3 research outputs found

    A Bayesian approach to respiration rate estimation via pulse-based ultra-wideband signals

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    In this paper, theoretical limits on estimation of respiration rates via pulse-based ultra-wideband (UWB) signals are studied in the presence of prior information about respiration related signal parameters. First, a generalized Cramer-Rao lower bound (G-CRLB) expression is derived, and then simplified versions of the bound are obtained for sinusoidal displacement functions. In addition to the derivation of the theoretical limits, a two-step suboptimal estimator based on matched filter (correlation) processing and maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) estimation is proposed. It is shown that the proposed estimator performs very closely to the theoretical limits under certain conditions. Simulation results are presented to investigate the theoretical results. © 2009 IEEE

    Successive cancelation approach for doppler frequency estimation in pulse doppler radar systems [Darbe doppler radar sistemlerinde doppler frekansi kestirimi için ardişik çikarma yaklasimi]

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    In this paper, a successive cancelation approach is proposed to estimate Doppler frequencies of targets in pulse Doppler radar systems. This technique utilizes the Doppler domain waveform structure of the received signal coming from a point target after matched filtering and pulse Doppler processing steps. The proposed technique is an iterative algorithm. In each iteration, a target that minimizes a cost function is found, and the signal coming from that target is subtracted from the total received signal. These steps are repeated until there are no more targets. The global minimum value of the cost function in each iteration is found via particle swarm optimization (PSO). Performance of this technique is compared with the optimal maximum likelihood solution for various signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) values based on Monte Carlo simulations

    Comparison of low complexity UWB range estimators based on experimental data [Deneysel veri̇ kullanilarak düşük karmaşiklikli ÇGB mesafe kesti̇ri̇ci̇leri̇ni̇n karşilaştirilmasi]

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    In this paper, performances of low complexity time based range estimators that are employed for ultra wide-band (UWB) systems are compared using experimental data. These estimators are widely used in practical applications due to their low complexity. However, performances of these estimators vary depending on the choice of certain parameters such as the threshold value and window size. The optimal values for these parameters are investigated for several situations using the data acquired in the experiments. © 2012 IEEE