4,374 research outputs found

    Assessing the Role of the Domestic Dog as a Native American Food Resource in the Middle Missouri Subarea AD 1000 - 1840

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    The journals of early European explorers and fur traders, as well as ethnographic records, document the integral part domestic dogs played in the village life and economy of the Plains Villagers in the Middle Missouri Subarea. Early travelers on the plains also remarked on the consumption of dog meat in association with certain rituals and ceremonies, and noted the use of dogs as an emergency food resource. This study focuses on nearly 7000 large canid skeletal elements from six Plains Village sites in the Middle Missouri Subarea dating from approximately A.D. 1000 to 1840. Two indicators of the continued importance of domestic dogs in Native American economy are explored. They are the use of dogs for traction, and the use of dogs as food. Osteoarthritic changes to joint substructures, particularly those of the shoulder and vertebral column - areas most directly subject to stress during load bearing or pulling, are identified in the canid assemblages. Further evidence of travois pulling is the multiple instances, in at least six Middle Missouri assemblages, of distortion and apparent stress fracturing of the cranial portion of the scapular blade, with at least partial healing and remodeling of the area of fracture. The dual role of these animals in village economy is illustrated by cutmarks indicative of disarticulation and filleting which appear on many of the affected scapulae. At least three butchering operations or goals are indicated by cutmarks inflicted on the large canid skeletal materials. These include skinning, disarticulation, and filleting. Observed indicators of changing emphasis through time on dogs as a food resource include 1) a general increase in the frequency of cutmarks on skeletal elements, and 2) increases in the frequency of filleting marks, particularly those on the scapular blade and vertebrae. In the two early sites, cutmarks occur on approximately 15% of all large canid skeletal elements. In three Post Contact Coalescent sites, cutmarks frequencies, particularly filleting marks, increase to approximately 30%. In the Historic assemblage, cutmarks occur on approximately 40% of canid skeletal materials. Cutmarks on canid bones from earlier Initial Middle Missouri assemblages indicate that dogs were regularly used as food throughout the Plains Village Period. Increases in cutmark frequencies on large canid skeletal remains through time in the Middle Missouri assemblages support a model of more intensive exploitation of large canids as a food resource during the Coalescent and Historic Periods. During the Coalescent and Historic periods populations of native game animals were reduced or displaced due to the hunting pressures of the fur and hide trade, and traditional Native American subsistence patterns were disrupted by increased intertribal conflict and repeated waves of epidemic diseases which devastated Native American populations. In these later periods, domestic dogs became increasingly important as a food resource, as evidenced by patterns of greater cutmark frequencies, and increased filleting marks on canid bones

    Total Knee Arthroplasty Assessments Should Include Strength and Performance-Based Functional Tests to Complement Range-of-Motion and Patient-Reported Outcome Measures

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    Range of motion (ROM) and pain often define successful recovery after total knee arthroplasty (TKA), but these routine clinical outcomes correlate poorly or not at all to functional capacity after TKA. The purpose of this Perspective is to underscore the importance of muscle strength and performance-based functional tests in addition to knee ROM and patient-reported outcome (PRO) measures to evaluate outcomes after TKA. Specifically: (1) muscle strength is the rate-limiting step for recovery of function after TKA; (2) progressive rehabilitation targeting early quadriceps muscle strengthening improves outcomes and does not compromise ROM after TKA; (3) ROM and PROs fail to fully capture functional limitations after TKA; and (4) performance-based functional tests are critical to evaluate function objectively after TKA. This Perspective also addresses studies that question the need for or benefit of physical therapy after TKA because their conclusions focus only on ROM and PRO measures. Future research is needed to determine the optimal timing, delivery, intensity, and content of physical therapy

    Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Site Radionuclide Air Emissions Report for Calendar Year 2012

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    This report documents radionuclide air emissions that result in the highest effective dose equivalent (EDE) to a member of the public, referred to as the maximally exposed individual (MEI). The report has been prepared in compliance with the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 40, Protection of the Environment, Part 61, National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP), Subpart H, National Emission Standards for Emissions of Radionuclides Other than Radon from Department of Energy Facilities and Washington Administrative Code (WAC) Chapter 246-247, Radiation Protection Air Emissions. The dose to the PNNL Site MEI due to routine major and minor point source emissions in 2012 from PNNL Site sources is 9E-06 mrem (9E-08 mSv) EDE. The dose from fugitive emissions (i.e., unmonitored sources) is 1E-7 mrem (1E-9 mSv) EDE. The dose from radon emissions is 2E-6 mrem (2E-08 mSv) EDE. No nonroutine emissions occurred in 2012. The total radiological dose for 2012 to the MEI from all PNNL Site radionuclide emissions, including fugitive emissions and radon, is 1E-5 mrem (1E-7 mSv) EDE, or 100,000 times smaller than the federal and state standard of 10 mrem/yr, to which the PNNL Site is in compliance

    Department of Energy – Office of Science Pacific Northwest Site Office Environmental Monitoring Plan for the DOE-SC PNNL Site

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    The Pacific Northwest Site Office (PNSO) manages the contract for operations at the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science (DOE-SC) Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) Site in Richland, Washington. Radiological operations at the DOE-SC PNNL Site expanded in 2010 with the completion of facilities at the Physical Sciences Facility. As a result of the expanded radiological work at the site, the Washington State Department of Health (WDOH) has required that offsite environmental surveillance be conducted as part of the PNNL Site Radioactive Air Emissions License. The environmental monitoring and surveillance requirements of various orders, regulations, and guidance documents consider emission levels and subsequent risk of negative human and environmental impacts. This Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMP) describes air surveillance activities at the DOE-SC PNNL Site. The determination of offsite environmental surveillance needs evolved out of a Data Quality Objectives process (Barnett et al. 2010) and Implementation Plan (Snyder et al. 2010). The entire EMP is a compilation of several documents, which include the Main Document (this text), Attachment 1: Sampling and Analysis Plan, Attachment 2: Data Management Plan, and Attachment 3: Dose Assessment Guidance

    Prospective assessment of patient-reported outcomes and estradiol and drug concentrations in patients experiencing toxicity from adjuvant aromatase inhibitors

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    PURPOSE: Aromatase inhibitors (AI), which decrease circulating estradiol concentrations in post-menopausal women, are associated with toxicities that limit adherence. Approximately one-third of patients will tolerate a different AI after not tolerating the first. We report the effect of crossover from exemestane to letrozole or vice versa on patient-reported outcomes (PROs) and whether the success of crossover is due to lack of estrogen suppression. METHODS: Post-menopausal women enrolled on a prospective trial initiating AI therapy for early-stage breast cancer were randomized to exemestane or letrozole. Those that discontinued for intolerance were offered protocol-directed crossover to the other AI after a washout period. Changes in PROs, including pain [Visual Analog Scale (VAS)] and functional status [Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ)], were compared after 3 months on the first versus the second AI. Estradiol and drug concentrations were measured. RESULTS: Eighty-three patients participated in the crossover protocol, of whom 91.3% reported improvement in symptoms prior to starting the second AI. Functional status worsened less after 3 months with the second AI (HAQ mean change AI #1: 0.2 [SD 0.41] vs. AI #2: -0.05 [SD 0.36]; p = 0.001); change in pain scores was similar between the first and second AI (VAS mean change AI #1: 0.8 [SD 2.7] vs. AI #2: -0.2 [SD 2.8]; p = 0.19). No statistical differences in estradiol or drug concentrations were found between those that continued or discontinued AI after crossover. CONCLUSIONS: Although all AIs act via the same mechanism, a subset of patients intolerant to one AI report improved PROs with a different one. The mechanism of this tolerance remains unknown, but does not appear to be due to non-adherence to, or insufficient estrogen suppression by, the second AI

    Low-temperature electrical transport and double exchange in La(Pb,Ca)MnO

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    The resistivity in the ferromagnetic state of flux-grown La_{2/3}(Pb,Ca)_{1/3}MnO_3 single crystals, measured in magnetic fields up to 7 T, reveals a strong quadratic temperature dependence at and above 50 K. At lower temperatures, this contribution drops precipitously leaving the resistivity essentially temperature independent below 20 K. The Seebeck coefficient also reflects a change of regime at the same temperature. We attribute this behavior to a cut-off of single magnon scattering processes at long wavelengths due to the polarized bands of a double-exchange ferromagnet.Comment: 10 pages, TeX, 4 figures. Revised version. Submitte

    Excavations at Azoria, 2002

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    This report summarizes the results of the first season of excavation at Azoria in eastern Crete and provides an overview of the project's goals and problem orientation. Work in 2002 concentrated on the peak of the South Acropolis and the occupational phases of the seventh-sixth centuries B.C. The recovery of a possible andreion complex suggests the urban character of the site in the sixth century and forms a starting point for discussing the political economy of the Archaic city. The excavations revealed important evidence for the organization of the sixth-century settlement and for the complex stratigraphic history of the site, including the Final Neolithic, Late Prepalatial, Early Iron Age, Archaic, and Hellenistic periods

    Charge Transport in Manganites: Hopping Conduction, the Anomalous Hall Effect and Universal Scaling

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    The low-temperature Hall resistivity \rho_{xy} of La_{2/3}A_{1/3}MnO_3 single crystals (where A stands for Ca, Pb and Ca, or Sr) can be separated into Ordinary and Anomalous contributions, giving rise to Ordinary and Anomalous Hall effects, respectively. However, no such decomposition is possible near the Curie temperature which, in these systems, is close to metal-to-insulator transition. Rather, for all of these compounds and to a good approximation, the \rho_{xy} data at various temperatures and magnetic fields collapse (up to an overall scale), on to a single function of the reduced magnetization m=M/M_{sat}, the extremum of this function lying at m~0.4. A new mechanism for the Anomalous Hall Effect in the inelastic hopping regime, which reproduces these scaling curves, is identified. This mechanism, which is an extension of Holstein's model for the Ordinary Hall effect in the hopping regime, arises from the combined effects of the double-exchange-induced quantal phase in triads of Mn ions and spin-orbit interactions. We identify processes that lead to the Anomalous Hall Effect for localized carriers and, along the way, analyze issues of quantum interference in the presence of phonon-assisted hopping. Our results suggest that, near the ferromagnet-to-paramagnet transition, it is appropriate to describe transport in manganites in terms of carrier hopping between states that are localized due to combined effect of magnetic and non-magnetic disorder. We attribute the qualitative variations in resistivity characteristics across manganite compounds to the differing strengths of their carrier self-trapping, and conclude that both disorder-induced localization and self-trapping effects are important for transport.Comment: 29 pages, 20 figure
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