5,531 research outputs found

    How the Arab Spring Movement Has Been Covered by CNN, Fox News and MSNBC

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    The Arab Spring movement has captivated the world over the past few years. Cable networks have played a large role covering the Arab Spring in the United States. CNN, Fox News and MSNBC are the three most watched cable networks and the ones that face the most scrutiny. Cable news is often accussed of catering to specific audiences, biased reporting and a variety of other criticisms. Most of these are leveled at the way the networks handle domestic issues. The Arab Spring represented an opportunity to see if the same critiques were true when cable focused on international events. In terms of national issues, CNN is the network that is known for trying to remain in the center, or the middle of the political divide. Fox News is considered to aim for conservatives while MSNBC provides a liberal perspective. Each network has pundits that go against this framework but the majority of the content is focused in one direction. This project attemps to measure which network has provided the fairest and most comprehensive content regarding the Arab Spring. Two shows on CNN, Fox News and MSNBC were chosen for analysis, making a total of six shows altogether. These shows all took place in the evening after the networks daytime news hours had completed. The evening shows are where cable really separates itself from broadcast news. The shows selected on CNN were Anderson Cooper 360Ā° and The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer. On Fox News Hannity and the Oā€™Reilly Factor were analyzed. On MSNBC Hardball with Chris Matthews and The Rachel Maddow Show were selected. Six events were chosen that were important to the Arab Spring in 2011. These were mass demonstrations beginning in Egypt in January, Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak resigning in February, NATO forces intervening in Libya in March, Syrian protests causing violence throughout the country beginning in March, Mubarak going on trial in August and the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi being killed in October. Surveys were prepared that showed viewers clips of how a story was covered on each network that was analyzed. Viewers were then asked to rate the coverage they watched based on any perceived bias and the thoroughness of the coverage. Viewer surveys showed that viewers still perceived a bias in Fox News and MSNBCā€™s coverage of the Arab Spring. CNN was the network with the least perceived bias. Interestingly, even though MSNBC and Fox News scored high levels of bias amongst survey participants, the networks still rated highly in terms of the thoroughness and importance of the coverage they provided. It can be concluded that Fox News and MSNBC still find a way to let their political agendas creep in to international stories while CNN manages to remain in the center. It cannot be concluded however, that the bias shown on any of the networks was necessarily a deterrent to how viewers felt about the quality of the coverage

    Ritual purity and the origin of John\u27s baptisma metanoias

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    The Fathers Motif in Luke - Acts

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    From Jerusalem to Jerusalem: Essential Contours of the Modern Messianic Movement

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    Shape and Structure of Neutron-Rich from Cf-252 Fission Fragments

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    The transition quadrupole moments, Qt, of rotational bands in the neutron-rich, even-mass 102-108Mo and 108-112Ru nuclei were measured with the Doppler-shift attenuation method. The nuclei were populated as fission fragments from 252Cf fission. The detector setup consisted of the Gammasphere spectrometer and the Hercules fast-plastic array. This allowed the measurement of asymmetric DSAM lineshapes at different Gammasphere detector angles with respect to the fission axis. The measurements typically covered the 6 to 16ћ spin range of the ground-state band and at least a strong transition in the Ī³ band. At moderate spin, the Qt moments are found to be reduced with respect to the values near the ground states, the latter being reported in the literature. An attempt has been made (by Afanasjev) to describe the data in the framework of cranked relativistic Hartree-Bogolyubov theory, and the results are reported in the present work as well as in a Physics Letters paper by Snyder et al. For 104Mo reliable predictions can be made. Here an oblate shape and a low-spin triaxial shape (deformation parameter Ī³~-44Ā°), predicted to be favored in other theoretical calculations, are ruled out by the data. There is some indication for a gradual change, at higher spin, from an initially prolate shape to a triaxial shape in 104Mo. The Qt data for 106Mo and 110,112Ru support this picture. The challenge of theory to describe the Qt data is addressed, which has to do with the very Ī³-soft potential-energy surfaces. As a byproduct of the Qt analysis (which requires the determination of the intensities of the feeding transitions), the transition intensities of many weak high-spin or non-yrast states have been determined. These previously unknown intensity data are also reported. In the appendix, the results of an attenuation-coefficient analysis for Ī³-ray angular distributions (due to recoil-in-vacuum) in heavy Ba isotopes are reported. These results are from a separate project, though from the same data set

    Monitoring Frequency of Intraā€Fraction Patient Motion Using the ExacTrac System for LINACā€based SRS Treatments

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the intraā€fractional patient motion using the ExacTrac system in LINACā€based stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS). Method: A retrospective analysis of 104 SRS patients with kilovoltage imageā€guided setup (Brainlab ExacTrac) data was performed. Each patient was imaged preā€treatment, and at two time points during treatment (1st and 2nd midā€treatment), and bony anatomy of the skull was used to establish setup error at each time point. The datasets included the translational and rotational setup error, as well as the time period between image acquisitions. After each image acquisition, the patient was repositioned using the calculated shift to correct the setup error. Only translational errors were corrected due to the absence of a 6D treatment table. Setup time and directional shift values were analyzed to determine correlation between shift magnitudes as well as time between acquisitions. Results: The average magnitude translation was 0.64 Ā± 0.59 mm, 0.79 Ā± 0.45 mm, and 0.65 Ā± 0.35 mm for the preā€treatment, 1st midā€treatment, and 2nd midā€treatment imaging time points. The average time from preā€treatment image acquisition to 1st midā€treatment image acquisition was 7.98 Ā± 0.45 min, from 1st to 2nd midā€treatment image was 4.87 Ā± 1.96 min. The greatest translation was 3.64 mm, occurring in the preā€treatment image. No patient had a 1st or 2nd midā€treatment image with greater than 2 mm magnitude shifts. Conclusion: There was no correlation between patient motion over time, in direction or magnitude, and duration of treatment. The imaging frequency could be reduced to decrease imaging dose and treatment time without significant changes in patient position

    Climbing the tower of babel: Unsupervised multilingual learning

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    For centuries, scholars have explored the deep links among human languages. In this paper, we present a class of probabilistic models that use these links as a form of naturally occurring supervision. These models allow us to substantially improve performance for core text processing tasks, such as morphological segmentation, part-of-speech tagging, and syntactic parsing. Besides these traditional NLP tasks, we also present a multilingual model for the computational decipherment of lost languages
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