589 research outputs found


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    “Kaumarbhritya” is one among the specialty of Ashtanga Ayurveda which deals with comprehensive care of mother and child. It takes care of different phases of women’s reproductive life and the child’s life right from conception to 16 years of age. Navajatashishuparicharya is the series of steps taken for wellbeing of a newborn which includes Prana pratyagamana (neonatal resuscitation), Ulvaparimarjana (cleaning of the vernix caseosa), Mukhavishodhana (cleaning of oral cavity), Pichudhrana (Application of tampon on head), Garbhodakavamana (clearing of neonate’s stomach), Nabhinalachedana (cutting of umbilical cord), Jata karma (birth rites), Lehana karma (licking of ghee, herbs, honey etc) Abhyanga (massage with oil), Snana (neonatal bath) and Raksha karma (protection of baby). Among above, Ulvaparimarjana is the initial step after the life is stabilized. There is a chance that new-borns lose body temperature because they are born naked and wet and are likely to develop hypothermia and its consequences particularly in winter. Taking care of a newborn is challenging especially in the first hour of life. Warm delivery room, immediate drying, appropriate clothing etc are helpful in preventing hypothermia. But malaxation and cleaning of vernix caseosa with Saindava sarpi mixture (SS mixture)  effectively helps in maintaining the thermos neutral environment of the baby. Uniqueness of this procedure, methodological and practical application, classical benefits with support of available evidences are essential to be reviewed in contemporary times to appraise their utility in current times and to revive the ancient practices

    Plasma Adiponectin Does Not Correlate With Insulin Resistance and Cardiometabolic Variables in Nondiabetic Asian Indian Teenagers

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    OBJECTIVE—The objectives of this study were to determine age- and sex-specific concentrations of adiponectin in Asian Indian teenagers and adults and to assess whether its blood levels correlated with insulin resistance and other cardiometabolic parameters


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    Objective: To develop a simple, economic and validated UV spectrophotometric method for the simultaneous estimation of aceclofenac and tramadol hydrochloride in bulk and tablet dosage form.Methods: The UV spectrophotometric method for simultaneous estimation of aceclofenac and tramadol hydrochloride has been developed. Methanol and water in the ratio 60:40 was used as the solvent. Tramadol hydrochloride and aceclofenac showed maximum absorbance at wavelength 214.8 nm and 275.6 nm respectively.Results: The developed method showed tramadol hydrochloride and aceclofenac to be linear in the concentration range of 5–30 µg/ml with a correlation coefficient of 0.998 and 0.999 respectively. The result of recovery studies for the tablet was found to be in the range of 98.125%-101.0% and 98.01%-98.36% for tramadol hydrochloride and aceclofenac respectively.Conclusion: The results show that the developed UV spectrophotometric method is simple, economical, accurate, precise and repeatable.Keywords: UV spectrophotometric method, Tramadol Hydrochloride, Aceclofenac, Simultaneous estimation, Tablet dosage form, Validatio

    A study on neonatal hyperbilirubinemia due to ABO incompatibility in sick newborn care unit, Telangana

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    Background: Hyperbilirubinemia is one of the most common clinical signs encountered in neonates which if untreated is potentially neurotoxic. The neonates at higher risk of jaundice should be identified at birth and kept under enhanced surveillance for occurrence and progression of jaundice and promptly intervened. Aim: This study aims to study and analyze the neonatal hyperbilirubinemia in the babies born to O positive mother. Subjects and Methods: A prospective observational cohort study of healthy term neonates born to O positive mothers with clinical jaundice was conducted in a sick newborn care unit (SNCU) attached to a tertiary level government maternity hospital. SPSS version 19 was used for statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics such as mean, median, standard deviation, and Chi-square test were calculated. p<0.05 was taken as statistically significant. Results: A total of 100 babies, born to O positive mothers brought to SNCU with clinical jaundice of <120 h of age, were studied. 72 babies had ABO incompatibility, of which 52 (72%) babies required phototherapy and 1 (1.3%) required exchange transfusion. There was no significant difference in the severity and outcome in both O-A and O-B incompatibility, although O-B incompatibility was more (65%). Conclusion: Blood group of mother should always be noted and babies born to O positive mothers must be followed for early identification and prompt intervention

    Rising Burden of Obesity in Asia

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    Overweight and obesity have reached epidemic proportions in many Asian countries. These countries also face a grave burden of obesity-related disorders such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases, which develop at a younger age than in Western populations. These disorders are also manifested in childhood. The major causative factors are related to the lifestyle changes occurring due to rapid socioeconomic transition. Asian populations show several differences in genetic factors when compared with the white population, and they also have lower cut points for environmental risk factors. National programmes targeting public awareness, education and improved structural facilities to facilitate healthy lifestyle are the keys to alleviate the economic and health care burden of the obesity-related disorders


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    Ayurveda itself is seen to have been evolved to ease human beings from Jara. Inclusion of Jara chikitsa (Geriayutrics) as one among the Ashtanga Ayurveda during those good olden days implies the foresight of Acharyas on its importance. World Health Organisation declared the calendar year 1999 as the International Year of Older People (IYOP), since then the problems of aging people got the worldwide focus and health wise momentum. Now at this time, the whole world is showing renewed interest in the aging process and aged people. In first 50 yrs of 21st century old age dependency ratio is expected to double in more developed region and triple in less developed region, thus the aged people are going to be a big problem for the society.It is the best time to explore the possibilities from Ayurveda, which can raise the hope of the silver population and improve their lifespan. The cognate of the Greek “Geras” is the Sanskrit “Jara” both of which means old age. According to Ayurveda, the Jara (aging) is a natural phenomenon like hunger, thirst and sleep. Sushruta mentioned a group of naturally occurring diseases named Svabhavabala roga, which includes Kshut (hunger), Pipasa (thirst), Nidra (sleep), Jara (old age) and Mrityu (death). The term ‘Geriayutrics’ is introduced by the authors to emphasize that Ayurveda is the science recognised importance of Jara Chikitsa as separate clinical speciality. This review focuses on the understanding of Ayurvedic biology of aging with respect to physiological components such as Dosha, Dhatu, Mala, Srotas, Indriyas, Ojas, Manas and so on and their correction through the application of Rasayana (rejuvenescence)


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    Now-a-days many clinical conditions of different physiological systems becoming psychosomatic in nature, may be because of modern day living. Psychosomatic disorders represent a therapeutic enigma. Despite compelling evidence to suggest the integrity of mind and body, humans are famously prone to experiencing them as separate. Ayurveda essentially sees every disease as a psychosomatic manifestation and views the mind and body as two aspects of one unity. Considering the involvement of Hypothalamico-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis (HPA Axis) in most of the psychosomatic disorders; an attempt is made to use the word Psychosomatic axis in synonymous with HPA axis/Shatchakras. Shirodhara, an icon of Ayurveda in global scenario, is the pouring of warm herbal oil over the forehead in a pendulous manner. This treatment rejuvenates the nervous system, releases emotions, opens the subtle channels and unfolds bliss throughout the mind and body. This paper explores the advanced understanding of Shirodhara and its role in prevention and treatment of psychosomatic disorders and promotion of mental health & in turn to emphasize its importance in current day practice

    Trial of ORG 10172 in acute stroke treatment classification and associated risk factors of ischemic stroke: a prospective study from a tertiary care center in South India

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    Background: Stroke is the leading cause of acquired disability worldwide. Better understanding of risk factors helps to reduce the community burden of stroke. Aim of the study was to determine pattern of ischemic stroke subtype and associated risk factors.Methods: Of 220 patients with first ever stroke, 168 patients of ischemic stroke were enrolled prospectively from January 2016 to May 2016 at ESIC Superspeciality hospital, Hyderabad. Patients were categorized in accordance with the Trial of Org 10172 in Acute Stroke treatment (TOAST) criteria.Results: Of 168 patients, 110 (65.4%) were males; male to female ratio was 1.8:1. The mean age was 53.912.3 years. Small vessel occlusion (SVO) occurred in younger age group as compared to other stroke subtypes. Frequency of large-artery atherosclerosis (LAA) (46.4%) was highest (Extracranial: 41.1%, intracranial: 36.9%), followed by SVO (32.4%), cardio embolism (15.4%), undetermined (4.7%) and other determined causes (1.1%). Risk factors included dyslipidemia (79%), hypertension (67.8%), smoking (58.3%), alcohol use (54.7%), diabetes (40.4%) and physical inactivity (27.3%). Common association observed was smoking (P - 0.004) and alcohol (P - 0.003) with LAA and SVO, and dilated cardiomyopathy with cardio embolism.Conclusions: LAA was observed frequently than SVO. Frequency of SVO was lower than Asian but higher than western, while cardio embolism was lower than Western and similar to Asian stroke studies. Dyslipidemia was the predominant risk factor than hypertension reported from Asian and Western stroke registry. This unique pattern can be attributed to differences in demographic and risk factor profiles. The study confirms the need for vigorous primary and secondary prevention measures targeting modifiable risk factors of stroke


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    A 46-year-old man of medium built was presented with a history of multiple subcutaneous nodules of varying sizes mainly on the back that began to appear since 5 years. It was also found that he is suffering from asymptomatic Hepatitis B since 3 years and was advised to take Liv.52 HB by a local physician. There is no familial history of similar condition. Physical examination revealed that nodules are painless, mobile, soft to touch, with a maximum diameter of 30 cm, most of which were located on the back and an uncommon distribution of lipomas all over the body. Patient’s lipid profile was normal. The case was diagnosed by the modern physicians and advised surgical excision of the lipoma. But the patient was uninterested to undergo the surgical excision. He reported at the OPD of Swami Vivekanand Ayurvedic Panchakarma hospital, Dilshad Garden, New Delhi in the month of Sept 2014.


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    India’s gurukula tradition of learning and teaching was in practice for many centuries. Gurukula system of one-to-one knowledge imparting education and learning transformed as Kulaguru system i.e., University based education. Education, research and practice are the essential components of the modern education and the same applies to field of Ayurveda. Ayurveda education in India is being regulated by a statutory professional body, Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM) established under the Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970 of Government of India. Padachatushtaya, one among the fundamental components of Ayurveda education, practice and research is analyzed with respect to existing status of Ayurveda education. Ayurveda, being the Science of Holistic Living and Art of Natural Healing, mainly detailed on the main objective i.e., Wellness to Illness approach. So accordingly any step or action or planning in the field of Ayurveda with respect to education, research and practice should focus on its basic approach. Graduates should be exposed to skill based knowledge so as become the part of the national health force keeping in view of the health policy of the country. In the contemporary times, Integration is much needed. Integration is to understand the traditional knowledge from diversified fields of science for effective utilization and its application.