101 research outputs found


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    Romanija’s kajmak is an autochthonous dairy product, characterized by an extremely high content of milk fat, specific technology and unique sensory characteristics. It can be consumed as fresh (ripened up to 20 days) or mature (ripened for 2 months). Considering that today Romanija’s kajmak is mostly consumed as matured, the aim of this research was to determine its physico-chemical composition and sensory properties at different time of ripening (30, 40 and 60 days). Total of 20 samples were collected from the region of Romanija mountain (B&H). However, since two samples did not meet requirements for hygienic quality, they were excluded from the study. According to defined quality parameters (minimum 70% of fat in dry matter and more than 65% dry matter) all investigated samples were categorized as mature kajmak. Time of ripening did not significantly affect dry matter and fat content (p˃0.05). As expected, the highest ripening index (32.14%) was found in 60 days ripened samples of Romanija’s kajmak. Due to proteolysis, in these samples the lowest protein content was observed – 5.31% (p˂0.05). Also, degradation of proteins after 40 and 60 days of ripening led to higher pH values compared to kajmak ripened for 30 days, probably as a result of the formation of alkaline compounds. According to sensory evaluation, time of ripening had influenced appearance and structure of kajmak, but no differences were found in other sensory parameters. Overall quality of kajmak was not affected by the time of ripening and was in range 15.25-15.93

    El costumbrismo en la narrativa de Wenceslao Ayguals de Izco. La realidad urbana madrileña

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    El objetivo fundamental que se pretende alcanzar con esta investigación consiste en encontrar, exponer y analizar los rasgos costumbristas en las novelas de Wenceslao Ayguals de Izco, enfocar su visión particular y uso del costumbrismo, y los aspectos que le consagran como un auténtico escritor de Madrid, de su gente y sus costumbres, incluso intentar valorar estos rasgos en función de la problemática de las novelas. Innumerables problemas presenta la cuestión de la investigación y revisión de un escritor que hoy en día se considera menor ya que se analizan los maestros de la novela como Pérez Galdós. Y más todavía si se trata de un escritor cuya obra pertenece al género de literatura popular – la denominación englobadora de Leonardo Romero Tobar1, o “subgénero” narrativo medio olvidado, a menudo considerado como literatura de segunda clase, literatura menor, infraliteratura, paraliteratura o antiliteratura, y dentro de esta, a la novela folletinesca y/o novela por entregas. Hasta el término con que se designa este tipo de novelas fue y sigue siendo hasta cierto punto el término conflictivo y objeto de utilizaciones erróneas. Más adelante intentaremos exponer algunas delimitaciones terminológicas de este fenómeno literario..

    Two cases of uveitis masquerade syndrome caused by bilateral intraocular large B-cell lymphoma

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    Introduction. Sometimes it is not easy to clinically recognize subtle differences between intraocular lymphoma and non-infectious uveitis. The most common lymphoma subtype involving the eye is B-cell lymphoma. Case report. We presented two patients aged 59 and 58 years with infiltration of the subretinal space with a large B-cell non-Hodgkin intraocular lymphoma. The patients originally had clinically masked syndrome in the form of intermediate uveitis. As it was a corticosteroid-resistant uveitis, we focused on the possible diagnosis of neoplastic causes of this syndrome. During hospitalization, the neurological symptoms emerged and multiple subretinal changes accompanied by yellowish white patches of retinal pigment epithelium with signs of vitritis, which made us suspect the intraocular lymphoma. Endocra-nial magnetic resonance imaging established tumorous infiltration in the region of the left hemisphere of the cerebellum. The histopathological finding confirmed the diagnosis of large B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma of risk moderate degree, immunoblast - centroblast cytological type. The other patient had clinical chronic uveitis accompanied by yellowish shaped white echographic changes of the retina and localized changes in the level of the subretina. The diagnosis of lymphoma was made by brain biopsy. Conclusion. Uveitis masquerade syndrome should be considered in all patients over 40 years with idiopathic steroid-resistant uveitis. Treatment begun on time can affect the course and improve the prognosis of uveitis masquerade syndrome (UMS) and systemic disease

    The impact of silicone hydrogel contact lenses on the measurement of intraocular pressure using non-contact tonometry

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    © 2017, Institut za Vojnomedicinske Naucne Informacije/Documentaciju. All rights reserved. Background/Aim. Measurement of intraocular pressure (IOP) over therapeutic silicone hydrogel soft contact lenses by a non-contact method of tonometry could be applied in opthalmologic practice but the results obtained are still controversial. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of spherically designed silicone hydrogel soft contact lenses and their power on values of IOP measured by using a non-contact tonometry method. Methods. We measured IOP with and without spherical silicone hydrogel soft contact lenses on 143 eyes of 80 subjects who did not have any ocular or systemic diseases. Results. The Wilcoxon statistical analysis test for ranking average values of IOP measured on 143 eyes over a spherical silicone hydrogel soft contact lenses showed significantly higher values compared to those measured with no contact lenses (15.81 ± 3.46 mm Hg vs 14.54 ± 3.19 mm Hg; respectively; Z = -5.224, p = 0.001). Refractive power analysis of the contact lenses of -9.00D to +6.00 D showed a significant difference of IOP in the range from 0.00D to -6.00D. Conclusion. Non-contact tonometry is not an accurate method of IOP measuring over spherical silicone hydrogel soft contact lenses which belong to therapeutic contact lenses

    Hepatitis C: Host and Viral Factors Associated with Response to Therapy and Progression of Liver Fibrosis

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    The goal of this study was to identify the baseline host and viral factors of response to antiviral therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Compared with interferon/ribavirin therapy, new current direct-acting antiviral (DAA) combination regimens significantly increased rate of sustained virologic response (SVR) and shorter treatment durations, but is still limited by viral resistance, adverse effects, and high cost especially in developing countries. Human genetic factors and heterogeneity within the HCV genome may be associated with virologic treatment failure before and after antiviral therapy. Further, HCV infection may contribute to the development of HCV-related liver disease and hepatocarcinogenesis, through modulating genetic and epigenetic state of certain genes implicated in control of critical cellular pathways. Previous results confirm the importance of host and viral factors and virus-induced genetic and epigenetic changes in predicting outcome and treatment response

    Cost-effectiveness analysis of tocilizumab in combination with methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis: A Markov model based on data from Serbia, country in socioeconomic transition

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    Background/Aim. Recent studies have shown that biological treatments for rheumatoid arthritis can change the course of rheumatoid arthritis and improve functional ability of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. In spite of this fact, use of biological therapy is still limited by high prices of these medicines, especially in countries in socioeconomic transition. The aim of our study was to compare costeffectiveness of a combination of tocilizumab and methotrexate with methotrexate alone for rheumatoid arthritis in Serbia, a country in socioeconomic transition. Methods. For the purpose of our study we designed a Markov model using data on therapy efficacy from the available literature, and data on the costs of health states calculated from records of actual patients treated in the Clinical Center Kragujevac, Serbia. The duration of one cycle in our model was set at one month, and the time horizon was 480 months (40 years). The study was done from the social perspective, and all the costs and outcomes were discounted for 3% per year. Results. Treating rheumatoid arthritis with diseasemodifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) alone was more cost-effective in comparison with a combination of biologic treatment with tocilizumab and DMARDs. The total costs for treating a patient with DMARDs for one year were on average 261,945.42 RSD, or 2,497.70 Euro and the total costs for treatment with tocilizimab plus DMARDs were on average 1,959,217.44 RSD, or 18,659.20 Euro. However, these results are susceptible to changes in costs and treatment effects of tocilizumab in patients with more severe forms of rheumatoid arthritis. Conclusion. Our results show that the use of tocilizumab for rheumatoid arthrits in economic environment of Serbia is not cost-effective. Use of tocilizumab for treating rheumatoid arthritis can become affordable, if costs of its use become lower. In order to start using expensive biologic medicines in patients in transitional countries, special strategy and pricing policy of international pharmaceutical companies are necessary, which would include calculation of prices of biologic medicines on the basis of local pharmacoeconomic studies

    Značaj i upotreba žita u ishrani riba

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    Proizvodnja hrane za ribe, poslednjih godina beleži najbrži rast u industrijskoj proizvodnji hrane za životinje (Jovanović i sar. 2006). Ukoliko sektor akvakulture nastavi sa dosadašnjim prosečnim rastom od 8-10% godišnje do 2025. godine, i proizvodnja hrane moraće da prati taj rast (Tacon,2010). Danas se u hranu za ribe uglavnom uključuju riblje brašno i riblje ulje zbog visoke nutritivne vrednosti. Zbog ograničenosti prirodnih resursa. nameće se potreba za značajnijim uključivanjem biljnih hraniva, pre svega žita u ishrani riba. Žita prvenstveno predstavljaju izvor energije i služe za prihranu riba, međutim, njihovom preradom mogu se dobiti koncentati proteina koji se mogu koristiti kao delimična zamena za proteine animalnog porekla. Žita kao energetska hraniva čine osnovni deo obroka u poluintenzivnom sistemu gajenja riba. Proteinski deo potreba obezbeđuje im fauna dna i zooplankton. U našoj zemlji kukuruz je najvažnije žito koja se koristi u ishrani životinja. Visok sadržaj skroba, srazmerno velika zastupljenost ulja i malo celuloze, čini kukuruz izrazito energetskim hranivom (Đorđević i Dinić, 2007). Kukuruz karakteriše nizak sadržaj proteina sa nepovoljnim aminokiselinskim sastavom. Protein kukuruza pretežno čini zein koji ima nisku nutritivnu vrednost, pre svega usled deficita lizina i triptofana. Proteini ječma su niske biološke vrednosti, ali nešto bolji u odnosu na proteine kukuruza (Perović, Janković et al.,2009). Siromašni su u lizinu i metioninu, mada su selekcijom dobijene sorte sa većim sadržajem lizina. U poređenju sa kukuruzom, po hranljivoj vrednosti, pšenica sadrži više proteina, a manje masti. Sadržaj proteina kod različitih sorata pšenice varira od 10-14% (Protić, Janković,1998). Proteini pšenice su siromašni lizinom, zatim metioninom, treoninom, leucinom i izoleucinom (Janković et al.,2008). Količina lizina, koji je prva limitirajuća aminokiselina, iznosi 0,3-0,37%. Tritikale je hibrid pšenice i raži, koji se zbog relativno visoke nutritivne vrednosti sve više se koristi u ishrani svih kategorija životinja, pa i riba. Tritikale sadrži 11-20% sirovih proteina. Sadržaj aminokiselina je sličan sadržaju aminokiselina pšenice. Najsavremeniju tehnološku operaciju u procesu proizvodnje hrane za ribe predstavlja proces ekstrudiranja. Ekstruzionim kuvanjem na principu «visoka temperatura-kratko vreme» postižu se veca svarljivosti skroba, veća nutritivna vrednost, plutanje ili sporo tonjenje sto omogucava vece učesće žita u hrani za ribe. (Jovanović et al.2006).. Žita kao komponente u kompletnim smešama za ribe u intenzivnom uzgoju imaju izuzetno veliki značaj, posebno u ishrani šarana koji značajan deo energetskih potreba može zadovoljiti iz skroba. Proteinska hraniva, uz dodatak sintetičkih aminokiselina dobijena preradom žita, poput kukuruznog, pšeničnog glutena, kao i proteina pirinča, u značajnoj meri mogu zameniti, riblje brašno kao najkvalitetnije hranivo u ishrani riba. Selekcijom i genetskim modofikacijama treba stvarati žita sa povoljnim nutritivnim svojstvima potrebnim za hranu za ribe