38 research outputs found

    Magnetoresistance and electronic structure of asymmetric GaAs/AlGaAs double quantum wells in the in-plane/tilted magnetic field

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    Bilayer two-dimensional electron systems formed by a thin barrier in the GaAs buffer of a standard heterostructure were investigated by magnetotransport measurements. In magnetic fields oriented parallel to the electron layers, the magnetoresistance exhibits an oscillation associated with the depopulation of the higher occupied subband and the field-induced transition into a decoupled bilayer. Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in slightly tilted magnetic fields allow to reconstruct the evolution of the electron concentration in the individual subbands as a function of the in-plane magnetic field. The characteristics of the system derived experimentally are in quantitative agreement with numerical self-consistent-field calculations of the electronic structure.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Gate-induced magneto-oscillation phase anomalies in graphene bilayers

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    The magneto-oscillations in graphene bilayers are studied in the vicinity of the K and K' points of the Brillouin zone within the four-band continuum model ased on the simplest tight-binding approximation involving only the nearest neighbor interactions. The model is employed to construct Landau plots for a variety of carrier concentrations and bias strengths between the graphene planes. The quantum-mechanical and quasiclassical approaches are compared. We found that the quantum magneto-oscillations are only asymptotically periodic and reach the frequencies predicted quasiclassically for high indices of Landau levels. In unbiased bilayers the phase of oscillations is equal to the phase of massive fermions. Anomalous behavior of oscillation phases was found in biased bilayers with broken inversion symmetry. The oscillation frequencies again tend to quasiclassically predicted ones, which are the same for KK and KK', but the quantum approach yields the gate-tunable corrections to oscillation phases, which differ in sign for K and K'. These valley-dependent phase corrections give rise, instead of a single quasiclassical series of oscillations, to two series with the same frequency but shifted in phase.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Anomalous Hall Effect and Skyrmion Number in Real- and Momentum-space

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    We study the anomalous Hall effect (AHE) for the double exchange model with the exchange coupling JH|J_H| being smaller than the bandwidth t|t| for the purpose of clarifying the following unresolved and confusing issues: (i) the effect of the underlying lattice structure, (ii) the relation between AHE and the skyrmion number, (iii) the duality between real and momentum spaces, and (iv) the role of the disorder scatterings; which is more essential, σH\sigma_H (Hall conductivity) or ρH\rho_H (Hall resistivity)? Starting from a generic expression for σH\sigma_H, we resolve all these issues and classify the regimes in the parameter space of JHτJ_H \tau (τ\tau: elastic-scattering time), and λs\lambda_{s} (length scale of spin texture). There are two distinct mechanisms of AHE; one is characterized by the real-space skyrmion-number, and the other by momentum-space skyrmion-density at the Fermi level, which work in different regimes of the parameter space.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, REVTe

    Edge state transmission, duality relation and its implication to measurements

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    The duality in the Chalker-Coddington network model is examined. We are able to write down a duality relation for the edge state transmission coefficient, but only for a specific symmetric Hall geometry. Looking for broader implication of the duality, we calculate the transmission coefficient TT in terms of the conductivity σxx\sigma_{xx} and σxy\sigma_{xy} in the diffusive limit. The edge state scattering problem is reduced to solving the diffusion equation with two boundary conditions (y(σxy)/(σxx)x)ϕ=0(\partial_y-(\sigma_{xy})/(\sigma_{xx})\partial_x)\phi=0 and [x+(σxyσxylead)/(σxx)y]ϕ=0[\partial_x+(\sigma_{xy}-\sigma_{xy}^{lead})/(\sigma_{xx}) \partial_y]\phi=0. We find that the resistances in the geometry considered are not necessarily measures of the resistivity and ρxx=L/WR/Th/e2\rho_{xx}=L/W R/T h/e^2 (R=1TR=1-T) holds only when ρxy\rho_{xy} is quantized. We conclude that duality alone is not sufficient to explain the experimental findings of Shahar et al and that Landauer-Buttiker argument does not render the additional condition, contrary to previous expectation.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Quasiparticle Hall Transport of d-wave Superconductors in Vortex State

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    We present a theory of quasiparticle Hall transport in strongly type-II superconductors within their vortex state. We establish the existence of integer quantum spin Hall effect in clean unconventional dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2} superconductors in the vortex state from a general analysis of the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equation. The spin Hall conductivity σxys\sigma^s_{xy} is shown to be quantized in units of 8π\frac{\hbar}{8\pi}. This result does not rest on linearization of the BdG equations around Dirac nodes and therefore includes inter-nodal physics in its entirety. In addition, this result holds for a generic inversion-symmetric lattice of vortices as long as the magnetic field BB satisfies Hc1BHc2H_{c1} \ll B \ll H_{c2}. We then derive the Wiedemann-Franz law for the spin and thermal Hall conductivity in the vortex state. In the limit of T0T \to 0, the thermal Hall conductivity satisfies κxy=4π23(kB)2Tσxys\kappa_{x y}=\frac{4\pi^2}{3}(\frac{k_B}{\hbar})^2 T \sigma^s_{xy}. The transitions between different quantized values of σxys\sigma^s_{xy} as well as relation to conventional superconductors are discussed.Comment: 18 pages REVTex, 3 figures, references adde

    Mesoscopic conductance and its fluctuations at non-zero Hall angle

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    We consider the bilocal conductivity tensor, the two-probe conductance and its fluctuations for a disordered phase-coherent two-dimensional system of non-interacting electrons in the presence of a magnetic field, including correctly the edge effects. Analytical results are obtained by perturbation theory in the limit σxx1\sigma_{xx} \gg 1. For mesoscopic systems the conduction process is dominated by diffusion but we show that, due to the lack of time-reversal symmetry, the boundary condition for diffusion is altered at the reflecting edges. Instead of the usual condition, that the derivative along the direction normal to the wall of the diffusing variable vanishes, the derivative at the Hall angle to the normal vanishes. We demonstrate the origin of this boundary condition from different starting points, using (i) a simplified Chalker-Coddington network model, (ii) the standard diagrammatic perturbation expansion, and (iii) the nonlinear sigma-model with the topological term, thus establishing connections between the different approaches. Further boundary effects are found in quantum interference phenomena. We evaluate the mean bilocal conductivity tensor σμν(r,r)\sigma_{\mu\nu}(r,r'), and the mean and variance of the conductance, to leading order in 1/σxx1/\sigma_{xx} and to order (σxy/σxx)2(\sigma_{xy}/\sigma_{xx})^2, and find that the variance of the conductance increases with the Hall ratio. Thus the conductance fluctuations are no longer simply described by the unitary universality class of the σxy=0\sigma_{xy}=0 case, but instead there is a one-parameter family of probability distributions. In the quasi-one-dimensional limit, the usual universal result for the conductance fluctuations of the unitary ensemble is recovered, in contrast to results of previous authors. Also, a long discussion of current conservation.Comment: Latex, uses RevTex, 58 pages, 5 figures available on request at [email protected]. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Thermohydrodynamics in Quantum Hall Systems

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    A theory of thermohydrodynamics in two-dimensional electron systems in quantizing magnetic fields is developed including a nonlinear transport regime. Spatio-temporal variations of the electron temperature and the chemical potential in the local equilibrium are described by the equations of conservation with the number and thermal-energy flux densities. A model of these flux densities due to hopping and drift processes is introduced for a random potential varying slowly compared to both the magnetic length and the phase coherence length. The flux measured in the standard transport experiment is derived and is used to define a transport component of the flux density. The equations of conservation can be written in terms of the transport component only. As an illustration, the theory is applied to the Ettingshausen effect, in which a one-dimensional spatial variation of the electron temperature is produced perpendicular to the current.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    Change in Magnetic Anisotropy at the Surface and in the Bulk of FINEMET Induced by Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation

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    57 Fe transmission and conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy as well as XRD were used to study the effect of swift heavy ion irradiation on stress-annealed FINEMET samples with a composition of Fe73.5 Si13.5 Nb3 B9 Cu1. The XRD of the samples indicated changes neither in the crystal structure nor in the texture of irradiated ribbons as compared to those of non-irradiated ones. However, changes in the magnetic anisotropy both in the bulk as well as at the surface of the FINEMET alloy ribbons irradiated by 160 MeV132 Xe ions with a fluence of 1013 ion cm−2 were revealed via the decrease in relative areas of the second and fifth lines of the magnetic sextets in the corresponding Mössbauer spectra. The irradiation-induced change in the magnetic anisotropy in the bulk was found to be similar or somewhat higher than that at the surface. The results are discussed in terms of the defects produced by irradiation and corresponding changes in the orientation of spins depending on the direction of the stress generated around these defects. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.CZ-11/2007, MEB040806; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: FEUZ-2020-0060; Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, OTKA: K100424, K115784, K115913, K43687, K68135; Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR; Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci: CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/17_049/0008408, IGA_PrF_2022_003, IGA_PrF_2022_013; Ural Federal University, UrFU: 04-5-1131-2017/2021; Nemzeti Kutatási Fejlesztési és Innovációs Hivatal, NKFIHFunding: The research was supported by grants from the Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office (OTKA projects No K43687, K68135, K100424, K115913, K115784) and by the Czech-Hungarian Intergovernmental Fund, Grant No. CZ-11/2007 (MEB040806). M.I.O. was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, project No. FEUZ-2020-0060. Additionally, M.I.O. was supported in part by the Ural Federal University project within the Priority-2030 Program, funded from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. This work was also supported by the project “Swift heavy ions in research of iron-bearing nanomaterials”, No. of theme 04-5-1131-2017/2021, solved in cooperation with the Czech Republic and the JINR (3 + 3 projects), and also by internal IGA grant of Palacký University (IGA_PrF_2022_003). The authors from Palacký University Olomouc want to thank the facilitators of project CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/17_049/0008408 of the Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports of the Czech Republic for their support as well.Acknowledgments: We are grateful to Z. Klencsár (Centre for Energy Research, Budapest), M. Miglierini (Technical University, Bratislava), I. Dézsi (Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest), S. Kubuki, and K. Nomura (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo) for their participation in discussions, and L. Krupa (Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic and Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna) for his help with the organization of project cooperation. The support by grants from the Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office and by the Czech-Hungarian Intergovernmental Fund, Grant No. CZ-11/2007 (MEB040806) are acknowledged. M.I.O. is grateful for support from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and from the Ural Federal University project within the Priority-2030 Program. This work was also carried out within the Agreement of Cooperation between the Ural Federal University (Ekaterinburg) and the Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest) and within the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ural Federal University (Ekaterinburg) and the Palacký University (Olomouc). Authors acknowledge the support of the project “Swift heavy ions in research of iron-bearing nanomaterials”, No. of theme 04-5-1131-2017/2021, solved in cooperation with the Czech Republic and the JINR (3 + 3 projects). Authors from Palacký University Olomouc appreciate the internal IGA grant of Palacký University (IGA_PrF_2022_013) and thank the facilitators of the project CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/17_049/0008408 of the Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports of the Czech Republic as well