31,457 research outputs found

    Parametric dependence of ion temperature and relative density in the NASA Lewis SUMMA facility

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    Further hot-ion plasma experiments were conducted in the SUMMA superconducting magnetic mirror facility. A steady-state ExB plasma was formed by applying a strong radially inward dc electric field between cylindrical anodes and hollow cathodes located near the magnetic mirror maxima. Extending the use of water cooling to the hollow cathodes, in addition to the anodes, resulted in higher maximum power input to the plasma. Steady-state hydrogen plasmas with ion kinetic temperatures as high as 830 eV were produced. Functional relations were obtained empirically among the plasma current, voltage, magnetic flux density, ion temperature, and relative ion density. The functional relations were deduced by use of a multiple correlation analysis. Data were obtained for midplane magnetic fields from 0.5 to 3.37 tesla and input power up to 45 kW. Also, initial absolute electron density measurements are reported from a 90 deg Thomson scattering laser system

    A microfluidic oligonucleotide synthesizer

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    De novo gene and genome synthesis enables the design of any sequence without the requirement of a pre-existing template as in traditional genetic engineering methods. The ability to mass produce synthetic genes holds great potential for biological research, but widespread availability of de novo DNA constructs is currently hampered by their high cost. In this work, we describe a microfluidic platform for parallel solid phase synthesis of oligonucleotides that can greatly reduce the cost of gene synthesis by reducing reagent consumption (by 100-fold) while maintaining a 100 pmol synthesis scale so there is no need for amplification before assembly. Sixteen oligonucleotides were synthesized in parallel on this platform and then successfully used in a ligation-mediated assembly method to generate DNA constructs 200 bp in length

    Zintl phases for thermoelectric devices

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    By converting waste heat into electricity and improving the efficiency of refrigeration systems, thermoelectric devices could play a significant role in solving today's energy problems. Increasing the thermoelectric efficiency (as measured by the thermoelectric material's figure-of-merit, zT) is critical to the development of this technology. Complex Zintl phases, in particular, make ideal candidates for thermoelectric materials because the necessary electron–crystal, phonon–glass properties can be engineered with an understanding of the Zintl chemistry. A recent example is the discovery that Yb14MnSb11, a transition metal Zintl compound, has twice the zT as the material currently in use at NASA. This perspective outlines a strategy to discover new high zT materials in Zintl phases, and presents results pointing towards the success of this approach

    The solar wind velocity and its correlation with geomagnetic, solar and cosmic ray activity

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    Correlation of plasma velocity with indices of solar and terrestrial activity - cosmic radiatio

    A Search for Biomolecules in Sagittarius B2 (LMH) with the ATCA

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    We have used the Australia Telescope Compact Array to conduct a search for the simplest amino acid, glycine (conformers I and II), and the simple chiral molecule propylene oxide at 3-mm in the Sgr B2 LMH. We searched 15 portions of spectrum between 85 and 91 GHz, each of 64 MHz bandwidth, and detected 58 emission features and 21 absorption features, giving a line density of 75 emission lines and 25 absorption lines per GHz stronger than the 5 sigma level of 110 mJy. Of these, 19 are transitions previously detected in the interstellar medium, and we have made tentative assignments of a further 23 features to molecular transitions. However, as many of these involve molecules not previously detected in the ISM, these assignments cannot be regarded with confidence. Given the median line width of 6.5 km/s in Sgr B2 LMH, we find that the spectra have reached a level where there is line confusion, with about 1/5 of the band being covered with lines. Although we did not confidently detect either glycine or propylene oxide, we can set 3 sigma upper limits for most transitions searched. We also show that if glycine is present in the Sgr B2 LMH at the level of N = 4 x 10^{14} cm^{-2} found by Kuan et al. (2003) in their reported detection of glycine, it should have been easily detected with the ATCA synthesized beam size of 17.0 x 3.4 arcsec^{2}, if it were confined to the scale of the LMH continuum source (< 5 arcsec). This thus puts a strong upper limit on any small-scale glycine emission in Sgr B2, for both of conformers I and II.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, 5 tables, accepted by MNRA

    Understanding Heisenberg's 'Magical' Paper of July 1925: a New Look at the Calculational Details

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    In July 1925 Heisenberg published a paper [Z. Phys. 33, 879-893 (1925)] which ended the period of `the Old Quantum Theory' and ushered in the new era of Quantum Mechanics. This epoch-making paper is generally regarded as being difficult to follow, perhaps partly because Heisenberg provided few clues as to how he arrived at the results which he reported. Here we give details of calculations of the type which, we suggest, Heisenberg may have performed. We take as a specific example one of the anharmonic oscillator problems considered by Heisenberg, and use our reconstruction of his approach to solve it up to second order in perturbation theory. We emphasize that the results are precisely those obtained in standard quantum mechanics, and suggest that some discussion of the approach - based on the direct computation of transition amplitudes - could usefully be included in undergraduate courses in quantum mechanics.Comment: 24 pages, no figures, Latex, submitted to Am. J. Phy

    Effect of disorder on the thermal transport and elastic properties in thermoelectric Zn4Sb3

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    Zn4Sb3 undergoes a phase transition from alpha to beta phase at T1[approximate]250 K. The high temperature beta-Zn4Sb3 phase has been widely investigated as a potential state-of-the-art thermoelectric (TE) material, due to its remarkably low thermal conductivity. We have performed electronic and thermal transport measurements exploring the structural phase transition at 250 K. The alpha to beta phase transition manifests itself by anomalies in the resistivity, thermopower, and specific heat at 250 K as well as by a reduction in the thermal conductivity as Zn4Sb3 changes phase from the ordered alpha to the disordered beta-phase. Moreover, measurements of the elastic constants using resonant ultrasound spectroscopy (RUS) reveal a dramatic softening at the order-disorder transition upon warming. These measurements provide further evidence that the remarkable thermoelectric properties of beta-Zn4Sb3 are tied to the disorder in the crystal structure

    Hot ion plasma production in HIP-1 using water-cooled hollow cathodes

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    A steady-state ExB plasma was formed by applying a strong radially inward dc electric field near the mirror throats. Most of the results were for hydrogen, but deuterium and helium plasmas were also studied. Three water-cooled hollow cathodes were operated in the hot-ion plasma mode with the following results: (1) thermally emitting cathodes were not required to achieve the hot-ion mode; (2) steady-state operation (several minutes) was attained; (3) input powers greater than 40 kW were achieved; (4) cathode outside diameters were increased from 1.2 cm (uncooled) to 4.4 cm (water-cooled); (5) steady-state hydrogen plasma with ion temperatures from 185 to 770 eV and electron temperatures from 5 to 21 eV were produced. Scaling relations were empirically obtained for discharge current, ion temperature, electron temperature, and relative ion density as a function of hydrogen gas feed rate, magnetic field, and cathode voltage. Neutrons were produced from deuterium plasma, but it was not established whether thay came from the plasma volume or from the electrode surfaces

    Flutter and forced response of mistuned rotors using standing wave analysis

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    A standing wave approach is applied to the analysis of the flutter and forced response of tuned and mistuned rotors. The traditional traveling wave cascade airforces are recast into standing wave arbitrary motion form using Pade approximants, and the resulting equations of motion are written in the matrix form. Applications for vibration modes, flutter, and forced response are discussed. It is noted that the standing wave methods may prove to be more versatile for dealing with certain applications, such as coupling flutter with forced response and dynamic shaft problems, transient impulses on the rotor, low-order engine excitation, bearing motion, and mistuning effects in rotors
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