescents’ wishes and ideas from the point of view of a socioecological approach to health promotion, the outdoor sports park was seen as a supportive environment for self-organized physical activity as well as a health-promoting environment. Based on the results, there are possibilities for supporting self-organized physical activity and health promotion in the outdoor sports park by utilizing the information deriving from the adolescentsÂŽ participation. The results could be utilized as a preliminary study in the planning stage of the outdoor sports park

    Defining a competency framework for health and social professionals to promote healthy ageing throughout the lifespan: an international Delphi study

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    Abstract Purpose: The promotion of healthy ageing has become a priority in most parts of the world, and it should be promoted at all ages. However, baseline training of health and social professionals is currently not adequately tailored to face these challenges. This paper reports the results of a Delphi study conducted to reach expert agreement about health and social professionals’ competencies to promote healthy ageing throughout the lifespan within the SIENHA project. Materials and Methods: This study was developed following the CREDES standards. The initial version of the competence framework was based on the results of a scoping review and built following the CanMEDS model. The expert panel consisted of a purposive sample of twenty-two experts in healthy ageing with diverse academic and clinical backgrounds, fields and years of expertise from seven European countries. Agreement was reached after three rounds. Results: The final framework consisted of a set of 18 key competencies and 80 enabling competencies distributed across six domains. Conclusions: The SIENHA competence framework for healthy ageing may help students, and educators, to enrich their learning, and the academic content of their subjects or/and programmes and incentivize innovation.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio