7 research outputs found

    Jövedelemtérképek a precíziós növénytermelésben

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    A mezÅ‘gazdaságban egy-egy tevékenységnél magas tÅ‘keigényű beruházások szükségesek a termeléshez. Ezek fényében érthetÅ‘, hogy a gazdálkodó a piac változékonyságát csak lassan képes követni, ezért több idÅ‘be telik a piaci hatásokra történÅ‘ reagálás. Napjaink vezetÅ‘inek ma már nem elég kifogástalanul ismerni a növénytermelés rejtelmeit, megfelelÅ‘ ökonómiai látásmód is szükséges. Ehhez nyújthat segítséget a szemléletes jövedelemtérkép, amely a gazdálkodónak egyértelmű információkkal szolgál a jövedelmezÅ‘ségrÅ‘l, és amit hazánkban eddigi ismereteink szerint még nem készítettek. Jelen publikációnk a jövedelemtérképezés gyakorlati alkalmazhatóságát hivatott bemutatni. A jövedelemtérképek hasznosítható többletinformációkat nyújtanak a hozamtérképekhez képest. Hosszabb idÅ‘szakot felölelÅ‘ adatsorok esetén vitathatatlan elÅ‘nyük, hogy szemléletesen képesek mutatni a jövedelmet, ezáltal megerÅ‘síthetik a döntéshozókat munkájukban. ----------------------------------- Certain agricultural products require large investments to be made. This makes it difficult to adapt to changes in the market and makes it longer until farmers respond to market influences. Today’s decision-makers need not only be aware of all details of crop growing – they must also have a good economical vision. They may be assisted in this by the detailed revenue map, which provide farmers clear information on profitability. As far as we are aware, no such map has yet been created in Hungary. This publication is intended to demonstrate the practical application of revenue mapping. Revenue maps offer practically usable additional information over yield maps. Their advantage is that they offer a visual representation of revenues based on data for longer periods, which may confirm decision-makers in their work.tápanyag-visszapótlás, hozam-, jövedelemtérkép, precíziós növénytermelés, nutrient supplementation, yield and revenue maps, precision farming, Crop Production/Industries, Production Economics, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Alteration in the Wnt microenvironment directly regulates molecular events leading to pulmonary senescence

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    In the aging lung, the lung capacity decreases even in the absence of diseases. The progenitor cells of the distal lung, the alveolar type II cells (ATII), are essential for the repair of the gas-exchange surface. Surfactant protein production and survival of ATII cells are supported by lipofibroblasts that are peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ)-dependent special cell type of the pulmonary tissue. PPARγ levels are directly regulated by Wnt molecules; therefore, changes in the Wnt microenvironment have close control over maintenance of the distal lung. The pulmonary aging process is associated with airspace enlargement, decrease in the distal epithelial cell compartment and infiltration of inflammatory cells. qRT-PCR analysis of purified epithelial and nonepithelial cells revealed that lipofibroblast differentiation marker parathyroid hormone-related protein receptor (PTHrPR) and PPARγ are reduced and that PPARγ reduction is regulated by Wnt4 via a β-catenin-dependent mechanism. Using a human in vitro 3D lung tissue model, a link was established between increased PPARγ and pro-surfactant protein C (pro-SPC) expression in pulmonary epithelial cells. In the senile lung, both Wnt4 and Wnt5a levels increase and both Wnt-s increase myofibroblast-like differentiation. Alteration of the Wnt microenvironment plays a significant role in pulmonary aging. Diminished lipo- and increased myofibroblast-like differentiation are directly regulated by specific Wnt-s, which process also controls surfactant production and pulmonary repair mechanisms

    Normalization of Enzyme Expression and Activity Regulating Vitamin A Metabolism Increases RAR-Beta Expression and Reduces Cellular Migration and Proliferation in Diseases Caused by Tuberous Sclerosis Gene Mutations

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    BackgroundMutation in a tuberous sclerosis gene (TSC1 or 2) leads to continuous activation of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). mTOR activation alters cellular including vitamin A metabolism and retinoic acid receptor beta (RARβ) expression. The goal of the present study was to investigate the molecular connection between vitamin A metabolism and TSC mutation. We also aimed to investigate the effect of the FDA approved drug rapamycin and the vitamin A metabolite retinoic acid (RA) in cell lines with TSC mutation.MethodsExpression and activity of vitamin A associated metabolic enzymes and RARβ were assessed in human kidney angiomyolipoma derived cell lines, primary lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) tissue derived LAM cell lines. RARβ protein levels were also tested in primary LAM lung tissue sections. TaqMan arrays, enzyme activities, qRT-PCRs, immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescent staining, and western blotting were performed and analysed. The functional effects of retinoic acid (RA) and rapamycin were tested in a scratch and a BrDU assay to assess cell migration and proliferation.ResultsMetabolic enzyme arrays revealed a general deregulation of many enzymes involved in vitamin A metabolism including aldehyde dehydrogenases (ALDHs), alcohol dehydrogenases (ADHs) and Cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1). Furthermore, RARβ downregulation was a characteristic feature of all TSC-deficient cell lines and primary tissues. Combination of the two FDA approved drugs -RA for acute myeloid leukaemia and rapamycin for TSC mutation- normalised ALDH and ADH expression and activity, restored RARβ expression and reduced cellular proliferation and migration.ConclusionDeregulation of vitamin A metabolizing enzymes is a feature of TSC mutation. RA can normalize RARβ levels and limit cell migration but does not have a significant effect on proliferation. Based on our data, translational studies could confirm whether combination of RA with reduced dosage of rapamycin would have more beneficial effects to higher dosage of rapamycin monotherapy meanwhile reducing adverse effects of rapamycin for patients with TSC mutation

    Jövedelemtérképek a precíziós növénytermelésben

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    A mezőgazdaságban egy-egy tevékenységnél magas tőkeigényű beruházások szükségesek a termeléshez. Ezek fényében érthető, hogy a gazdálkodó a piac változékonyságát csak lassan képes követni, ezért több időbe telik a piaci hatásokra történő reagálás. Napjaink vezetőinek ma már nem elég kifogástalanul ismerni a növénytermelés rejtelmeit, megfelelő ökonómiai látásmód is szükséges. Ehhez nyújthat segítséget a szemléletes jövedelemtérkép, amely a gazdálkodónak egyértelmű információkkal szolgál a jövedelmezőségről, és amit hazánkban eddigi ismereteink szerint még nem készítettek. Jelen publikációnk a jövedelemtérképezés gyakorlati alkalmazhatóságát hivatott bemutatni. A jövedelemtérképek hasznosítható többletinformációkat nyújtanak a hozamtérképekhez képest. Hosszabb időszakot felölelő adatsorok esetén vitathatatlan előnyük, hogy szemléletesen képesek mutatni a jövedelmet, ezáltal megerősíthetik a döntéshozókat munkájukban. ----------------------------------- Certain agricultural products require large investments to be made. This makes it difficult to adapt to changes in the market and makes it longer until farmers respond to market influences. Today’s decision-makers need not only be aware of all details of crop growing – they must also have a good economical vision. They may be assisted in this by the detailed revenue map, which provide farmers clear information on profitability. As far as we are aware, no such map has yet been created in Hungary. This publication is intended to demonstrate the practical application of revenue mapping. Revenue maps offer practically usable additional information over yield maps. Their advantage is that they offer a visual representation of revenues based on data for longer periods, which may confirm decision-makers in their work

    Aprecíziós gazdálkodás beruházásainak megtérülése

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    A vizsgálatokból megállapítható, hogy a precíziós gazdálkodás bevezetésére irányuló beruházások megtérülése és az üzemi méretek között szoros az összefüggés. A feltételezett öt- és hatéves megtérülés mellett a hozam- vagy az elvárt kamatszint-változást a nagyobb területű üzemek képesek ellensúlyozni. --Return on investment in projects for implementing precision farming is closely related to farm size. In the event of the envisaged repayment over five or six years, farms with a larger area can balance changes in yield or interest rate

    Aprecíziós gazdálkodás beruházásainak megtérülése

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    A vizsgálatokból megállapítható, hogy a precíziós gazdálkodás bevezetésére irányuló beruházások megtérülése és az üzemi méretek között szoros az összefüggés. A feltételezett öt- és hatéves megtérülés mellett a hozam- vagy az elvárt kamatszint-változást a nagyobb területű üzemek képesek ellensúlyozni. --Return on investment in projects for implementing precision farming is closely related to farm size. In the event of the envisaged repayment over five or six years, farms with a larger area can balance changes in yield or interest rate.precíziós gazdálkodás, beruházás, megtérülés, üzemi méret, precision farming, investment, return on investment, farm size, Crop Production/Industries, Farm Management,

    Alteration in the Wnt microenvironment directly regulates molecular events leading to pulmonary senescence

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    In the aging lung, the lung capacity decreases even in the absence of diseases. The progenitor cells of the distal lung, the alveolar type II cells (ATII), are essential for the repair of the gas-exchange surface. Surfactant protein production and survival of ATII cells are supported by lipofibroblasts that are peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ)-dependent special cell type of the pulmonary tissue. PPARγ levels are directly regulated by Wnt molecules; therefore, changes in the Wnt microenvironment have close control over maintenance of the distal lung. The pulmonary aging process is associated with airspace enlargement, decrease in the distal epithelial cell compartment and infiltration of inflammatory cells. qRT–PCR analysis of purified epithelial and nonepithelial cells revealed that lipofibroblast differentiation marker parathyroid hormone-related protein receptor (PTHrPR) and PPARγ are reduced and that PPARγ reduction is regulated by Wnt4 via a β-catenin-dependent mechanism. Using a human in vitro 3D lung tissue model, a link was established between increased PPARγ and pro-surfactant protein C (pro-SPC) expression in pulmonary epithelial cells. In the senile lung, both Wnt4 and Wnt5a levels increase and both Wnt-s increase myofibroblast-like differentiation. Alteration of the Wnt microenvironment plays a significant role in pulmonary aging. Diminished lipo- and increased myofibroblast-like differentiation are directly regulated by specific Wnt-s, which process also controls surfactant production and pulmonary repair mechanisms