361 research outputs found

    CO abundance variations in the Orion molecular cloud

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    Infrared stellar photometry from the Two Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) and spectral line imaging observations of 12CO and 13CO J = 1-0 line emission from the Five College Radio Astronomy Observatory (FCRAO) 14-m telescope are analysed to assess the variation of the CO abundance with physical conditions throughout the Orion A and Orion B molecular clouds. Three distinct Av regimes are identified in which the ratio between the 13CO column density and visual extinction changes corresponding to the photon-dominated envelope, the strongly self-shielded interior, and the cold, dense volumes of the clouds. Within the strongly self-shielded interior of the Orion A cloud, the 13CO abundance varies by 100 per cent with a peak value located near regions of enhanced star formation activity. The effect of CO depletion on to the ice mantles of dust grains is limited to regions with Av > 10 mag and gas temperatures less than ∼20 K as predicted by chemical models that consider thermal evaporation to desorb molecules from grain surfaces.Values of the molecular mass of each cloud are independently derived from the distributions of Av and 13CO column densities with a constant 13CO-to-H2 abundance over various extinction ranges. Within the strongly self-shielded interior of the cloud (Av> 3 mag), 13CO provides a reliable tracer of H2 mass with the exception of the cold, dense volumes where depletion is important. However, owing to its reduced abundance, 13CO does not trace the H2 mass that resides in the extended cloud envelope, which comprises 40-50 per cent of the molecular mass of each cloud. The implied CO luminosity to mass ratios, M/LCO, are 3.2 and 2.9 for Orion A and Orion B, respectively, which are comparable to the value (2.9), derived from γ-ray observations of the Orion region. Our results emphasize the need to consider local conditions when applying CO observations to derive H2 column densities. © 2013 The Authors. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society.This work is supported by grants AST-0838222 and AST-1009049 from the National Science Foundation and a stipend from the Massachusetts Space Grant Consortium. CB is funded in part by the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council grant ST/J001627/1 (From Molecular Clouds to Exoplanets and the ERC grant ERC- 2011-StG 20101014 (LOCALSTAR, both held at the University of Exeter. This publication makes use of data products from the 2MASS, which is a joint project of the University of Massachusetts and the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center/California Institute of Technology, funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the National Science Foundation. This research has made use of the VizieR catalogue access tool, CDS, Strasbourg, France

    Risk factors for active trachoma in The Gambia.

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    Trachoma has been endemic in The Gambia for decades but national surveys indicate that the prevalence is falling. Risk factor data can help guide trachoma control efforts. This study investigated risk factors for active trachoma and ocular Chlamydia trachomatis infection in children aged below 10 years in two Gambian regions. The overall prevalence of C. trachomatis infection was only 0.3% (3/950) compared with 10.4% (311/2990) for active trachoma, therefore analyses were only performed for active trachoma. After adjustment, increased risk of trachoma was associated with being aged 1-2 years (odds ratio (OR) 2.20, 95% CI 1.07-4.52) and 3-5 years (OR 3.62, 95% CI 1.80-7.25) compared with <1 year, nasal discharge (OR 2.07, 95% CI 1.53-2.81), ocular discharge (OR 2.68, 95% CI 1.76-4.09) and there being at least one other child in the household with active trachoma (OR 11.28, 95% CI 8.31-15.31). Compared with other occupations, children of traders had reduced risk (OR 0.53, 95% CI 0.30-0.94). At the household level, only the presence of another child in the household with active trachoma was associated with increased risk of active trachoma, suggesting that current trachoma control interventions are effective at this level. In contrast, child-level factors were associated with increased risk after adjustment, indicating a need to increase control efforts at the child level

    Analysis of Expressed Sequence Tags of the Cyclically Parthenogenetic Rotifer Brachionus plicatilis

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    Background. Rotifers are among the most common non-arthropod animals and are the most experimentally tractable members of the basal assemblage of metazoan phyla known as Gnathifera. The monogonont rotifer Brachionus plicatilis is a developing model system for ecotoxicology, aquatic ecology, cryptic speciation, and the evolution of sex, and is an important food source for finfish aquaculture. However, basic knowledge of the genome and transcriptome of any rotifer species has been lacking. Methodology/Principal Findings. We generated and partially sequenced a cDNA library from B. plicatilis and constructed a database of over 2300 expressed sequence tags corresponding to more than 450 transcripts. About 20% of the transcripts had no significant similarity to database sequences by BLAST; most of these contained open reading frames of significant length but few had recognized Pfam motifs. Sixteen transcripts accounted for 25% of the ESTs; four of these had no significant similarity to BLAST or Pfam databases. Putative up- and downstream untranslated regions are relatively short and AT rich. In contrast to bdelloid rotifers, there was no evidence of a conserved trans-spliced leader sequence among the transcripts and most genes were single-copy. Conclusions/Significance. Despite the small size of this EST project it revealed several important features of the rotifer transcriptome and of individual monogonont genes. Because there is little genomic data for Gnathifera, the transcripts we found with no known function may represent genes that are species-, class-, phylum- or even superphylum-specific; the fact that some are among the most highly expressed indicates their importance. The absence of trans-spliced leader exons in this monogonont species contrasts with their abundance in bdelloid rotifers and indicates that the presence of this phenomenon can vary at the subphylum level. Our EST database provides a relatively large quantity of transcript-level data for B. plicatilis, and more generally of rotifers and other gnathiferan phyla, and can be browsed and searched at gmod.mbl.edu

    Effect of female aging on the morphology and hatchability of resting eggs in the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis Müller

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    This study examined the morphology and hatchability of Brachionus plicatilis resting eggs as a function of the aging of maternal fertilized mictic females. One-hundred twenty fertilized B. plicatilis (Australian strain) were individually cultured and monitored daily until death. All cultures were maintained at 25°C, 11 ppt, and fed the micro-algae Tetraselmis tetrathele. Resting eggs produced by the females were investigated using two parameters: egg morphology, and hatching rate. Under these culture conditions, females normally produce 1-6 (mean ± SD = 2.7 ± 1.2) resting eggs during their lifetime. However, the number of resting eggs with abnormal morphology increased as a function of maternal age. Among resting eggs with normal morphology (n = 225), 82.2% were produced during the first and second spawning, and had hatching rates of more than 60%, while the hatching rates were below 30% in resting eggs with a spawning order of >2. Thus, the quality of B. plicatilis resting eggs was negatively correlated with maternal age