244 research outputs found

    Customer satisfaction with mobile payments

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    The purpose of this research is to investigate customer experiences with mobile payments. In particular, the study identifies and classifies common sources of satisfaction and dissatisfaction associated with the use of mobile payments, and compares them to the determinants of satisfaction with technology-based services. The critical incident technique was applied to identify and classify the most common sources of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with mobile payments. Data was collected using an online survey, which combined multiple-choice and open-ended questions. The multiple-choice questions allowed examining the respondents’ relationship with mobile payments, while the open-ended questions provided insights into the nature of these relationships. In particular, the study participants were asked to describe their satisfying or dissatisfying experiences with mobile payments. The collected information was analysed using the constant comparative method. Data was coded, and each response was compared to the existing codes. Significantly more respondents were able to recall and describe a satisfactory rather than a dissatisfactory mobile payment experience, suggesting that the overall perception of mobile payment applications is favourable. The main sources of satisfaction reported are convenience, problem-solving, efficacy and security. Satisfaction results from the ability of mobile payments to quickly and safely deliver money and perform swift and easy transactions regardless of one’s location and possession of physical tokens such as cash or credit cards. Thanks to their high accessibility and flexibility, mobile payments also allow making transactions during the absence or failure of alternative payment options. Most dissatisfaction sources that emerged from the data analysis are opposite to the satisfaction sources, falling into the umbrellas of complexity and inefficacy. The contrasting satisfaction/dissatisfaction sources demonstrate the mobile payment technology paradox. The positive perception of mobile payments should motivate greater merchant acceptance. The knowledge of customer satisfaction sources can help companies in designing, improving, and marketing mobile payments. Further research is recommended to examine customer experience with mobile payments in more details, with different consumer groups, and at different stages of the payment process


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    The article presents functioning of the political parties that focus the Ukrainian minority that lived in the province of Polesia in the interwar period. An enormous influence on the activity of the Ukrainian political parties had the Communist parties (KPZU, KPZB), which effectively supplanted the Ukrainian nationalist groups that acted in Polesia. From the beginning of the thirties the repressions of Polish security apparatus were so strong that almost completely inhibited the development of the Ukrainian political life

    Kursy wieczorowe dla dorosłych w Województwie Poleskim w latach 1919–1939

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    Smolarczyk, Andrew. Evening courses for adults in the Polesie Voivodship in the years 1919–193


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    Credit granting is a fundamental question and one of the most complex tasks that every credit institution is faced with. Typically, credit scoring databases are often large and characterized by redundant and irrelevant features. An effective classification model will objectively help managers instead of intuitive experience. This study proposes an approach for building a credit scoring model based on the combination of heteroscedastic extension (Loog, Duin, 2002) of classical Fisher Linear Discriminant Analysis (Fisher, 1936, Krzyśko, 1990) and a feature selection algorithm that retains sufficient information for classification purpose. We have tested five feature subset selection algorithms: two filters and three wrappers. To evaluate the accuracy of the proposed credit scoring model and to compare it with the existing approaches we have used the German credit data set from the study (Chen, Li, 2010). The results of our study suggest that the proposed hybrid approach is an effective and promising method for building credit scoring models

    Szkolnictwo w okresie Zarządu Cywilnego Ziem Wschodnich (8 Luty 1919 r.–9 Września 1920 r.)

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    Smolarczyk, Andrzej. Education during the Civil Board of the Eastern Lands (February 8, 1919–September 9, 1920

    Życie polityczne mniejszości rosyjskiej w województwie Poleskim w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym

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    Smolarczyk, Andrew. Political life of the Russian minority in the Polesie voivodeship in the interwar perio

    Edukacyjna i kulturalna działalność świetlic w województwie Poleskim w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym

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    Smolarczyk, Andrew. Educational and cultural activities of community centers in the Polesie voivodship in the interwar perio

    Zespoły teatralne i chóry jako formy pracy oświaty pozaszkolnej w województwie Poleskim w okresie międzywojennym

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    Smolarczyk, Andrzej. Zespoły teatralne i chory jako formy pracy oświaty pozaszkolnej w województwie Poleskim w okresie międzywojenny
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