13 research outputs found

    Genotoksični efekat metanolskog ekstrakta biljke Cotinus Coggygria Scop. kod Drosophila Melanogaster

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    Plant extracts that appear to have favorable properties, may contain chemical compounds with mutagenic, teratogenic and/or carcinogenic activity, and it is of great importance to the inclusion of genotoxic approaches to toxicological evaluation of plant extracts. Using a comet assay on eukaryotic model organism Drosophila melanogaster in in vivo condition, potential genotoxic activity of the methanol extract of plant Cotinus coggygria Scop. was determined. Treatment with the methanol extracts, at a concentration of 1%, caused no significant changes compared to the negative control. Based on the distribution of comet class and selected quantitative parameters (% DNA in tail and tail length) it can be concluded that a methanol extract obtained from C. coggygria at a concentration of 1% does not shows genotoxic activity.Uključivanje genotoksičnog pristupa u toksikološku evaluaciju biljnih ekstrakata, koji i pored povoljnih svojstava mogu da sadrže komponente sa mutagenim, teratogenim i/ili kancerogenim aktivnostima, je od velike važnosti. Primenom Komet testa kod eukariotskog model organizma Drosophila melanogaster u in vivo uslovima ispitivana je genotoksična aktivnost metanolskog ekstrakta biljke Cotinus coggygria Scop. Тretman sa ekstraktom u koncentraciji od 1% nije uzrokovao statistički značajne promene u odnosu na negativnu kontrolu. Na osnovu raspodela komet klasa i odabranih kvantitativnih parametara može se zaključiti da ekstrakt biljke C. coggygria ne pokazuje genotoksičnu aktivnost

    Genotoxic potential of Cotinus coggygria Scop. (Anacardiaceae) stem extract in vivo

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    The intention was to evaluate the possible in vivo genotoxic potential in different cell-types, of a methanol extract obtained from the plant stem of Cotinus coggygria Scop., using the sex-linked recessive lethal (or SLRL) test and alkaline comet assay. The SLRL test, revealed the genotoxic effect of this extract in postmeiotic and premeiotic germ-cell lines. The comet assay was carried out on rat liver and bone marrow at 24 and 72 h after intraperitoneal administration. For genotoxic evaluation, three concentrations of the extract were tested, viz., 500, 1000 and 2000 mg/kg body weight (bw), based on the solubility limit of the extract in saline. Comet tail moment and total scores in the group treated with 500 mg/kg bw, 24 and 72 h after treatment, were not significantly different from the control group, whereas in the groups of animals, under the same conditions, but with 1000 and 2000 mg/kg bw of the extract, scores were statistically so. A slight decrease in the comet score and tail moment observed in all the doses in the 72 h treatment, gave to understand that DNA damage induced by Cotinus coggygria extract decreased with time. The results of both tests revealed the genotoxic effect of Cotinus coggygria under our experimental conditions

    Same-day trips: A chance of urban destination development.

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    Abstract: The global economic crisis, the decline of standard and climatic factors influence the allocation of tourism trends at the global level. Certain types of tourist movements start up and develop; they have been present, but not sufficiently studied by authors. They also include a short trip or visit to a particular destination. Considering their characteristics, they do not require a lot of money and they make an increasingly important segment of the tourism market. Therefore, the importance of same-day trips should not be neglected on today's tourism market. Although in practice this part of the tourist offers and demand has not often been attached enough importance, same day trip can achieve a very significant inflow of funds and encourage the development of many potential tourist destinations. For all the reasons mentioned above, and because of its importance, the organization of same day-trips should be the fundamental basis and essential focus for tourism development. Taking into consideration that inbound tourist agencies show special interest for sameday trips, we have tried to give a starting point for further research in this part of the tourism market


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    The global economic crisis, the decline of standard and climatic factors influence the allocation of tourism trends at the global level. Certain types of tourist movements start up and develop; they have been present, but not sufficiently studied by authors. They also include a short trip or visit to a particular destination. Considering their characteristics, they do not require a lot of money and they make an increasingly important segment of the tourism market. Therefore, the importance of same-day trips should not be neglected on today's tourism market. Although in practice this part of the tourist offers and demand has not often been attached enough importance, same day trip can achieve a very significant inflow of funds and encourage the development of many potential tourist destinations. For all the reasons mentioned above, and because of its importance, the organization of same day-trips should be the fundamental basis and essential focus for tourism development. Taking into consideration that inbound tourist agencies show special interest for same-day trips, we have tried to give a starting point for further research in this part of the tourism market.same-day trips; economic crisis; tourism; urban destinations; development

    Chemical composition and biological activity of the acetone extract of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. pollen

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    In this study, the chemical components, antimicrobial and genotoxic biological activities of the acetone extract of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. pollen were examined. Two lactones were identified: ambrosin and artesovin. The antimicrobial activity of the acetone extract of A. artemisiifolia L. pollen was examined on ten different bacterial species using the disc diffusion method and the microdilution method in Mueller-Hinton broth dilution. The minimal inhibitory concentration of the acetone extract of A. artemisiifolia pollen varied between 1.25−6.50 mg mL-1. The genotoxic effect of the acetone extract of A. artemisiifolia pollen on a eukaryotic model system Drosophila melanogaster was investigated using the SLRL test