174 research outputs found

    Performance of a fully close-coupled wave packet method for the Hā‚‚+LiF(001) model problem.

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    The H2+LiF(001) system was used to investigate the performance of the hybrid closeā€coupling wave packet (CCWP) method and of a symmetry adapted, fully closeā€coupled wave packet (SAWP) method for a moleculeā€“surface problem characterized by fairly high corrugation. In the calculations, a realistic, Ļ†ā€dependent model potential was used. The calculations were performed for a collision energy of 0.2 eV, with H2 initially in its j=0 rotational state at normal incidence to the surface. Large increases in the computational efficiencies of both wave packet methods were achieved by taking advantage of the potential coupling matrices associated with both methods becoming sparser with increasing moleculeā€“surface distance. For the present model problem and employing this increased sparseness at longer range, the SAWP method is faster than the CCWP method by a factor of 2. The potential usefulness of the SAWP method for dissociative chemisorption problems is discussed

    The zero order regular approximation for relativistic effects: the effect of spin-orbit coupling in closed shell molecules.

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    In this paper we will calculate the effect of spinā€“orbit coupling on properties of closed shell molecules, using the zeroā€order regular approximation to the Dirac equation. Results are obtained using density functionals including density gradient corrections. Close agreement with experiment is obtained for the calculated molecular properties of a number of heavy element diatomic molecules

    The log truck problem

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    Hydrogen Bonding in DNA Base Pairs: Reconciliation of Theory and Experiment

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    Up till now, there has been a significant disagreement between theory and experiment regarding hydrogen bond lengths in Watson - Crick base pairs. To investigate the possible sources of this discrepancy, we have studied numerous model systems for adenine - thymine (AT) and guanine - cytosine (GC) base pairs at various levels (i.e., BP86, PW91, and BLYP) of nonlocal density functional theory (DFT) in combination with different Slater-type orbital (STO) basis sets. Best agreement with available gas-phase experimental A - T and G - C bond enthalpies (-12.1 and -21.0 kcal/mol) is obtained at the BP86/TZ2P level, which (for 298 K) yields -11.8 and -23.8 kcal/mol. However, the computed hydrogen bond lengths show again the notorious discrepancy with experimental values. The origin of this discrepancy is not the use of the plain nucleic bases as models for nucleotides: the disagreement with experiment remains no matter if we use hydrogen, methyl, deoxyribose, or 5'- deoxyribose monophosphate as the substituents at N9 and N1 of the purine and pyrimidine bases, respectively. Even the BP86/DZP geometry of the Watson- Crick-type dimer of deoxyadenylyl-3',5'-deoxyuridine including one N

    Density functional results for isotropic and anisotropic multipole polarizabilities and C6, C7 and C8 Van der Waals dispersion coefficients for molecules.

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    The generalized gradient-approximated (GGA) energy functionals used in density functional theory (DFT) provide accurate results for many different properties. However, one of their weaknesses lies in the fact that Van der Waals forces are not described. In spite of this, it is possible to obtain reliable long-range potential energy surfaces within DFT. In this paper, we use time-dependent density functional response theory to obtain the Van der Waals dispersion coefficients C6, C7, and C8 (both isotropic and anisotropic). They are calculated from the multipole polarizabilities at imaginary frequencies of the two interacting molecules. Alternatively, one might use one of the recently-proposed Van der Waals energy functionals for well-separated systems, which provide fairly good approximations to our isotropic results. Results with the local density approximation (LDA), Beckeā€“Perdew (BP) GGA and the Van Leeuwenā€“Baerends (LB94) exchange-correlation potentials are presented for the multipole polarizabilities and the dispersion coefficients of several rare gases, diatomics and the water molecule. The LB94 potential clearly performs best, due to its correct Coulombic asymptotic behavior, yielding results which are close to those obtained with many-body perturbation theory (MBPT). The LDA and BP results are systematically too high for the isotropic properties. This becomes progressively worse for the higher dispersion coefficients. The results for the relative anisotropies are quite satisfactory for all three potentials, however

    High-resolution Laser Spectroscopy of NO2 just above the X2 A1-A2B conical intersection: Transitions of K_=1 stacks

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    The complexity of the absorption spectrum of NO2NO2 can be attributed to a conical intersection of the potential energy surfaces of the two lowest electronic states, the electronic ground state of 2A12A1 symmetry and the first electronically excited state of 2B22B2 symmetry. In a previous paper we reported on the feasibility of using the hyperfine splittings, specifically the Fermi-contact interaction, to determine the electronic ground state character of the excited vibronic states in the region just above the conical intersection; 10ā€Š000 to 14ā€Š000ā€Šcmāˆ’114ā€Š000ā€Šcmāˆ’1 above the electronic ground state. High-resolution spectra of a number of vibronic bands in this region were measured by exciting a supersonically cooled beam of NO2NO2 molecules with a narrow-band Ti:Sapphire ring laser. The energy absorbed by the molecules was detected by the use of a bolometer. In the region of interest, rovibronic interactions play no significant role, with the possible exception of the vibronic band at 12ā€Š658ā€Šcmāˆ’1,12ā€Š658ā€Šcmāˆ’1, so that the fine- and hyperfine structure of each rotational transition could be analyzed by using an effective Hamiltonian. In the previous paper we restricted ourselves to an analysis of transitions of the KāŽÆ=0Kāˆ’=0 stack. In the present paper we extend the analysis to transitions of the KāŽÆ=1Kāˆ’=1 stack, from which, in addition to hyperfine coupling constants, values of the AA rotational constants of the excited NO2NO2 molecules can be determined. Those rotational constants also contain information about the electronic composition of the vibronic states, and, moreover, about the geometry of the NO2NO2 molecule in the excited state of interest. The results of our analyses are compared with those obtained by other authors. The conclusion arrived at in our previous paper that determining Fermi-constants is useful to help characterize the vibronic bands, is corroborated. In addition, the AA rotational constants correspond to geometries that are consistent with the electronic composition of the relevant excited states as expected from the Fermi-constants

    Time-Dependent (Current) Density Functional Theory for Periodic Systems

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    Collison effects in the nonlinear Raman response of liquid carbon disulfide

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    The contributions of induced-multipole and electron overlap effects to the third-order Raman response were studied. A model was constructed on the polarizability of carbon disulfide dimers using polarizabilities from accurate time-dependent density functional theory calculations. The model was used to calculate the third-order time-domain Raman response of liquid carbon disulfide

    Density-functional study of the evolution of the electronic structure of oligomers of thiophene:Towards a model Hamiltonian

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    We present density-functional and time-dependent density-functional studies of the ground, ionic, and excited states of a series of oligomers of thiophene. We show that, for the physical properties, the most relevant highest occupied and lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals develop gradually from monomer molecular orbitals into occupied and unoccupied broad bands in the large length limit. We show that band gap and ionization potentials decrease with size, as found experimentally and from empirical calculations. This gives credence to a simple tight-binding model Hamiltonian approach to these systems. We demonstrate that the length dependence of the experimental excitation spectra for both singlet and triplet excitations can be very well explained with an extended Hubbard-like Hamiltonian, with a monomer on-site Coulomb and exchange interaction and a nearest-neighbor Coulomb interaction. We also study the ground and excited-state electronic structures as functions of the torsion angle between the units in a dimer, and find almost equal stabilities for the transoid and cisoid isomers, with a transition energy barrier for isomerization of only 4.3 kcal/mol. Fluctuations in the torsion angle turn out to be very low in energy, and therefore of great importance in describing even the room-temperature properties. At a torsion angle of 90Ā° the hopping integral is switched off for the highest occupied molecular orbital levels because of symmetry, allowing a first-principles estimate of the on-site interaction minus the next-neighbor Coulomb interaction as it enters in a Hubbard-like model Hamiltonian
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