11 research outputs found

    Expansion and fragment settlement of the non-native seagrass Halophila stipulacea in a Caribbean bay

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    The non-native seagrass species Halophila stipulacea has spread throughout the Eastern Caribbean since 2002, and could potentially impact the functioning of local seagrass ecosystems. Important characteristics for invasiveness, such as dispersal, recruitment and expansion of H. stipulacea at a local scale, are unknown. We assessed H. stipulacea expansion rates within Lac Bay, Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean (7 km2), since its establishment in 2010 and tested the settlement potential of uprooted vegetative fragments of H. stipulacea. Using 49 fixed locations, we observed that between 2011 and 2015 the occurrence of H. stipulacea in the bay increased significantly from 6% to 20% while native Thalassia testudinum occurrence decreased significantly from 53% to 33%. Free-floating H. stipulacea fragments that were collected and tethered above the sediment rooted within 10 days with a settlement success rate of 100%. The growth of settled fragments was on average 0.91 shoots d−1. The ongoing shift from native T. testudinum to introduced H. stipulacea dominated meadows may have important consequences for multiple Caribbean seagrass ecosystem functions. Given the large difference in size between the two seagrass species, functions such as coastal protection, habitat structure, food availability, and the stability and resilience of these systems can be altered. The next steps towards modelling future expansion of H. stipulacea throughout the Caribbean and beyond should include the assessment of fragment viability and dispersal distance, and the impacts of natural and anthropogenic disturbance on vegetative fragment density, dispersion and settlement by this species.</p

    Range expansion of Marinomyxa marina, a phytomyxid parasite of the invasive seagrass Halophila stipulacea, to the Caribbean

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    Halophila stipulacea, a small seagrass species native to the Indo-Pacific, is a Lessepsian migrant and a high-profile invader that has successfully colonized two exotic regions, the Mediterranean (first observed in 1894) and the Caribbean (2002). In 1961, an intracellular phytomyxid parasite, Marinomyxa marina (SAR: Rhizaria: Endomyxa: Phytomyxea) was discovered in the petioles of H. stipulacea in the Red Sea, and three decades later, it was reported off the coast of Sicily (Mediterranean), suggesting parallel migration of the two organisms. In 2018, infected petioles of H. stipulacea were also observed in St. Eustatius (Caribbean), but the identity of the causative agent remained unresolved. Here, we provide information on four new localities of phytomyxid-infested populations of H. stipulacea in Greece (Mediterranean), and Bonaire and Martinique (Caribbean), including notes on infection prevalence and seasonal dynamics. Using the 18S rRNA barcoding gene, we bring molecular evidence that the disease is caused by a genetically uniform variant of M. marina at all the examined sites. We conclude that the parasite is now widespread throughout both invaded regions and has been present in the Caribbean since 2013 at the latest. For the first time, the production of fruits in infected plants is observed, indicating a non-lethal nature of the symbiosis. While the arrival of M. marina to the Caribbean is unlikely to alleviate the current invasiveness of H. stipulacea, we emphasize the need for its further monitoring since the host-specificity and general biology of seagrass-associated phytomyxids are still poorly understood

    Seagrass leaf element content : A global overview

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    Knowledge on the role of seagrass leaf elements and in particular micronutrients and their ranges is limited. We present a global database, consisting of 1126 unique leaf values for ten elements, obtained from literature and unpublished data, spanning 25 different seagrass species from 28 countries. The overall order of average element values in seagrass leaves was Na. >. K. >. Ca. >. Mg. >. S. >. Fe. >. Al. >. Si. >. Mn. >. Zn. Although we observed differences in leaf element content between seagrass families, high intraspecific variation indicated that leaf element content was more strongly determined by environmental factors than by evolutionary history. Early successional species had high leaf Al and Fe content. In addition, seagrass leaf element content also showed correlations with macronutrients (N and P), indicating that productivity also depends on other elements. Expected genomes of additional seagrass species in combination with experiments manipulating (micro)nutrients and environmental drivers might enable us to unravel the importance of various elements to sustain productive and flourishing meadows

    Inconclusive evidence of sexual reproduction of invasive Halophila stipulacea : A new field guide to encourage investigation of flower and fruit production throughout its invasive range

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    The dioecious seagrass species Halophila stipulacea reproduces mainly through fast clonal growth, underlying its invasive behavior. Here, we provide morphological evidence to show that the first findings of fruits in the Caribbean were misidentified. Consequently, H. stipulacea reproduction is likely still only asexual in the Caribbean. Therefore, we introduce an identification key of H. stipulacea reproductive structures to encourage careful identification and quantification throughout its invasive range. Until large-scale seed production in invaded habitats is reported, the apparent low rate of sexual reproduction needs to be considered in current studies investigating the invasion capacity of this species.</p

    Fish grazing enhanced by nutrient enrichment may limit invasive seagrass expansion

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    The success of invasive macrophytes can depend on local nutrient availability and consumer pressure, which may interact. We therefore experimentally investigated the interacting effects of nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) addition, the exclusion of large herbivorous fishes and mimicked grazing on the expansion rates of the invasive seagrass Halophila stipulacea. The experiments were established on Bonaire and Aruba, two islands in the southern Caribbean, which differ in fish community structure. We observed that multiple Caribbean fish species feed on H. stipulacea. At both study sites, nutrient enrichment decreased invasive leaf carbon:nitrogen ratios. However only on Bonaire, where herbivore fish abundance was 7 times higher and diversity was 4.5 times higher, did nutrient enrichment result in a significant reduction of H. stipulacea expansion into native Thalassia testudinum meadows. This effect was likely due to increased herbivory on nutrient enriched seagrass leaves, as we found that excluding large herbivorous fish (e.g. parrotfish) doubled invasive expansion rates in bare patches on Bonaire. On Aruba, H. stipulacea expansion rates were higher overall, which coincided with lower abundances and diversity of native fishes, and were limited by mimicked fish grazing. We suggest that top-down control by the native fish community may counteract eutrophication effects by increased grazing pressure on nutrient-rich invasive seagrass leaves. We conclude that diverse and abundant herbivore communities likely play an important role in limiting invasion success and their conservation and restoration may serve as a tool to slow down seagrass invasions

    Fish grazing enhanced by nutrient enrichment may limit invasive seagrass expansion

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    The success of invasive macrophytes can depend on local nutrient availability and consumer pressure, which may interact. We therefore experimentally investigated the interacting effects of nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) addition, the exclusion of large herbivorous fishes and mimicked grazing on the expansion rates of the invasive seagrass Halophila stipulacea. The experiments were established on Bonaire and Aruba, two islands in the southern Caribbean, which differ in fish community structure. We observed that multiple Caribbean fish species feed on H. stipulacea. At both study sites, nutrient enrichment decreased invasive leaf carbon:nitrogen ratios. However only on Bonaire, where herbivore fish abundance was 7 times higher and diversity was 4.5 times higher, did nutrient enrichment result in a significant reduction of H. stipulacea expansion into native Thalassia testudinum meadows. This effect was likely due to increased herbivory on nutrient enriched seagrass leaves, as we found that excluding large herbivorous fish (e.g. parrotfish) doubled invasive expansion rates in bare patches on Bonaire. On Aruba, H. stipulacea expansion rates were higher overall, which coincided with lower abundances and diversity of native fishes, and were limited by mimicked fish grazing. We suggest that top-down control by the native fish community may counteract eutrophication effects by increased grazing pressure on nutrient-rich invasive seagrass leaves. We conclude that diverse and abundant herbivore communities likely play an important role in limiting invasion success and their conservation and restoration may serve as a tool to slow down seagrass invasions

    Megaherbivores may impact expansion of invasive seagrass in the Caribbean

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    1. Our knowledge of the functional role of large herbivores is rapidly expanding, and the impact of grazing on species co‐existence and non‐native species expansion has been studied across ecosystems. However, experimental data on large grazer impacts on plant invasion in aquatic ecosystems are lacking. 2. Since its introduction in 2002, the seagrass species Halophila stipulacea has rapidly expanded across the Eastern Caribbean, forming dense meadows in green turtle (Chelonia mydas) foraging areas. We investigate the changes in seagrass species co‐existence and the impacts of leaf grazing by green turtles on non‐native seagrass expansion in Lac Bay (Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands). 3. Green turtle grazing behavior changed after the introduction of non‐native seagrass to Lac Bay in 2010. Field observations, together with time‐lapse satellite images over the last four decades, showed initiation of new grazing patches (65 ha, an increase of 72%). The sharp border between grazed and ungrazed seagrass patches moved in the direction of shallower areas with native seagrass species that had previously (1970‐2010) been ungrazed. Green turtles deployed with Fastloc‐GPS transmitters confirmed high site fidelity to these newly cropped patches. In addition, cafeteria experiments indicated selective grazing by green turtles on native species. These native seagrass species had significantly higher nutritional values compared to the non‐native species. In parallel, exclosure‐experiments showed that non‐native seagrass expanded more rapidly in grazed canopies compared to ungrazed canopies. Finally, in six years from 2011‐2017, H. stipulacea underwent a significant expansion, invading 20 to 49 fixed monitoring locations in Lac Bay, increasing from 6% to 20% in total occurrence. During the same period, native seagrass Thalassia testudinum occurrence decreased by 33%. 4. Synthesis. Our results provide first‐time evidence of large scale replacement of native seagrasses by rapidly colonising H. stipulacea in the Caribbean and add a mechanistic explanation for this invasiveness. We conclude that green turtle leaf grazing may modify the rate and spatial extent of this invasive species’ expansion, due to grazing preferences, and increased space for settlement. This work shows how large herbivores play an important but unrecognized role in species co‐existence and plant invasions of aquatic ecosystems

    Data underlying publication: Green turtles shape the seascape through grazing patch formation around habitat features: experimental evidence

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    This dataset contains the data collected from field experiments studying the impact of habitat structure on green turtle density, behavior and grazing impact. In this study, we established large-scale (242m2) and small-scale arrays (9m2) with artificial structures in a a seagrass meadow in The Bahamas. Over time, within the large-scale array, we measured turtle density, turtle grazing behavior and grazing patch development using drone imagery. Additionally we measured Thalassia testudinum seagrass morphology (LAI, cover, shoot density and aboveground biomass) comparing seagrass in the grazing patch within cages and outside cages. To confirm that turtles select structure as foraging site, even at a small-scale, we measured grazing patch development around the structures in the small-scale arrays. </p

    Data underlying publication: Green turtles shape the seascape through grazing patch formation around habitat features: experimental evidence

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    This dataset contains the data collected from field experiments studying the impact of habitat structure on green turtle density, behavior and grazing impact. In this study, we established large-scale (242m2) and small-scale arrays (9m2) with artificial structures in a a seagrass meadow in The Bahamas. Over time, within the large-scale array, we measured turtle density, turtle grazing behavior and grazing patch development using drone imagery. Additionally we measured Thalassia testudinum seagrass morphology (LAI, cover, shoot density and aboveground biomass) comparing seagrass in the grazing patch within cages and outside cages. To confirm that turtles select structure as foraging site, even at a small-scale, we measured grazing patch development around the structures in the small-scale arrays. </p