11 research outputs found

    Impact of oxidation of copper and its alloys in laboratory-simulated conditions on their antimicrobial efficiency

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    Copper and its alloys are known for their antimicrobial activity, which makes them appealing materials for various touch surfaces in public facilities. These materials are also known for being prone to tarnishing, especially in contact with human palm sweat. The paper describes investigations on tarnishing of copper and various copper alloys by oxidation at elevated temperatures. After evaluation of thickness and chemical composition of oxide layers, microbiological tests were carried out in order to determine the impact of oxidation on antimicrobial efficiency of copper alloys

    The Effect of Al-Mg-Si Wire Rod Heat Treatment on Its Electrical Conductivity and Strength

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    The raw material for the production of Al-Mg-Si wires is wire rods, created in the Continuus Properzi line in temper T1 (cooled after forming at an elevated temperature and after natural aging). The general technologies for shaping the mechanical and electrical properties of Al-Mg-Si wire rods include two kinds: high- and low-temperature heat treatments. High-temperature heat treatment includes a homogenization process and a supersaturation process. Low-temperature heat treatment takes place after supersaturation and includes natural or artificial aging. This study shows how the amount of Mg and Si influences the mechanical and electrical properties of EN-AW 6101 wire rods after different kinds of heat treatments. As the general aim of this study was to determine the effect of the material’s temper on its mechanical and electrical properties, the research considered the initial parameters of the starting materials being examined. These parameters can be modified by selecting the chemical composition of the Al-Mg-Si alloy and the value of precipitation hardening obtained with artificial

    Analiza charakterystyk napr臋偶eniowo-temperaturowych napowietrznych przewod贸w elektroenergetycznych ze stop贸w AlMgSi : praca doktorska /

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    Recenzenci pracy: J贸zef Zasadzi艅ski, Zbigniew Kowalewski, Kurt 呕muda.Praca doktorska. Akademia G贸rniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanis艂awa Staszica (Krak贸w), 2006.Bibliogr. k. 230-235.Krajowy system elektroenergetyczny, jednorodne przewody stopowe jako alternatywa tradycyjnych przewod贸w bimetalowych, analiza stanu wiedzy na temat procesu pe艂zania w odniesieniu do przewod贸w rozpi臋tych w prz臋s艂ach napowietrznych linii elektroenergetycznych, koncepcja rozwi膮zania tematu, rozwa偶ania matematyczne nad stanem mechanicznym przewodu rozpi臋tego w prz臋艣le napowietrznej linii elektroenergetycznej, r贸wnanie stan贸w wisz膮cego przewodu, rozwa偶ania nad stanem mechanicznym przewodu z uwzgl臋dnieniem w艂asno艣ci reologicznych materia艂u, zasada stan贸w ekwiwalentnych, ekwiwalent reologiczny, prz臋s艂a, relacje, analiza reologicznego zachowania si臋 wisz膮cego przewodu z wykorzystaniem zasady, materia艂, technologia produkcji drut贸w ze stopu AlMgSi, charakterystyka materia艂u, drut, przew贸d AAL 400, program bada艅 do艣wiadczalnych, pe艂zanie pierwotne, wyznaczenie charakterystyk w warunkach sta艂ych parametr贸w napr臋偶enia, temperatury, pe艂zanie wt贸rne, badania procesu pe艂zania w warunkach wymuszonego spadku, wzrostu napr臋偶enia, temperatur, w stanach podekwiwalentnych, badania wp艂ywu szybko艣ci zmian napr臋偶enia na reologiczne zachowanie si臋 materia艂u, zachowania reologicznego materia艂u po procesach odci膮偶ania, obci膮偶ania, ekwiwalentno艣膰 reologicznych skutk贸w zmian napr臋偶enia, temperatury, badania do艣wiadczalne przeprowadzone na przewodzie AAL400, ilustracja graficzna wynik贸w bada艅, pe艂zanie pierwotne, uog贸lniona funkcja pe艂zania, napr臋偶eniowo-temperaturowy ekwiwalent, wt贸rne, wp艂yw ujemnych gradient贸w napr臋偶enia, dodatnich, czasowy ekwiwalent w stanach podekwiwalentnych, wp艂yw szybko艣ci odci膮偶ania na reologiczne zachowanie si臋 materia艂u, odci膮偶ania, obci膮偶ania na reologiczne zachowanie si臋 materia艂u, analiza charakterystyk napr臋偶eniowo-temperaturowych przewodu dla r贸偶nych warto艣ci n/蠁, addytywno艣膰 czas贸w martwych, wp艂yw szybko艣ci spadku napr臋偶enia, reologicznego zachowania materia艂u w warunkach cyklicznych zmian obci膮偶enia, ekwiwalentno艣膰 reologicznych skutk贸w, symulacja zmian napr臋偶e艅 w przewodzie z uwzgl臋dnieniem cz艂onu reologicznego, za艂o偶enia, algorytm, symulacja zmian napr臋偶enia w warunkach sta艂ej warto艣ci temperatury, w przewodzie w warunkach rzeczywistego rozk艂adu, reologicznego zachowania si臋 przewodu w warunkach wymuszonego spadku napr臋偶enia, obci膮偶alno艣ci pr膮dowej przewodu z uwzgl臋dnieniem efekt贸w stan贸w podekwiwalentnych, metodyka bada艅, stanowiska badawcze, stanowisko do bada艅 charakterystyk wytrzyma艂o艣ciowych drut贸w, w艂asno艣ci elektrycznych, procesu pe艂zania drut贸w w warunkach sta艂ych parametr贸w napr臋偶enia, zmiennych, proces pe艂zania pierwotnego, wt贸rnego, w warunkach r贸偶nej pr臋dko艣ci odci膮偶ania, obci膮偶ani

    Investigation of the Dendritic Structure Influence on the Electrical and Mechanical Properties Diversification of the Continuously Casted Copper Strand

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    The properties of copper in its solid state are strongly affected by the crystallization conditions of the liquid material. ETP grade copper (Electrolytic Tough Pitch Copper) contains oxygen, which causes Cu2O oxide to crystallize in the interdendritic spaces during solidification process which due to the shape of continuous casting mould and the feed of liquid copper during the crystallization process in strand casting might cause a high risk of macrosegregation of oxygen in the copper structure. In the current paper the implied interactions of the dendritic structure of the copper strand in terms of homogeneity at the cross-section of its electrical, mechanical and plastic properties determined based on the samples taken parallelly and perpendicularly to the surface of the dendritic boundaries were analysed. The obtained results were confronted with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of the fractures formed during uniaxial tensile test. It has been observed that when the crystallites were arranged perpendicularly to the tensile direction the yield strength (YS) was lower and the fractures were brittle. On the other hand, when the crystallites were arranged parallelly to the tensile direction the fractures were plastic and elongated necking was observed along with the higher YS and total elongation values. The differences in values vary in terms of the applied direction of the tensile force. A characteristic positioning of the Cu2O oxide particles inside the fracture depending on the crystallite alignment and the direction of the applied tensile force has been observed

    New Graphene Composites for Power Engineering

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    Intensive research is underway worldwide to develop new conductive materials for applications in the power industry. Such tests aim to increase the electrical conductivity of materials for conductors and cables, thus increasing the current carrying capacity of the line and reducing the loss of electricity transmission. The scientific discovery of recent years, graphene, one of the allotropic types of carbon with very high electrical and thermal conductivity and mechanical strength, creates great opportunities for designing and producing new materials with above-standard operational properties. This project concentrates on developing technology for manufacturing aluminum-graphene and copper-graphene composites intended to be used to produce a new generation of power engineering conductors. In particular, we present the results of the research on the mechanical synthesis of aluminum-graphene and copper -graphene composites, as well as the results of the electric, mechanical, and structural properties of rods obtained after the extrusion process and wires after the drawing process