9 research outputs found

    Agromorphological evaluation of six varieties of Cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] in the Zinder region (Niger)

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    Cowpea is the main food leguminous plant grown in Niger. It is mainly cultivated for its protein-rich haulms and seeds and for its ability to improve soil fertility through its symbiosis with atmospheric nitrogen-fixing bacteria. The present study evaluated genetic variability among six cowpea varieties for yield, yield related and phenology traits in the Zinder region. The experiment was conducted at the experimental area of André Salifou University in Zinder. An experimental device composed of three completely random blocks was used. The six varieties (four local and two improved) of cowpea were evaluated based on 24 quantitative agronomic and morphological characters according to IBPGR descriptors. The comparison of the means and the PCA revealed significant differences between the varieties in almost all the traits tested, with substantial phenotypic variations. IT98 was the most productive variety, with an average yield of 385.50 kg/ha. It also recorded the earliest flowering (38.41 days after sowing) and maturity (55 days after sowing) dates. BlAr gave the highest 100-Seed weight with an average value of 29.21g. CDSb and BTAr were the tallest plants at 40.44 and 40.26 cm respectively. The completed PCA indicates that the first two axes expressed 78,7% of the total variability whereby PC1 and PC2 highly contributed to the total variation at 54.76% and 23.94, respectively. Thus, IT98 may be a good candidate to be considered in Niger struggle to fight food shortage and face nutrition challenges, especially for the Zinder region due to abiotic constraints.

    Mortalité néonatale au centre hospitalier universitaire de Tengandogo, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: une étude de cohorte retrospective: Neonatal mortality at Tengandogo University Hospital, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: a retrospective cohort study

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    Introduction: Selon l’organisation mondiale de la santé, les décès néonataux représentent 41% de la mortalité infanto-juvénile. L’Afrique subsaharienne a le taux de mortalité néonatale le plus élevé à 28‰. L’objectif de l’étude était de mesurer le taux de mortalité néonatale et d’identifier les facteurs associés au décès au Centre hospitalier universitaire de Tengandogo, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Méthodes: Les nouveaux nés de 0 à 28 jours, hospitalisés entre le 1er janvier 2013 et le 31 décembre 2017 ont été inclus dans cette étude de cohorte rétrospective au service de néonatologie et de pédiatrie. Les informations ont été extraites à partir des dossiers cliniques. La survie a été estimée par la méthode de Kaplan Meier. Un modèle de Cox a permis d’identifier les facteurs associés. Résultats: Au total 641 nouveau-nés ont été inclus. Les enfants admis dès le premier jour de leur naissance représentaient 80%. La durée médiane de séjour était de 6 jours avec un intervalle interquartile de 3-12 jours. Les principaux diagnostics étaient la prématurité (36,05%), les infections néonatales (33,23%) et l’asphyxie (17,86%). Le taux de mortalité néonatale était de 22,25 pour 1000 personnes jours. Après ajustement, le poids de naissance inferieur 1500gramme (HRa = 4,13 ; IC 95% (2,58-6,67)) et la notion de réanimation à la naissance (HRa2,62 ; IC 95% [1,64-4,39)) étaient les facteurs de risque. Conclusion: Le taux de mortalité néonatale reste élevé. Le suivi prénatal, la prévention des infections, le renforcement des moyens de réanimation et la compétence des acteurs sont essentiels pour réduire ce taux. Introduction: According to the World Health Organization, neonatal deaths account for 41% of infant and child mortality. Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest neonatal mortality rate at 28‰. The objective of the study was to measure the neonatal mortality rate and identify factors associated with death at the Tengandogo University Hospital, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Method: New-borns aged 0 to 28 days, hospitalised between 1 January 2013 and 31 December 2017 were included in this retrospective cohort study in the neonatology and paediatrics department. Information was extracted from clinical records. Survival was estimated by the Kaplan Meier method. A Cox model was used to identify associated factors. Results: A total of 641 new-borns were included. Children admitted on the first day of birth accounted for 80%. The median length of stay was 6 days with an interquartile range of 3-12 days. The main diagnoses were prematurity (36.05%), neonatal infections (33.23%) and asphyxia (17.86%). The neonatal mortality rate was 22.25 per 1000 person days. After adjustment, birth weight below 1500 grams (HRa = 4.13; 95% CI (2.58-6.67)) and the notion of resuscitation at birth (HRa2.62; 95% CI (1.64-4.39)) were the risk factors. Conclusion: The neonatal mortality rate remains high. Prenatal follow-up, infection prevention, strengthening of resuscitation resources and competence of actors are essential to reduce this rate

    Analyse de la perception de l’utilisabilité de l’approche 5S-Kaizen-ISO 9001 par le personnel en milieu hospitalier: cas du Centre hospitalier universitaire de Tingandogo

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    Les pratiques Kaizen peuvent améliorer les processus de soins cliniques. Très peu d’études ont cependant été réalisées sur l’approche 5S-Kaizen-ISO 9001. En vue de comprendre l’utilisabilité de cette approche à l’hôpital, une étude transversale évaluative des perceptions du personnel a été réalisée dans quatre unités (processus) de prise en charge ambulatoire du Centre hospitalier universitaire de Tingandogo. Un indice de perception très positif (82 %) a été retrouvé pour l’utilisabilité de cette approche dans la réalisation des consultations externes. Cette perception était plus faible chez les médecins (65 %) que chez les infirmiers (84,8 %) et personnel de soutien (100 %). Il en était de même pour la perception de l’utilisabilité de l’approche dans l’organisation des consultations, plus faible chez les médecins (60 %) que chez les infirmiers (76,1 %) et personnel de soutien (100 %). La perception de la facilité d’utilisation de cette approche était plus faible au niveau des membres de cellule qualité non pilotes/copilotes (50 %) que chez les pilotes/copilotes (80 %) et autres membres de l’équipe qualité (83,9 %). Certaines formes de motivations telles que la reconnaissance des mérites, l’habilitation et le renforcement des compétences pourraient accroitre l’utilisabilité des 5S-Kaizen-ISO 9001 à l’hôpital.Mots-clés: perception, utilisabilité, patient, hôpital, ambulatoireEnglish Title: Analysis of the perception of usability of 5S-Kaizen-ISO 9001 approach by hospital staff : case of Tingandogo University Hospital CenterEnglish AbstractKaizen practices can improve clinical care processes. Very few studies have however been done on the 5S-Kaizen-ISO 9001 approach. In order to understand the usability of this approach to the hospital, a crosssectional evaluative study of staff perceptions was conducted in four outpatient care units (processes) of CHU-T. A very positive perception index (82%) was found for the usability of this approach in ambulatory care. This perception was lower among physicians (65%) than nurses (84.8%) and support staff (100%). It was the same for the perception of the usability of the approach in the organization of consultations, which was lower for physicians (60%) than for nurses (76.1%) and support staff (100%). The perception of the ease of use of this approach was lower for members of quality cell who were not pilot /co-pilot (50%) than pilot / co-pilot (80%) and other members of the quality team (83.9%). Some forms of staff motivation such as recognition of merit, empowerment and skill building could increase the chances of usability of 5S-Kaizen-ISO 9001 at CHU-T.Keywords: perception, usability, patient, hospital, ambulator

    Analysis of Plasmodium falciparum diversity in natural infections by deep sequencing.

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    Malaria elimination strategies require surveillance of the parasite population for genetic changes that demand a public health response, such as new forms of drug resistance. Here we describe methods for the large-scale analysis of genetic variation in Plasmodium falciparum by deep sequencing of parasite DNA obtained from the blood of patients with malaria, either directly or after short-term culture. Analysis of 86,158 exonic single nucleotide polymorphisms that passed genotyping quality control in 227 samples from Africa, Asia and Oceania provides genome-wide estimates of allele frequency distribution, population structure and linkage disequilibrium. By comparing the genetic diversity of individual infections with that of the local parasite population, we derive a metric of within-host diversity that is related to the level of inbreeding in the population. An open-access web application has been established for the exploration of regional differences in allele frequency and of highly differentiated loci in the P. falciparum genome

    Plasmodium malariae and P. ovale genomes provide insights into malaria parasite evolution

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    Elucidation of the evolutionary history and interrelatedness of Plasmodium species that infect humans has been hampered by a lack of genetic information for three human-infective species: P. malariae and two P. ovale species (P. o. curtisi and P. o. wallikeri)(1). These species are prevalent across most regions in which malaria is endemic(2,3) and are often undetectable by light microscopy(4), rendering their study in human populations difficult(5). The exact evolutionary relationship of these species to the other human-infective species has been contested(6,7). Using a new reference genome for P. malariae and a manually curated draft P. o. curtisi genome, we are now able to accurately place these species within the Plasmodium phylogeny. Sequencing of a P. malariae relative that infects chimpanzees reveals similar signatures of selection in the P. malariae lineage to another Plasmodium lineage shown to be capable of colonization of both human and chimpanzee hosts. Molecular dating suggests that these host adaptations occurred over similar evolutionary timescales. In addition to the core genome that is conserved between species, differences in gene content can be linked to their specific biology. The genome suggests that P. malariae expresses a family of heterodimeric proteins on its surface that have structural similarities to a protein crucial for invasion of red blood cells. The data presented here provide insight into the evolution of the Plasmodium genus as a whole